Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1915)
a boy and h it home, year«, a t W h ile bia two girle, and w ill make at fatal for the next four 8 7 0 N o rth l * t h street. fain ilv ia aattlna moved U r . Brown w ill have to iw tu rn to Roseburg to tn ie h up prosecution of Roy F arn am , who has bean indicted upon the charge e f crim inal assault upoo a young LoodoB.Jee. 1, 12:33 F . M .— g irl o f Douglas oouaty. and also The publication ie London o f the w ith baaing murdered bar and at Am erieea note to th« British gov tempted to en ter np bla crim e by m o m ent oo th * question « f unw ar buieieg the remaiue in a burn. The care war tried last week epon tbe assault » charge,’ b but e t the ju ry k ' 1" ’ *“ • « ' * •««* • M « tria i w ill have io be held. M r BrowO hopes to clear tbe docket o f both caret be aunication tabled from the (J. 8 . There ware certain Englishm en fore fo rm a lly relinquishing tbe of who ta w something like an u ltim a floe to hie aooceaaor, George Neuner, turn ia tba cabled extracts, but a who haa been appointed Dtatriet A t pemeal of its actual context of per- to« nay (or th at district. 1 I . H . Vaie tfaa la r pbrasas dispelled this eon- W iu k lç , form er aaristasi- weder A t torney-Geeeral,Crawfoydfrhee been eeptioo. ranted Interference w ith American shipning has dispelled any irrita tio n occaaioi.ed by the incomplete swt-1 « I ia tba first summary of the selected bv M r. BrowpCae* Ida firat aaaiataat, and ha heal »¿»chosen second assistant as y«L t, J|faa.D ow n ing, prêtant stenograph*- in tba office of A ttorney C raw fo.d, » ill,b e gar on certain eootenaiona ad vanned io the note which ebow come fa ilu re ’ o th at position. Attorney and, bis to appreciate the difficulties a t our General Crawford T h e P e ll M a li Gazette today voices the general opinion when it aaye “ W e ouuld perhaps piece oar Su< Motor Gar, at $900 , . Bandon; of fers more than most Cars selling at Three to Five Hundred Dol lars more. The Dodge has all that could be desired in a Car; Light weight Power, Timpkin bear ing® Full floating Hardware of all Kinds MANUFACTUBtira JBWRLBKS BAM^OW« OKKOON W aterm a n * Victor-Victralas, Watch Repairing — thing of the best. M. D. SHERRARD, : Bandon, Or. f,.- -*.:« -9 J-• P in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o t h e r S p o r tin g G ood e k e p t in Stock« EyeGIaiees Daplicated (My Uotrut : Roolty Ctnpiny, D o o r s a n d W in d o w « In v a r ie ty c o n sta n tly k e p t ' P ip e P ittin g*«/P lu m bin g; a n d T in w o r k o f a ll|a in d « d o n e o n sh o r t n otice^ ,«voitoin. GUM 1 d X « a c fi, 0 r « < o » He did not need kfl <0^,' S S he had a Warranty 'efttU Afterwards bo found, there was a lien' against the place fdt $|280*, which be had to pay. Thia' happened in Curry county last year. M oral : Gel an abstract and ba aure. - . „ ! A Cheeter $ Bowman, L a n g lo is, O f, — r AMES S. JOHNSTON T w e n t y - t w o Y e a r» A g o . 'weather e f some kind, far there X o t ie e o f S a l« on F o re c lo a O re . i nothing in this world that has prove.. - mare tree, faithful and steadfast friend The following Notice is hereby given that by virtue to tha country editor than the the Port Orford Tribune ef of tbe Jugdment end decree o f tbe Cir Ip ateknaaa ar fa health, fa cuit Court of tbe Htete of Oregon, for IT, U H , Waiter Curry Oouaty, duly m ate a n f en entered and N o m ail arrived he fiotn over ____ la April. lV14, li»14 in that prepared to eeatribota Ita oe tbe 13th day of April, tbe m ounlsias either on Wednesday i " fa the way a f aa item a f any certain ault wherein A. P. H ikailing a corporation, ie plaiptiff or rb u rad ay nisbta.