Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1915)
G. H. Pearue Will Build Wharf. MANUFACTURING JKU’SLBW Dae to a debyad ahi p r , tM Txiaoxa la « mm • «•*!■ The«, will be upt leas 1N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE tan I t inehet In diameter at the STATE o r OBBOON for nail aad, and UMay of the« will O U 1M Y C O U FTy. • «0 feel h a g . M « o , « f the piling " ) M r. aad Mre. W . H . Biwuad mo, f " ’’ " »here prac t p d e t t f la th e K lk Horn mina on Uo* 1,T • ” ®Kh<* e transplanted wil ’ Middla Klk the Brat « t h . weak. ! vu . I A pril term uf Circuit oourl I w ill be called by Sudga Goke at fed .! temeh a e it Wadueaday, the , R . L Maelaay ptwed dawn the uaaat today te b b Wadderbara bold tiag«. H a waa amt at thia piaoe by W ill White With one uf the teams . from bu reach. | H a rry Folewn, t^e eunfaottoeary “ d“r •ed in the lot mar wharf ware little i * M“ wotwoaa, aaoesaxo j • i»»t« than half thia aiae and ware I Nt>Oee 1« hereby given that the no- u° ‘ riven with a 1MM) pound ham m er,1 ‘U n '» ced. m administrator o( the Ea OiU M r. P ~ r ~ h . u . ! •’“ ' . t o , t o u ,„ ..................... WO pound hammer. 1 C ounty; and that on the Slat day of The new wharf will be 100 feet March, ISIS, at the hourof »:Wo'olock ng, part of it 40 feet wide and ' *n *** io» no»n of «aid day, la the rt «0 fret wide, and w ill ba built 2 ? ^ ° £ Urt rw>" ** “ “ Court Hoorn "n high, barren hill« that Won’t fir»» B'1"** brush is wasted ef- forL However gitvernmrnt M,vd tape” ie a thing that cause« much »««ted rffort and waatad money u veil. ~ ~ ala,nt the aainL «data, m tha tut Ute eaute place aa lha coast today un bar return home to Gold Reach much improved in 1 health from medical treatment u - krn at North “ -« d . Hba was compaabd hy her eon, H a rry . LX718 8 P A B U X O . , P « tO rfa ri,O y . A Ja n u a ry,. lw k ’ in J X « '.W O , “ Dale of last publication Mar. St,‘ IMA. * * * “ P * **nB’!r **n yesterday’« singe in T e a ' X X v l iT b e I zjvis K napp , Pre«. O f ilO M U t < A J. M altn, President. A. A. JAMtaaoa, Vfae President. M m . W M. Giu.iims. ” ** J. H. Z u m w a w , Secretary. Mas. A. 8. JoHaaroM, Treasurer. C. W. Z umwalt , V. Pres E. J. L ohet , Cashier, Are Many Violators. “ pist year qr an, were Halted ia mar «rill ufltoinas T h e money ha to rn i ? " " * J“ 1“ ®» wtilch be says pays him i b B . h y j M t l c . M e T . W right l - t S m Î i T X * lh’ — • E U P « r X m i . t h a T Ît y l^ tT h ^ L i nenatao # a n jutmaon m I>aled thia Kith day of March, 1»IA ' M c K IN L E Y K A N E , p a t o i ^ X “' ? ^ Club meets First Wednesday In each month. All members tovWadldfemaNf meetings — - for HarahBcfd where tor is going on bu* ‘Q" * «w«acted with his black Mn<1 “ •«>« °« South Slough, When intarvbwad at thb place i ..... _ . , tn regard to hia Rock and Boulder B illy 8unday, tfaa evangelist, in orrek properties Mr. Smith waxed **•? *" *£ ' anthuaiaatm o v .r the fa d . He ha. h a v . resided in th b vicinity for th . , ° * Ca‘ rr County, the court w|U hear one objections to aahi. Anal account and w ill the sett lament thereof, at went uut a year ago. I t cuanrcteii by a wide drive way Ih the approach that WAt left inding ta the w h .rf that . . n t out 7” — — man iro n Marehttaid, was via.ting S. R .B w ilth i n fr o m Hia Mines, hi« customers hern the Srst of the ------------- , weak, w b ib u a bis return from a J. R. Smith, who made the rich , H ip to Rogue river. «trike on Rock creek last fall, after ! M ra -J . Huntley'¿eased down the ’ • * n',in B Munday in Port Orford, ties for I 1 U per Iter. O lee your or der to , »row 4 * ’W£ cut out of the Purest Reaerva it Curry, and it ia now growing wber ever nature Intended that it «hould <row. To plant . lut of you.g tree. OIT* B O O T O H F O H I » YOUR BANKING BÛ8INES8 SOLICITED 7 h ,‘ “ ’ ^ 7 " » d™ * • « • ’ « • «bat habchme t . tl.e mother tire Actn on»tration uf what a jF u b a Tractur tod«. «« ba n n that <nm. onn r—. to., , t o n . * . ^ H r " t o 1 “ X t o -o "• ' .'‘ ' “ ’T ’ T ‘ 2 ? " I” to^:. joommunity w ill Oompet« with H O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E th . to the m i.« , faw »«k, PO RT ORFORD Y C U R B U 8 IN E 8 8 B E T T E R -go h# O R EG O N Testimony in a content batwesa lr‘‘c1,x »« hauling fro n Georg« 8atlon and James Lana. In » , **’ ^‘mB Bridge 01). Ftk river state« that hia party have picked A ll inter- ttp two pieces o f quarts, about the volving Iba homestead «if the b tte r , e* l‘‘d are ln * ‘l#d t0 *»»»«"•« the con- kite o f bens eggs, that were fairly on Hubbard’* ' creek, was taken be-1 b“ t } woven together with wire gold, in fora the U . 