B lu ffi € 5 r fír 4 S r iiíu ttí r . .. W 9 2 N S Q P A T M A Y U , IWU. CURRENT T O P IC 8 . B t J H. Urro*. E w vq a T xib d r k :— raakate# th e propel ly , the buecaneeia usiag it. h iv e taken m il­ lions in the way of toll«, while par* siatenly^and suouresfully heating ^Bjiy i f g j ? An H. L. P. Silo; Save your feed and in­ llie S la’ a o u t of the 10 per oeulj crease your milk flow, by supplying an From the beginning of the war Published Wednesday, by • n lined’ in the bond. T h ey lh u « j Germ an recruits were urged to mar , ctirruptly and diidtoneetly appro-* HA R D I T . S T E W A R T . Abundance of good feed when you moat need rotne woman before going to the . prhited the I2 * ) .O W Slate fond«, ! ‘ ¿ i ’; front, am t thia practice toon devel i and tinaily unloided upon the |»co- i $U H 8U ltlP T IO N RATE«. WILL BAltR, Oepy On« ï n r .................. 61.Ro op«! in to mareed marriage« in the pie for the in itia l «uni of $690,000, ] Oepy S U M e u tlu ................ dt cathedra I a. Follow iag thia form al Local representative Gold Beach, Or. - the State takin g ’ nothing hut the Oepy Three Monttia,............. . ily each reserve— onnafiript- * • * naked ritflll o f IraOvit through the i Tkepnateeae aaaraw »■ /evrrerev l given a furlough^oiaa for o n e week, t e s i n a "to luck«, required in the bargain to be A lso C oktbactoh & B uilder geer »ab-J other« foe two, before reporting for rev « 1 repeatedly realnded that th e K « ro »«> later introduced ia B ritain j! wbiob. reserve« Io ileelf the elem ent peon war la a good thing for thia where they have neither *rv«erv«a” , ” r g " * ’ «*1 *•»!«« iiihereing in the ,« « n » ry in a financial w ay— th at U I n th e J u s tic e C o u r t or cnaseripu, and’ where the people ptenl. * -, ia d riv in g bu»iae«s and wealth our S ix th D i s t r ic t . en inr a larg e-h are of frecPXprereionJ A n ,, way. Big Businas«, it ia true, is F tstb o r O oxooh / » pro fitin g thereby, but the common , ,n<^ * ' M,re >1 •« •>*•< pretended Ih a t CURRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE 200,000 the State contributed toward C- ocstt o r CtMMtt) F people of o u r land, the great m iddle tbay ar« a u n it for the w«>. Hence thè jo b constitiited about on» b a li J. A. Bowman •• vs . class as well as the poorer claeeee, the slogan, “ Breed before you diet*,, Ih * en lira o rigin ai investm ent, thè I have buyers for Fanqs, Timber Sixes River Alining Co,, over there. Cl%hns, Sheep, Cattle, or Dairy ranches. ¿ re paying toll to the war every P. O Kettle, Manager fise O ftb u pressili g ra fi la auah a i » ___ ____ » Call and see me. or send full deerrip- To Sixes River M inin g Company, P ^ a y that I t lasts in money and suf T he Canadian authoritia? attem pt t o f a ir ly t»ka one’s luesUi a p a y . C. Kettle manager, the-above named ¿ering, p i e advanced ooet of liv in g ed to abolish the “ Bread; Line*’ as Hwwever, thè m eni he ra of thè P u ri tion and list your property with * fw jn soon have published a _____ defendants ' far greater hardship upon Vancouver, B. 0 ., the o th ir day re laiiH Trahaportatlon L ig h l and Pure- ;'Ri th«Kiame’ 6 f tfie Htate of Oregon 2 3 £ S £ ? 3 ^ s r & S S ypu am be»b y required to appear die- America? people then the am ali suiting in riotous 1 demonstration» fure the undvrelgned, a Justice 'Of the M naA ts «tori derived, except with the i among the unemployed. 