10 Shots at your Finger Tips in A lw a y s S ta y s “ P u t” the THE TRIBUNE, T he Burrow Clevis savage WoKELEU AND W it » « » . U u t w r } Aiuti«***- H. T. ST EW A R T E d itor and P u b lish er. M iil» » o r lp t io w u $ 1 .* 3 0 p e r LIOHT BURNING * RAPID, y en r. The Leading Pai>er of Curry County, H u lJ K e w rta g . • '» Published every Wednesday, al Purl Orford, Oregon I 1 C A L IB R E A U T O A T IC P IS T O L J O lX K ti'A - ® a 4 T R I B U N E . Tue A»vug® Automatic niuotRerd every udrersaiy in Permanear a« the kill«, bateau be »• rdpiflity of ita tire. Vfbeu the occasion comes yoif liavt The O mboo « D a il y J o urn al m the leading DemoaraUa newrpaper of removed la *a leeond of time. The Muiy . gjgV the A qtjiokedt, *ud moat accurate arm made. Oreggou,i»«u««l at Portland, only Clevis no* oa the market that Avpawaakwwy Inandiesl _-----— ■toy« where >at. live yourself every possible advantage. I t mean» oieaus life - or loath. That is * n y yon w>lf discard your rvvwlvex when The msniger* also iaijue a S krio W rakly , which i* especially adapted The exclusive right to handle thia Clevis will be «old by Countie« or rpQ see the Savdge. for people who do not «ale for a D aily, but want a goud fam ily paper. State«, or set ot three can be purchas­ S p e c ia l F e a m e r s w h ic h w ill A p p eal to Yo® ed (or $1.00. Address EN 8H G W : Double the number contained in an oidi narv revolver and taro more than oilier automatics ACCURACY; T h e pistol is SO constructed that all powder gases are utilised, iusnring extreme accuracy, as w e ll as freedom from fouling S IM P L IC IT Y : Fewer parts thau any other automatic pis­ tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. A n y o f these paper» can ba bad in combination witb the P O R T O R Daily and Tribune during th® tim® of discharge, annul be tired un­ less the triggei is pulled. When the safety is on neither force »or folly can discharge it. , „ „I. I must husband my lim ber to re place fences and building* »a th« farm, therefore I m ud not «pare any more cedar. Please do not ark for il The green tree* will grow and the dead ones will keep. J. H . U rroN , fer, I w jl give FREE OF CHARGE, to any affip-ted a positive cure for Eczema, Salt Rheum, Erysipe­ las. P iles and Sirin Diaeaaee. Instant Jelief. D on’t suffer tenner. Write F. W. W illiam *. 400 Manhattan Aver tie . New York. Enclose Stamp. a COM PANY, UTICA, N E W YORK -------------- be C u re d . , taaat appUaatlous, asth ay ra n a a t meea tb a Isas tefl ro rtto e at M»« T h '™ ’ • *** «a? to curs deafnete, and th a t la b» c o e tiltu tlcual remedies. OsatuaM 1> cau*etl by an In * Rawed condition of tha pucoua U tile s of the Cutter bleu Tube. When tb it tube i t Inflamed you bavo a rum blta« Bound or laiperlsct gear la c . and when It le entirely vlomd. deafnete la the reenlt and tm le te the Inflam attoa can be taken ont end this tube rottored to l i t normal condition, bo artn, "1U ho d e ttn ire d fore ray J nine caeee ant af tea aye caused by L a ta rrn r k le b la nothing hot an M>flagual condition of tha muc-rnt tnrfacct. Wa w ilt fftvo Ona Stadead O o lla rt for nay ease of neafuese (reseed by cata rrh ) th a t eaa net ho anrad by U a ll't C atarrh Cara, » an d te r « Ira n ia n free » J . C H S N ffT S US., Tolode, O ■old by P ru g g litl; lie . Take H all's Fam ily m is t e r coaellpatlou. * P a p ers one y e a r lor $2.25. The, PORT ORFORD TRIBUNF ----A N D ----- T I iq New Idea Wt.man’s Magazine BO TH ONE YEAR FO R 01 75. T ub Naw In i a W oman '« M aoakink 1, an authority on U renm i Samples free KCXRMA and PILK CVltB FR E E Knowing what it w as to su f­ W E IG H T : 19 oz. iucluding magazine. Length o y « all 01 iuches. Price #15. Any wide-awake dealer w ill sflow you this miniature rapid fire gun. I f he w ill »ot supply you, kindly advise us and we will send it prepaid. j „ .* *- - home reading (or an additional cost of only 2ft eta Perfectly balanced. Center-of gravity well to the rear. Lies naturally in the hand. W ill not flinch oil the trigger pull. The only automatic which log.ks at the breech while the bullet traverses the barrel ARM S Mo M o re C e lla r to S pare. OREGONIAN ' aery and Household Economy. It averafte« more than in i ■ Langlois,Or., Augod 27, IS10 month. We after ypn therefore at least 1200 paires oi gp,«| f' BALANCE: SAV A G E WEEKLY W , E. Burrow, Corbin, Ore. ss o a Daily Sunday and Tribune - - S7 o a Semi Weekv and Tribune • • 8 2 OO. THE TRIBUNE and flte The Start to a Better Salary r Ton can hare it all lot Mouth S O C Moilj,®r ¡andbn Eveni,'g, T.c l‘‘g,'I’m' nt Port •«nd,Oregon. It Is the largest ev. '’”■>’11 newspaper published In OreJ atetJ. i.t l ?nV*!nM “ » (be new t o( the „ ^ 1 ° ‘ ,n*l,o n ' Try It for a month. A «ample copy will he tnailJ rd to vou free. Ad dreg, i the telegram , _______________ PORTLAND. OR. .Maita v . 