»«* ; I.ond.m, A pril 3. 9:40 p. m.— T W o»rt firri «norm»J moil to re*.h Chan aek ' orllor of Ihe Kxclwquef U oyd W . G-..r«v today hrongbl stemt W OO «39- letters, yirtnagy dli OeMling with r a d ih v q in . iii .i l .4 abrinmnow from an drinking in Kngtand Tliia rn ia her linlicates that ibe day’« total of letters w ilt he in. rxesae of «6,000. "2 Them* ontoioiHHonihMM were ro- k seised by the eh nceijur iu answer ' • < » W. t . M . - Total Johnson, ■ m a wm By reading of iba Isle marriage ( « k . H ta « k b n <0 M o » M d t . r l j w Ibera be , brand t r t a t . b . a . , M . . , d l„ b U d X , “V T 8RMM»lNh’MR baostl a m . Cas« la Rad eat tbe dead w m ’ . * * w' ,IM— I* -p e l" « t Z T b r a . up " e r a h t .» i d '“ ' ’ r 1'" ’ " « « " ‘ »»«ly. ■’•H in Stmach " The ha impossible rrquiremeni lo l’onl. " . m ir ,o . ¡vate” 90 acres, which will «„rely 7 h r if T t h e nTxt M r ! f t i M a doM by tha Cpngrro, to «tavan. C M ext December. Besides, there era 1 , bokwdnima «tattered hrouxhoM F«»rto f i r ^ prepinct as an b J X ^ ” .‘ .’ ¿ tc act of 1908, which will ha defl £ « .............. ^ y T " .’ * od added “ ’ ““ í r „ n ■ ■ w X L S iljaBd’ *■ » » » » a w l fo r e s t. lD tbe p to r a a ila , u d o th e r G o m k k e p t In S t o c k . Sp a , tin » IM o k . a n d W in d o w , in T .r le ty c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n hand«: ,.x P ip e F i t t i n g s , P lu m b in g ; a n d T i n w o r h o f a l l k in d s d o n e o n a b o r t n o tic e . Cheever ® Bowman, —— - va A S ta m p in g PW ^Wer i L a tijr lo is , O r. Of the PUU of °««t«>O. You aw herrby s i r m “r r V * * “ 0* ° * ,w i l n,u,< A r‘ ort° ^ O«c. l0. T . 36H , R. 11 W ., W. M „ do- scribed by metes and bounds, as fol- Iowa: Beginning at corner No. I, whence corner No. 1 of the J. O. OsUa haa applioriion bears R 3 deg. 1» min. W ., W JO chains ¡extending tbenoe B. 66 deg. to « in . W ., 19 chains; thence S. 8.6u chains; th< nee 8. 49 deg. K , 1 8 chains; thence N. 91 deg. I L M 8 Tribune, once a week tor six sueceaaive weeks, commencing with the issue of April 7tb, 1916, end ending with the ie»ue of M ay IVth, 1916. . C. J. W A L K J tt, Attorney for P laintiff. Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store Powder WM. GILLINGS, PROP ___ .. __________________ __________ Ins to the Notim to hereby gives to all perso»« itton of Ha- I , o * “ •« concern, not to «star u p List »-167O. ua nr tresp.-\se upon the premises of L . U to tJ l I » » Ot crm and R anges, . or tosvellng thiough fat any shape jorm oo««ty,in the permmof Jem .. itoly lib to io d next In t a r . > *• o , set total of anaqal U ger of any pre Marshfield real aetata dealers have oinot In the ouqjnly. P | hero knocking tbe publio lands » Langlois Ore , . I - « « - C i r c u i t C o u rt o f th a B tn ,a wf O rrgao, fo r th e C o u n ty of C a r r y Notice fa hereby given that the lands and answer tba rom plalnt died aaainat deacribed below, embracing 38417acma , you in tha above entitled auit within within the Hivkiyoo National Forest, | six «eeka from tbe date of the firril Oiegtm, will be subject to settlement publication of this aun mons, to-w it; I . and entry umler the provision« o f the within aix week» from the 7th day of huBHMtoad tawa of tha United States A pril, ISIS, tbe a me heing the date of and tha act of Jnoe I I , 1 9 « (34 S to t, the grot pabUeatiba of this summons J US) at the United Mates tana olBca nt and I f you fail to appear and answer I Roaebarg. Orraoa. on April 2S, 181«. in Urn above entitled suit on or before i I An setUer who was kctaally and hi tha 19th day of May, 1»I6, the same ' K >od faith claiming any of said lands being the lari day prescribed in the or-1 «,»• agricultural purposes prior to Ja a. der lor publication, judgment will be i 1 ,18ofi. and has sot atonuonad same, taken «gainst >ou for want thereof.sad I ,« aa a preterenae right to make Imme- ' tha plam t.ff will apply to tl«e court for stead en»ry for the lands actually « - I tks relfc-f oetuswte,. la his complaint, eaptod. «aid lands wave liaton Upon which is «u h .U ntl.lly as (ollows; For' the applications of the persons men* tbe dissolution of the marriage om- tioned below, who have a preference tract now existing le t m en the plain- r l,h t subject to the pi ior rig ht of aay tiff ncu defendant, and fur such other < such settler, provided such settler or and further relief as the court may I applicant is qaalitled to make home , dtem Just and equitable. »-«ad entry and the preference right I s ' iwrvioe ol thia »unimops is made bv , J Snerv hod prior to anr. 38.1915, en which public»! ion pttVsbaut to an order inadu ' I date the lands will be subject to an tie-| by tha H e « - W. A. Wood, County ’ ment aorientry by any qualified pat-'Judge cl CurryXteanty, Oregon, bem- *E h t 8” * within tog date of March » A , 1911 directing eircull | , e <, A k .n , . , U . ; ¿ V o i » T , f f .