'• OFFICIAL BIBBCTOBY, GOODS Ba It r em a m b irti that « t t o r * oi the Couaty Ceart oi *y of Curry, State oT Oram ■or the traaaae'ionot Coast] New and Attractive ling of ¡Dress Goods at Bargain Prices Clerk Mate Land Board—G. U. Brown, Salem. J oist Senator tor Ooue and Carry— L a Smith. Joist Bepreoeatattwe tor Ooua and Carry—S. P. Peirce. Jadga, Id Jadldal D istrlet-J. W. HamUtoa, Boaabarg. Proeeoutikg Attorney tor Curry Co.—W. H . Meredith, Wedderbura. wear A CAHAT record n j curre, >utw - ,a h.rtory, provar Moud • Seraaparlt a im . m m v t » merit "in kauara to any other MCDICMT I C. B. Oomiaiaaiosere— H . . H Stewart P art Orford. o o u rn ornccan. County Judge—W. A Wood, (Arid the Foil Noue Ona Day, Grip is Two. Look the line over and you will find what you want at an attractive nrice. Surveyor—J. Caugbell Jr., (Arid ^ U a g Cormier» < * w ta It Meteber Gardner. : .£ Ä S ii! ! X « R & V S S ......... A. M. BUea. .•Antes Johnston . . . . . ..J . A Cappe. ........B. » T h rift •» ...J . A. Baiane A » r o « kiilto»........• ’■ ‘• ¡ ‘■ S v .......... M J Jj $ s ä jö m ä s { Have you ever seen a Sunset? Sb*®oid....Jnaileelven.... ;;;;;:;;;;: US I for D Ìu 'lfo w fo n “ * ......... " .......... ... £ £ m .» A beautifully il'e e ir e te d monthly magazine oi the wide­ awake W eat with faerinatiag th en amriea, picturetnue peraonal potnt-of-vieev description a t the interesting development of the Weat, and the romance and Ma­ lory of the wonderland of the earth. arm . » a H Tbarker, Special CmietobUlU» H.7A M re Km le rt, boatti e i M rsMayec »,uu m u . .. ................... .'777;.. n . » «SCAO The Trrasurer le herehy order.d to HU» credit the General Fund w t t h t i «. h 6, Sft.OU amvaat mturnrdbv Mm F. A. Stewart for money advanoed to C. Dewey by lT.SO! »»*•