7«tant OM WASH if.'IVO N D. 0. C !S tT4 * 4 ttr I f yo® waat t® b® st c eativ’—if y®® want to b®tt®r poui poaitiu»-* n ®>* RAff ate*/. W® k»r® «ad® th® H®r/ ®o®y, and w® hav® made th® arAo/r rm / to » uccorr ®a«y. So ««ay. Is (act. that yo® will b® surprised at the iaiira-A can c o of ths barrier that baa k®yt yo« back Th® «tart to •«•¿ m b i> t# R.myiy CU la and mail wf®rs »H« t® ester, t i l is asd bra U th® c®vpoa te ®a. B» return siafl w® win tall yos bow you caS •sally. ia«xp®a$iv®ly, aad is your spare time osallfy youraoif lor th®. position you want, an J w e ll ®«nd proof of It in tha form of fan'*« aa f*> what w® have don® for fibers. fel Iks • • « * • > . aisrfc X T*SA w a n t ta perfect condition lateraallesal Cerresp^adence Scheel« Boa 799, Scrasiaa, Fa. Shotgun Flea«« ««o la la . w iih n tit »vrth«* «''llgatl«»« «w mV » a rt. h«w I cav « a a ü fy k r a larg er salary I» ta® pmakioa b elu ie w hivh I have m a rk e A X . ■aa«»**o*> AOvaebaaamaat W ritae •«hew Ca-U W elle, M iek ss ie si U r .’ lam ae O r e m t . U * Oeatgmar M im es is - Civil Setviä« Cbamsis' ▼ eatMe MMI »wwt. I UW ’ n * double eatractora — apeclal JBmrfte tea- " turns o f c o m fo rt and ro n v e n io n c a T h a d o a e d -in brooch keeps th a eation clean a n d th e sheila d ry — kerp a p u t rain, anow , d irt, leavea twigs and sand. . fflg y H B iM trto a l (««*<«••. The Best to be had in Curry County, a t reason­ able Prioes. T h a n ew te k e d n w e «o n s tm rtfe e ellew e r « s »O U h s i u n . c r t In M e eeeends (os sleaataw er s e a ln<, r e , ths Joint Is e lw s je • e A rm end r ljid es In a solid fre m s , « e n . tske-dew n a m . T h . fa t freesrm fits r a n r bend end b s.pt hulck operatloa. See or AtU’rt«« J .O . M V TON, Unr«lifield, Oregon .T h e te ll chehsd p u n t a te ruaraateed McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns c le e e -e h o o tln a . h a rd h i i r in ä f u n , , and are eneenalled far ducks, (te e s , fosse ead eU A H r t u la r g iv la g far«® illu s t r a i i»® . w i t h M S M crtpK ® ® o f « h l « hon d a o m a m ow ««as. For Women yn* jatine or patterns. ltcCalfa is ths I ratU^J« Faaaio« Gwide monthly la " so s jm *H w « hundred thousand I hem-a Rrstaa« showing all ths latest • dre-f n> sf McCall Patterns, sack iantis | in nnntful of «Darkling abort stories 1 aad helpful information far wsmia. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, Any Thing, Briefs, Posters Envelopes. Statements, : Vp-to-date Work Done N E f lV IT A '? ~ » ? ™ £ ; I V k l l B 1 I V I ano MANHOOt Cure* Impotency, N ight E riiniong an,' w aiting disease*, all effect« o f sell d C H b «buae, or esc-taa and India crction A n ert o toil leap t) ^ ^ ^ w K b lo o d b u ild e r . Bringa th'. plnh glow to pale check« am' a^«RK rerzore* the (Ire of youth Sl^W wB) m aiiS U ci'r: •vjkidlxjxe- for » 2 .0 0 ; w ith u w rift* i, g u a r a n ­ tee to cu r « o r refu n d th e m on ey D a il y journal . TM« tUWDAT fC U tM A L ALL T N < N I W I aM amoy ag a s s . JOUSNAL N E R V IT A M E D IC A L C O . S raenA Jaotason nt»., Or*lCAOO. N X on Short otice. Suti ft] action Guaranteed ./ .C A L L ’S M A G A Z IN E t3« 1 « W. STth 9a, Mom YoACNr Tefepbame ■ « « « « • * Eiaafs'a-U pM fm S ®a®$. •mrveyee • tallee ary R e fi-e M CtvN !««< > ., Bulldle« Cerniscale« Areh'leatsseal Dsaflaenast A reM leo t S lrw etu'sl Engineer Budge Rnglneer F y,amaa Plwnvgw Mining Cngsmea, T o W h o m I t M a y C o n c e rn . In connection with 304 ft ¿lOP J. H. UPTON NOTARY PUBLIC, Lanab»-*, Ccnav Co., Osioon ft ( f The undersigned hereby give notice that they are tha owner*of the South half o f Section 14, Township thirty three. Sooth range fourteen Weat of Willamette meridian, Oregon. All par ties are w a n ed not to treapaaa upon ® make any location!, either placer guart* claim s at their peril. D. K sllabi * ) !• Owners. J .H . M e A n a J Portland, Ore AFTER ANY