* 7 IX , Mr. Burnley it a l|>e con- fronting us when wa proceed under the act of 1906 (oseeqra a homeab-ad within tha Hnflneo of a reserve, wherefore an amendment of said spi involving a relaxation of some UrFy‘ 1 Ctvn, A coos wots and expenara of thia action. icatioa April 7, W18. leation May IS, ISIS. Given ucdei > hand th l. lat day of A pril, IV I*. M . T . W R IG H T . Justice of tlie Peace. 1 to r-a lat af tools and ether articles- * also root of plaao 1 to 3 years. Borrow T bibomi >— . T* — action. ' „ The Datendanta w ill take notice that ' Will run but a fa« head of half Starved aheap or cattla to the e U ia . Amandatent tot tba throe year ti homestead law would Quake the ac the , qoiring of land more easy, but it '„nly Would not improve the quality or conn value of IL Tba prompt law has a of M provision ns follows, which settlers Who a rt e n titl'd to relief from oul W Mvstioo tnpy take advantage of; will Bv J H- Urrog. w____ __ ; ataea a I yvr Mining Co., I to Macovan P. O Kattto, M am a«' J M ow»*. - - To elxna River M in in g Company. P. i M»a abuvv uantad dafcndanta * I n the naasa <4 the State af Oivgon you err hereby r, q ub rd to appear i«-, i fcro tha undent, ned, a Ju.tkw of the | Passe ter thepeecm etsto emid~.arMi- *? we* k * m m tha first pi.blicnton vt thia buhubol S In *tb<* Port Ori n) Trtlmne. a arek ly nawapaipcr pubikhed Coos B a r Ntws. pents sa to cultivation. Thia may b« done, if the land entered la so biUy or roogh, tbe eoil so alkiline, pompad, sandy or sweatpy, nr the precipilaiiop of moisture so light pa not to aMko tha cultiyatiuu of jba required smoarUl prscttcbie, W if tha land is generally yaluabia Poly forgragiag.” Langlois, Oregon, 3. a . Bowman of tt the < log, hot In the rooky bin iande that . bale Agent for Code and C urry counties. 1 » tin- J n » tir e C o u r t fo r th e S ix th D ta tr ie t. „W n « ,b _ -1/. < A lso C ortbactob < fc B uilder Estimates given; Plans and 8peoiftcationa Tarnished on application. V ar was caught out io tba storm, ran, Mate «1 Oregon, fSrOnrry Co out of water and fuel, apd forced to ? " * “ , / * * * .—**** °* I. They aze Guaranteed to do the Act- UaJ Work Of 18 horses At A nnminpj cost of $2.20 per day for fuel F :r inform ation call or w rite An H. L. F. Silo; Save your feed and in­ crease your milk flow, by supplying an abundance o f good feed when you most need tha hiiuacboJd furniture and sosm In toe m - m — o ( the ti-tata o rateable private effects briongliig t o ; T**0“ »» Cornwall, deceased. W m . Fleming. I t la mid the e lm « I ¥ y1»< 1 bot to eoeonrage a working matt or the prtl, easily support a JO tu 1 pope lation above what they am now do or Sum m er over apy fend or n r 3« under an y conditions« C. MALEHORN, Newt reaches hare that the lug Katie Cu»k, enroute from Smith river to Rogue river, with the eargo of the wrecked steamer Field on board, lost a il her deck load 'p h lla , •one w ill doubtless make nice home« land clearing, road construction, grad­ ing, lumbering, freighting or station­ ary work of any nature, T P& Y U B A X W T O B W < the w o r t W inter ZUMWALT & SONS Mio. K. Fit eh ugh haa been en— gaged'to teach a three month.’ term of aebiad in Port Orford, to begin A p ril 10th. M»a. Fitahugb is oar pianmi School Supu, holds 4 State ««•rlittcate, slid it a teacher ofVoav oral years experience. I A lf M iller returned fro « Myrtle »•' ct, Dependable, Eco­ tenever The following items are taken from the Port Orford Tribune of March. 14. 1883. Wetter Sutton. publisher: leaving out aide g»tea open, a r melaat ibg personal property, will bn proseeu lad to t»e GUI akieni of lha taw. War. R. Johnses, Lessee of the above S u em sey, sxAlunxinum, i^ugsandS/C at- tinfi, S b ietto SuttUru, S a n U m s.