- ,/■ t t s i tosuit tha needs « f the editor, — . . H . Owens and Sarah Ow always coming up ens are défendants, whereby p la in tiffs H on. T . W. Crook, Stock ‘'Iospae- Judgment against the d e - for tba next issue. •Ot show itself to be lees fair-m in d the d uty o f sweeping the dooratepa lor, wsalbe-vd tbe «farm l»«t F ri lendanta Fran___ *rank H. ______ Owans ___ and Sarah “ ed then th at of President W ilson. of every home in the lead. I f n a - Owens for sums aggregati ing M airied — A t tha residence of tbe and eoats taxed at »».(Ml, d ay, end came tbroagh Lorn Rmtue ).(*», and decree 8 h o rto f saerfioisg oar beet weapon ' tfooal prohibition legislation is itin ’s mortgage river. He reports tbe roads filled bridée ps’ enla, Sixes river, Curry of fureelosare of plaintin’t for bringing the war to e soeceasful passed, local government would be ooun ty , Oregon, on Sunday. A p ril upon the hereinafter dcactT-1 'reel up w ith tim b er eodsLidee, nod in *27. 1902, M r. James Quigley sad property; and In pnrwvanco u ftlie exe- sad speedy end, nothing w ill be destroyed. And i f you destroy ee'iou ea-t order uf sale iasuedby the local government you destroy 'one an extrem ely bad ceedilion « •" « f- f iliM J esale Cornwell, C . W . Zum Clerk of the said Cuurt nader .aaid le ft undone to meet the “ w elt, J. p ., officiating. edgmrnt and decree, to the Sheriff o f tbe U n ited Stetes.” m id county directed, requlriu« said h ra lth r conditiop of tba uatiooal Sheriff to sell, aa by law provided, the supervise.« plenty <rf eiprgife- . Coqnilfa, Ore., Dec, 29.— ju d g e teal property dt-ecrllied In said deorse Loodou, Jaa. !<— T h e ffisfi» goverumeel. apply the pnooeeda of such aale'aa men “ w ar of a ttritio n ” found John Ftomea, fm m BrushesMeek, Jqhn F . H a ll, a t a session o f the ‘’ National pro hib itioa fa non so aid decree provided: I w ill on another British victim this m oruiug (orcabla; i t fa a confasele«, a » tha | braved the b -area o f , Prides and epoely eonrt here yeeterdeyt ap ----- «lay, the rstli day of December, and robbed tba B ritish navy of the po oled M rs. Leo J, Carey guardian 1914. at the b o w el one o'olo-dt in the p a ri of state govrrnmeute of iaahP - visited Pert Orford. B e fays Char , afternoon of that day at the Court 1 8 -y w r-o ld b at s till useful ba U la Iqy Anderson w ill b eir eavvr^l bear o f her brother, A rth u r Coach'. Coach House door a t (¡Old Beach, Curry ity te cuotrol and rrgujafa tbelr sh ip Form idable, o f lb« «am« chum « « " a p e Z i.Y b u X m . . ™ d u t , If Ä ,e.- ■W’ • * § «■•F e w - — a r eoalpe to the q o u n ljta p l apon,/w by k r k ed h o f Ih e je te Col. Cbtefi o f S f & W to the highest ___ aa tha b a it laahin R u l.a v k 1 ’T * Beedtw who died A few y k » b ‘ego an tho hau laah ip B ulw ark, b lo w n the m atter weie.plreed tM )4|r fed hse reeeotly ____________? ekeh, all ‘ r iiM t lt f a d a f i _____ paptyryd _ ,,, ‘thm e, g lib a fasting a fa n n o e o f A bout S alt latoreattehtoh IbAdt defendants, o r eith up a few weeks ago off Sherries«. oral eootroi it would rvayll in crew- 1 proeptat 9 I several rnd s o ftle m .h a d l« h < > ■ /•< • T b a Form idable was sunk ttfa lion of a m scb io .ry of gpvaipm aut. hMtfion dollars to he divided emc , t» th ia k fi ‘.beta te a bere I U r t a ehildren. m o rn in g io the B ritish Chaaasl by officials large enough fey ■arv to- apoiiaate nom inale *,e ® *Y A -ih e r Coach fa said e ith e r a m in e or a submarine. h e W fA er o • 4 ,- of ftfa them, ta , had than, then, or : any president, and would offer too back to Brushes. <WUHy become etspnfiiy addfatêdrio have acquired in and to th« A p p aren tly the loss of life on tha M .’.T u .e e r , .b e w a il eerrlyfeJe g reet an opportunity tat .persona dracribad real property, to-' to-wit: liqdor end the appointm Form idable has been heavy, as oaly ip o in tm e ent n t of _ The Eaat h alf of the Northwest tasking to perpetuate thesv power forum ns tn a l there are about A w ^ ty guardian was asked for kim to pro ,qu w tK .