8. Oummlasionar at thia I T h * Bustler and Roamer dropped d bating that the ledge from wh eh pleas on Mocday and Tuesday thia work. ’J r y H / -----—toitowJ o f, • * ' harbor Mop day areniog. they coma was not for aWsy. When 10,1 .Th ey were mostly loaded for Hogue this lead is struck M r. bu.ith pre J‘ : Charley Crew and Pet. Fitahogh , " 7 ? ? oo* of b* « * t u, — - a - a . , freight for th b place. After un- cttemanla witnessed in the North- wash The im v a s a i^ t An -wink a t ' *<wdiB* * ,rw lvn* ,b e M fow tag ' watt in tweent year«. Ihflt t**rrn awhile and than ao on n*®rBl ,*fi« they were compelird to ' Mr. Smith was considerably put a— hr . „ .J tokTu? i f , a — P *11 d i o m t a t » • strong south o..t Oo returning to hia ishie u , find Francisco Fair retarnlna u> (huai W," d lh a l • • ‘• • B “ P» k“ 11 proceed- ‘ that it bad town wwsked during hia Orfdrd on I / a f t e r HOTEL SE A SID E their * bunder i * 1 lh**r daetiM ticn, abaanca. Ha had over 800 “ “ I MEALS t 3 CENTS fined Mr fined Culate«. Large, nhy ree m i , Isani hy jsÿ ran » that i fiat uf Iw t has hrtn ratirgr-*. A * ad. for C. Matairarn, setting a’uiee boxes, that had bean made , j f o l k th a iu e rita o fib e ]r« b a Tractor «>Ü> greet d rik M lty , and theee bad Ueo. Joknann passed down the; win be notieed in thia These !■"» “ ‘ I r been used, hut many of X * ?" * Ua î? u M j tractors are undoubtedly à great them had bean badly damaged fch>wB w » « M money «aving duviea for anyone ■ The eut, where the boxas bad been WA * Denmark Mercantile Co. TOWRg» • » that ha» use for them. Aa soon as l»w , wee filled with lei I lugs, and ha • * * " * * the waathar pet mi la M r. Malehorn l * n It took him until « few days ^P*1’ ■“d • • • to lh< rfval M n * '« i l l demoHStrata what oua of th e « » '**» to get the min« in running nr X Îi rb m nM* a,W ’,>peOted “* •M h ia « « «rill d o ln th a w a y o fg re r jderagain. He found bis eabinoo- I M near tats summer. fellng meds for the benefit of our euPledandtw oorihraeotthaelalm s “ * * * .[• * * \ County Trtmscier, Freak Caogto-ll Couuty eourt who want to tot •lh ,t *»• had located were jumped, Warn« up ta Port Orford with a team *‘showu" before purchasing. I t b hut be la optimistic io spite of these last Wsdoawday, and was aceom , bdieve.1 t h t l a (foam y owned m . unpleasant incidents end M ya that paniad home the following d a , by ahltia w ill aim mt pay fur itself ta I • * b fining shred and detrelop a Mrs. J. R. Staunard. Mrs. Btau ! «am season’« work. | mi«« that will ba a credit to any nard b returning to her fem ily meek F. B. Tfchenor, after spending a ««»»»»F- Ta W hom It M ay Cwneern. improved ia health aa a result of the ooapie of weeks a t Port Orford, was ‘ Ther’ * « now 30 or 40 men operation she underwent at North a paseeager on b s t F rid ay’s north- i Work' ,»0 • radius« mile from . 1, the nn-terslgned, hereby give »o- Bund. bound stage. M r. Tichenor has ' Mr> 8n,l lb ’* luMth»», aud thia n u n te e that I have a oobveyanee from the Patentee to tidelands and «rater Iota iu the Harbor of Port Orfor l, Oreenn, on a porttoai of which a part of the wharf is erected without my oonaeat. AII parties are berebv waroad aot to drive piles or trespass ia any manner » hat- soever on said tidelanda o r water lota. _ . . „ M m - Anxs 0 . Daav. fcr «pending a few days m, (Bay, iu connection with a dank rviug the salt of k b 8<foth |b mine to a Csiffornb syndi- M r. Smith will return to bis creek property. -four acres for aab or rent an inty road leading from Port Or- Wedderburn, 1 | milaa from I mile fsonfege on the beach, ■articular, address W. t To better aocommodate our growing trade and increasing number of patrons we have been compelled to add to our general stock of Diy Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as follows:. Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im plements of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook our up-to-date slock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and No tions, Rolled Barley, Grsss Seed and Seed Grain. O bders taken fob anythino not on hand BUBR0W, JAS. S. CAPPS. Prop, T h e E v e n t o f th e WM. T» STOLL, Atty, at Law MI w I br Law a thwwtelty » Cuke Bldg. M arshfield . Or t . J. STANLEY c o q u ti.L B . S ea so n w U l be T H E M A Y -D A Y D A N C E g iv e n b y I T h e P o r t O rford B r a s s B a n d GENERAL Wagons and Bpggies for Sale, kept in 8tock, also Agent for Ail Kinds of Farming im plements; McCormick Mowers, eto. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a I eaeouablu price. Your patronage solicited. BEECHER JE S S P o rt O r f o r a ,O r © g o n