» y*. Town aud Coiiuty Com m ercial Club Starts Big sate next weeln IS IS Makes Long T rip . Sibnrware Agate C arnival. W . button returned lest week front D r. Geo. Ü. E lg in , C. H . I‘ ear»a, from his home on visiting with relatives at Gold Beach. Orford reoenlly on a Middle E lk , is spending a few days A t a special meeting uf the Coat . I f in need of hat or »hues, don’t in li|" n , ' 1 •" roeruial elub last week, the first faring well as w ill be miss the sale of C. W . Z u m w a lt yMbl< affair. A goodly dal In the a been oa of preaideot A. J. attend the aale of C. W Z u m w a lt A p^aUao'of jfuang people from Lang Marsh, M . T . W rig h t acted n* chair Suita advertised in thia resue. lots were iu attendance. man of lire meeting, a llic h was well Frauds Nordherg, after spending Mrs. W. H . M yers entertained attended. drove up to Bandon Monday -on a (hurl bu.ioaaa v is it some tan neya visiting at Bandon. her ^ uoUay C| 4M .» i b . par- ,aHl F rjt|, y evelling. A very returned U Port O rford the Brat of I n addition to selecting the dales for th e carn ival, the general execu­ the week. pleasant evening wee spent playing tive comm it lee wa* elected, ronsiet H a rry H u n tle y , of (forth Bead , guinea, alter which refreshments were I ing o f A. J. M arsh. H T . B lea art a w l Mrs. W in . G illin g s Several was in Port Orford last Wednesday served. night on h i* way to Gold Beach to A novel and int»r»»ting tim e ¡»j other committees wees uatioal, the his mother. promised by the Port Orford Ho*pi selection of the member* «if which was left to the executive committee. N a t li.M lw rig h l, th e lie inspector ta lity elnh Saturday night. KVery- An im p ortan t action taken by the I thing is free hut the bushels that from Bsmlmi. arrived fit Part O r­ el uh wgs to puss reaolotious con­ ford Monday night and ie now in ­ j w ill be auctioned off, and you are demning the use or distribution of E vxwabd H . B o tlx , Manager, specting ties in this vicinity. - invited. liquor upon the carnival < grounds, was Nn. 511. We carry we ac’ta. T h e Port Orford C am p W . O, W. in which the club weal on rswtrd Io M r». Gan. F o rty ceuiriiwl “in Port Orford last S itu rd s y fro u a visit w ill bold a regular,m eeting at their use every effort to prohibit aa nearly rith her mother, Mra.| Itnbt. Pas ,l«dlge nana next Saturday night, as poeaible aJ>oh Mae nf intoxicants. the 27th. E o le rU in tu e iil has treen kina, a t Gold Beach. I l was decided to hnl/l the cairii Mrs. P. J. L,insiherg, ''who ■ he* provided, a w l rail tneiuliers are u rg ­ vsl a t. the Agate ' bear'll grotlnds Good flr stove or heater wood deliv­ been »pending the w inter will» lie r ed to attend, where it was held la»t year. ered in town in large or email quanti­ After the meeting adjourned, F. ties tor 91 «5 per tier. Clive your or­ aun, K. A, Lindberg at M» rah fie ld , t f . B. Tichenor and Chaa • Long B. Tlohenor collected a lot of tire- der to returned to her home at thia pia$e made à trip to the Fish Bucks the L ^ U IS S P A R L IN G , works and -field a m iniature 4th of last Saturday. flat of the week and brought bach a Port Orford, Or. nice catch of red fish and ling. O n . ¡ exhib itio n in honor of the car- Miss Nettie Gibson wits in town nival which had jual been launched. over lust F rid a y eig ht while on her o f the latter fish weighed close to 50 way from Lnngloia to W edderbum pounds, and several o f the red liah D eath O f N R. Sm ith. to visit for a fete weeks with (rienda were very large. — Real Estate and relatives ul the letter place. P o r t O r fo r d , O r e g o n A lfred Johnson, 8r.. of Coquille, N . R. S m ith d iedi March 10th, The Bustler laid in our harbor who foPyesra was one of the leading 1915, at M o un t Sherwood Ranch, Town Iota and acreage tracte tor l»r a few hours M onday while en lumbermen of Coos county, died j hia home near Langlois, where he (n(W| <(f , h, lim e for , hc route from Astoria to Bogue river Saturday night at the home o f hia j h w A good ranch of 140 aorea on Elk daughter, Mrs. Stanley D o lla r, , »* a t I , p ^ t Í g- yM rf H e e was wua past |>agt 80 g0 vriria with a load of cannery supplies for ¡oaugnier, u rn . m am ey i w u r 5 yewva. H river, good buildings and orchard, 15 h„ ,4 t acres under plow. A good ranch for the Wedderhurn Trading company. i San Rafael, California, aged 69 years. ¡ , r La- . . daughters . . . sur­ »» • -o o o» “ i ™ < ^Three sons and . four a small dairy, sheep or hogs. Price a auffeier from heart trouble and P. H . Poole, of the firm of Mo aad terms reasonable. vive. rheumatism. - ' K ensieand Poole, spent aeverul days Also Haw M ill, in good running or­ N a t Dean made a tr ip to Rogne The remains ot deceased were laid on business in Bandon last week. der, capacity 19 M., 5 miles from town. Í river last week w ith hie team, taking i «0 rest in Ocean View cemetery be- During M r. Poole’s absence, T . B. This m ill w ill be sold at a bargain. hia brother, Chs». Davidson took his place behind -ths down two gentlemen who are inter- U j,|e esled in the new cannery g oin g ' up 8 m ilh and son, Chas. Sm ith. Be counter. r C. ROBBINS, M. D there, and Mrs. Bailey and d a u g h te r,1 B widow lie leave* two eons, • ' J* \V . C. Bradley th e Marsh field ' P h y s ic ia n an d Surgeon who .reside n»«tr J e rry ’» F ie t. M r i W m . Smith of Bandon, and Harvey candy man, spent oev«-rel days en Dean le lt again Saturday w ith two g ,n i,h of near Langluia, and four Port Orford, Oregon. jo y in g him self a t Port Orford since drum m era for Harbor. j daughter», M rs. Francis E lliu t of our lust issue w hile enroute home I t is reported th kt H e n ry W e a t-! Bandon, Mrs. Stella Shoemaker au«l from one of hia regular busiuess hrcxth^jif Sm ith R iver. Cal , con- Mrs, A n n a Shoemaker of Oakland, trips to Gold Beach. 1 templates p uttin g art auto truck on j California, arid Josie, Jrlih is mar ATTOBNEY amo COUNSELLOR BOYLE JEWELRY CO. Bandon, Ore. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. J. D. Loucks W. W. H. MEREDITH A T LAW D u rin g the peat week thia section W M D D B B B U K N , OKK O O N K N A P P H O TE L. ,i Fort Orford, Oregon, i.« l»a-«»g»a-i« •«>«•.’ , Finrt-elaas in every respect. Go Feed Stable attuched. We run the Stage from Port Orford via D airyville, connecting with tht Btage to M yrtle P o in t / HARDY T. STEW ART C7. « . C O M M I B H lO N K B P o r t O r lo r a l, O r e g o n , Office days in town—Tuesday, Wed­ nesday and Saturday of each week. has been favored with ideal spring T w o saxophone« were received hv the Port Orford hand liisl week, to be played by E . I. Loney sod Dr. Robbins. U n fo rtun ately, the ¡„ _ to the |w op le..f Ib is place, as the B ustler is -«.1,able to carry the Rogue river freight and give this place g<«»l service at the same tim s, and ss she is under contract to carry w ill enter the C. W. Z U M W A LT. Sixes River, Curry County, Or. Í Mercy hospital hopes that her health, which been poor for several 'months, W ill S ta rt B o x F a c to ry . | day, with a dinner given by her * children and grand children. She Tw o gentlemen from Marshfield came to Oregon with her husband are now in this aeoli.m looking over j |r#m n | , Ouig in 1851, snd after liv- in has w ill The Ladies Aid of Port Orford solicit CatGlasa plain sewing. Teispkoae trip east, ie W okk C o M a tm x , Men by the Mrs. Wm. Gillings. letter which Mrs. Amea Johnston, Mrs. A. A. Jamieson. we publish by the kindness o f M r. The Aid wUl meet at Mrs. Quigley’s Z um w alt. The IM . is over 80 years of age. B ut the fear held by some of Friday afternoon. Mar, 12th. AU are cordially invited. hia friend» that tb e ,trip would be M ANUFACTURING JEWELERS t-ro great a lax nn his strength is IN T H E CO U N TY COURT O F T H E BANDON, OREGON > ehbwn to have been groundless. H is STATE OF OREGON FO B letter follow»: CU R R Y OOUPTY. Emmet, Arkansas, M ar. IS, 1915. ix Tire m vrraa or t u b bbtats ) or [• NOTICE Mr. C. W. Zumwalt, rexss wocaoaa, »«octaaD ) | Waterman Fountain Peas . * . Port Orford, Oregon. Notice I . hereby given that the un- v iw „ V L -» ~ |„ rg;__ D i,,* T . I L ; . . Dear Friend: dere