'T h e big of them aver earned a s honest d o llar w ill be mailed 00» to aU sections o f tile Paaae foe thwfpiveiBrtvfo'ewUil, with­ in six week», from th e first, publication few. » m ills and logging camps in the Do he constitute« an exception to the United State«. of tfils stnHAonfi 'in the PArt-4>rf< rd Tw enty thousand tone o f sugar m in i« « rem ain « b u t doivn, hence general r u l* in such ca»ea, Tor v u l­ Careful and prompt service given to Tribune, a «aasklynees}>aper published in Curry County, Oregon, to answer »old fo the French great distraas and w ant u p there. ture like, such men make a 1 life the business of nen-reeidents. the abdve named P lain tiff hi a Civil r F. B, TICHBNOR. BQVernment, and Ute price in th e study of tha«cienoeof reaping where aetiooi *. Port Orford. Oregon, The Portland papers ara ju b ila n t honest people have sown. The Dvfeu tents will take notice th at U n ited Stales goes ?p another qotab. ‘ I f they falT to answer the oooiplaint ■The Sagar T ru s t may p ile one m il over the closing o f the pure h i to herein the Plaintiff »111 t a k e Judge­ The w riter enjoyed a personal ac ¿too upon top of another, but lfw o f the Oregon C ity Looks from the ment against, them for Ktghtv and, ftH/100 1‘oltara ($80.68), together with qaaintance w ith each of the origin al Portland Transportation, L ig h t and BMtaaoa people are made to bear cost« and expanses of this action. projectors o f (be “ Lock and D am ” Date of flist publication April 7t 1018. th e burden. Last February the Power oompany hy tha completion Date of last publication May 12, 1U18. U n ite d Rtatae exported over $100, o f tha Payment hy Federal and Stale and can conscientiously acquit each Given under my baud thia 1st day of them o f any conscious purpose to G u v e rn m e n trn f 0|e«OO,OOO agreed of April, 1916, 000,000 more stuff th an lu If ild , WaUkes Silverware ‘H¿ J** M. T. W R IG H T , convert the enterprise into the raael upon, not for the en tire p la n t, b u t , the «newer to' yb? promts there Clocks Justice of the Peace, Cat Glass strum of fiaud and peculation it by must invariably be “ Big Busi- «im p ly for th*«’ rig h t of t r a n s it, Tslepboa« 781 W he? the p r i p a o f food through looks. Thu Portland oor was sunk after they had sold out of I n th e C ir c u it C o u rt o f th e S ta te I* hey were: I) . P. T b o iu p u in , MBffa soar, j t is a *afa bat th « t the poratioo retains exclusive ownership o f O reg o n, fo r th e C o u n t y lb e 1 and ooutrol o f the power sila w ith J °h n F. M ille r, Joe loal and Barney Sale n w n t balk of the erope ara in ol O u r ry . ' a ll of its stupendous poaaibilitiee. ¡G oldsm ith. N o t one of whom sur- ^taada of »peculators apd the F ru Guy Cordiner, Plaintiff, — _ _ ; vires to witneaa this latest “ clean jlo ea r profit« little, And th a t“ » not the whole story up.' Estelle Cordiner, Defendant; - President Wilaon took »Sue pladg- nor tbs h a lf even o f the g raft. Io masufacttj O no jewelers To Estelle Cordiner, the above nam­ • d to the American people, yet be addition q ,» $600,00« paid jo in t T he death of the late W . B. N el­ ed defendant: f a llo w in g Big Business to prey qp • ly b / 8 u t , u fall fail Co io appear n nnd ' fh trrin g nations. T h a position talc —— fectlve, ocmbatant of “ things as they ia tiie above entitled suit hn vr before Machines /m hy oar government ia ludicrous, Nor