U t n Oocarv O odbt o r t a r S tatu or O.IOOW, FOB TUB COC'HTT 0» C u U I , In tba Matter ol tbs Batata oil Mary Nordtorg, deceased. | The undersigned having ‘* ® * * F ’ pointed by the Ooouty Oourt of the state of Oregoa. for C orry C m n ty , ad ministrator of tha rotate o f M ary Nordberg. deceased, and having « r a t ified, notice la hereby g tvra to the creditor» of, and a ll persona b a rin g claim» against aald deceased, to pre sent theta verified aa required by 1*», within »lx months after the date of the first publieetfon of tU a aottea to told W R. H u rat a t hte raetdeace near Fort Orford, Oregoa, < »* W. 1 . H e m , Adminlatrator of tha estate of Mary Nordberg* daeaatad- Dated December M nd, 1»14. Whan w ritin g don’t data I t 111«. , A. A. Jamieson it making Beach a bnsinasa vialt. - Is Odd C url. w ilt of Foraat Ranger * C a rl, arrived from Portland last bj west, accompanied by her mother. Coonly Comniiteioners Court meets at Gold Beach today, a t which much important county buaince« w ill be transacted. Raw Yrsia Cva m stajaafcl autoaan; te fit g| h< P hysician and Surgeon Port Orford, O regon. W . H . M ER ED IT H a » o Ha. M L V e a n y m e rta . Saturday was Ute laot trip of the mail boat between hare and Agnate, Coquille Sentinel: Among the that much o f tha yowtq-frem Beach to Dothaa dimsoniinuad * ' Coos and C arry count, mineral« that have bean secured for axhibi- W . W eening h « ¿te sopimat to tfo a a t the Panama Faelfio espoei I carry tha m ail from Agnate to Do- tion are copper ore, iron ore, gold ) tearing quarts, bora«, coal and - m s nod ClareWa Cangball elaya. The ooal w ill'b a abowAAn lo v y a d t o a ««fokar a t m ira llm< shape of a fireplace find I ’ 1er r------------------ slattossd-afoR ■ fro lla ------ oing _ urea chimney built with chunxa o f that tabliah a akatiag rink oa thavaonnd m aterial. Tha fireplace w ill be I Âa,._' as _LA __ Hoad with Coos co u n t, brick, while I W E D D B K B U U N , O ttB G O R K NA PP HOTEL. Port Orford, Oregon, l. K NAPP *• J p, w X polished M yrtle wood slab w ill P r o p r te to » Piret-clasa in aver, respect. Goto Feed Stable attached Mir. B a'ratt and wife w ill thia week e etap heave keeping tarn p o rt- rlly in tha Neygren boose, while M r. Barrett is engaged la finishing up M r. Larsen’» residenoe. • Tha steamer Grace Dollar, which wasdoa to arrive bare last Bator day, to load railroad ties, was no* able to call, on aceount of the sonlfc- west gala, which has prevailed with store or lass severity ever since. calls the rare periods when thia haa'oeeurred therefore w ithin, tha I ■ i weather sad M ti P f r ' t ■ j. t * . il teal of artillery with' General Rob- i art X , Las during the « v i l War aad) d a pioMat of the northwest, died L U M .iL e f i b b home at Lapwai, aged T I yasra. ' • lag tor the purpose of h u n t« » , fishing, or traveling through in any shape form a r manner, or tearing down feoepe, 01 leaving out side gates open, ar moleet- ing personal property, will ba premeu- M to tba fa ll extent of the law. Wm. B . Johnson, \ Leeareof the*j»bave " H a was a eon o f tha late O e M r alJoaaph L s m , of tha United Biatea .. arm y, his father, alter settling io , Oregon, serving that state in the United Btatee Beoate and as* its The speciar train yreterd », after noon carry iog hoam the Ohrirtm ar contingent from tha Smith-Power» camps beyond M y rtle Point, carried about 800 fr&m M ar.hfield and 1W ttee th at I hare a cqavoyaaoa trow t ha more joined , them a t Coquille. V a K va N mi io IUB b I bbu O •wl'tHAwr io u in Practically evsryoM cams out from 0 « Harbor of F ort Orford, Oregon, oo a porttoa of which « p a r t of the w harf tha oampa fur Christinas.