The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, February 10, 1915, Image 1

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o r r i c i x l. D1BKCTOMV.
Special Hosiery Offer
arava am * ntarxicv o rric a x a :
V . 8. B t f **--------D r . H a rry Lao«, of
PaM land and Goo. E C h am b erlain o f
>nal f u r a a t .
ry to r M a n a n d W o m e n
L a d le s ’ S p e c ia l O f f e r
»’ “i £ b ^ “n«h*>M.«» r ° r U ® lted T im e O n l y -
•atom .
Congressman, F irs t D istrict— W illis
C. Hawloy, of Salem.
O vern o r—Oswald West, S alem .
Hsorstary of Stats—B«n. W. Uloult Sa­
State Tioaaurer—Thoe. B. K ay, of 8a
lam .
H u p t P u b lic In s tru c tio n — L . A . Aid
erm an, Salem.
State Printer— W illis D unlw ay, Salem.
Attorney General— A. M . Crawford,
State Game Warden— Wnr. L . Ftn-
Stoto Health Officer— D r. Calvin
W hite, Salem.
C la rk State Land B o ard —O . G . Brown.
Halom .
Jaeat Heuatoi to r Cooa sad Curvy—
I S . S m ith .
J o in t R epresentative to r Coos and
C u rry — 8. P . Peirce.
Ju d g e, 9d J u d ic ial D i s t r i o t - J . W .
H a m ilto n , Roseburg.
C urry
Co.— W . H . M eredith, W e d derb urn.
U . 8 . Com m issioners— H . T . g tew art
F o r t O rford.
County Judge— W . A
W o od , G o ld
County Commissioners—D . Colegrove,
Gold Beaoh j Uao Chenoweth, Langlois.
S h eriff— C. H . Bailey, Gold Beach.
County Clerk—Joh u R . Btannard,
Gold Beach.
C o un ty
Treasurer— F ra n k
C a u g h ell
Assessor— W m . T elm an , H e rito r . (
School B u p L — Geo. W . S m ith , Gold
O N T you think, dear, that M
I |V->) would be nice to spend our Cbrtat-
L. e mas la Florida?"
M r. sod M rs W httUar ware sitting
la thsir cosy back parlor.
As sha . The days sf the crisp
spoke Mrs W h ittie r turned to her ban- numbered. Instead of being crisp, the
band w ith an anxious look of Inlerro- money which the goverassent bureau
of engraving and printing w ill hereafter
“ Never.” exclaimed W h ittie r. “W hy. tu rn out w ill be soft and velvety, If
we eouldn't afford I t W h at aa Ideal Im portant experiments which srs now
I couldn’t dream of such a thing. Flor­ being conducted In the presence of
I should any s o t!”
tseasury oHetals ta r Ik s purpose of
“ I merely mentioned the matter.“ demonstrating the xdvnntageeof s novel
said Mm. W h ittie r, seeing her error. chemical treatm ent for paper ’ prove
“ I t to. ofi no special conseqnraee."
satisfactory. The result a t the adoption
A t the same time she eyed sadly a of the new secret process, says Geyer’s
Stationer, w ill be to revolutionise a
circulars that for the past weak tbs portion of tbs work connected w ith tbs
had been surreptitiously collecting. To printing of the paper money of the H alts«
go to Florida had been the dream of States.
Under the new process It w ill
And now It was ruthlessly takas Just to days’ leso-tlme to manu­
facture a bank-note than under the
BUll, M r a W h ittie r did not despair. present method.
Tbs chemical solu­
“W all, If ws don’t do th a t" she said tion not only renders tbs paper soft
nt last, “ws must bars a ales Christ- and velvety, but It also makes It noa-
mas dinner mustn’t w a f"
shrlnkable. By applying It to n Japan­
The though t of n dinner brought W h it­ ese napkin th a t article becomes as
tier to himself Instantly.
soft and pliable as a tissue o f silk.
"Y6u b et!” be said, rubbing his heads.
