aw. t u i a p y y itu b RBW UNIFORM FOR TOMMY, 1 H M M T 0 *» « «» at » abo u ie rw v t o rv tu a a * • ■ V . IL M u a u > r *-D r . H a iry La“ - PM ttend and O«o. R Chamberlain of For Partridge, Wood- code, Squirrel or Rabbit Shooting the P tre n a ia l in i u power o f sttrecttoa the eity's strests on the »»J »o a «te , ano I t fascinates t l i. Aed every d river end every HjotoruisB, every ninn handling anything on wheels gives the «reman the rig h t o f w»y and he doee no spoa- taneously and gladly, aaya the New Yo rk Sun. - And often many drivers bold up all a t once to give the driver o f.tb e fire engine hla ebolee of ways, as they would where tw o jt r e e la cross, and they do thia before they see the en­ gine a t alL But they know H's coming and they henr ita whistle. Here was an engine coming alo n g « cross street to Broadway, whistle » . «ailing. A t the « ra t ante of it every m otorm an or d river who ehaneed at the moment to be n ear the junction o f Broadway and thia atreet, etopped short, leaving the central unoc­ cupied. and lehving clear channels away fro m it In every dbaction. None of these drivers eould know which way the «re driver would want to turn when he got to the corner, so they all stopped. Io give him a free road in whichever way he wafcted to go end when be had come and gone dashing round the corner they all etarted <” > again on th e ir several ways. dalom . la the «re engine dsahing slung OMtgreaanau. First DUUiet-W lUla o. »»i s«iem ., , 44 GAUSE SHOTGUN as on foreign service, aaya the London | W A t C Telegraph. The committee d ea lin g , w ith the subject, which has been In jfU \ lem. . „ session for about a couple of yearn, TqA 2 ta t« f.e e e o re r— Ihoa. B - k * ) ', o i B* has a t length been able to come to a Anal decision. Probably the events in ' g u p t Public I a * r u t e t o n - L . A . Aid South A fric a have helped the m e m -! «•"» here 4o make up th e ir minds. A t «11, eriuan, Halete. events they have cboaea an excellent Printer— WltUa D eniw ay, Salem, woolen serge-like m aterial In, which i . a . , ™ , Oeueral— A. M . Crawford, fo r the fu tu re practically the w h o le : Root lh< r*------Wazdea— 'Vin. *" F lu - w ork of the troops w ill be performed. I „fee m I t ie not khaki-colored, though th a t fo tz, kk well-known and serviceable hue 1« of the ur somewhat closely approached. T r o u -1 *• hold * W h ite, fteleea. ■ t e r v * - * - * , Wr ears w ill not be made from «x«etly j * . • » “ » Halen*. the same m aterial aa the jacket, b u t , C lerk State lmnd Board—O- « • B r«""- of one somewhat rougher and thicker , iwr|nr ,1 Ha tom. ha texture. The new m aterial is o f : A..-.,g ti f a t n * Senatoi fo r C o * * »ttd W«'T* * a yellowish-fawn color and la of ex- ordinary celient quality. I t was «elected from realized L 8. Smith. e greet number of sample« subm itted , derful ci Jeiat Representative lor Coo» ant to the com mittee and has been a p -' Ifyo v n- Curry—8. P. Peinus. proved by the w ar office. Two o th e r, 5« Judge, ad Judicial D U trlo t—J. W. materials of the name tin t, b ut o f ( T “ ” H aiulltoa, Boaubarg. ra th e r stronger texture, here been aa-. Prosecuting Attorney for Curry lected for the mounted branches, and' mor, a stout Bedford cord of the same color ¡. < fo ._W . H . Meredith, Weddrtburn. w ill be used for riding breeches No ¿forces (J. 8 . Comutlhalonere—H T . dtea uri regulation dealing w ith the new cloth- ( On., Bta Fort Ot lord. la g has yet been issued, but one may ( M a raw UK'HTV orrioane. , be expected shortly, and from thence-1 County J M g e - W . A Wood, Do i d forw ard uniforms made of the new | ------ — cloth wUl supersede