doea the abhga ooutprelmud the 18lh duy of May, 1915, the gain* ¿are.” • ” Watch Repairing Eye Glasses lieing the last day prescribed In the or­ to aay tha least W e Would fa in ° r l h . cost to th e' «late, for, in Daplkated der for publication, judgment. w ili b e T h irty nine years ago W m . Ruck* Mounting« Famished Dose a« the “ great pacificator,” yet lbe Uanaacthm a ju d g m en t against taken against von for wan' thereof, and the plaintfff; w!ll apply to tiie-coint for J White wa hoW ant the dove ol p a a c m ;^ * u- |Instru m en ts o f d esiruetio u , uieul l M . 10 t of gross in- I f THS C ocxtv Cqvar or THS S tstb or traet now »xiBtin®-hetw‘ BU the plain­ “the combatants— a D r. JaykoT tiff lu q (ipfeodanp and fpt such 'utlier __ - __ , ° ° " . w M l» uvM *» be Canal loots had vision ae w«U as ooucage which Oacooi, roa T«a C ovsty or C caar. and further relief as the' eonrt may Hyde not— and Bjÿ Business ’ “ol * • * discharged,_ the company wns fo lly justified by tim e, as the In the M atter of tbe Estate of» . .... . V dee'lrf ju M and eiJiitCntle. having OoniemptupÂ-ly r^pu hated busiucsaytelded h im a Very & hl Thomas Cornwell, deceased. ( Service of tliie summons is made by }$ the one th at reaps tbe p ro fit The dn ieretgned ' having been ap­ publipskipn pursuant to an order madfi siderable fortune. the whole i ................... oi pointed by the Comity Court of the by tire Hon. W. A. 'tt'ooil,. County V' T he T häbk « is in receipt of a T h e ' Portlan'i’i' jo u rn a l b riefly a p_iiti.|iuken and honest in -h iatreat ,t*tate of Oregon, foT Curry County, ex­ Ju d ged {tarry County,'Orri»0n, te a r­ d ecutrix ¿f the estate of Thomas ing date of March Svtn, 1916, di voting £ « e r from o n . of tbe p r o m i n e e t ^ f e m g u g m U H tran.aotion m eat qf; public measures and men-,, ,r'T Cornwell, decoasetl, and having qoal- publicatioi. thereof lu the Tort Orford eittsen. of northern C u rry , register 7 . üió. n t. „ y „ „ „ O , thwicont.lbu- he was both rfcspeotad and hiiied. lfle.1,’ notkw la' hereby given"to the Tribune, ones a week for aix s.'icceasive weeks, eoinmcnclng with the issue of ‘, n f l h e P U r ' V‘U,) ‘ be » te U o f $60,000 J q «id About two years since he was con creditors ol, and all persons. having April 7tb, 1916, end ending with the by tbe oouoty o f the T u b e ¿y lbe in itia l oparatfcsne lookidg’ io . victed ii nd lay under a heavy sen- claims against said deceased, to pre­ issue of M ay 19th, 1916 C J. W A L K E R , sent them verified as required by tew, tractor, mentioned in another col Attorney fo r Rtaintiff. ward their building. As a fnerfef tw ice u n til relieved by the Federal within aix mouths after the date of tbe __ a-l vanoed ’Cbhrt o f Appeals for having de um o as jia r in g been boqght. T b * o f faot, the Stale first publication of this notiue to said w riter said th?t he was roioing the ailriglB<, ttIlJ O ffic e rs > I n a late statement of his views Cornwell, deceased. deal was even more unpopular up lh e ir , UUOBWor, | n i„ re. t buve A J. M aksh President. Dated March Rnh, 1«6. of C h ri« tia n ity , M r. Nwlion wrote t at way than was tha late Port .»I 5 ^ , , dishonestly and o orru ptlp ' al- A- A. J amiksok , Vice President. W hat 1 w ant to do is to. ««* M m . W m . G mxixos , ” ” p ort Orford, which i . certainly M ,QWW, to r„ , u tli^ oii Miiiie o f these rich men who go J. H. Z cmwaw , Secretary. T