D odge Brothers* C U R R E N T T O P IC S . S k t J t r t G ito ti Srikttot B y J H .C m a . V R D N E B D A T J Á N U Á B t 13. 1*1«- E ditob T ribuh k :— A chief drawback tooverpowvt ing party majoritieo wan llloaiiatnd io Ilia caae of the candidacy of one C. I~ ~ M. B urlb urt nominated by the Re s u n a u m e riu B B < m publican« for Joint Repireenlalive • • • C o p y OM T t i » . 1 ;6* for Muhaotuah and CtaownmaaC«/». » a e Copy » x M onth«.................. «0 aud elected, Jetpite tue fact (hat the — • u a Copy T hree M onth«.............. Fehi'aked »very Wednesday, by B A B B I T . 8TKWÀBT. A n v s rrn u a e K atxs B babohaíxi . J a.O W Itk.d*^ Ul « k k i J .» i «uh- J lu t ,(k l« « lli*U . ’ patty repudiated hnu in both couat lea upon learning that be waa a corruptionist and waa otherwise toioially unfit for any oflive. Ujio.i exposure n t hia unfit aud aftai lie Ip t l b-en bet-ought lie “W h at in a bona 8de j w l y tab the neutral corn luittm uf each uouety •Briber” , wee the question hefnre J to g el n t the ticket H urlb ert lelt the county am » rt lent wwA, «P'J like the »isle prior N o*. 3, but iris name tbe age of Ann, it U e lilfh * peipft-X ' being on the ballot, lie Was elecied, th a n k « to Multnomah « in jia c ilile lag M when Brat teaiiiioped. Republican MaJ-rrlty. ” •* * Motor Car, at $900 F. O. B. Bandon, of­ fers more than most Cars selling at Three to Five Hundred Dol­ lars more. ; The Dodge has all that could be desired in a Car; Light weight Power, Timpkinhear­ ings, Full floating axel; In fact every­ thing of the best. Koaoue P. Hural, Democrat, waa the opposing candidate, who intend G lo b«. ed to claim ilia seat io default of - c r. r . «. OX. H ui Iburt'» preesuoeiw Ah «State; b at A t t w N x i t t r JanuarV term of bad penny likw, the latter^ je t urn», J?* County Cnwrt-at Gold Reach last end detie« all comer«, and nays lie week a rather unpleasant eont-o- I will be on deck allrlght at the prop weray arose between Ihe T*IM.'XN er time, dome gall, let us aay, yet end Gold Beach Globe relative to thia la not a caae without parallel«. the county printing. After -» ° ® t * Bars Tweed waa reelected to the fire separate hearing« aud tbo ex State Senate of New York during «mining of aeraral witneaae« the the beginnings of ihe great expose » 1 printing was awarded to the Globe. of his criminal method«. The editor of the T kibumb , before Garfield waa elected Fresident in the subscription list« yf thy reapec live papers were opened, asked the the mid«t of aeneational e«|ioeuree nourt for a ruling as to what court! of crooked watlioda. Payment« of toted a “ bonafide ysaily subscriber” dividend« oa Credit Mobelier atuck E u c h ra C re e k Ite m « , the law stating that the paper bay. shares and fo.000 from tba unultei- |ng the largaat list df duch shall ba ly coriupl DeGolller pavement gang Stormy wealher. • •warded the printing- Commlv- at Waaluagtou were 1 raced to hie ; L Mre. W . B. Smith of Kuchri •ionera Sypher and Gulegrbve went pockets. Blaine Would have been triumph ¡ w * * departed la « week tor Mieeou- record as refusing to della« wbat constituted a bona fide yearly rub* •a lly ejected but for.the alliterative ’ rt to be at the bedeide of her moth C o u n ty P iin U n g A w arded To Ciechi - ? SA3RO BRO 8 Hardware of all Kinds M A N U F A C T U R IN G JE W E L E R S BA N D O N , OREGON M a c h in e r y A M o w i n g M a c h in e s . E x tr a « f o i D a ir y in jfj O s b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . . P a in t s , O il» Waterman Faaataia Pen Victor-VLtrolax, Edtane Disc Talking Ms chines f a l c i Repairi ? meting FnraL^d Ey. G lam , Duplicated H e d iJ n oc need D eed. A B P ip e F it t in g ^ , P l n m h t e » a n d T i n w o r k o f a l l k in d » d o n e On s h o r t n o tic e . »n » W d rrB lo ly p la c e fo r $ 1 2 ;’O a ;..ti» is . ih e w h 'c h 7 i T. L. Carey, A . B. Carey Checver $ -V Bowman, ’ -A io KA 'I h&l a happened in C a r r y c o u n ty la s t y e a r. M o r a l : G e t a n a b s tr a c t a n d "4 til te r be s u re . ABES S. JOHNSTON I The session of (be oouatv prob«»« court ’oext Monday w ill praeent a N otice o f Sale on F o reclo su re situation never befiua known ia is hereby give« «het b y jt r t o a Coon county, when the matter comes of Notive the logdm aat and deona of the ü lr- tipfnrehearing. Judga John F -.H a il e u it C ourt o f t t e Stete of Oregon, for .