Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1915)
«m on orna», I would <l»t office at th saam a tim e a t th «| « ■ •« *••< < rig id ly e x c lu *. U u iv rrs ity people of Bamlou, but Ik e necessary blanks workable. law sans jo k e rs ,'th e re fro m , h asa n*» , Sr»l, average bave u o t j at arrived. ¡gaDN EHDA Y FE B R U A R Y 24, 1916. aud requiring policies w ritten in U n iversity people don’t have topoa- j Satiety young folke w ill ke pleaa I , . , . , , , lB„ gtta g rH u d d .v .,id » f , , ld m * w .J ly , u lw r n l h Ä Ul. fc(JI<>willg flish a t . » P o r t A l r f û n i i i Y k i n i n f ’ i “ e* ° " ,y dUhwlM* ® M J Î Ï I € X s 4»14 e U W J B f Object to being govereed by a b«wil«ieriug, auel. regard the a U H ty to w .ite site ioB, .„ .„ „ g olbe„ w iff ^ ¡„ ¥>lgUe 1— ----------- ( *-»- pie Ifingbei. co .-poMtl»« correctly d ttriag the year 18Ü3: N A R D I T ; M 7 ^ W |K 'r . (aS a ptebian avnnupl isti m eni quite Young naan*» Uoal sleeves w ill be N r . C ard w ell is a law yer enjoying u#, ujled lu tlieir aspiration». A ll 6U B 8U R IPTID N RATE». w ads long enough to reach around an exteualee prauliee, and kauws #||M dr> Y e a r..................... |1.6u I the g ir l’s waist. Mssfla. ............ '* whereof fit affilin e when be aays i l l were iiupuaaibl« lo recover iaseraoce N<»w, leal i t be oi.j cled th at th e 1 O u cold days hands w ill ba largs Tbr»» Honthg written in the so-called ‘(standard expense o í the em ploym ent of, any, ly wore inoveruoul pockets. policy” in any atiffly Qonissted stg aide lasiied per»oua to alap billa I The fe lt bat w ill take a place at IsartastsalsyaM. ’ case; uad thia asean» that widows it ilo » b a p s » t il l< lo o g r e a t , Il only the head. |*»cketa w ill have and nten of small uteaus «muti sub reman»» to be *«-id in reply tl»at j 1° n*,w Aaeaartaiae R« tss ! such eg(antre usumit be uesrly so boles a t the tup. As the seas«. ' m il Io ram ona «toro prom ine-, ' greet as Ute ex tra sevtsiuna and tie 1 progresses they w ill also have hoi By Ca«k- 1 he people at thia end of C urry ' foovtg against proaecuti«uis for false, , l bultopi. witaested some years beok a demon-J j|ul>rjw(lllliellU M|ldw U . , u ,w w f> Yo un g ladies are «ot expected to tai 0 4 . »traiioii of the t iu t lr u f the above ily ^ „ .« „ » d e d that they w«.n’ d »hoes more tb«a two ai fn a banquet given l>y the F o rt' w in s J. A . Button’s bouse h*“ r i Bold Water wben the pinch, smaller than their feel. Orford Commercial C lu b at the Nea- Denm ark, insured at $B00, * » * | W|,erefore it was th at, about three la going to and returning fro m • W . hotel last F rid a y evening burned, th e company (th e S t * 1» years aiuee, oouie doxen or more balls and parlies the young man is f r a n k B. Ttchenor waa the guest. of bM,elu) q u iw>fol and bedeviled gentlemen of diverse political aflil expected to wear bis bast g irl on Covers were laid for 95 persona, j MMM eictnu o f dishoneaty into iatiinis cooiribuled personal view« bis left arm. and the meeting waa one of the oocepting $800 to be paid h im nttly I t w ill ba fashiouable for tbe on the subject o f legislation in O r - pioet pleasant sod optim istic gsth wl( that he sign for puhli egon printeil in a pam phlet, Some | ladies to wear Ib their t ir hats during gringt th at bas assembled in Fort „ lyin g certificats In fulsome of whom were fra n k ty In fav o r-’ of Church service. p rfo rd ju many days. During the company for its abolishiug our Legislature in io ta ; A late diepatch say's Capt. N lel- r a fts , digner motpanta'f N r . T ic h e -‘ prom ptitude in paying tbe bws. and wherefore it.happens a m ajo rity Soa, of the brig Geueva, reports that ppr tga$ introduced by President A- of uur farmers n»w demaud the ab ou Jan. 13th, he sighted the wreck The w riter Itereof waa a member and responded In a talk o lition o f