a— . -g ¿ht g w t (ÚríiKd k u tu n i C U R R E N T T O P IC 8. x / 350 This matter coming on to be heard at .9 O fficial R e p o r t O f Th«r C o u r t J - — O.,.lock_________ o'clock aa call«! for thia morning. H. T. ' GBN ROAD FERRY—Gen. Rd. Fd Stewart la called and » »worn as a wltaeea w v a — A — ____________ __________ . e _-.-. — _ ---- .. . — P r o c e e d in g s O f C u rry C o u n t y . u , , 04, , upi«torChetFy 8 60 in , . „ oa R ath « KsAsoctbU«. ' teuirrity to object to tire war in any M a c h i n e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e ® . County J u d g e pre Idiug, D< Imer Cole- follow*: .» I ,n Construction Co. ou file, oat |o f its phase». Mire Rose Luxeln- g.ovvan I E. U. SyplrerCominlaaionera, bond I, B W McVey;9, J R Hill; 3 ,4 of flretdnadays due said Construc- E x tr a » fo i D a ir y in g ) O o b o rn e , « T f c « p r i n u » a w a a ...........„ r e M o n T a r p ~*p«'4 a p e r ’ burg w »» quite tree Oily real up fur C H. ltailey, Sheri.!’, and J . R. Stan-1 e Lawrence; 4, F G Bauer; 5, J C MU- tiou t o. for the Chetro bridge contract liho« _ . » -- U t ---------- U U 4« w — h t e f e -------- jr o u r > « U • -> ’ < K I r Ì I F p I i t o n i « p a i d M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . Alien BilliardI; 7. W PBry.ntIj < a }e«r foi «itying ilint it was »beer nurd, clerk, when Ute following pre- for; _ 8, Lewis Farrier;», A H Boioe, 10, T J forectljae delinquent tux certificates by fpocrtey to 4*«e*trod that Germany eeedmge aereliad. A tta c k s j u d g e W o o d . BOA1> ONE. Gibbs; II, C H Pettinger; 19, Jecob f o , ^ p, Cnrr» Oounty tor the years P a in t s , O il» & S t a m p i n g P o w d e r lied Sul begun the war. •7.80 Fry; 13. J C Butcher; 14, Will Moore; MOT, lMOg, tuOU and l»l0. W L McVay, road work. A Judge iu Nt. Loui» baa ju»t is­ ».7»i 18, Morris Frltebe; 17. Jmne. Harris; ¡ J i i » Goo Bardsley, “ m ight be expected, the Quid ». ’. I p- iids lire the oiiqoi unquestioned right to dis­ C T Welker ' , * . - I , ' ■ i • hka SI ii , “ ‘ ’ er, leaving «he subject to the ruliug of day. ' I made a pitiable plea couceiuiug his w o r k o f a l l k in d s d o n e ' o n s h o r t Brookings Tbr. Co. road supplies 9.70 charge men ‘"for any reuaon or no l U.e circuit court; Judge Wood holding Court met with a full | lack of knoyrledge regardipg the ■ n u . i . . . «.n.. u officers and the following nnxeedmgS) ROAD FOUR. rea»6tt a halever.r " ■» I that a yearly «ubseriber Is one who la w*re , . The )WOrt uow pr(K.ee.l« to n o tic e . law and appealed to the Commis­ 10.09 . not pin re than t ne year In arrears in app,irti a tt,e fdlowiug amounts to the The great touted but ill fated W’edderburn T. Oo, timbers sioners to protect h-TO in Ilia ¡gnu ROAD FIV E payment. I'respoctive road diat. .c a : No 1,8bib.37, ywOJS. A few days later be »eta him Martin lr«ua wai with bis com AC Halter, rd. work & wagon rent 81.0« Th,¡ 97¿rD Sta j '£•”* ^ r d hTril^.ne 6,’^ «».’ rads», jailed for ditobe) ing an in 27.So Beach Globe and For, Oiford Tribune Nq g- ¡¡j, Self op as a judge anil attack» Judge S o 9 jih #.:«. Mo 10, 548.- „ , . , Amos Miller, road work Wood over a point of law—one of junction against quitting »he a, rvice Merb>n MilUr 41MW are now opened and examined by the 04, n ’o . i; , 1B7.30, No 13. 171 07, No. 13, L a n g lo is , O r . 13.