« ,|i made ana • antetad C u rry County, duly Only maoe » » « •« and Jamea Watson on the 13th day of A p ril, 1914. In th a t to County Clerk Robert Wateon on certain sa lt wherein A . P. H o ta ilin g * Alotnjay a« county Judges, neither Company, a corporation, is platutlff v and a rftu k H - Ow* M * w 41.8ar,‘ i one knowing wlirth*r he ia e o u o liiie n 8 are defendant«, whereby plaintiff« judge 0» uot. After being on band recovered Judgm ent against the de­ fendants F ra n k H . Owen« and Sartdi the arwrion will be adjourned until Owenk fo r sums agg regating g 'OO.M, the supreme court rule« n t the quest­ and costs laced at t » . i * i , and dooree o f foreclos -re of p la in tiff’s mortgage ion of whether the old judges who upon the hersinefter deecril»« I rvul w e ii votej for the T hird of Novem- p ro p e rty ; and in pnrauuno» of ihe eae- i-utlon and order of salo l«»iied by tlia hef aHt entitled to hold the office. C le rk of the piìld C o urt tin,1er mild ..•nt and decree, to the Sheriff of UndAr the law Kofceod'X. O exon, on March 4, 1915. { O. McCarroli are defendants, oommand- lhe hom, of h i, _ _ Mt'. ___ ___ was actually . and In lng ma to sail the following described Anv 1er wno s [M a o th e r, la w r e u c e , v is itin g . ' l isi good faith Dlto tai ng any o f said lands property of the said defendants, hereto- “s a u i 1 <»« > I— “ " " » • « — ; M iu M ary Lea is and aiater, L i.- f ^ p ^ e r e n « S — (Soccemor to N. O. Nielsen.) « E N E R A L M E K C IIA N T , : ^ ¡ ^ P o r t Oriopd, J NEW GOODS, and fresh supplies w ill ba reoeivad by every steam er. xall * my putpose to keep a full stock oi everything require! » • a ’ trade in the line of - G R O C E R IE S nn4 P R O V IS IO N S . ? k E O O T S a n d 6 H t kJ ‘ M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G , ’ ’ I, L A D IE S ’ DRESS GOODS, , H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T IN W A B K , » C IG A R S , TO B A C C O , F IF E S I C A N D Y , N U T S am i NOTJONS. ’ Ia fact, • «apply of everything usually kept la • wall stocked General Merchandise Store. 0BDBR8 T A K U k O B ANY A B T K L B N O T H 8T0CK . ; Call and examine goods and get prices. t Mbftstoaiki • ■fimtokdtoO ■dato. ■ Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Stores W n ). G H IM s, P ro p . m e re home- thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the sum of Two hundred and tw enty- fiyg dollars, ' together w ith interest thereon at the rate o f six per cent par annum, from the 28th day o f August, 1914, and the cqsts ^nd disbursements o f thia action taxed a t 12..00, together exei'cIsbA^wte toMar. 4.1915, on whk-b w ith tha accrued costa, to-w it; Tha Paradise Bar end Blossom Bar , .. .date tlirt lands will be subject to set Ue- j . M . r . Arthus Schafer le wor«fn g-,' M ea t and entry by any qualified p«r- placer mining claims situated on Rogue i she. T he lands are as follows : L ot river, Curry county, Oregon, in Tp. (oy Geo, Dunb, I L 8ec. R T. 34 S., R. I l W ., W . M ., tlon, of Ueorge L,, 88 South. Range 10 W est, W. M. to- | «Mr. and Mre. Herbert Unican of 26.3» Tlrom as, D lo fie ,O re g o n , L i t t M f ? l “ gether w ith th a mining improvements Fort Orford have been vieiting at December 10, 1014. u . M. Bacca, As- thereon, and a Saw mill on mid premises. Oener* ‘ | I w ill, in accon’p ca w ith law, en tha ;lto home of M is . Unican’s moth ?,8i i i 1n £ OmBbte,O" * r 01 |J‘ "< ° ® c* - . 28th day o f December, 1914, a t the hour ; Mie, who are ere attending school n t 1 stead e u i.y ior tha land« e.t.c lly oc- fch.ld l Ueach, came home to spend cnplod. Said lends were li-i.e-i upno the Bop* tart tons Of toe pe.oa« t Honed beiowi-who have a iireierecce vacation. , a„ y , _ fig h t bUiiJrctlo U.e pi ior rl A l Bale has been at tu« «not, aSAle.