The chemical preparation nets as a*
“W e'll have the best the country sen antiseptic and preservative. W hen ap­
afford." ,
plied to old documeon I t seems ta
“ I sometimes wish.” said torn. W h it­ k n it tbs fiber together and prevent fu r­
tle«-, after a momaat, “th a t we had a ther decay. Under the present process
houseful of children.
I t seems a pity
o f printing paper mossy the paper has
to alt down to a Christmas dtoasr att
to be thoroughly soaked In water.
W h ile K ta ta this soaked eoadltloa, oaa
“W ell, why should we?" said W h it­ aids of the paper Is printed. Tbs sheet
tle«- “C an't we ask some oue In?"
Is thee placed ta a stsam-room a»«
Mrs. W h ittie r looked off Into spam kept under a high temperature fo r to
wth her eyebrows closely h alt, ns H days, the time neeeeeery for the Ink to
the problem were too greet to r her to dry. The sheet to again soaked as to
master on the Instant. A t Mot she ssM
of the MU printed. The to-day drying
"How would It do tor you to ask Aunt
She's getting along la years, eases where a third Impression ua the
sod It may be our lqst ehnace to pay bll Is necessary, which Is required whsa
her any attention."
the printing Is dons la two rotors, the
^ W h ittier thcugbt a m om ent
wetting and drying process has to be
" I guees you're right." h e saM at la s t
repented for a third time, and another
“I wss looking forward to a Christ­
month le than consumed In Its produc­
mas dinner by oureeivee.
Btlll. Aunt tion. Besides the delay of this process,
G u a r a n t e e d W e a r - K v e r H o s ie ­
ihe Siskiyou M otion al
Six p air o f uur finest 35c v a lu e 1s-
, w ill be subtoot to oat- dies’ guaranteed hose in b la c k , tan o r ?
2 L i f i i 5 r . ^ et h * V n l T ” »>ito colors w ith w ritten guarantee, i
■e am o f June 11. 1MM fo r »1 and 10c io r postage, etc.
at the U n ited States j
S p e c ia l OTTer F o r M e n
» I t b "Any ro 'u K r’ wh"
F o r a lim ite d tim e o n ly , six pairs o f '
Slickers from $ 1 .6 5 up
id in good faith claim - our ttDest 35c value Owai-anterd ffu .r .
lands fo r agricultural any color w ith w ritten guarantee and
to Jan. I , 1WM, and baa | a
o n r well kBOWn t/e n 't Para- i
towea'tead e n U y for the
Said lands were lis t-
ilioations o f the persona
’ h ,l°
wh’ r its u c h aettler o i
d*** Garters fo r onr dollar, and 10c fo r ,
postage, etc.
You know these hose; ' hey stood the
when all others fulled
T hey g ive
real foot comfort. They have no seams
ditted to make hom e* | to rip . They never become loose and
the preference rig h t Is ' baggy as the shape Is k n it in , not
¿ ¡t u .
r lu lio t 't o 1 Preg8t‘*i
They a re (Juarantrrd for
s u trr by an y q u -lS e d firmnese, fo r style, fo r superiority of
The Cheapest Because it Goes Farther
lands a re as follow s: m a te ria l and w orkm anship,absolutely
ee. f , th e EJ E |
stainless an d to wear »or mo»<A» w ltli-
w a it “side of the NJ
I township and
la «
004 holes, or a new p a ir free.
D o n ’t d e la y b u t Bend in
range, o r d e r b e fo re o ffe r e x p ir e e
UP: correct sise.
It Is a Pleasure to Make Bread
W ith W hite River Flour
00,1 B V B B -W B A B H O S IN B Y CO.
as - « « « - l t h l .
D a y t o n , O h io
Try it« and Conviction W ill Follow
Y a l a a n d H a r v a r d e a c h 9 In . x
2 « In . P r in c e t o n , C o r n e ll,
M ic h ig a n ,e a c h 7 x 2 1 In .