‘'5 Court; after examination of the Hate 5,»5.39, No. 14, 610.90, No 16, 201.86, his many Dr. Hyde and Jeykel ao«8 ° f lb« "'«bash railroad aeveral years iy C M!le r Superviaor j and a charge of .pau.i beingt brougt. by No. 17, 202 04, No. jJ’ - l £ e editorial mentioned . a y e * " « - They were then blacklistedI, ROAD SIX 21.08 U TStewart againgttheliatof aubecrlo- 2 ‘- 17Z66' No" »*•W7J7’ t'0" that Judge W ool advised the Cum by the r w.l, when Iron», who bed SP Mei rill. Lumber 1.80 era • • sworn to by 8 E Maratere of the j n tl)e matter of. the oonnty road on mbaionrra that if they didn’t rule «*“ «kill in any thing but railroad Weiiderburn T. Co. supplies 9.60 Gold Beach Globe, »aid matter is con- ti,e «outh side of Rogue river; petition Will Moore, road work as be did on the question aa to what Ing slipped 10 Text* and Matured 7.60 tlnued ngtil thia atternoon at 3 u'eloca. of e ta l: The renort of Freil Flab “ , „ t ,.. u , u » ....» D ,.„ in s „ . , , „ “ v x - - “.." » X « s U s : oonstiluted a bona tide »ub-cribvr employment to »up|».rt wife an.l J O Porterfield “ 6.00 oonthutel for the term. 1 same, except between station. 50 and 79 “there would be no appeal fur the rfill.lrw», but was followed by the Allen HU lard •• | The following petitions were denlod: a dlatance of 1300 feet, and no claim for ROAD SEVEN. aggrieved party.” We were present blackUst an.l fired. Ona »tatemenl Petition for change in boundaries in damages being filed; It ie hereby or- ___________„rep ortb be e accepted, . . . ______ _ dered thut eaid report accepted, ex- gud will bear witness tu the f ict was that he committed suicide, an » Port Orford Mill Co. timbers for 81 Illahe preo net. „ cept as to the distance above mentioned 98.Iu (Successor toN . G. Nielsen.) the! the iudee did not e >v ant such "*hvr that he died of a broken heart. Rivet bridge, G«u. Rd. • . Petition for change of road at Har- ______ >nj , j,e ________ viewers are hereby oidered to that the judge dnl not e iy an) eu» 11 , Wm Qjj||DgBi BappUea for Sixes s ... , a reeurvey sail) portion« between «nil that ata- » tlm tg . W h a lh e »..d V « that if, The BriiWt.o» jecler. to the war J riverlM.,(l)iPi Oeo. Rg. Pood » bor, denied for want of proof of posting ’ ¿,on8: ^«Tthecourt leting «tiafied ui notices as reouired by law. lions; and the court being asttafled that G E N E I t A E X jE S R .O lljk .lM T ? , dherg. carpenter work, Sixes . 1 / . , .„ . 1 . ^ . „,¡,1 .j enld tility. Jtha Court did. not hoi J one way or are trnr.llig m*u and uomen who* p j Lindberg, wild road will be of great public u utility 42.60 were alfowed and ordered P* “ Bnj the repQrt of the viewer» being fa-1 the other there might be n n -eu ch point out that it baa always been ( River bridge, Gen. Rd. Fd. •nslev carpenter w »rk, Hixes aa follows » vorable thereto, the said rep irt, survey, |h in g aa au appeal, und for hit an- »<•« h aa they who mutt n-orult tba KBSpetteley, nstey, «arpenwr w . , u r 1 vwrvrna. n i t x v FUND. n w n I proflte and pint are hereby ordered re­ MISCELLANEOUS: GKN. HjONty be had a supreme court de- army rank», and to the objection ? ‘r'u ^ ^ " g , ^ Hirer b idge, Diggiug grave for Frank Maraey, dec’d dec’d corded, and said road Is hereby order­ opened. •At® ed The piaion aa follows; “ Undera statute that all ahould he w illing to tight G#Iieral j-un» well ns by his at- 6.00 jlde yean y ewbaariher, and therein LA D JEb’ D R ESS GOODS, 9it 00 ® Knorr, drug« etc for Indigent 11 W> iorney;jHuntF-y »omryTJlRnff-y ; (add D m i»l Manten Manderà having Cttueiiia or uuulas have «V«r haeu j fchle *' l i e r e " i t t ä c o u n t « . U “ B davit ’ reim Qeo W Sjiihh. nampa ano freight ».18 Hied d a v I t as pro­ Jias the xhthy of the T kibonb to ap- .'H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and TJNW ARE. ester day. sir. 19.60 _ vh'ed for by the rece-Bi»f .testerd known tu go forth with kuapauct. j w Metogor 7 80 Schliemann, assistant at teach- ¡ „„rster-i jjar#ter, ¡s W„rn in own bel is w sworn In his Ida own Itehidf, ns l r ì Quigley . atr.pped upon their hacks. eca ertetnInation. . . . . . . . . . . . T.. .12.00 are ,1^. \y a Bishel and other wit .eases. CIGARS, TOBACCO, P IP E « JudgR Wood wae absolutely cor- 6.20 Hucheson Geo W Smith, traveling ex pec tea 14.00 After listening to the testimony of wit- Germany would like to persuade' J " “J 5“*80" . . t ywjt in^tis position. «JO O ‘ C A N D Y , N U T 8 and NOTIONS. -' , i f O d ark bridge timpani NellieB M Uttfor, admin anaes. 