-, provided euc.i setter or _____ b t o . of W H » Moon. lb . I M . f c . t e i a y r . ' X i J S j : . ’ « b S b T i. PortOrMtaercialClub of ten o’clock i.i the fo.e.ioon o f said' day, a t the fro .it door o f tha C o u rt, House, in the town o f Gold Beach, i n ' said county and state, offer, for s rin ; and sell a t pcbHc »Jc.'.o i to the highest! Officers: t and beat bidder fo r evsb in hred, »11! A J. M xasa. President. the rig h t title and iota- est o f the said A . A . J x in n o « , Vice P re s id e n t defendants in and to the above describ­ Mm . W a .G iM .u fts .” ** ed property heretofore attached in this J . H . Z umwalt , Secretary. action, or in and to so .nuch (hereof as T o W h o m 1« M a y Coueerm . Mm. A. 8 . J obmstox , Treasurer. may be necessary to satisfy tha sum o f SITUATION WANTED. Two hundred twenty-five dollars, w iJ i T he unilersigneil hereby give notice C lu b meats First Wednesday in each interest thereon from the 96th day o f th a t they are the owners of the South month. A ll metnbera invited to attend August, 1914, a t six per cent par an­ Wktow, w ith three stuall children, h aff o f Section 1«, Tow m ahip-Xhlrty m eetings. ‘ ’ ' • wishes to keep house for widower or num, eoat and disbursements amount­ three. South ran g» fourtwm W est o f bachelor, or take charge o f rooming ing to the sum o f « 7 .00 , snd the coat W illam ette m eridian, Oregon. A ll par house. and expanaaa of and upon said w rit, ties are warned not to traapaaa upon • M bs . D . H . S choonovxk . L . J . R O B E R TS , selling the different Iota or panels sep­ make any locations, eith e r placer « 9 North Liberty 8 t , S A L E M , Ore. arately or otherwise, as ia likely to q uarts claim s at their peril. bring the highest pries. . D. K cixxmxb I Dated thia 13th day o f November, 1914 M y it le P o in t, O rego n . jO w n e re. J .H . M eA vxiJ C. H . B ails *. Po rtland , Ora Sheriff o f Curry County, Oregon. Prebate busiaem a specialty. J. M. Notice Is hereby given th a t «11 pnr- tiee are warned not to enter upon oi trespass iu a ky way upon the premia- •a of tba umlershtned near Muasrl or«wk, Oregoto. Anyone so trespassing without ou; oonaent w ill ha prosecuted to the fa ll e x te n t o f tba-law . w.;: .. l . . been wall be supplied at home. Itoould o f'P o iì O.J ù . i ’, (hej-on, * h % o n Jlay be done through the bperatioa of a 1 li'ó J jitre J e Hotnne;retl E a t », be- ó .iS), fot- thè N tv', ot 8È,' «ad s m a ll packing plant. Such a plaint i would not coaUmuoh money. I t is FJ»NN|W .»ee.-y. »od S W | of N W l -.1.2, T(>»n»blv 32 S., Bang« l i possible that tome privet« patty • V ',, W>. anietta N e .lc itM , .hw, tlled oould be iutetdnled, or the plant tiak’cè e? liiteu llo n t ) mt-ke dna1, live made cooperative on the same «rheme >«uX.|> aoi-tn » -u h < « h .. i & ìid (o thè as tha cheese, |factories. I'oo, the l.iu i« -a » ,« deae.iMM., tie.'ore H ard y «■> Mrs. Lewis. matter cunld peiha;,' ?euri/»i-y, l k i l . dance at Euchre creek next Satur­ tnen. I t wouldn’t matter a great f ’i -iin x .ii ua.uei •« w ituejsee: deal m to ita location as long as *M J. W .-Uro.. I - , uf t’u. t Ovfoiu, Oregon day, tha K lh . O s -k .u f - ” • oould be teeronahly aecestdble to F . W ill ring off for this tima. «. It. Hai», of M ” the producers, Bandon geo» aphi- A . A. Juuiiesin, to-, O v. SA , , H A U U r B .iS V .'IX E R « - S *1 , he ia «i”k. acriber, and In waking this refuttel “ Cum, Romanism and Rebellion” It la arident that tba com misai.mart perpetrated by a preacher who had Walter Metre and family return­ shirked wbat was neither more nor tan led long at the banquet wine ed last weak from northern Curry laaa than their plain duty. How- with the Mulligan letter», and checks and Cuoe oounty, where they had aver, it is not our deaite Io try the evidencing payment« tabid» o f d f* Veen spending the holidays. D ur­ merits of thia caae tbruBgh the me­ Mentis on Credit- Mobelier shares ing their abeenoe, Mre. H a whin» dium of a newspaper, as such a alaring the country in the feoe. and daughter, Mias Btta, and two i w ill only add to Ito uii plena- r And quite recently Judge Milo k e p t bouae. 