the serges sad 1 Coaaty Coataaiaswacra— D . Colegrove. I -dark cloth trouser« now worn tor, J R Il d rill end M id w ork, both at home and Gold Beach; UaoCheuoweth, Langlois 1 abroad. The same pattern o f jacket M tb e r tff-G . H . Bailey, Oold Beach. | w ill Be used tor all branches of the ■ ( As m ilita ry motor-bieyelea have al­ service, b ut each u n it w ill w ear a die- County Clerk— Job a B . M annard Hold Beach. | ready proved themselves to ba of tingulshing badge on the asp and ^ » 1 | Coaaty Teeartmr—k'tai^t Oaughell ] value In scouting, it le probablg th a t shoulder strap. in nearly every civilized country they I t la not, however, intended th a t the Wedderbura w ill be largely used la fu tu re land new clothing ehall en tire ly supersede l a i s i u i T V - TUataa, H u rl o r. w arfare. Why, a the fast land scout U e old style o f drees T he tunic-te to , School Bept. — ttao. W . Sm ith. Quid prove so useful, should not the navy be worn foe fu ll dreee, so th a t oar adopt the same methods? A boat, «0 full-dress parades the fam tlfor blue, . Beach. and scarlet and black w ill still greet ■ ■— Surveyor— J Oaughell Jr., Qpld Beach, the eye. Of course. It w tli be a con­ Mt avisos or tub oouara. fou r persons and to he capable of con­ siderable tim e yet before the uniform (RroaitCourt meets Fom th Monday It siderable speed, would he a most use­ w ill be seedy, b a t i t is probable th a t fu l addition to a battleship o f a M e t, August of each year. the spaing Issue o f clothing to the County Commlrofoner» Court meets says the Loudon Star. The ordinary troops w ill inelude the new suit. I t f e , - torpedo boot is too long aad draws too w ill he more handsome than khaki, tret Wednesday U January, April. much w ater fa r ecoutiag near shore or while i t «rill be fa r more aom fort- J a ly and September of each yeat. in shallow w ater, but a launch m ight Probate Court EWete trot Monday it, be made to draw lees than three feet abla and aervicesble. aad So fa r M each mouth of w ater, end yet have a speed of up­ equal Invisibility. I t Io to be •caav ooumw roar ornoao ano ro«T wards of 30 knots. There would be no aesa hoped th a t a suitable headdress may M Amana, funnels oa. smoke to a ttra c t the notice soon be devised for the arm y. The H a rb o r...................... of the enemy, sad w ith underw ater helmets worn by the reg ular troop« Unld Beach.................. . RJJ*)'- , exhaust the boat m ight be made al­ in South A frica a n excellent sod most silent. I f bull, low in the w ater, greatly superior to the much-vaunted . r . M r W 1^ or w ith the power of semi-submersion. -smasher" felt hat, bet they agwhard- M ? r i a l . . - v f ^ r ,v M rs. t l .d a A . F t } U r e r u o r - O a w - r id W # *t, Hateut. i Z t e r y of B U te -B e u W .O h m tt Sa­ New and Attractive line of ■Dress Goods at Bargain Prices CUHMNO." C i r i w - d T roou.'-l o. cutrs, •-UW q u,i.c,! tu tncdlc.ti histoiy, prove» A Hm,u a Saura . 1 ‘ « '« » ,.t r l» » vuowu to any •uteT M i . i > ‘ t d ’ I wrtthqfi tathiap Look the line over and you will find what yon w ant at an attractive pnce S ^ rbttr“ eueii a c ra ft would be more useful than anything y e t invented la the way o f a. scout for sea purposes Have you ever seen a Sunset?