gned, as administrator ol the Es- 1 V t ’ u Edison Diac T ali mg Through good luck and Provide rue tate of James Moum-er, deoeaeed, has) llirh m tl I arrived at my destination safely, Eye Classes without mishap. I left Bandon on the filed his rtnal account in the Comity Watch Repairing Dnnlirated Elisabeth with Bill and Fred Goerin Court of the State of Oregon, for Ouny Monnti«»i C»—: . t —I . and Frank McMullen aa fellow passen­ County; and that on the -Slat day of I ’ gers. AU of ua were seasick, more or March, ltrt5, at the hour of 9:30 o’olork i leas, on the way—were about <8 hours in the forenoon of said day, In th e lj to San Francisco. I stopped there JO County Court room at the Court House days; called cn Geo. Guerin, who is j of Cutry County, the court w ill bear . ■ ■■■ —i n jar, -'i -s nicely located in Oakland, and my old- ' objeetiona to said final account and O fM cersi IcdM ' ea California friends— the Greggs in the seulement thereof. A J. M*aan, PreSidene. Dated thia-ioth day of March, 19IS. the city. I visited the exposition four A. A. J amixsox , Vice President. M c K lN L E Y K A NE, days, where Mrs. R D. Rume, person­ M bs . , Anutiulgtrator. ally a stranger, came down and led me J. H Z umwalt , SetTjJtary;. Date of first publication Mar. 10, IV15. tip into the Oregon building -exempli­ M rs . A. S. J ohnstom , Treasurer. ie of last publication Mar. 31, 1V15. fying the general kindness and helpful­ ___ 31 ness of the people , Club meets First Wedne«daylto each s i n r o t l or S I.- H (wdacnes «V u rw From San Francisco I took passage mouth. All members Invited tuAttend on the S. S. Quenne for San Diego, the suloMly to ths Influents of Pr. t j ’ s w u -v a la I’JUa. aa e a s s s 1» « 1 1 meetings. • cleanest and prettiest city I have" ever seen; was there 8 days, and then bought a ticket on the 3. P. R. R., via El Peso Louis K napp , Pres. C. W. Z umwalt , V .Près and San Antonia, to this place. Arriv­ E. J. LoNEy, Casfyer. ed here 6 after nearly worn tu t, but am getting better. I send back best wish­ es for health and prosperity to every­ one in Curry, Your friend Gao. D. ElXHN. 8ABRO BRO8 'I’ortOrfopdCoiDmereialClab W M .GtM .HNe, " B A N K T o W h o m I t M a y C oaoera. O F Far Sale ; For Sale ' I ? O I < rJr O R F O l l I > YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED I , the undersigned, he-eby give no-1 ■ • 7 Gee that I bare a conveyance (rom tbs Patentee to .idelsnde and water lota In the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on a portion of which a part of the w harf is erected without tny consent. A ll N O , B A N K W IL L H A N D L E parties are hereby warned not to drive piles or tre»i*-m i»i any maiine- what- Y C U R B U S IN E 8 8 B E T T E R ild iMelaiids iMelatids or water lot soever on said Iota. Mts. Anns C. O ast . Ma Portland, Oregon. PORT O RFORD « OREGON HOTEL SEASIDE '''X-i'’ .,’ Fifty-four acre» for sale or rent on the County road leading from P6rt O r­ ford to Wedderbum, 11 miles from school, ) mile frontage on tha beach. For particulars addre^F"^/. W . E. BURROW, Wedderbum, Oregon.' Notice to Slock Owaon. As I have leased the Bagley ranch on Elk river, notice is hereby given to j * persona having stock of any kind run­ for illeg ally selling whiskey, ning on said place, to please remove the was «.u victw l io A p ril 1»18, and same. was sentenced to pay »300 line or A. J. MARSH. a-rve l-5'l days in Jail, Execution 1 of htf.aenteiice was deferred on ac NOTICE. struments were in a lower key than for the W eddrrhurii Trading com- count of an appeal In the supreme ordered, and cannot he used in con pauy, whenever more freight ac court, and he had Iwen at liberty ju n ctio n with the full band. They NO TRESSPASSING. cumulale» than she chit handle Port under 91,000. w ill probably lie exchanged for the Orford the one one 10 in »oner. suffer. T » h " e • ( I « NO TIC E is hereby given that any kind desired. | V rlo n t is is me ■ N w . Blixabelh Lenev., widow of and all persona found trespassing upon M rs J H u n tle y of Gold Beach, B » " ,,,,lPh «•»»«««”» »•»« D r s l Ie