5.08 » « ’ *• »"d the of oonna.d, f Rokl Work 171,75 The jaw ylales that the county herself that, but for eu| STOCK. Jilt of £»na fide yearly 1« 98 Bitahonz A Co supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.60 award®.t to x Wood ih» Gold Beach from Globe; few people »earn -inclined to credit Gillings, road supplies Busqong et vo . . . euppttea. Jud„rt w dissenting the Jiving'wlthin the oounty. How cun W.S7 ^.^."re'iI. erecring election Itooths Ruad Work above on the ground that «uni lict does Ualidon Recorder 97 M g county court comply with litis the claim. The (1813 1814)................... ................. 3- not Hhow the largest list of bona fide . .. « , r . L. Taylor whose editor (hnu»«lf a German) Cr#w 26.00 W O W lotdge, Langlois, Oregon, yearly subscribers. law unlese they know what a bona- L . The bill of Slosa Averill, a» Jailer, 11 00 ball rent (1811-1814)..................19 60 îwfwîeJwftah rît OWîwîetfMfo pde yearly subscriber is? Suppoa Iskis lor granted tbs assumption o J Math 1 1 .9 0 88 Geo B Stafford, Justice fee», Joe ' for •34.(0 is allowed and ordered paid. . . . »J™ ìj O» Price that “culturally’’ at least, Germany In Ute mat er of t ie proposed change jng for instance, that a man yas Perry cuse__ .-........................... LP0 6 .5 0 Wm McPhillamey aa R F ««■ of roid as petitioned for In rood district brought before the Justice of the leads the world, when in the couree F P Cook <8 10.00 Geo B Staffigd, Ju-tice fee», Fish­ No 18, same 1» continued for thete in. ................................ 7.60 er case........ of a long tdiiorial on th . subject «4 Thecouit now pro<-eeds to draw the Peace for unlawfully having rievr Clyde Couk Chas Wilson, eon’st fees saute case I.5O July list for the year 1816. 88 paesi la bin possession and the Jus- H'«l P'tper discourses as follows. 7.60 J It FiUhugh a wi ness......... . 6.60 The petition for a wagon road up the «4 7 60 A Kflauntlett.........Jnror............. 1.00 Sixes river is denied tor the reason that John Fitzhugh “In the matter of education lice wnold say “yea the law says •• .< - there was no affidavit of postiug notices ROAD TEN. tba MM" Smith................ ’’................ 1.00 that a man must not have deer meut stand next to Germany, with 43.75 W K M iller..................” ................ 100 filed aa required by law. <3eoAT>ylor road work Whereupon court adjourned. jn his possession unlawfully, and I «8 97.60 vet ours ie a pitiful Ooiupuriaon. Wm Stenin W i Bishel.................. ’’................ 100 W. A. W ood , County Judge. 8a »hall bold IbAt way loo, but the law Leas than, fifteen p ercent o f-o u r Bvb Moss 10.00 AJJH "Moore....................’’................ 1.00 E. B. S yfhkb , County Commissioner. r TWELVE. does not asy what dear meal is, and children ever get aa far aa the »ixth ROAD ” PM Littler....................” ................. 1 OO D xuiut Cotowmova, Attest: J. R. B tammabd , County Clerk 8.00 Bathong A Co, supplies for Treaa. 48.96 J prefer to let A higher court tattle grade. They »re given no vocation Wm Kistler repair.ng trail that.” What would you think of «> training No special provision is 1 H C Uamptou, keep of Thos. Kelly, I ROAD THIRTEEN. . ' ,« , „ , . „„„ made for the training and care of John Woodworth, trail work Indigent....................................... 