o W h o m i t M a y Concern. strong statement, R e also express Mm. 6. JonxsTOM, Treasurer. to church w ith prayer books under ad the opinion th at the judge« m 1 T he w riter hereof h avin g been i« . I, the undersigned, hereby give no­ ir anna »«“ and I « •» •« looted here to cou,p,re the work qf •» ‘ h’ *> »»«»*” o f the auU vprite tiic ‘ 1,c,r an yth ing tice that I have a conveyance from the Club meets First Wednesday in each the m o to r w team» ehoqld should take take 1 ••»<» »•«* ••npportafl editqr .«< < b « J or • uJ b 'l,y. . l h a y th in k our 8 * v Patentee to tldelaods aud water lots in W ith ith teem« »upported h ¡» ’M as editqr month. All members invited to attend the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on wore- 11 COal “ “ 4 “ »¡Us hat. a portion of wbloii a part of the wharf meetings. ¡n lo jo?sider?tiun tha ouet o f kraut*. M ercury, Is Iq > position. -toJ -UxJ or, »te length q f life, probable oust ( keep keeP history straight slra ig b t.ln w a t a t a r t ,r t . a - r ^ 10 gel lhem to lh # l b< isertwted without my consent. All lu the » parties are hereby warned not to drive p i u p k ee p an d running expeuses, in •*> >to Pb»aas, and cani,n» bui< “* lo ***? P ^ ’’ TrespnaM N o tic e . piles or trespass in any manner what­ and that If keama and wagons were ® «rv el ak tbe utter lack «rf aoram ey ; L ik e Greeley, deceased was A born, soever on said tidelands or water lots. Maa. A mma O. D a w . Notice is hereby given to »11 persons furnished by the oottnty, g ra v e l, betrayed by tbe J o u rn al wfiose ede jmraisteni, Ipdusirious agitator, and Portland, Oregon. whom It may concern, not to enter up­ migt»k be p at on Ilia rqada quits as “ “ r hae aneasa to the whole renord. died mourned hy d ll’ good people on or treepAsa n;>on the premises of L . ' The necessity for, and in d u o e U ì t t wh4> h#,i bee" wrtn* * e’ «• •»'« 8U°- cheaply in th at manner. Knapp, for tbe purpose ef hunting, or ’ FOR S A LE .s'... fishliq. with noo< and line. Maid pre­ We agree y it b tb . w riter, th a t I* ~ ^ -V , he’ in his Ion« Itfng fight against in - /j;V? T ■ < . < ' ‘ ' "• ; is- » - — ------- - ... Lock, . aud . Datq*^ .. All osar nt mises sre situated on Elk Rlvpr, Curry htr?trenolied wrong. jh a t sv erytb io g fh u u ld ba taken ••»* E IG H T Y ACRES of very rich bottom ii* . ' W legislation was the dead c in c u h ’41 ■»»» i Coun.y, Oregon, amt generally known 1 -Langlois, Ore. to consideration In comparing the land on »c 933 Tslencfft St.' Run Frenclauo, Csl or nianper, «qpiarteg dvSrn./encea, or to ts leavli'g out sijj}: , tea, open, or molast- Kf-awii. p i h o m e p ^ ! . . Howayar tha ju d g e. o>|npiiny |(-<, • !> « $ « « - May 1,1916. tetf'iwwsonal pl«p named premiges tha tractor w ilh tha ru n nin g ex im v i|l-*f..r the p riv- | D “ 7rom ‘- " ^ « » ‘ rreervebaaka) ► ' '*y biy»vijj;.f,i priv- Notice ia hereby given that the Coun- p*n«oi of the taain. They were not , 9,71131 •tege. sod k this e o in b iin iiio ii • a '• r ,,'h'S i l l » I'kJIVIUHI] sa. L. A . R O B E R T « , } - _____ ' ty Court ol Curry County, Oregon, will Wan approved reserve l»nks3,6l2.08 jo Oqatider noni its oust qr u p k e e p « » U l» » ,att up a «uff fight . . . h on haad............. .1311.23 : receive sealed bids for the re-construc- against £ th T e “ * ^ U' b* y’’ *’* “ thfUU< h « W f org an ,,b e A T .C u A W — — —— i tion of the bridge across Elk