Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1915)
Oitmne. V o lu m e X X I V . PO H T O R IX )R D , O R K O O W , W E D N E S D A Y , JU N E N tim b e r ai. I S I S (»FfflClAb BIRKCTORV. SV A T S AMD D IM T B U T om C SB» 5 XJ. 8. Senator»— D r . H a r r y L a o ., ot Portland and Om». K O ham barloin Of Salem. ' - For 'Partridge, .Wood cock, Squirrel o f Rabbit Shooting the ¿¿4, Congressman, F lr .t District— W illi C. H a w le y, of Salem. G v e rn o r—O s w a ld W est, 8at«*m. Secretary of State—Ben. W. O lcott Sa lem. ta te T ^ a a n re r—Thoa. B. K ay, of Ba lem. f , ' S u p t P u b lic In e tru c tio n —I* . A . Aid e rm a n , Hab'io. 8tato P rin te r—W lllta Do c l w a y , Sal- Attorney G e n e ral— A M - d raw l*. .. State Gam e W arden— W m . 1,. P i' ley, Salem . State H ealth Officer— D r. C e lt! n W h ite, Salem. bia hygienic luncheon of m a roast beef, creamed o ifo n j and boiled rice." relates the Phila'Sc pljiJ Record. " I’d be dead If I were. I have trouble enonah keeping alive or it Is. 'Taney the shape I'd ba la If I bad to change my vpota— I mean my color —aa often as flcale fashion dictates. Why. I ’ve forgotten what color my wife originally was. abo'a u n de v ews ao many beauty transformations. And now she's got to do It again. "A friend Just back frpm the other side baa told her that tl^ugb rad New and Attractive line o Dress Goods at Bargai W h en the p o rta M r airpw m p take« th e place o f the e ld fa e b toned broom, houae cleanlng, ai though it may not be altogetbei delightful, w ill be a t least aani ta ry and dost leas. The ffriestifi. American baa something interest log to say o f the new iavention. The carpet renovators, which are of various Rises, consist o f a steel fram ework which Ilea flat on the surface to be cleaned. Thia la termed a hood, and contains aa ex panded n o u le connected w ith tbe hone. In th e bottom of the hood a small slot through which the a ir passes la a sheet. I t to farced in ta the ra g or carpet a t a pre» sure sufficient to blow the d ir t out from the fabric. Tbe dgat peases apward through Salem. Clerk State lata*! fb*anl baienr. ft. . I ii. J e ia t Seuatoi fo r Coos an*; 1. fl. Sm ith Joint Repreaentative lo t Cow.' C arry—8. P . P eirce. Judge, ad J u d ic ia l D is tric t—J. H a m ilto n , ttoeekurg. Prosecuting A tto rn ey fo r Cu Co.— W . H . Mere J 1 tli, W e il.le 0 . 8 . Com m issionen,— t l 1, . Port Orford. "There's last one grain of comfort ta It all tor me—though aha achieve tbe pallid akta, the green -yee end the red heir, it w ill wot give her a tern- INSIGNIA OP SOLDIERS ootSTV orriOKk*,. C o un ty J-.wlge— W . A Wood, t County Commissioners— D . O d e g t-■ * • G obi Beach; Geo Chenoweth, b a n g io. Sheriff—G H . B a ile y, Gobi Beach C o un ty C le rk — Joh u R . Stanuh G old Beach. County Treasurer—Pi mb k O g c g l. Wetlderbara Assessor—Wan. Telm an, H a rl*o r. School B u p t.— Geo. W . S m ith . G«>1 ‘Things to cat and. wear' C H E A T record e . eurre, nn® uual.ed in Medic-** lustuiy, prove» A flood's Sart.» peril a |x.»ac««r, etc tit m xwown to any oihec m z d ’ c i ri Look the line over and you | .axative Rromo Quinine will find what you want at Cares a Cold in One D ay, G rip in T , ;c . an attractive price. A lw ays Remember the Fall Beach. Surveyor— J. Oaaghcll J r., Gold B ead m a n s e , o r t h . c o v e r.. Ctroeit C o u rt meets Fourth M onday > August o f each y e a r. C ounty Com ai lueloner» C o u rt me* first Wednesday le J a n u a ry , Apr* J u ly sad li epte mh c t of each yeai Probsia-CX.nrt m eeU first M onday I each aa o jtb H a rb o r.......... Gold Boooh. Wedderburu IUlhee . Mariat ....• * ' A g n esi. . . . . . P o rt Orford D enm ark.... Langlois .. . a a*<sae. . . . . . . . Fletcher O ardnr .................. .J . W . Mile* .............. C. L . Witkemai ...............M r . « . H E rir* / Mrs. VI,J a A. Pr* ; ............ a . M . Bit* .............. Ames J o h n .t .......... . , .. J . S. Capi ___ E . B. T h n ..... . . . J . A . H a in drab aad os fsttgne duty they w in wee« * “ »*<* cnatrs, sores ana orner rur brown cotton dock. On som . occasion» 'a lta r e a hand-renovator may be m tropical service they wtll wear a Uni- used. I t is couaDmetod on the form ot white eotton doak- i I game nriaciide aw the larawr In » '. the s lo t, for .p p ly jw the log colors: Cavalry, yellow; a rtillery air-pressure and collecting the* scarlet; Infantry, light bine; engineers, dust, and is pushed over the H r »earlet piped w ith white; ordnance ,1 f BCe by hand. Even billiard-tabb* x Have you ever seen a Sunset? / u i t . - K i ’ s r s tv *«. •» s o f chalk and d irt by the hand rea ova tor. la freeing pillows and mattresses a simple pneuuatl* The a ir to In ie riri* w ifh »ufflrient force to eirculnt. oorpe, maroon piped with white; the (tgaat corps, orange: Sergeants'aOrtpm ere one Uch wMe. a eorpoeal wears e .tripe half a a irn h w ld u M wH U aewea. 