Wrecked «— Three Drowned- ( W xutkjui W obld ) N. H. Larson, «bmgle m ill oper •'"T’ ~ »U»r at Port Orford, im io tbe city io* schoontCf RdoX^Tph (h a latter part of last week looking I on me Coquitld bar j for tie makers. The tie. business in w'eluok last Saturday that section is larger than seer thia <1 three of the ala men year, accord leg to Mr. Larson, re drowned. The dead mrr, passenger, 6 t Gobi I M ' J~ * * * » ^ « “ » « e e dairym an ,n C o V l X n g w . e f • “* * « * ’* ' «* K lk riser in Corry j I Ernest M c C o n U l, ‘ he M “nd? And Curry County Abstract Realty Compio). t owner, of U » g lo is .i° n ‘‘ n ^ m " ” , lore,Charles And.rare, Hurt O rfo rt C o .re re .te l ary Colei», emjiuere, O*Ob “nd * Ctt,r* bo* * U r- O o 1 d B e < ch, O r e g o g h and Chaunoey Car Miss Rae Carey cauae down from mger, of Bandon. bar parent's home near Coquille >lph had left R«g«e 5 ^ * Weuk toi|iend several days with me day for Bawloa. friends prior to her return to C . W . R O B B J IS ^ M . D , w . h . M and ’ “«by star, st he escaped by it n“rr° x * * l margin from being a vii tim of She Randolph tragedy. A» il " nut l b**»h? dsuitut, play ‘ Be role of a lifq saver, but in thi Lym an V Cheek» made f i v e « . « X L - a t t H’." : V O U M S E L L O ff K N A PP HOTEL? Port Orford, Oregou, 1... 11 INA 1*1? P r o p r ie toi*. Messrs- Iiin ia a and W ail, of the Hydro 8ixes Mining oompaoy, went Out to Middle E lk Saturday to in - veatigale tome mining property they bass recently purchased in that section neat tbe E lk Horn mine. 7 he »»a h«*n Quality and .Pripo are right. ° “ r w<*thy sheriff «wee hi i ,t v ,2 ± , i ’ \ w S " t A few Bargains still left from the old stock. '/ „ P 8or#” * ° P° n J? \ J " J 1 “ * iU>. J " " nd °n “* ver8* ° f tb# R»ndolph fo Bandon ¿hen be learned the dentia * * • «4 ibis place and aneordtngl] changed his plans and took the stag f ° r Port Orford instead of the Ran dolph for Jiandon. ' ............................ . re.___»— g _ , W. ZUMWALT & SONS E. J. found E lk river. I t is an odd looking machine, slow and close to the ground and with a noire like a rew m ill, but those who saw it at work at Denmark w ith ' a 30-inch plow C O Q U It - L f e , W ood ATTORNEY AT LAW (J. S .T (iu e n » l& d rY e y « i Surveyor for the iWetrici oí Or- G o ld Hoi y tiS tfa n il K eatoratIffh T « i:A tiy e f Lands tw N rttional F oreeL N u t Ice is hereby given th a t tbe lands described brtfow, em bracing SSS A t scree w ith in the M akiyou National Forest, O iegon, w ill be subject to settlement a n d e u tiy uhder the provisions o f the homestead Mws of the United States a u d th e a c t f j u n e l i , 1U06 (94 4 U . , 893) at the I nite-1 States land o fln w w t Koaetmrg. ( ygon, on June 12, IU16. Any settler Wrho waa actually and in good fuitb - a im in g ang.of said la n d s hus a pre lei nee rig h t to make home- for a term of yeare. Mr. Darling s a r z s r ' v . m the applioal ma of the A***"® m*n- ware busluee* at Klam ath Falls wili tioned beloi .w h o have a prefer eno« _ . _ _ „ . to the p iio r rig h t ol any C” ™ * b er * * • • oon be c ,n r e ttk such settler irovlded such settler or - h it business, which will take ahoui applicant la u a li fled to m ake home- . u .... stead entry ud th e preference rig h t is • month. The two Darling boys, exercised p r f r to June 1 9 ,191S, on which Cnrljss and James, have been in thii date the lanfie w ill be subject to wrttle- . . . ment and enfirv by any qualified per- **tt® u for uinre than a year past, son. The hands are aa follows: The