— Cuoa first Governor. Coioael L o m waa inapector in tha Indian Da part man i daring the Otevabnd adminiatra- between M y rtle Poiot aad Roseburg About forty year» ago Col. Lane is iu very tod condition, causing u> Em pire aad made his home considerable hard work and ax ihara f « soma years. H a tenght pane« in tha matter of getting tha g^ooi, engaged in black »and min- Bay Times. The moat haady man In town is M r. Munis, of tbs Piooear Repair Shop. Ha w ill half tote your shorn, repair your barnese, tin and agate ware, chairs or furniture, and clean your clocks, in a neat and workman like manner, te wall at supply you with an abundance of winter read ing matter, in the way of light liter ature from b it circulating library. John Chiltoek, who ia engaged in cutting tire between K ik and Sixes, had tha misfortune last Wednesday, to severely cripple himself by eplit- ting ora of bis toe». H a was en deavoring, with grant d iB cu lty, to make hie way on foot te Port Orford to have tha wound ¿reared by Dr. Robbino, wbemhe was averUkea on Jt4k River by H - T . B liw art, who, H O T E L S E A S ID E MEALS 2 5 CENTS Goad Calebs. Large, airy raaam. Heard-ty day im meath. Denmark Mercantile Co Store aa Col.-John Lass waa one of tha rooms ok first fioor and Mrfi^ea saa- ood fioor, wh«o oomplatad. whom It may eoacera, set te eater ap es e r trespass upon the premises of L . Knapp, for tbs purpose of bunting, or fieblng with noon and line. Said pre- mlaea are sltnatod on Blk River, Carry Caaaty, Oregoa, and generally known aa the “ Road” place. ■aid, the river from over so that man oould walk across at W ilto n -1 villa. Hot than it waa much oold- ar than now, hut for a ahortar - per iod. I t ia only the cumulative «f- fast of tha eoid weather af the past tea day a that has caused the for- matioa of the Willaaaette ice sheet tide year.— A c a -a a Omuwvxa. • leading pioneer« of Coos eonnty. ’ aad waa well known to many at the u pfonetrs of Curry couuty.' • "Cofoual John Lana, a major-gra to a X t ^ ^ J r a e . with: four Mattes la hereby gives to a ll parsons OREGON • . T h a follow lag dispatch from Law- 1 b to a, Idaho, w ill be of interest hare lank of material, Mr. Maokraxte is ( HoW ptobing to completion the ( naw residence ha io building for X te erected w ithout m y consent. AU naitte» are hereby warned not to drive piles or trespass iu any manner what- aoerer on eahltidetend» or water tote. M m . A » a * O. D abt . Porttead, Oregon. TORFO RD memory of old man. In 18418 peo pla arnaaed at B o o m ’ s Ferry with teams, some m y. Aboat 1890, I t 1» I la attended by D r. D unlap, of Gold « Beach, who baa hopes of pollin g * him through. 1 Yfouat of unfavoraMa banking business solicited J site a t Butteville the peat weak re h “ After «onatearabla delay oo as Y our The framing orer of tha W iliam I |C. J. Baker, formas Gama War- dan, is reported to bo In a vary sari ous condition, caused by the h un t tog of a blood, vaaaal in hie «wad resulting io partial paralysis. B a E We run the Mage from Port Orford via Dairyvitle, oonneotlng with tbs Stage to Myrtle P oin t C. W. Z umw alt , V. Pres form the mantle front and oa the maatla w ill stand a dock with a ease made of tha dark m yrtle wood. Oscar Mather sod fam ily, Frank w Cook and wife and “ Dad” Corbie at were.among thuea who attended ■ tha Grand Ball in Port Orford Maw Years Kva. ^ C O U H 8E L L Ü » LAW K v o u a o H . B o tlx , Maaager ia now complete. ■ m atter h« vo’ heen pawing dtidd' the coast during tha peat week— oo doubt a o tu e of Banta UlWua* delayed dl stock. '■ t h AT LAW AT BOLD BEACH. OREGON. The survey far tbs paw road be tween here and the Bagnell k«rry The editor of the Tribune left last weak for a butineae visit to Gold Beach, expecting to return Town lots aad acreage tracts lor next Friday or Saturday. w C. W. R O BB IN S, M. D, ATTORNEY E. J. L o n ey , Cashier although there wee ant aa m a n , in attendance aa there waa Xmas. BealEetate Provision has been made in tha A good ranch of 1*0 acre» on E lk river, rood building» and orchard, I t river and harbor b ill for tha survey acre» under plow. A good ranch for of Rogue River bar and entrance« a «mall dairy, aheep. or bog«., Prioa looking to future Improvement. aafi terms reasonable. Large quantities of parcel« port Also Saw M ill, in good rnaAtug ftr- W. A. WOOD mmh P o r t O r f o r d , Of^jgpom ATTORHBY Can fam ish you with all the L 3 U I8 S P A R L IN G , latest sad most up-to-date Port Orford, Or. articles of Jowalry at city pvioee. *»X-. mie I v a / fb»a> *<a fhiftfo fi -»»rWtot« CatWart’r. cur« costati pa t.>n («tr«»«* We carry ao old stock ON > Cfofodf a. Me I f C .f l C f ik l 4 r r « ris ta - - r .» 