Œ | N W i), and the West 71 man o f bar crew of about 7»0 in Wash lugt on.* five tree« ly in g acm e* th e rua&be- of the Northeast quarter (W l NB») tect the balance uf hie Inheritance. are known Io have been saved. O f n a h lp tween bet a and D a iry villa, sad-that Coach fa an erratie end peouKar ficiate, however, bold o at hope that .he w ind has « n e e d eonaidemble Kugeoe, O ra., Dee. 29.— “ Iflv e e ll VP* H e fa declared to he one o f ethers assy have bean picked u p damage in the Florae ereek aetin try. **- ll>* f i * ^ ^ * * Mfal meet «sport m ath talaina one hundred and sixty a » ^ . T h e axaet locality o f this disaster gallon by keen men haa shown that Pete Aaderson’s new hail FaktaPV> Dated at Gold Beach, Curry County, emattoiahs ia Coos oounty and has Oregon, this 14th day of November, has not been revealed, but tbe feet m an'« best work haa bean dona be ed off ka fooudalion, M r. H j f t lost th a t i t occurred in the British Chau tween the agee o f 60 and 7 0 ‘ years tbe toof o f bis hern, bim ! lla m few equate aa a lum ber sealsr. H e I SI 4. 0 . H . B a i lx v , a l | i “ ^ * w • * ’ ’” * lW P re«Wen‘ E . R . Bryan is well educated, but somehow or oei tbe eireumslanoe uci retails ree« I in in e oircum iiance t m h at Sheriff of Curry Ooun County, Oregon ~ W elke r’s barn wee badly damaged. B ritish abipa have been engaged ia of Cwl» * te ü n iv e rv lty , in aa address other he fa lacking in business ebil M il.te Moo,«, lit t le eon o f Ijg te • a •• -■ * li4sf<ta»A I kam ll/A a a im a M <81 -■! . 1 ^ ^ o f t He fay. H e aimp<e eeu’t make a b w i N o tici- o. (»aio o f R e a l P r o p e r ty bom barding tba German positions before tbe Western division Moore, who has been sick daring Oregon trachere association. deal, fa fa declsrrd, and every tim e on tha Belgian coast, end that G ar , O n E x e c u tio n . “ Six hundred of the m o*t iinpor ibe past aeek fa im proving. be negotiates something he ioeee. m an eubmarines on several acca Notics la hereby given, that under Ch ¡simas was a ve:y d u ll day in alone io tbe past have attem pted to ta e l scieniiala, statesmen end old end by virtue of a w rit of execution to 2 u k l O rford, Santa Clans bavihg world famous men were selected,” torpedo them. W ashington, Deo. 30.— Congress me issued jnd delivered by the Clerk he said, “ and it was found that on mad« th e mistake o f w aiting -until man V o llm e r o f Iow a urged the of the ChvuH Court of the State of Tho B u lletin learns that tha U n . ly 3 per cent o ' them accomplished tbe last trip of tbe ztearaer ¿0 ship house foreign affaire comm ittee tp Oregon, for the County of Curry, on tbe 18th day of November, 1914, in Ion Iro n W orks of Sen Franoiaoo is their world’s work before the age Ufa suppifae. O ld tio n as and Nep day to report favorably on the V oll- action than pending in said eourl in working on a contrast which In o f 40, 10 per cant batwean 40 and tune conspired Io defeat his good in aw r-B eriholdt-Lobeck resolution, which Andrew O. Huggins ia plaintiff volvve the d elirery o f 910,000,000 60; 20 per oenl between SO and 60; lentioos, sad tbe result wee ¿rneral which would pro hib it tbe exports and the Ode Gone Commercial Company, worth o f submarines to G reat B rit 35 per cent between 60 end 70: 21 ¿¡«appointment among th e U tile lion (rom I b it 000 a try o( m u n itio n the Rogue River Mining and Develop ain. I t eeema th a t tbe submarines per cent between 70 and 88, sod 9 foike. How ever, a daooe wee gotten o ( war for the European belligerents. ment Co-. pany a corporation, and -C. ere being b u ilt <0 sections and ship per oen. after they bad reached the up Saturday eyeuipg, which was He celled the U n ited States a p erl O. McC-irroIl are defendants, command ing ..w to sail the following described very wail attended end enjoyed. ' pati aw ay from Ibare ia that condi age o f 80 ” ner in “ the greatest crim e against