tbe Senate. of an unknown vessel of about 1000 of the Legislature when we passini a that was fu ll o f optim isin, of faith Floras C(sek precinct an joys tbe lous. No sign of a liv in g soul waa - In the development o f our town and law very sim ilar I«. tbe one now eooaty, and o f a desire to put hie championed by N r. Cardw ell, and distinction of eitteriaiuing w ith in to be «eeu, and the wreck bad evi shoulder to the wheel and help h a»- made Ibe most of the above “ fright Ha boundaries the only Centenarian dem ly taten abandoned, T h a h u ll ia C u rry couuty. and |ierhape in 1 waa painted black and the deck th at development. H e d w e ll fu l exam ple” ill hia advocacy of t h a t . -----------» ----------» • ------ >------- r~ --- - - |l post the fact that such a splendid measure. T h e Portland contingent, Coos and Douglas in addition, in house while. About 35 feet of the p atq raj hjtybor must eooner or later in th at (1 8 0 3 ) evasion, backed by a »*** l*r» « n of M r. James H a ft, born , main mast and 20 feel of the mixxen pupport g th rivin g c ity , and th at numerous Portland lobby, all proph j Pennsylvania in February, 1815,- mast ware s till standing, while the JNfde frnyn tb it the »«equaled at- ets of disaster, and wbo rehearsed , * “ •* «»*•>» *® Coast in 1852, » 5 ^ »»il* and spars were ly in g about P u b lish e d E v e r y W e-lu vad ay, by r »>” > fusing v s e r p lb M end in e le e a u l prueijKM.*’« paptioas far tourists at Port Orford ( for us the Ring sad dance w hirl) M r. • *“ Curry county in 1883. » the deck, which was p artly covered fropld support a JStrge towp sj S Soon Ckydwel) has so enursgeoutiy m e t,' The subject o f this sketch was, on ' with lum ber. Tha rig was that of •a batter transportation arrivaa, and vis; T h a i such a law would d rive the IRth inst., made the o bj.ot o f a a hark as far as could ba seen gnd be suggested that now was the ru p ital out of the State liy forcing ' surprise gathering at bis resilience Might came on before the Geneva M ® * for the people of the place to the old Companies out of ^uameea iu Langlois of friends and a c q u s iu -' Kut close enuugh to uiake the vessel iqilp stape to protect ipany of these' ^hereupon they would “call iu” lances from far and near to the qut. The only vessel long over- pttraetjons that need protection, loans nod investments and leave num ber «if about seventy five as mussels on the rocks, clams poor Oyegun stranded and umfoue. on the beach and fish in the lake! and Streeps. J h e speaker exprese l*tei» te .l however and enact J j i a strong coaviction th a t tbe rap u *e law , and ...... .. of tbe calami sons a il bent on a |ier now out I t is stateli for a fact that works for tlie m anufacture of steel from the beach black sand are to be erecto«! at the mouth of Rogue rive r during the coming summer, the of compressing everything that woik to begin in the early spring. And inasmuch as tha attorney bus Parties iuterrsted in the enterprise band of this victim of barbarous dis ought to appear in an insurance pol icy into fifty seven words on a sheet Were here sod at G old Beach last prim ination ia not inclined to let it September limiting over tbe field go a t that, I hope he w ill begin man a little larger than a bank check! and secured the necessary franchises, damus proceedings before Judge during the later his- ’ L ll>e venture proves successful a Three li H e n ry K. M cG inn wbo ia not in the new era of prosperity w ill dawn for habit of perm itting th« defeat o f ob lo ry of the Legislation i l bat bean C u rry, for we have any q u antity o f | necessary to convene ex tra session yious justioa by adherence to im to | mvm an act to explain the mean sand, all along the line. Euchre m aterial legalisms. W hen he is creek would be a most desirable $bown th at no such disqualifying ing of some vital statute passed