4 » • H A N W T ANY TIME. Wstph repairing that gives catirh satisfaction is the re- » u iio f our fully equipped Louis K napp , P re i. repair department. ““ For some reason oar regular oom- I * muoioation from M r. Upton failed P* to materialise thia weak. °* lire. M l a l a « L a w a S p e c ia lty Coke Bldg. M a r sh field , O i Grandma McBride returned leal ta| week from a protracted visit in w{ Gone ouunty. be J. D. Loucks Notary Fahhc forget W M .T. 8 T 0 L lj> A tty, at Law MYLE JEWELBY CO The “ Mayor" of Gold Beach Muttee to C re d ito rs . mait through. ¡ng a t the famous Raodolph mines The Oragouian claims that the in tha lower Coquille and later wa« Congressional boom of L . J. Sim p sbeiiHof Cooa county. T o better accom m odate our grow ing trade and increasing num ber of patrons ire .,)iave been com p elled to add to our general stock of D ry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, Dairy S u p p lies, Stum p in g Powder, O ils and Paints, F arm in g Im plem ents o f a ll kinds, in clu d in g M cCormick M ow ing M aobines and the celebrated W eb ber W agons, etc., etc. A nd don't, overlook our up-to-date stpek of M en’s and: B oys’ C loth ing, Boots and 8boes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, N a ts and N o tions, R olled B arley, G rcss Seed and Seed Grain. O rders taken for a n y t h in « not on Calve ns a t r i a l o r d e r JAS. S. CAPPS, P ro p , eon, o M fu rth Band, for 19|< te at- Washington. D . 0 ., Dao. 18— taady under way. Wa hope it w ill p m ident Wilson expects to eend to j Weather Fiepor: keep ou booming, aa the ooaat coua- tiea of thia district are aadiy ia M ad of a coast man who w ill look after their iawreats io the matter of Fedeial appropriations. ------------------------ -------- t j,e 8«,,at« thia week the nomlna lio M of grs aerators of the Federal Trmi, Oommi«»ion. Among tba mau w|,uai tbe President is ouaeid w Governor West of Oregon gnj Governor Hodges of Kansas. Co!. R . H . Rosa of Bandon, who left for home yesterday after a short stay oh lh« Bay indicated that there w eroa.ili good prospects a f the lail.uad toi-tg built from Bandon a r Port Orford sia the Coquille Vullay ----------- ------------- * ' ^ he Cuqnilte Sentinel eeys that J»»P« Yoakum has a «tear weigh tog nearly 8000 pound» out on h»» moch near tha room y farm, that be ia thinking of exhibiting at lb« to Myrtle Point. Ha «ays that tba » •« Francisco fair next year. G al iter Brother» and wore other» — ------------------------ - — have tnadtotofUng ateldily on ih e ^ M rtT IC H F O R P U B L IC A T IO W H aM ce fo r F u M to S * * » .* V “ on learning hie c o n d itio ^ , dismount ad . and assist!nx tha wtauidad man D ar abtmbvt or tub Invamon, U . 8 . Land Ofltee at Roaaburg. Oregon, December S, XtlA Mottos it hereby given that • W IL L IA M B. S M IT H and bars not given up hope, ia fact go-(|bnrg oreron. December M. l t t f are mo e enthusiastic over to than 'gotto, u hereby given that aver, b a decterm that the Granin gAMCBL M. HUM M ER. Paas toad would mean more to Coca o f Port Orford, Oregon .who. oo Marob line, sot excluding the Rangel« W«at. W illam ette Meridiau, toafiled noticeift bisIntentionfom ake F in a l oommutation prooLto “ t» bl{*h claim to the land above dereribed, be fore Hardy T. Stewart, U. 8. Com- missluoer, at his office, at Port Orford, Oregon, oa the tin t day of Jan uary, te l* . * Claim ant aamaa aa witneaaea: Stephen P. M e rrill, of Wedderbura. Or. Allen H illiard , ol " M rs. Hannah F ish, of j W illiam J. W hitw orth, of J . M . UPTON, Register. hand GENERAL Blacksmithiag W agons and B u ggies for Sale, k«pt i»<8fa»ck, Also A gent for ,AH K inds of Farm ik)^ *lm- plem enta; AlcCormick Mowefk, etc.* Wood and Iron Work prom ptly dofyfc0 aV a reason ab le prifce. Y our patronage acJipgpd. quest road T|X S3 8 , R. W W .. W illam ette Merith posed route would include the „ ta b ll.h claim to the tend above dee- Bmiih Powers road m a link io It . *> b e d ;,^ to re H « d y T . Stewart U n to NORTH BEND, OREGON MANurxcrrvaKRS o r Notice Wbao boited down, Juhnv Ball*« reply lo Presterai WUaoa’a piotasi may to aamroed ap Uree: *A a ’uw hi 'opea ttore wUI ha m bfoofiy troubte bovar Ibis ’ara btoomto* •hippiu* buaina»'.’’ S A S H , D O O R S A N D M O U L D IN G S GLASS H IG H G R A D E IN T E R IO R F IN IS H p b i era m a il x d J u a n Qoiautv, ox avPAICATirn« '• '•