I) Sag 6, T . to 8 ., B. U
application of J. W . M ae
•s R iv e r, P o rt O rford,
t 6-1334. Septem ber H ,
U a ex. A ssistan t O w n-
A ll b ra t q u a lity fe lt w ith fe lt bead­
ing, stream ers, letters and mascot ax-
ecuted In proper color». T h is splendid
assortment seat postpaid fo r « 0 cents
and »stam psto pay postage. Send now
D a y to n , O h io
to cat anxL wear'
Surveyor— I . Caughell Jr., Gold Bench,
Mi avisos or tms co vara.
C irc u it Court meets Fourth Monday Is
August of each year.
the wetting and drying ra t the fiber of
County Comn^ratoaorb Court maets
(he pager, and although It Is "starahed”
• r a t Wodntaday la Jauoary, A p ril,
to give It the ertap appearance, the
J u ly and* September of eaoh yanii
starch soon wears out aad the h ill bp*
Probate Court meets firs* Monday In
cooes lim p aad w n r*. la printing hills
each mouth
on paper that has been treated by the
ernnv eouwrr roar ersicxs sap rasv-
new pro cess no watting to neeeasnsy.
H a rb o r........................Flatdter Gardner.
Gold B e n e l l J . MT. Riley.
W e d d e rb u rn ................. C. L . Wakeman. «see aad Bmtjy that Uncle Hoary sad
l l l l l i e c . . . . . . . ...............M r . K. H Prloe.
Georgiana w in feel 11.“
“ I had thought of th a t" replied Mra
W h ittie r. “T hey’ve both been kind to
F o rt O rford.......................................Amea Johnston
D enm ark................................ J. 8. Capps. aa and M would never do to offend
L a a g k » ls ............................. E. B. T h rift them. Then, of course, the ehfidrsa “
“O f course the children," Interposed
■ ok fey........................... J. A. Haloes
W h ittie r; "they’ll have to some wttfe
their parents
W ell, w e ll have to do
It, that’s all
I guess wo eaa stand M
M a r te l.....................Mrs. Viola A. F ry .
. . A . M . R ile s .
A g uesa.........................
Have you ever
seen a Sunset?
A beautifully i l l u s t r a t e d
m onthly nsagMune of the w ide-
aw ska W e s t w ith fasciniltng
short s to rie t picturesque personal
p om t-of-view description o f ih«
interesting developm ent o f the
W e s t, and the romance and his­
tory of ths svondsrland o f the
m tth .
A sk your local newsdealer
for current issue or lend $1 50
fo ryeat’aaubsctiption. ’1 he hook.
” Road of a Thousand W ondera.
— 120 beautiful W estern views in
four c o lo n — w d l be included—
"There’s another thing, deer," gbe
said, "th a t had ooeansd to m a “
" W h a ts that?"
"W all, you know there’s m y Aunt e l Jerk, as the Joint same la atgbK
Aunt Bally Is so sensitive. M •ays the Dallas ( T e x , New s
A a oily person ta Moe eottoaads
■he hears th a t your side of the fam ily
•cowled nt the visitors sad continued
Is coming. shs'U feel IL "
to pour all In to the little glass cupx
W h ittie r sighed. But the Justice a(
thick, yellow oU that seemed a most
the argument appealed to him.
satisfactory lub rican t As the party
"Tee.” be said at last.
" I suppose
turned oae scratched Ms keel oo the
that's so. It's nothing mors than fair.
boo-covered floor, aad a weird shriek
If my people come, that yours should,
rent the air. The person ta blue leaped
too. But you have a Cousin Rufus » •«
In tbe a ir w ith bis hair bristling Ths
an Uncle W illiam , haven’t you?"
party. Including ths manager, made
I t was Mrs. W h ittier's turn to sigh.
for the door. T be only brave oae wna
"More than that,” she said "Don't
tbe man who had in need the trouble.
you remember Aunt and Unele Raby-
H e was Interested.
ton and th eir children?"