n e v e , one o f the pioneers the premises of the undersigned for the w ill relieve this situation. of the Coquille river, celebrated her purpose of hunting oy-flahing or other­ ' passed through town a few days ago, 89tb birthday at Coquille on Fri- wise will be prosecuted to the full ex­ 1 enroute for North Bend where she tent of the law. who left Port A t my place on Sixes Rivar, the fol­ lowing described property: 8 cows, 8 ralvea, 1 yearling steer, 2 horses, new road wagon, new single harness, 5 new beehives with supers and sections, shear­ ing machine, garden seeder and cultiva­ t the road this summer between Gold ' ried but whose name la unknown to tor—e lot of tools and other article»— also rent of place 1 to 8 year». Benäh and Oreawsnt f'it y for the ! the w riter.— M. P. Enterprise. H . B. STEINER. purpose of carrying »»I mon to I he j (Cone B a t N bws . ) latter place to he frozen and shipped ¡ weatlier, and farmers and gardeners have been taking advantage o f it by putting in their early aeed. Several to the San Frsucisco lair. The launch Queen,ref Rogne riv days ago thetherm onteter ran up to M r. McConnell, who own» aeveral • 72 degrees, whieh » is unusually shares in the Randolph,. Wa( down er, which h a t made a few trips to week l a l k i n g ''1''* purt’ W“ * ’ * U ly VUrctiaaed from warm for M arch. ’’ , from Langlois lust C alvin & W alker, of G old Beach b> witty the bust pees .doni of the tow n] The Astoria company that i» build­ ... . ,1 ,., u - , 1 Antoue Coni no, who w ill uae her - ing a cannery on the A lf M ille r with a view to potting that boat on | the run -gain W tween M a r s h f ie ld ! ^ d w P '‘ oJ for place on Rogue river is said to be a Port O rh.rd and Rogue river. H J « r r y ln g B rig h t to p o rt, between good substantial conoeru. I l i a no C immi Bay and Crescent C ity . derstood that 7oo cents a piece w ill received* considerable enooursge- Fran k Cameron, of South slough, be pfiid for »ulnjoo, which w ill ment and it is n o * announced that be the highest price ever given for the Ram loiph w ill be on the run by was taken to Coquille F rid a y , to A p ril 1st. T lii» w ill he good news serve 1ÖÜ days in the county ï : fish on the lower riper. Tk»V(,(, the |„ we|> yk e r and HW| ot HE! of Section 1. Township 33 South, Rauge Id bacon which had been engaged at : w|ien manulactured, w ill be ship liv e d at Parkersburg in the ‘70’k W ., W illamette Meridian, hue $led the latter place. The meaj i ped fioui Port Orford. where Dr. Leneve opened a small •EuehrW creek nut«0ho{ intentl^ft te-Aijko hoal three cured mi u drug store. •• ’ < - ~ year proof to ««tablisU •ciAim to the Lawrence M ille r, and is practically D E N N IS C U N N IF F . JR„ W il l O bserve M e m o ri» ! D ay. land above described, Ixjiore Hardy ----------------> the o nly mast fed bacon th at has T . Stewart, U.B. C|Miu|)l (jf T h e first automobile of tile reason I go )>nlwr to make tha run from Langlo»» » o |nrm y diwj snd i Rogue river pasawd down .the coast point. ' Sunday. Aa might ho expected, f ¡n lb „ reg„ U r hurried on the C lin i Malehorn wa* one of the two For Sale O K K O O N . occupants, for if anyone can m a k a f One L. f . Smith No. 2 typewriter in 1 » car do ini|»»»»tble th in g * in order good order neatly new. I am offering to negotiate k bad road “ H o rn ” ia a bargain in thia machine. For price ¡th a t men- T h e credit to the car inquire of C R E A T peroni <*» cupps » i G’i.ii.rd ia nwîtikss’. Ii«*torv. prortu m aking this trip falls to the much C. LONG, 0,1 a Saw iparil a I < V 1 »bused little Ford. Port Orford. Or. )wu to uuy otlwFf w lC O ’ C I T. ■ C O Q U IL L E , - - • i G am es, S hadow B ask et S upper, F ree D ance LENEVE’S HALL SATURDAY, MAR, 27th by the PORT ORFORD HOSPITALITY CLUB GENERAL B la c k sm ith in g Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kinds of Earming Im­ plements; McCormick Mowe-'s, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a Feaaonable price. Your patronage solicited. BEECHER JE SS P o ri O r fo r d , O r e g o n E v ery b o d y is W elcom e I* * * 1-