80.00 66.00 ,uch an ant? And yet this s a par our w lolal deticiei,t : . The Qbch aa 47.60 M T Wright, making jury list.. 3.00 > pllel case to the refusal of the Com- h)g of cUlldren j, .Imos»' entirely a J C Rute ber Attire 8 Johnston. .asst. sa m e.... 2.00. •4 48.26 Geo Englrinait w missiqglers to determine what was u feminine occupation. Only a »mall 44 8.26 J C French .................. ’’................. 2.00 Fred Lowery Jtona-fide yearly subscriber. ' portion ot our students ever go Elisha Meservey 44 1.26 Fyed Bauer, yr’k, sheriff’s office and WwMsked the court for a ruling ihrough the universities in place of ja ii... . . . . . . ....................... ........ 3.75 G o l d B e a c h , O r e g o n ROAD FOURTEEN Win Tolman, stamps................... 18.80' ---------- 90.00 7 X w . I « » . Delmar Miller, road work H e d id n o t n e e d a il a b <4 . 7.50 A H Moore, wood for Chas Dewey In-1 Floyd Mlltor that ¡8 the past the editor of the j,oni Gerui#ny » • f d lt................ . . . ..I0.8« - <4 1.87 A lllg h Moore, w k at c’th ’tf ground» 12.00 » tr a c t; h e h a d a W a r r a n ty Plobw hsd been swearing in names, Uern>, c, , im lo pteero. Beiden Harrison •4 21.96 Geo G M filer a. bona fide fid. yearly subscribers, snbscnbera. jn ..cultur, .. rMlgaolely pp,,a e / 97.60 Gpld Beach Globe publishing etc 287.76 J)ve»l. A fte r W jr d fi lie f o u n d Will Prince ■ w her/lhe'parties s r fth e part.es had never sub ,,er #|1,lM;ra|k: iyalam of vocational t h e r e w a s a lie n a g a i n s t t h e 48 - 9G.26 ^ I t e ? S i ,P ,..PK>.fe* : O“’M Wiil Moore pcribed for the paper, where they filatruction and in industrial fpec WrdderbUrn T. Co. “ 4.05 J P Russfell, Registering electors .1.95 p | a w fo r $ 1 2 8 0 , w h ic h h e Í opkt ROAD FIFTEEN. had oflcyed it stopped and where ¿a lia m . In literature the lags (long tfoo Brfitoffutd, Justice fees case of h a d to ¡ « y . T h is h a p p e n e d 38.25 „G, F i her....... ................................ 8 'aw 26 Jhey "* subscribed for less periods’ qni,e behind France, while iiflh a t JohnTTlam, Read Work 38.00 Ohhs WUson, Conatahle fee»............ 30 ¡» " C u r r y COUIlty l a s t y e a r . year. Tbie i( a fact that i»«iialf she has nothing lo boaqj of Bov Hogau than i <4 99.50 Warren Kusee 11 wit. fees same case 6.70 Ed Markland tha Otolgtediior cannot and dares M oral : G e t a n a b s t r a c t a n d n Mkh-r even Russia. 4R. ' 54 26 Rgy R iu scii,. .. -“ ..................“ ...6.70 Geo Anderson pot deny, for the reason that if he 4 « 70.00 prlrper Colegrove “ ....................“ .. 6.70 b e s u r e . ]i is 11 ot G u b i i j Las lad be J R Hill (Joe* (re will publish the etaieme.it» A T Eolden " *“•*->*. .1.60 ROAD 8IXTF.EN. 4>r, the and H hiiler anti Hict-.i, the 6.03 J R Stannard each ad<"for stamp« 7.00 of some of these people. Protection Elisha Meservey, Road Work Liat 6-1178 "K" A. W. tenclilngi- of the furni.r two she re- 6.0O 0 G Cat’gheli Dep. County Clerk 16.00 R C Pugh “ - from such a list s« tbit was whnt we Kt-stwration T o E ntry o f Landa In asked from the court, and was what “I"’« '>***’’“ A P Bagnell 10.00 0 G Caliglieli Dep. Aaaaesors office 25.00 0 N a tio n a l F orest. 7.C0 The following bilia were denkd. dvrful m ilitaristic carter, and tha Geo Fry .. . m «.,00 Noth* •• hereby given that the lands the Cotuinipiioiicrs refused to give ■ ROAD NINETEEN E, A Thorhaven, damage»............ 