■ The engineer poked Ma head Into
W h ittie r got np nervously sad paced
the w hirling belts end began to aont-
the Ooor
"Good heavens!" he exclaimed at last
"W hat are we going to do? It's aw­
ful to dwell apou. We simply have pot
to nsk them all.
W hy. It w ill coat a
m int to entertain nil this crowd."
All necessary operations in
writing, billing or statistical work
are accomplished from the key­
board of the light running, easy
adion Model 10 (Visible)
H e grew m ore excited.
OF »
Q U A L IT Y .
•O L D
O TH C .?
,N T £ D F O B A L L T IM K .
a - !<k.w humic you wia
• •■I u .tlie «•rt.'-eyi-u p ..y ,« u d w tk
. n u l e . tU .h i >,r.-. peJra
Z ? T
L •
d l-
I f you «.»et a sswlas nsaeUlas, writs
• e r late.I rsw l «us bribes you purshaaa.
Ihi Ntw Up
C a . ta p , 1
" I t ’s n fearful thing." be snM, "to
have relatives. Wa're In for H, I guees.
We can’t lop any of 'em off
W e ill"
he cried, turning to Mrs. W h ittier, "have
you nothing to suggest? You got us
Into I t
Cea't you get ua out?" .
M ra W h ittie r waited a mouaeat before
ah«» rfinll<M3
"W e m ight go to Florida," she said
W h ltllp r slapped Ms heads «a his
• Just the thin g!" he cried. “W hy
didn’t you any so before?"—Town Top-
for him.
O rig in o f the Ohrtstmaa Trea.
"Foot nothin’.” raid tbe sstglnssr.
The Christmas tree le supposed to rudely. "Th* machine’s busted. I t
have originated la Germany, hat sash people srould only tea' to th eir basl-
la not the case. In reality the Christ­ nees they’d sot along better.”
mas tree is from Bgypt. aad dates
Thau the visitor left, sad the en­
frexp a period long antecedent to the gineer began to unscrew nil the ante
Christian e ra
Tbs palm
tree la and bolt«, swearing enthusiastically
known to put forth n shoot every under hl» breeth u n til iu ch tim e «1
month, and a spray of this tree with the manager shosild be out of hearing.
U shoots oa It was used ta Bgvpt at
the time of the w inter soistlce' ns s
■ejected Foodn
symbol that tbe year waa compel«
Cows’ m ilk ta said to bn abhorred By
Egyptian affections of aa eartjr date the Japanese and rabbits are never
Still linger with ths Christmas true eaten by the Abyaelalaaa, who explain
Ths first Christmas trea was Intro­ that rabbits ere too much like big
duced la te England aad theaee^tato ra ta The natives of the Sandwich Is­
lands would not taka caviar for a gift.
Cheasa ta Mexico Is simply curds
e x te n t o f tho taw .
T . L . C a r a ,,
A . B. Carey
I nventor
N o tkiag can ever » u ry s « i t
•k F
N otice is hereby given t h a t a ll p a r ­
ties are warned not to ra te r upon 01
treepaes In a n y way upon the premia
es of the underslgem l near M o see I
creek, Oregon.
Anyone so trrapesalng w ithout oui
consent w ill be proeeculed to the full
Nothing kaa svsx equalled i t
m an’s fall. Only oa t » r i. Un as
bloom brightly w ith «ghia and
beautiful w ith love s ifts — tho «
turned into n blasting a t the
of the Christ Child, and wo hi
«bssgss ase ■■ is m i». Try aa
CGta«»Sriipi«on c a n
curad. N a tu re alone w »x t
do It, f t noodi
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
lú e beat hah», k u t ita ur»
B ita t b e cnotiniiwd in stei»-
m e r aa w a ll a i sautez.
«tos M la • MfÜ- »* H « U * » ws»r
Z P IV > .-*e »
For All Throat and
Long Troubles,
max Trwaoetaswox