river near A T T O I I N K Y Total f r k Cih ‘ nJ pr° y ,“ On ‘»••’’• E » U n ion ist.” (la te r on cal Aiaer *32,617.37 j port O rfo rd j n Vurry County. Oregon, M j r i t l e P o in t , O re g o n . U n ion ist,” (la te r on calieil Orc* L IA B IL IT IE S according to the plans and speelflca- ^or it in tha requirement th a t th e' i n ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ stock -- . paid - ................................10 00O 00 Etetesm aii) edited by Sam Capital Probate bnsiness a apecUlty. tractor do twice the work o f tra m » ,! gurpluti fu n d ......................... 1 neo on tion» now on file in the office of J, M . t e 1; « ..................... , - « - « ' » « Clarke. I l was the Unioaiat that Undivided profits, leas expenses CaughwH, County Engineer and Pur­ For Sale (.71 veyor. A il bids must bo sccompanM ■ « ih T In to consideration only current ex 1 by a certified check in five per ornt of Pain Sw indle,’’ as w ith true propti Individual deposits subject to Fifty-four acres for sale or rent on c h e e k . . 19,626.664 the amount of the bid as fs-nees, the judges after waiching a guaranty the County road leading frotn Port Or- j elic vision. Its laugh came last Dem and certifloate« o f deposit HM.OO Time and Savings deposite?r?*‘ .4»o; to i tha5 j*1 * bidder " iU ®Bter into contract fonl to Wedderbure,"^ .» tba work of of teak last Thursday and F ri a n il— best. es from Motas aud bi Ha rediscounted . 950.00 j nnrter bond to be approved by the d ay could not do otherwiee than school, | mile frontage on the beach. ---------------I Court for tlie construction of mid bridge The need for (lie im proven:eut re|>ori that tbe tractor was doing For particulars address , Tqkal * - - * - - - $32,817.37 - if oontract is awarded to him. 01« work at lem than one h a lf the w$a great, while, on it« fo e , u ,„ W. E. BURROW , AU bids to ba sealed and filed with Wedderburn, Oregon. b ill was atl that ouuld oould lie desired, S tats or C mxoor t niff po*t of doiqg it with* team«. tlic County Clerk o f mid Curry County The judge» a t por; O rford bad Cashier of the ■101 later than Ten o'clock A. M . of Far Sale nothing to do w ith the purchase o f m *;" t ,he 8l,H ’ b> the v - z -------- , , named u bsnk, - do eolemnly ----------- , — . Wednesday, tbe 7lh day of July, 1916. paym ent above swear A t ray place on Sixes River, the fob - fu ll l in t tha treetor. They »era not .M t e d l" / •*» ° * ,,t ^ r * * ” ^ o w ^ ^ d b rite.U For plans, specifications, or farther 1 X 7 in « n ,« <» . p ," A ■ P a i n t s , O il s & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r F in e lin e o f G a n s, B a s e b a ll p a r a ­ p h e r n a lia , a n d o t h e r . S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S t o c k . D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s In v a r ie t y c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . <»o ’^ P ip e F i t t i n g s , P l u m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . ‘ 1. Cheever® Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r . a.a^jiiaiij«im^wagw i Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store ! ae) 8 t, ; .Z .u - ' l t iM T T • .;X f c -jn v b îi. 1 . o :» ijt -tackle Stumping Powder «♦ ih ue WM. GILLINGS, PROP. (S u em sey , of 5 l0 V , ' ’ and ^anges, turni runri, l'^ u g san à £ } y £ a le tin g , S tile tto G u ttle ry , X a n tc r n s , E tc . .W ir e sires