89.00 below, embracing 28.38 acre« latter, on account of his caustic ar- full line of S to v e s a,n.d. R a n g e s, pa. 48.75; Geo B Stafford Justice fees case of wuhin the hiekiyou National Forest, Joe Helrig Road Work 44 .lx « Oregon, will be subject to settlement \V( do not like to say harsh 16 00 W Kennedy of social abuses, wee finally com- under the provisions of the | 44 15.00' In the matter of the pedi ion of W T. anaentuy things about anybody, but the ed Elmer Kenuedy G uernsey, MÍ^luminum, l ^ u g s a a d i ^ a i t - .tehnhwr et all for the establUbment homestead laws of the United States ) 44 pelltd lo eeek ptace and a home in John Doyle 2.60 of itor ( f the Globe knows well the a school district on the North Fork -J“'1 k*ie.?cS7i í u? u. 7 France, wheie he died. ” “ Ftorss creek; saute .................. ROAD TWENTY-THREE 1 of is dented for the 933) »t »“-i the United Ktates land office at dirty Method, that he haa em ploy­ 18.00 reason that no definite description of 1 Koeebovg. vre-„-on, on Marota James Price Road Work ► tiug, S tile tto C uttiery, £ a u te rn s , E tc . Indeed, the poor, little old border ed iu the past and is trying to tin ia 75 T H Price Slate of Indiana hea, doting the ploy now, and he also know, full 44 5.00 Noble Mtearer 41 pall that if be got justice, which he generation laat |*aat,developed more J J Weereing 12.60 ~Do ©rford. S ouvenir §rpoons pretends ha wants, he would neither author« o f renown than has* Ger­ ROAD TWENTY-FIVE -r* 32.00 ■ usd plank Wm Westbrook get the county priming nor be where many. cupled. Said lands were ll«ted upon the applications of the perrons men­ road supplies 9.80 Wisid Broa And the Recorder speak« truly he ie Dow. Hie official records ia ary terat of Coart. tioned below, who have a preference 86.86 Alt Jackson road work, etc in the matter of payment , tor the right subject to the prior right of any Curry oounty brands hiqn as dia- when it eays that less Gian 15 per VP1II Walton »» 88.86 Court Houae Grounds: It la hereby such settler, provided such settler or »» honest, the filed tubeoriplion lisle to cent of the children of the United Joe DeMartin 88 30 ordered that the Clerk drew » warrant applicant ia qualified to make home­ 99 )« Jack hie paper points an accueing finger Stale« aver reach the S ixth grad« iu J Jiat 600 on the General Fund in the sum of stead entry and the preference right la Jackson in payment of balance due on exercised prior to Mar. 4,1816, on which 99 19A0 6M7.79 , pf perjury at him, and the letter of our school». It is tiue that in R Jackson conrtbouae lot. tlie lands will be subject to settle­ 99 1818 TM Officlsl Booda of C. H. Bailey, date B i t unfortunate woman ehowa that -n 7.60 Cauch-H. Treasurer and Tax Collector l.fioc. 9, T. 34 8 , R. 11 W., W. M., aa to hie perfidy. The Globe editor even here ie»» Ilian 7 per cent of W E lwvia 9.50 and James M Oaaghell, Surveyor, are 26 38 a, res, application of George L Thotnae, Illahe, Oregon; Li t 8-1178. cxamineil aud approved. »• should know his place and keep it our children go through the Uni Ras Gardaer 7.80 now I d the matter of appointing a Health December 18, 1914. C. M. Bavcc, As­ 99 5.00 Officer, same Is continued for the term. sistant Com mi«.-loner of the General if be doesn’t want to hear some un versity against German) ’• ten per lie d Gruver _ d at 99 A Ellison L94 In the matter of the oounty printing. fat nd Office. cent. — C o n tin v fd n e x t w e tk pleasant trutbe. fcT5Í__ _ WEDNESDAY JANUARY 90, 1916. Store Hardware of all Kinds « A* 3 Cheever r Bowman, AMES S, JOHNSTOH . ^ z r P o r t Orford, O r.-z^ . NEW GOODS, 4 ---- - ■ • ! Call and examine goods ar.d get prices. Port Orford Furniture : & Hardware Stores W m -G illin g s , p r o p . Curry County Abstract- Realty Company. „ .m .. Alw ays itomeotber the ïuhi Noms 1 jtx a tiv e ^ r o m o A n in in s Cores a C d d in One Day, Grip ia T w o ,