be place for sucb an enterprise, w ith its fore the adjournm ent o f the regular plause appears In oontracla w ith seven or eight miles of unbroken c a t-la v e . A j'd now cornea tha news p a le leechers, the Judge w ill And beach sand, u n lim ited wood and $ way to void th at clause in this llin t our game laws, having been subjected st Ilia 1913 session to tbe water supply aad a fine shipping papa on the ground that the same is usual biennial tinkerin g nt the be poiut convenient. B ut for th at discrim inative, and w ill assume that m atter Port O iford has plenty of the young lady had signed i l under best of the “ spoiling" gentry at wood, water and sand, w ith the fin Portland, are u tterly unw orkable S species of duress made tolerable because of their slovenly, ungramat est deep water harbor ou the Pacific by her npetfs o nly. iusl at met ura. Trouble is in store coast. H o n . W . W. Cardwell, iperober of for the authorities who have iinpos The weather durin g the past the Hou»a from Douglas county, ed fines and imprisonm ents for deer week has been more or lese w in d y, $nsaas i i d )n getting his b ill through k illin g uuder this law which turns blustry, rain y, h n ily , sleety, c h illy , (hat body m aking both life and Are out to be equal to so much blank frosty, and lometimee sunny, w ith ffisnrance companies liable for tha paper. Wherefore I renew my sug a strong teo«|<ney toward the run fu ll amount named ia the policy gestion heretofore urged, th a t pro traction of the wood-pile. phere fraud on the part of the |a * vieton be made for the installm ent W m . Bailey, the popular sewing pured is not an element iff the con- of capable persons to attend the ses machine agent, who spent several teat. T h is is right. Thia is com siona of the chief Committeee of weeaa ia C urry last tail recently peon honesty buttressed by oommoa each House, whose function* shall senna and fairness between man sod ba to so remodel Ibe so called Eng had tha large tum or removed ftom man. A n d the author o f this ax lisb employed ia im portant meas his neck at Portland. I t weighed psltant measure wpa not dismayed ures as io render them workable eighteen and one h a lf ounces. by the fa u ilip r cry that such a law when the teet comes. Tbe Bandon postoffice ia bow a “ w ill drive every rusponaibia com fu ll fledged money order office, aud A nd as these extra “ make-weights’* in operation. Tbe P o rt Orford o f. pany ont of the .s ta te r for bis ready response was, "So much the better in Legislation w ill require to he men fice was designated aa a money or- f Langlois Hardware Store G old B e a c h , O r e g o n Hs thought the title good, tar ha had heaght fcw aU Cama te fiad ant tbe deed waa net an racard; be weald B a it at esca. Tbe Patent be ^>4 Beyer tMSg bol w m U look that ap tee. The hay er wasted the farm if tbe this was goad, bat bad ta ba shown. Tbe deal feBtbraogb. Get aa abstract aad be ready. Hardware of all Rinds M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . E x t r a s f o i D a ir y in g ; O s b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t s , O ils & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r NO TICE FOR P U BLIC A TIO N . OxrairrqB.vT o r T in 1 st « Hioa, F in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . (J. 8. Istmi office ut Roeeburg, Oregon January I Ml«, let 6. , Both« la hereby given «hat YIUTUK H. B E R K E Y of Port Oiford, Oregon, who, on De» ueinber M th, 1912, made Homestead Entry, Serial Ho. <MtUô, for the SEJ oi BE) See. U . 8W ( ot SW'f of Hoc. 13. the the N EI of N E) of See. 9t, and tiW ) N W( Section 94, T ow n sh ip 32 S o u th , Kantre 15 W., Wiliainotte Meridian, has fi.ed notice of Intention to make Final Coeimuiatiou Proof, I» establish t-tajm to the land cbove de-cribed, be-, fore Hardy T. Stewart, U. A C o m m is sioner, at aia office at Port O rto n i. O r egon, «ui the jth day of March, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses : E iaw ortii B . Hall, of Port Orford, Ora. Freeman Davis, of A. O P edersen, o f O, 2 . . Uraaou, I of J . M . U rrox. Kugialer. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Curry. In the matter of the estate of W. F. R mbti ick dec Notice ia hereby given that tha un dersigned, administrator of the Estate ° f W- F. Raanick, dsoeaaed, has filed his Final Account in said that Monday the 6th 1916, at the hour o f 10 forenoon of said day, at the Court room of the County Court of Curry Couuty. Oregon, in the town of Gold Beach, has been fixed by an order of said court as the time and place fon hearing objections to said account, and the settlement thereof. , J ? ? * 1 ,tA or1.t Orford- Oregon, this 16th day of February. 1916. - R A. MCPHERSON, Administrator of the Estate of W. F, Raanick, deceased. salute over forty day's, and it ia believed in honor ol a man, g.xid and Hue, the wreck cited by lb« Ucoeva was leb they had known au<L respic- her. led m i long, ou the day th at ha had H enry M cBride, wbo owns a place reached tlie H u ndredth Year of bis about two milea up Mussel creek« is earth ly pilgrimage. preparing to set out q u ite a large Langlois, O r. urebard. lie received his trees W M . T . S T O L L , A l l y . a U . » « about a mouth ago, and ia carefully M in in g L a w a S p e c ia lty T w en ty-tw o Years A g a preparing hia ground before setting out his trees. H e n ry w ill make a Coke Bldg. M arsufirld , Q> following items am taken from good nrchardiet, doubtless, even i f the Pert Orford Tribune of January ba is tuu bashful to carry the wood W, A. WOOD 24, 1893, Walter Sutton, publisher: off tbe beaeb. A T T O ttN Y S Y A T L A W Rev. B- B. Pauli failed to m eat Col. G arduer and Johnnie Uainao UULD BKAt ii- OKEGOF. his appoiutineuta here S aturday get in here every day by nooo, but evening and Bunday. lately they have rad noses and wat C. W . Zum w alt tore down last t r y eyaa, and hands » tiff w ith cold. X T T O U N E Y A T L A W week and destroyed the old pioneer Poor boys, they eaan thetr food now- M y r t le P o in t , O r c g e a . buildin g near bis residence. I t ’ adayr, rid in g through tha cold hit was the oldest building in luwn. ieg winds th at are blowing. .Probate basiueat a apeoUlty. )d settlement aud development o f *ÍM lhe p is sectioa of the coast ro u o try was íew F * * * * •• waa in forge. Mean Jtnarar at baud than must |«ppl« w hile tha insurance combine waa not idle. I t waa »im ply getting its pnltead. Following Mr. Tiehenor’s remarks second wind, and in Ua own good aavwal members of the chib responded tim e came up sm iling w ith a b ill Its b shaft talks ta which they manifested legal departm ent had prejiared, and p a ir appeweiation of the eflorta p baa wboee eaeential provisions not ten net forth to advance tbe tatorwta of members understood, so involved Fort Orford, and each one bad a waa its structure Covering many age of good cheer, asking tbe ‘ liages and including tbe much By howler" and "hard times’ eompieuoua by their absence. vaunted "Standard policy.” ‘ Mr. Tiehepor is Présidant of tbe Southwestern Oregon Land Co, and Or- And that Legislature simply swal eeoo Free Inforptption Bureau, and in lowed it whole a» it could discover the future contemplates making bis no place to break into it w ith any poms in Coos and Curry counties. > other things be ia planning on prospect o f boding a place Io break ; an excursion thia summer from out, whereupon ewenua o f agents T h e road between bare and Mus | p fair at 8an Francisco to Port O r f - ' and solicitoi» sallia.1 birth w ith re wd and Coos Bay. He ia a live, wide-1 newed courage and accelerated hope sel ernek was cleared o f the tim b er ¡ last week, and is now open for wa awake booster, and ia welcomed