1 ? ( , and as it ha» been appealed H . Root waa reeiaotad to the Su __ ___ Jonty directed, req uliia« ra id The Btwhrw ereek school boom Is ____ , , Bheriff to aell, as by law pn.vtdeil, the to tba A p iil t»rm of Ciicult aourt ha pre0M banoh ot Washington 8u1«; s s s f i s t n a . “ » i i t w u . i» u l » . , . . a « which we knpw in juetice we ate sn-, conspiracy with Jatnac J. H ill stfpreme cotnt rule« .on the case. House door a t Col.l Beat-h. C’-T.V The»« are -llo t ae jnany bubo, tilted to, we have been compelldd'to the Crest Northern Railroad. th e ' b t * h * ”t‘ and ■*«»’ Tfom U p A co u n ty, which tsexpept i tavolve sometof -our frHrtde1 Into th ia afterward. proved to be true, travallog ha there werw beat bitltlnr for cas i, all rl : i it , . I t 1« and to be not later than next Wed the «me. Wg regret that this waa when - • i A reupnn Root resigned unjlry the * ” • Interest Wldell t.W defendants, o r e ith ­ oy^day, ihn matter w ill ba finally er of tl «ui, bod on. the loth « • / of B«canary, but it w«a tha only way Issuings of indignant public «anti Lloyd X °® P k in ,> ®f Vorth Bend, néúied for Ihn «stir« ateto. June, 1912, »ml a ll the lig h t, title and out if me carried the ease to a higher ment. paseed through her« last ,week--to 'Ÿh« basrtwftof the fa n » county (merest which the defendants Frank , , H . Owens and Serah Owens, or olth- aourt ia an attempt to anoure our ♦iait hie grand patent«, Mr. and A ll which provea that voter« de* Ute is M t for next Monday fore-1 er of them, had then, or may since rights. ■ . „ . t 1 have acquired in and to the following cline to be stampeded against a M n . J. H natiay of Gold Beach. f t Salem at ten o clock a n il d v8crjbed real pioperty, to -w lt: Mra. Sybil Hickenon, adopted U S ' s d . w ill bn submitted ” candidata in the faca o f chai gas T h e E a rt h a l f of the Northwest W h y N ot Packing P la n t? q uarter (E ) NW J). and the Wret h a lf sprung at the last moment e gai m t slater of Geo. -Dunn, relureed-teher of the Nsrthesat quarter (.Wi NED eld home aome tima ago, nod w ill him. jJudgs Hall a«id this mm-ningr if o f Section Eighteen (18), Township Coos and Curry counties aie ba- Recurring again to Blaine,, th e'^ien d the winter here visiting T h lrty e ig h t (38) South, Lunge T .tlr- the outcome is in Ills favor he will toen (13) West of the W illam ette M e ­ oomlng widely known at a pronoi country hat had ample reason io fkienda. preside at both probate and oounty rid ian, C u rry County, Oregon, con- nent dairy section, tbeiz cow popu­ f,.» in a i teinlog one hundred and sixty acres, regret hi« d.faat, If only to .pare as | M , w l jj W h i u through commlaalonern meeting to r toe , I)ated Qo,d Curry Count, lation growing fiom je a r to year. - • , . I ............................. r --------- A dairy aretiqu i . invariably a good he apm-daele of Big Business (most I W re „„„ dgy w#ek l0 ■noi)th of January, p w t what he Oregon, M s 14th day of November, ly Republican) erecting monument« his homa at Weddurtiurn from hav would do alterwntdn wee not cer I ’ 1*- .. C . H . B a iu tv , hog^raistng aeotion* 'At least it is to the memory of Grover Cleveland, leg taken Mrs. W hile to Bandon tain. I t ia beliered, however, lie ' S h eriff of C u rry County, Oregon (bund ao here, for many porkers are a pretended Dem ocrat. w ill resign avrn if he is maintained for medical treatment. being propagated. io office, and M r. Watson will lice N otice o f Sale o f R e a l P ro p e rly The ahtTiingof our mail from the Thia fall the hog aituation la pre Mre. Hugh Neely, of Corbtn4 U n E x e c u tio n . seating a sei'ious problem: H o w to east via Unndon happen« to bit went to Gold Beech last week on a lv be county judge by the first of F e b ru a ry .— Record. Langlois aud Fort Orford |«culiarly get lid of the marketable stock. Notice is hereby given, th a t under Visit. and by virtue o f a w rit o f execution to Nem ly every rancher bna nt least a haul became Sunday intervenes ha George Dnnn Is making many “ K ” A. W. L ist 8-1178 me issued and delivered by the Clerk few hoga ready for the block, b ul tween Saturday and Monday. In improvements around hi» home R catoration T o E n try o f fmnds ia o f the Circuit Court o f the State of tny i.niHv