the former having a hooreetead be W * H j and tU W j N * o f Lot .4 (I7.BU) Hec. 4, the 81 and NJ ol L o t 1 133.9«) 'h ia r L s t 8 ^ , T. 32°8.atW^ . . * lw * * n K ,k an<1 S ixes. , O®° W . Curry waa in town from b b E lk river farm tract of 40-« h acres, o n . day la .t week and gave the T b ib u h k family Beginning at butter he ie now making. Mr. Cur- Corner No. ^IdenthalwithForest-re- h „ ,y reoenlly gone into the vie«-Monument consisting 0( a white f * ... ... <>ak stake m irk e d F - ' 8 . M . H . - I , dairying boeinert and w ill m ilk 12 whence Sugar L^af M -.a .its I» hears N. ' |hig These are select a« -leg. E . add P yram id Rock bears S. I . . . , . .. . ta deg. W . ,-vextBuding theno# N . 82 , ad Jersey» from several of the best **■“ ® 'L * ’ s YCUR B U 8 IN E 8 8 BETTER / A i'h w U e ib h u a . -t-'—; PO RT ORFORD . “ G II» , s k U V U V T "* *W . -w-w “ wswgq 30 m in . £ . , affehs., to the place of be g in n in g , Application of A <*• Doolittle Gold Bench, Oregon L is t 8-1S9«. Tlw HEJ o f L ot l f U O scree). Sec. 7, the Nj of 1 /4 8 ,2 » rèree). L o r 1 (40 acreto, U>< NWJ 8 W J N E I the 8 W I NWJ NE| See 18. T. 41 8 -, f t IS * ' . , « ) acres, applies t¡.,n o f W . b lW a ils , Sm ith R iver, Oal herds ia northern C urry. By Sell­ ing to Ihn loonl people at the same price that be would get for hie but ter after deducting a ll the expense o f shipping, M r. Curry hopes to die- e . ^ uw ’ U " J iu . ............' ' Beerdbyday ..boring u n d e r , humdw re .Ha biff « . ^ 3 met with many accidents and I t ban under bond to be approved by tbe only last summer that her a tip p e rj Court for thecanetractien of said bridge Johnny Anderson, fell from iftr sad 11 ‘»"«’■not is awarded to him . was drowned at WedJsrbun#.» •' L * “ • ‘%ber * U<1 ! nd " * * wMh dower river, and a il run tbe gaunt-1 R K K n o r r he. be«, •„< » .» < t . U,e ° ° UD‘f 0 ® * °» Corry County K. a . K norr has been engaged in no( later ,han T(.n o,oIook A „ let of swirling rapide and jagged the druggist business at Gold Beach ' We8ne«d.y, tbe 7th day of July, H U . rocks without aocident, until the for the past two or three years, sad j F o r plans, specifications, or further drowning mentioned above, hut meager details of which have been is aurvifnd by a wife and two ohild information apply to J. M. CaughelL ren, who are the recipients of much C0011^ Engineer, Gold Beach, Oregon. ■’ ““ " i t .. ................ w*ein8 to be I heir lot, at fomo two years aijo a 14 year old daughter of Mr. K no rr’a committed suicide by ebooting herself at MarshAeldi T" / Ernest MuConnell la a young man who had lived for many years at Langlois. He was steady, indus­ trious and well liked, and owned 81000 stock in the lost boat. Milton Cox is a young man who played first base on the Bandon baseball team, and ie but little known here. .¿ j ■> The bodies have not been found. The Randolph waa not insured .e . companies refuse to take the risk on •mall gasoline boats. of Commissioners. COUNTY COURT Off CURRY COUN- TY, OREGON. .-fly J. R. S tanjubo , Clerk. Governor Withyoumbe has m m e onset legger, and in all, has made a record ' guard station at Port Orford.Orkgon.’ as a County prosecutor that it will The establishment of tbe stklion , K vexa no H . Bovut, Ms eager. be well for hia successor to follow. wee authorised in 1891, but ow ac , Wa carry re ac’ta. W ith his excellent fam ily, Mr. count of the rugged coast line the Pfcqxe Ne. 514. Meredith will leave next week for construction of the station waa their old home in Poplar Bluff, M o .1 deemed too expensive in proportion to tbe probable benefit.. Fifty-four acres for safe or rent on i the County road leading from Port Or­ ford to Wedderburn, 1 1 miles from school. J mile frontage on the beach. For particulars address E IG H T Y ACRES of very rich b ott -m W. & BURROW. land on Sixes river, six miles from Port Wedderburn, Oregon. Orford, not cleared mid no Improve­ ments. W ill sell on easy term s—«e N O T IC E . M as. Ansa F ww kiv , »33 Valencia 8 t Han Freuet »ro, Cal i WM. T. 8 TOLL, AUy. »t L*» M i n i « * L a w a S pecialty of the General Land Office. 3-17 De«. OREGON NEALS 25 CENTS Far Sale ilescribed aa follows: IU IU , N O B A N « W ILL H A N O LE HOTEL SE A S ID E Twa Bex Drusread b Hague River. Johnson Gats Appointment U K N N I8 CUNNIFF. JU-, List a ldtht. » a YOUR' BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED anyone can produce an egg from a ieghoro chicken that will brat thia w« WOtt| over 83 ycari ' » 7 ** Ihe ’" •l r,,w y , , r * il rwdnidered / o n very hazardous undertaking foat- C lin t Maiehorn arrived from tempt to run thq river, and but very Langlois yesterday with hia Yuba few buals had ever successfully made , Tractor, which w ill be given a the trip. Hnwever, several parties , thorough test thia week hauliug1 have made the perilous trip this , gravel on the ruud between here and* spring to engage in fishing on the J. J f ß T A N L E Y I.ia U L onky , A span of the old wharf, some " fifty yards in length and left ¿Aiul Two sbermen in attempting to ft.fi when that atructure w n n td iw a ^om G rou t. Pare to tlie mouth in a storm ovsr • ysar .go, foil with ° ^ * U' r " ’ r " * • « * » ¿ 5 (m owrt weight kt a antm 'rex- Mat ’ ^ £ ^ 3 weA. I t had been .tending for * * Sunday and drownml. U ntil NOTICE is, Dep. Mr. Todd is a first class Cutter and Tailor and will give you tho benefit of twenty-five years’ of experience Call and see our New Goods . C H . Pears, e rn e in from bis Hurst brought so w U home on Middle E lk yesterday to T « . o x office G ujd Fedff Stable attached. superintend the building of th<»new * * h " pure I«««»®™ _ . wlurT -k i_ k _ :n _ bene, that measures 6 inches in cir We run th^Rtagc from Port Orford l . H . ' v o r k o o which w ill »»toasen« CHlnfB. ence one Wav an<1 8 , ria Dttiryville, oonnectlxig with the I Weather ptrtuiuhtg, . « . Stage to Myrtle Point. the whsrf w ill he o u .p l.te d inside ° “ * r ’ ,,,d " e,«b* * 11 Shearing has already cossmenoed among soma of tbe smaller bands of sheep Wool geo were are now being offered about W e, although m an r d edlain g tn soil at this priee in hopes that 90c per lb. can ba bad before the summer is over. At the Knapp Hotel, May 1st and 2nd und#r Kirat-eiees in every respect. of six wettka. will Bho the finest display of Scotch imported and Domestic Woolens, also the clasaiest line of Kain Coats ev­ er seen b. T. B. Oavidauu has Iyad a plume installed in hie new Oregon street residence. H e y i l l , afire srenoe )qki< ryiHg tbe mail in his aeto between Port Orford aud Laaghiie fifty let. « AT LAW ___ W E D D E K B U U N , OUBOON Sheriff Bailey baa reason to lieve before the U . 8. Comwissinner st tb i- piece Monday, W. P. H o w . and K. H . Strain acted re witneme. for Mr. Cbesley E B K ü ir a A T T ttB X E V a«B Curl wtwrge W ilsou. P h y a lu U n an d Surgeon Port Orford, Oregon. U And DRESS EXPERT o f Marshfield Don't miss this opportunity - ’■'•(Chas. Neumann weal nut tn Mid- P*0 ’ 611 * 8ucces*, and Mr. Uuha die E lk the' latter part of last week h’ fln<1 *OU1*’ b,