The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, April 21, 1915, Image 4

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10 Shots at y j u r
Finger Tips ia
Always Stays “Pat”
T h e B urrow Clevis
If. T. STEWART Editor mid Publizier
l> Ì H W
The Leading Paj»er of Curry County,
Mali Hearing.
ished every Wednesday, at Pori Orford, Oregon
/OffXWAe» A t f TRIBTWS.
The Aavagu Automata! aiiootbera every adversary iu
tha rapidity of it» fire. When the occasion comes you have
ready the quickest, handiest and most accurate arm made.
Give yourself every possible advantage. It means life or
death.. That is why you will discard your revolver when
you see the Savage,. /
feataers whUh will Appeal U Tau
TEN SHOTS: Double the qumber contained in an oidi-
narv revolver and two more thau other automatics.
The Oi||poM t n i L r J ocbjsaj . is tfop legding l>ymoor«Uo newspaper pi
Oregon,issued a t Portland.
The managers also issue • S«MiwW»;g|H,y, »fajeb is especially adapted
for people who do nOftssre for a D a ily , bui g apt s good fam ily paper.
Any of these papers can be bad in eoipbinat|on with the P O R T O R
F O R D T R I B U R f l, a t the following rates:
ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder
gases are utilised, insuring extreme accuracy, as well Daily
as freedom from louling
SIMPLICITY: Fewer parts than any other automatic pis­ Daily
tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the
aid of 'tools. No screws to work loose.
SAFETY: Breech positively and automatically locked'
' during the time of discharge, an not be tired un­
less the triggei is pulled.
When the safety is on
neither force nor folly can discharge it.
BALANCE: Perfectly bamneed. Cepter of gravity well
to the rear. Lies naturally iu the hand. Will not
flinch on the trigger pull. Tf»u only automatic which
locks at the breeclj while the bullet traverses the barrel |
and Tribune - - - »
D eafn ess C a n n o t be C u re d .
V o o much housework wrecks w o ­
r m ' s nerves. Aad the oonstant
euBBof ohUdren, day aad night, is
«•tea too trying for even a strong
Vtssts. A haggard face tolls the
story ef the overworked housewife
sad mother. Deranged menses,
leuoorrhma nnd falling of the
womb result (root overwork.
Every housewife needs a remedy
to regnlato her menses aad to
keep her sensitive female organa
la perfect oonditlon.
Ws wilt fiv e Ons Hundred Dollars for any
east of Dsafneaa (enured by catarrh) that can­
not b« enred by Hall'» Catarrh Cure. Send for
circular* free. P. J. CHXKXY A Co., Toledo, O
Sold by D ranlets, 74e.
Take Hall'» fam ily PI tu to r coaotlpatlon.
The exclusive rig h t to handle tala
Clevis w ill be sold by Counties o r
States, o r set m three can be purchas­
ed for S i. 00.
P a p e rs one y e a r fo r $2.26,
1 must husband my tim ber to re
----A N D ----
place fences and buildings an the
farm, therefore I most not spare anv
more cedar. Please do not ask for it
The green trees will grow and the dead
ones will keep.
T m s Naw In c a W oman ’» M s u a k ir s I s an a u th o rity
J. H . U ftom ,
a e ry and Household Econom y.
I t averages more
Langlois, O r., August iff, 1110. m onth.
W e o ile r yon therefore a t least 1200 panes
Sunday and Tribune
The New Idea Woman’s Magazine
Weekv and Tribune
home reading (o r nn a d d itio n a l cost o f only 26 ctn
E C Z E M A and P IL E C U K E
F R E E K n o w in g w hat i t w as to s u h
________f * r , I w ill g iv e F R E E O f
, C H A R G E , to a n y afflicted a positive
cure (o r Eczema, Salt Rheum , Erysipe-
. las, Piles and H k ln Dieeases. In s ta n t
¡e iie l. D o n ’ t suffer longer. W r ite F.
I W . W il l ia m s , 44« M a n h a tta n A vaeoe,
New Y o rk . Enclose Stam p.
•» <J» fg €.*«<■ ripe it*» Furar»
« m ** « r s-em
* ,w« r» l e « ’AfHl.r
»-««.. lüe
a n d O to
W. E. Burrow,
Corbin, Ore.
N o M o re C e d a r to fcparo.