property of the aaid defendants, hereto > Last year O-egoo’s Mi county tion. Aocording to Supervisor T b e speaker added ihe period of civilisation in a ll history. fore attached in said action, or so much boards of equalisation relum ed John M . W alsh, who is an official youth wee the moat im p o rta n r In thereof aa may ba necessary to satisfy o f the Iro n W’orker’s U n io n , thia is m an’s life aa I he foundation for fu tha state a .otal taxable property o f L Salem. Dee. 28 -r-T h a coat of ex the »urn of Two hundred and twenty- five dollars, together with interest perfectly legitim ate. ture aooomplisbmenta was laid then. 8128,447,71«. T h is year the « parting the books o f M arion county thereon at the rate of six per cent per returns show a total taxable pi T h e Portland Chamber o f Com - V . «'-Vi) for the pest year by tbe accounting annubi. from the 26th day o f August, o rty a t 9181,289,182. - ; . / “d2 T lr’ Bg lh : bUJ ld in ' Ui T h . editor o f t h . Kveeing Star dtpertmeoA^of the state incur»nee 1914, apd the costa and disbursements of thfe action taxed at 927.00, together hie work tribulations far tbe Tribune. -The week Q^muiisetoe .yfae 81323.11 as agaiuat with the accrued costa, to-wit; a y y a g p ta s t t a the past o f about « M t o m n - O ^ t e S m t Fmnciaco > The Paradfee Bar aed Btoasofo ‘ Bar )0. S im p ly another illustration placer mining claims situated on i • » • » « “ • 4~- tetoWh, and nothing w a r stBrfag>>eB. the braciie« of government rege river,,C urry county, Oregon, fa Tp. w in oe asked to booet tbe pro . k ' . . < . __ . - . J I H yde, and he »aye- he a in ’t had sept arhat the wind « m il move. 8fa lation a t compared w il t private su 8»8outh, Radge 10 Wse< W. M. to to- U I rtfad, .n d t h . w . r d . p . r t ,n .u t nuUliu, for davg „ . paper null, na exchange«, a» letter», tC rp ris e .'*^ ® gether with the mining improvements and eongreas w ill be naked to con no eommuafaatfaaa. -W a ware greatly thereon, and a saw mill on said premises. -F e tc h him in,” aaid the editor. troobled as to how wa ahooid AU ear eider the proposal carefully am i I will, in accordance with law. on the ”J f we can find c u t how be dues it . Charley Zumwalt came 28th day of December, 1914, at the hour give i t the attention which It is be we osa run tbe paper for another foeor aeefatanee. Wewaae bneOy en bOYDK JEWELRY CoH e f ten o'clock in the forenoon of said lieved i t deserves. gaged trying to light a fine tm a pipefaU weeta.” day. at the front door of tba Court ot damp tobaeeo and watching tba House, in tha town of GoU Beach, fa T h e total number of prisoners of , ’ ’ BANDON ORE. faavatba r o o t o t onr offica and «aid county and state, offer for sale w ar held in G erm any at the end of •ail off ____ tayly tbroagb tba ah-, when Tw o natives of the E m erald Isle and sell a t public auction to the highest Charley «.itered eladingum-bóote. gum- A nnoenw e th at No. 1429 w the year amounts to 8138 officers ina the and beet bidder for cash fa band, all we.-e discussing, w ith evident Irrfta and 577,875 mea. coat mai sou’weater, and Infonsmd « 9100 ejQO diamond diamond ring, ring, and and No. N« 1994 the right title and interest of the said I tioo, tbe im m igration problem. T h ia ia shown in a sum m ary is “ T tiim fur r intra is gelt in* an aw first Hem we bad received, and was iv - wins the 860 ring. T h e 950 ring defendants fa and to the above deecrib-' ed property heretofore attached in this sued from headquarters, but which ful bold ie th isco un th rv,” aeid T im . eepted with thanks. Bat kA could t e - h«» been railed for by Miae Flora action, or in sod to so much thereof ae pointe out th a t tha liats do not ih nish us with no further news, and ad Mcfo -xl, Bandon, Oregon, bat No. «’’T h ru for yea," answered tbe may be necessary to satisfy the aura of elude civ iliaas interned ia G erm