10 Shots Always Stays “Fat” at your Finger Tips in SA V A G E The Burrow Clevis H. T. 8TKWART Editor and Publisher 01.ÍSO p « r y e « i * The Leading Pajier of Corry County, LIGHT MUMMIKO & KAMU, B u ll Jtewrtwc. Published every Wednesday, al Pori Orford, Onton JUUKXi A - A a i TRIBUNE, ú • r T h e Aavage A utom atic sm others every adversary in th e rapidity of its fire. V/hen the occasiou comes you have ready the quickest, h and iest and m ost accurate arm made. Give you rself every possible ad vaulage. I t m eans life or e restored to Its normal condition, hearing tr ill bo destroyed lo rn re rj nine esees out ol ten are caused hx C atarrh r h le h Is nothing but awlnflam od condition ol Ik e mor-nis surface«. We w ill glee One Hundred Dollar« la r a«X ouse bf Deafness (causad by eotarrh) th a t can­ not ba cured by H a ll’sCalsrrh Cora. Send lor circulara fres. , . 1. C U M B Y A Co.. Telado, O Bold by Druggists, t t r . Take H all'« Fatahy M ita lar eons apollo«. Tou can have it all foi • £ s ,« h 6 0 c ^ r }■ Tbe K ^ n in p Telegram, of Port­ land, Oeegco. I r i s th cJaryest ev- oning_newspaper published in Ore- goa: it contains a ll the news of the state and of the nation. T ry I t lor a month. A sample copy wlir be m ail­ ed to von free. Address THE TELEGRAM, POBTLAMD. OR. PATENTS < • C mim * r.isi«r »I. t w »»«. t»|* . |Faprw*

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