WEIGHT; )8 ox. including magaxine. Length oyer all
6 | inches. Price #15. Any wide-awake dealer prill
•how you this min.:»turp rapid fire gui). If he will
not sudd I v vou . kindly aaytse ns and we will send it
y less! appUcsMoaa, as they oaaaot rear n tks
rea ssd parties of tbs sar. Tk«re is s a lí
way to coro dsafnoss, sad that Is by ronalito-
tlraa l remedión. Destare» is oouned by aa la-
flame* condition of the mucous lining of thn
gustoehloo Tabs. Whoa this anas Is Inflamo*
yoa Ssvs a reaoMlnf Bound ar »m porteet haar
in«, aad when It it eatltoly claApd, deafness Is
the remit sad adieu the laSamStlaa eaa ho
token oat sad this tube restored to lta aorntsl
condition, Loarla« w ill bo destroyed I ore ver |
nine care! oat often ore enured by Catarro
which !» nothin« botan Interned condition of
Permanent as the kills, bateaa be
removed la a seroad of tta e . Tfce
only Clevis bow ea the m arket that
stays where yet.
m ami i a
Hood’s Sarsaparilla .stila because t
* * « R * t a h - C IIE A T ^ U R I B .
to a
Tou ran h ave it a ll foi
I f yea want to ba etc orefv'—If
Von want tn bettor jo n r poaltiua--
n o lr /*< H e ./. We here wade the
H er/ easy, and ws b are mode the
>rV<r wet to euecens rear. So oner,
to!>ct. that you win bo turprlred at
the laalm . Stance of the barrier that
baa k e tt yea back
The «tart to
anecera to Io t.toply flU to aad matt
to a , to« coupon baiaw.
good over tbo H «tc* r s a n a tlo a t
tn the eonpon, m ark X » to r n fla re
• r e * snore w a re s to enter, Stt la
and mall the cospaa tons. By retara
mall we will tell yon bow yon co»
anally, toeipsarlrely, and to your
spare time qnaUt- yonrteit for the
position you want. nnJ wo*"’ »and
proof of k In the form of l a .
•» »■»
what wo bare dona fcr otberi
See or Address D. O. NF.MTON,
Msrsbdeld, Oregon
tlh a ti r a t too, w i t h
fu g
h*.nd»om a n e w « u a ,
•w i t fra a on ra q u a a t o r
W ith rw m nlo to I M - r a < «
dmacripdoa • <
Have Mere Frreuds than say other
■sagaaiae or pattern». McCall’ s is the
reliable Fashicu Guide monthly ia
sea million one hundred thousand
homes. Besides showing all the latast
designs of McCall Patterns, each iaeue
ia brimful of »Darkling short stories
nnd helpful information for woman.
Bill H^adi>
Letter Heads,
Le¿al Blanks,
Any Thing,
rn.;ssr s2.!^r.r * * M r ?
*” *■* “ **
¡J -S ± ± r
Up-to-date Work Dome
on Short Hotice-
Sutisjaotion Guaranteed
M c C all 'S magazine
S30-34« W . S7tb Rk, Now Yo rk Cky
Cures Im p otency, N ig h t Eriisslon« am
wasting diseases, a il effects o f sell
s ta te , o r excess and India
rre tio n . A n e r t e t o n i e a r c
b lo o d b n f ld e r . Brings th t
k l L w r p in t glow to pale cheeks a n i
restores th e fire o f youth
B j m a ílO C c p e : h ox;ftbo xe
for aa.NO; w ith a W rits*.!» g u a r a n ­
t e e to c u r e o r r e f u n d t h e m o n e y
N E R V IT A M E u lC A L C O .
M nton
a Aac.«son H-Jk, CrUCAGO.
IU .
T o W h o m I t M a y Coaeerm .
T b s undersigned hereby give notice
th a t they a n the owners of the South
h a lf o f Section IS, Township th ir ty
three, South ran ge fourteen W est of
W illam ette m eridian, Oregon. A ll par
ties are warned not to trespass upon e
m ake any locations, e ith e r placer
q u a rts c laim s a t their peril.
In connection with
ai» 50« ft'iLÖÖ
• u i « n e u n e
T ry I t lor
t h e telegram ,
P ortland , or .
The Best to be had in
Curry County, a t reason­
able Prices.
/ o r Women
. f y>e “ » H o n .
Fires so M F la la . wltbrew« tartbg« re'.llgatlw « « • ■
F*s«. b w * I C M «WBlitv te r • I s t f t f salary la
«bu p s s k iis i bwfrer« w h ich I have a tr k t d X.
McCall’s Magazine
and McCall Patterns
D. K bxjjlhzb
J H . If c A r s i.
P o rtland, Ors