1 Thu« bTthe color one eea tell the arm of the service tn which the enlisted mea among Jhe feathers, h fiij o r e th fi servm and the stripe shows hie rank atnfllng, find expel Abe dust that A beautifully i l 'o t t r a t e d monthly NWgaktUr of dto wide awake W est with fascinating »hott stortej, pKtettwque personal pomt-of-v tew de»~ripi*un of the intere»tin!> development of 'he West, and the roman* e m l his- tor’y of the wonderland of the earth. Ask your Iw a l newsdealer M current issue or stnd $1 50 foryear'i subscription. T h e b o o k , " Ro»d of a Thousand W on Jet». ’ — 120 t^autif j , W e n t m ' :«ws in four colors— will be included— free. SUK SET M A C A Z U f» VLOOD SUII.IUM G sa . rsA.i »«*» CAirroarna THB •■ W IN O M A B M tN B OF f Q U A L ITY . • r a bugle “ A W akefield fam ily who ceaM- * maey klada of jergsantr in M a g n o lia d u rin g tbe sum m er, anka The chevron» on the I when they reraored to Magnolh what the bearer te Th« [ag t j „ ne t j,e m tike» *« •' !>” • ! « ■ » . • > « ""> ' » • regtmeatal quertermeater roar and dtlah of tbe old qceun ■o has three bare, bat they gays the P rairie Farm er Hone >y three straight bare. Th« M a g a tJ u e , but sighed for her hot»* srswjsrirs a ■>' edroa or bettailoe i i i g n - (Jnannapowitt.” Bhed anppe.irrt! e three bare with an arc of nnd wits not aeon again a ll sum The chief musiriaa wears ■ m e r . T b e fa m ilr returned to thei A ll necessary operabdhs in writing, billing or statistical work are accomplished from the key board of the light running, easy a&ion M odel 10 (Visible) Wakefield home about them iddl- The drum major w ean twe L . . 1 eroamMl baton«- Ifatheord- °« 8epU>»ber. T h e y had been a: rtment the shell aad flatne home about two weeks when on* T he hospital corps aad the morning the daughter oftheboQa* * ,hP vta,,<o!T WM in heaeint-ht and heard a t a X t l . ’ r f rZ d lto th pteed c a t m e * ’ a n d 1o- s t tb e HOT •O L D U M D ffR ANY OTHKR ” w*a her darling pet eat th a t ah. rune of the eerweoata e ( Ute had long mourned as dead! If e three bora The Arid ear- c o u ld hQt b e ; where did she comr f™ in ’ H mo; i 1 be m tr.a stable w fgeaat o t OdW doaely resembling -Peanntn" (to horse'» head. A corporal mailed because of her fondness for « ra a n d a tooeseoepoaelwoe the article). . ___ t h - “W e ll," aaid the mother, “then —j t rsrrtrr r*«ars a horwe- *• on# »are teat- ‘Don,’ the hous> aier' a aaddkr « > o fte aad g . dog, w ill know his old playn}gte.' t arttacer two <Toe»ied ham- laetllw. i base chevrooe of rank there. is for service sod for eeryteg . tost to«dMao»«lha)febev- half ehevroo of white doth ffotloe le hereby given U s t all par ties are warned act So enter upon ot trsipese la a n y way upon the prem is es of the uoderelxncil near Mm«s-| Anyone so trespassing without out e o j s i a t w ill be proieouted to the fa ll X te n t o f the la w . T. I . C a re j, A . B .Cwrwy. th e a o ta r o f the arm a f sew* * the-man wan the gMtee- “ “ “ 7 °* **” * p q „ was called and the recogni tion was m n tu a l; they both seemed delighted to meet again I t was evident the cat had truv »led a ll the wav from Magnolia t r W akefleld, through the woods of M ancW ater, B everlr over Beverly bridge, Balen streets, Paabody, Lynfleld, found Wakefield—hOw did she know it to be W akefield?—and hied up to V >r*l order which prrocrtbm! ®>d home near the lake. I of uniform a r c toto the mt- ueTer saw a creature ao delighted II* reaordlnc tbe drees of th« („ find her old mist res» and the ‘ m* ° . n ^ j u ^ '^uet91* ^ 'CoroUlLdXTw’n m . h e X The rorv braid» ' Vh“ ‘ members of the fam ly. h<‘r OT* r • ” rann‘ oo the miles? W «e it aainutl last ta rt ? Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. New Discovery FtokLÖfceiffcKlb, h u t its M e I r a m i bo coatincart ir. tess- m r r ns w tui as V* p I» • lu a « <wM a » « •« w a w ' *"itr n—T-» t^ew. I ' Drrafl*» A Perfect C aret For All Thro*f >n-i< Lang Troublis. • t e e n heeh K H fan». TK». C..IU-, ,«ec-