to this of »bounding commissions as it waa. . , , u i in spots the mesa ia still , “ , , gon travel to Gold Beach. now altogether safe 1» w rite policies i ... „ .. . grow in g thick. • , , K . W . O. Corbin came down from Covering exeggerale«i values— t h e ' . . ... . . • ... . . , his Sixes river mines one day last mors exaggerated the belts»— «is the . . C U R R E N T T O P IC S . ------ H supplies. e has a fair . , . week, after companies ware now in a — “ . ‘ prospect, and eX|teCta to make good to defeat recovery on any of them — By J H U r ro s . wages this w iutsr. fair or foul. JC ditox T ribune .— There were more marriages in And let It not be assumed that C u rry duriog the last three or four A l'is a M arsh, long a successful teacher in Portland, became tbs wife the companies have made haste to months of 1892 than ever before Avail them set yes of al| the »»Ivan I k noW|l |n ,he county in the same retwntly of a M r. Richards an atta r ppy at law, *n d soon thereafter tapes and tem ptations the situation j ]«-ngth of time. F e rh a p a jh e girls found herself out of a jo b by order holds opt, or even a very considers I wers mads aware of tbe fact th at of the Board of education, and the ble proportion of them, for, like |eap Jear woU|d ,lot coloe , gain for said Board attempted to defend its other “ sure things” gamblers, they ' four years b ru tal, a rb itra ry action by quoting realise that, by sweeping the board $ clause of the coatract tha said too often they w ill k ill the goose teacher had joined in providing that that lays the golden egg- |be said contract trould ba au to m at I t only remains io be said that ically rescinded in case she married J M r. Cardwell perforate«! the miracle due is the burk Majestic, frien d ly C b itj Count) U u tr u t- R iiltj Company. D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s i n yatriety c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o n h a n d . P i p e F ittin g 's , P lu m b i n g a n d T i n w o r k «AT a l l k i n d s d o n e o n shfort n o tic e . Cheever $ Bowman, L a n g lo is , O r. ’ AMES S. JOHNSTON (Successor to N. O. Nielsen.) C*IS]X£:Ftjkl> MERCHANT, i^rPori Or/ordt N E W GOODS, and fresh supplies w ill be reoelved by every eteeiner. --------- ---------------- ts ll my nut pose to keeps fu ll stock of every everyth thing required • » r trade in the line or G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , BOOTS and FHl R M E N S and B O YS, C L O T H IN G . • L A D IE S ’ D R E S S G O Q D S , H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A R E . C IG A R S , T O B A C C O . P IP E » C A N D Y , N U T S and N O T IO N S . I n fact, a supply of everything usually kept ta a well eteoked General Merchaadtae Store. ORDRBS T A K C N k O R Dodge Brothers* Gall and examine goods and get prices» iffiiffi A A iR .tei M otor C ar, a t $ 9 0 0 F. O. B. B andon, of fers m ore th a n m ost C ars sellin g a t T h ree to F iv e H u n d red D ol la rs m ore. T h e D odge h a s a ll th a t could he desired in a C ar; L ig h t w e ig h t P ow er, T im p k in b e a r ings, F u ll flo atin g axel; I n fa c t ev ery th in g o f th e best. R. ARY A R T IC L E ROT I I STOCK*.. l A ^ a if f i A A 6 Ru Port Orford Furniture & H ardw are Stores Wnf. Gillings, Prop. D. SHERRARD, Bandon, Or. full line of Stoves and Ranges, SueriUetj, A lu m in u m , X u g s a a d jy ta b tin.g, Stiletto Guttlenj, .£,a.n.tems, OQc. ' An H. L- F- Silo; Save your feed and in crease your mijk flow, by supplying sn abundance of good feed when you most need it. WILL BARR, Local representative Gold Beach, Or. A lso C ontractor A B uilder Estimates given; Plana and Specifications furnished on application. -* e ©rfori Souvenir Spoons Always ^Remember the Full Ncras I .axative Rromo Q u i n i n e Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two» — & 0k Boo. 23Ba