- A beautifully tl*,i* » f» « e * monthly macer.ine of th« wide­ awake W est with fastmating chon ttories. picturejque persaaal pomt-of-vvew description “ > the inteteiting development ©• '"B West, and the romance and his­ tory of the wonderland *4 'he • aMA»k your local * * * * ^ e,, ’*5 for cutrent ieaue or atnd $1 So for year's auhscnption. T »« w*»kj QUALITY, W A R R A N T IO F O R ALL T l M t - Ifyou rnrehteethe NEW H O M I you w it ,ve a Ur? a • - V s t ths prtee you pay, sad w it < aava »n v,«t less chain o f rep airs T R E S P A S S NOTICE. Notice 1« hereby given th a t all p a r­ operations in writing, billing or statistical w ork are accomplished board of the light running, easy ad io n M odel 10 (V isible) men sigh at the annual aee- Ons o ,Rlll ¿ur,ng Mr. Haathorac’a oily and mistletoe, and groan , teriI| M joasul a t Li»«rpool hla triead, »ought of the Christman tree, | Mr Heary Bright, the water-color ar- nlght-before-Chriatmaa atock- ( cajne , o ln ,nfonBBi supper, aad t those same men would mlaa , lawthorB, i |D honor of her guest, time, and the feaaitng, and opon t„ # tBble a Jsr of especially »ship, and the rood cheer. flne „ ^ ^ „ 5 j am. the season when the children M Ue and B, oBC, pleat, and who, at th a t becBm, enthu,tastlc Ha had never child ♦ "Men are but children dBlklOuB. be declared, fcr growth," aaya Drydan. and rh >lin |B , he mldBt g, h|g rhapeo- klng, and drink a health to . Bn)J BtIil eoB, uming their subject as tim e—to the gathering ™ I wlth entllu, t B>m when Mre. Hawthoiaa, illy and friends at the «reside | wbo h#d tBkfB B ,Ht)e of , fc, j,m upca the table groaning w ith H * ' hw. own piBte, made a ghastly discovery, irkey. it« chicken pie, and IU c w t oi the Jam pot ta d evidently 0 pudding, steaming hot. , >)Br ,B , he gfcd aa laaumara- x all be children lor the tim e Me Brmy of einsoeynicroecoplc aata had sven If. w ith ao a of ua, It d|Bfovered the treasure, aad plunged be a second childhood.—Four- lnto I t t»w i. w h a t color the Invading army had , u A V roe sAtegrt F T O C been before they became incorporate ANCE OF M IS T L E ltr t. wm , (he Jam nobody knew; a tth e tim e v — - - - f o r E very Klaa of the discovery they could be y la Flnekad f o r E ery , ulBhed only by thvtr struggle« w ith ■hat Is Given V a M r the , Branch. -------- _.»K KMiw » we hang our « s and bunches of mistletoe w e iptng up a tlme-booored cust can be traced through hundred« ry Chrlavmacee to the days or ,man Saturnalia and even early I customs. Our own custom ot ting our rooms cornea more im - .ly fro ® •» *•» * ♦»vrricreen» wvns hung in h mop Write for ittiorwshoe as The Smith Premier Typewriter "Co, I n t Syracuse, N .Y , „irhlneee^aadrihe eyee N othing ha« ever equalled ifc N othing ca n ever aurpa»» K Ther* !• one comfort about «urn e perivace« Althonyh even the ■»»“ well-poised or heroic «oulxv*uld haroly •ajoy them at the time oae wholshlvs»«« with a sense of humor kaowatbteaoo"«? or later, when the right perspeetlv« ta reached, thev w>” furnish chapter» la the fam ily chronicles. M j creek, Oregon. Anyone so troepanalng without om consent will be praieeuted to tho full extent of the law . < T. L CareJ, A. B .Ouroi, votwm tfition c curad. N atu re «h®®4 do it, it neols help. ties are warued not to eater upon oi troepaaa In any way upon the premia aa of the undersigned near Muene! Braashat siwywktei „f Heary Bright were among the mote Bear a'gbted la England. W hat wae to be done? M r. aad Mro. HBWthorBi h ealthily exchanged 00« ^ (ul Jool(.. Bnrf |he question wan aet- | t wm ( oo ) b U | o o , eats jBTOored by , ho„ , BBd, : it was rtear- tbB where igrorance m |jb M r Br1f[ht accompanied hie , w((h b psalm” In praise ' te the exquisite flavor of th . , never to the day of hi« dthtW . sod we »»US si <>g&cfttn b Ú « beat baht, btrt to » * • must be contìnued at titer a * waC a * winlc T ^ t t t e .t m l» ^ 3 w t w ;» « ^ Cet a small tett»« « o * AUUowausv New Discovery f-'C’sr1'7-1'''-’“- .■ A Perfect Caret For AU Throat am Lung Trouble« M O M , bash I f I t fa lte Trtet Betttes * «