any other, ae ba transfered bia oornoob vised us to set up a long weather item, 1,429, the tiekM for tbe 9100 tin g , Two hundred twenty-five dollars, with nor tbe prisoners taken d u rin g th r tell the readers it was holiday week has not shown np yet. H a v e you intorset thereon from the 26th day of pipe to the other aide o f bis month. pursuit in Russian Poland o r the and isaoe a half sheet. The advice « mb tho eumberT » August, 1914, a t six par cent p er’ an “ I wua rm d ia ’ over laet evan* tbe in tra n s p o rt gratefully received. I t had been sac num, seat and disbursements amount list ev min naturalized; an* ¡very ing to the sum of 927.00, and tbe cost Chicago, Dec, 8 0 — Local meal wan av tb«-m was fu rrin l" « 4 -upon aaid writ, packer« announced here this after e f the selling tbe ififferent lots or parcel» » e . »000 th a t they would make no fur might the the 1 I J. H . UPTO N, ther ehiiitnenie of meat to Korop ded Cbufay’e half ean belligerents u n til En glan d gives Vbooe No. 314. notary r n m j c , Dkted thia 18th day of November, 19Q assurances th at neutral property, fa abbreviated to a eefam.) and a half.,. E v s a a s o H . R o t lx , Manager. C. H. B a il u t . In transit, w ill be respected. L a m i «-«, Cvaav Co., Oaw We alvrays feel thankful f o r hav^R X » CARRY NO.ACCOUNTS. Sheriff of Curry County, Oregon. -e T P a in ts , O ils & Stum ping* P o w d e r Peua Dfac Takfag C wtj G . q ...-Sr. • M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e « . E xtra« fox D a ir y i n g © « b o rn e, M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e ry . j ; position, but o e r bueiue»s out K it is not oer boema.-a Jamas, w ill enter into tbe praotioe to chop logie w ith the G overnm ent !of U w ,n Pu' ‘ >»«»d, when M r . Brown e f the U n ited States. S ir E d w a rd *» » » « *• .bs ; A ttm eey -G e u ers l’s G rey m a y be trusted Io give the office. G overnm ent o f President Wilson a I t ta n _,______ properly — ll . tbe — satisfaction ...----------- .------------r Boston, Dec. 29.— “ N ational pro sata, w hile a t the w o re lim a in d ic a i h ibiilon ia a dangerous proposition > * la g w ith courtesy and firmness the saM former President W illia m H . Maaaures our position as a belliger T a fl, «peaking before the B ar Asso a n t power compel ua to cootinne. ciation of Ibwtoo at its acveoleenth The Gove: nm entof tbe U n ited State« trien n ial banquet last,night. baa showu every disposition to p u l “ I l would revolutionize the na itself in our place and recognise our tional government. I . would put difficulties. O ur governm ent w ill on the ahouldere of tbe government SABR O BR O 8. J „ (Buccoseor Io N. O. Nielsen.) A M E R C H A N T , i^ jr P o r t Orfopd, PM».M - t a .w.p NEW GOODS, I end fresh sup diaa w ill be received by every steam er. ' my put poee to keep a »fu ll stock of [ everything required s A r All trade ia the Hue of • < G R 0 C E R 1 K 8 and P R O V IS IO N S . 7 ' BO O TS M E N S end B O Y S , 0 Ù 0 T H Î1 9 G . end ’ BUCK ‘ » • - ' k *■ t - A D IE b ’ D R E S S G O O D S , H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E shd T IN W A R E . x « G A R S , TO B A C Ç O ; P IF S 8 • O A N B Y ; T tU T S an<I N Q T T Q N 9 . l a tart. » e a p p ^ o ( o v « y t o ls i n e o a U y k a p tia a w ollfitaekad General Merchandise Mom. ORDERS T A K E N b O fi - • AN Y A R T IC L E NOT I I STOCK. Call and examine goods and get prices. « A f i n i efatartMhstata Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Stores W in -G illin g s , p r o p . s i A f u ll lin e of S to v e s and R anges, S u e m s e ij, A l u m i n u m , l^ u g s o n d D y t a t . tin g , S t ile t t a S u ttle r y , -bo .£,euttems, E tc . © rfo rd S o u v e n i r § p o o n .s Always Remember the Faä Name “ axative Rrom o Q uinine Boyle Jewelry €on Bandon, Ore. M fa ^C arezaC oM iiiO neD ay.G ^inTvro. 33c.