J 4* N n m b e i * iO Special Hosiery Offer A C A R C L & M C O N SU L. Iff*’ Deö s a liKMi, t t - ääc ^ « Ä f « . ■ 1 • L s ä ä U I t A *nd : ffbe wearing of oranga bloaeon a * a wedding la accounted for in various ways. Among other stories 1» the followiag popular la- Rend from Spain: An African king presented a Spanish king with a maguiflcent orange tree, whuae creamy, waxy blossom« and wonderful fragrance excited the admiration of tj»e wholeconrt Many begged in sola for a branch of the plant and a foreign ambas sudor waa tormented by a drain tointrodneeao great a curiosity to his native land. He need every possible means to accomplish hi» purpose, bot a » his effort« com make luune- si - ’ s ; S land* W W • B J X S ? . S 8sid were Itota-i u,-,n 4 The Cheapest Because it Goes Farther a { j « J j t , j ( , • * agricnltoml j a y color with written guarantee and Iwoe, sod has £ pair ct our wall knows Jfm’r P a ro - w t r U o r t h e * * Oartrr. for oar d»Uur, and 10c i«Ti ids were lis t-■ poetajp . v u . __ j >f the persons Ton kirn* thsus hone; bey stood the , »s preferanee j wht.„ „ tb w . failed Thoy give ^ m ^ r * » 1" * 1 * » » - HBfort- They have no «earns make Ttom a.j to rip. Tnay never become loose .n d ireacaright if! baggy ae tbs shape is kujt in, not! “ • ’ ’J S .*1“ ' presssd In T h e , are Gaemate«* for • < It is a Pleasure to M ake Bread «• With White River Fiou Try It, and Conviction W ill Follow & g to naaght ho gave ng to So * « lm*a wide «inning a» a point *° chs X h .io . «»nth of lh « q u *r l* i post on the north line of 8 ^ 10,«aid township and ranee. on the eastern beundar» o f the S S S T e ite n »ng the««* * * each side of s line rM n m a « . «* '£«_ 3 W ; . “ t i « ch«.; * ^ « thence « . « d e b. e . 7W W deg. -. . » w •*« *£ U w n « S. G d îU fc Ü ’S e S g & . t L | 2 S ’ » M EI N E I, the N | 8E1 K a w Ä g : a i nrobably be when «uiveyed JU T . 2 f g K 11 W ., described aa follows: s  à s f w ' 2%*'°? w apair. The fa ir daughter of the gmiri gardener waa loved by a eha.; thenoe 8. Sft SB ch’ . : the nee >'. 3d chs. to the Place’ of beginstog; except a ¿ t a ofiand to link* wide described as (allows: Beginn MR et the baaadary of tbs W art whence Corner Me. S beare » . “* theaee « linke on each «do ol a »no rnantog 8.A t deg. • <**• • “¿ '" S del Fnegnns (the strange rn$e of savages inhabiting the iaUpda in the aeighborhood of Cape Horn» is n simple but serious business. B avin« « h eeea a -bride. the SUV- • age wooer offers the lady hishunt ing bow. I f she fakes it and re­ turns it nt onee, then the suitor nnderatands that he ia accepted. As a m atter of fact, • woman rarely, if ever, rejects an offer oi marriage, for a Tierra del Fnegs:: does not take a rejection patient­ ly, and ia apt to reaeat a denial by wounding the damsel with an ar ___ r or the tract, , ■w'bgtogMd» H. Freeman, Harbor, Uregoo, M . Beptember 14, 181*. C. . Assistant Commissioner or > Ocn«ral Intnd Office .__________ 4 OFFICIAL DiBKCTOBV. • cats aa» oirraicT ovnenna t rj. A Senator»—D r. H a rry Lane, Portland and Oeo. E Chamberlain of Salem. ■KMIBSWBB Congressman. First District—Willis C. Hawley, ol Salem. Overn or—Oswald West- Salem.' TWe l i t t l e O o e a e n . ___ , Bccretary of State—Ben. W. Olcutt Sa- There Is much comfort to be found « lem. In a garden. I have watched a poor, State T easurcr— fhos. B. K ay, of Sa­ woman at a little bos of flower« St a window, growing radiant with bappl- lem. as aach bod bloaaomed and nnllad ftupt. Public Inatruction—L . A . A-ld her gentle band. W kter your ; erman, Salem. ttttle garden and tend It weil. A Mttte State Printer—Willi« Dunlway, Salem. Inve for «nnHgbt a Uttle sympatby for Attorney General—A. M. ihawford, i t h * Ä - r d ^ M Game Warden—Wm. L. F in ­ ley, Salem. Strle Health Officer—Dr. Calvin S. White, Salem. Salem. k srat»- ’ n'...i Board—G. G. Brown, t aiem. S ta le ,4 . I t is, perhaps, neediest to add that there are no henjiecked bus trnnds in Tierra del Fuego. The men, in fact band themselves to­ gether in a sort of society, tin« aim is to keep the women a im of ot which w hien 1 in su b jection . Thia curions ens torn iB th e onteome of a tradition the wonien once had the up- Zatotea. end to wears«-w«to» * * * - . * * • f c ? Ig f ilh s le s r f r • os w pair tiaa. ’ L*«d the N» D o n ’t d elay b u t send in y o u r p aad rang*, o rd e r before o ffer expire« Olvs m&ttle, o 3 d B V B fr W B A R H O B IB R Y CO. - fiasatlfbl caiiaga panonhan I Y a la a n d H a r v a r d e a c h ö ln . x S 4 in . P r in c e t o n , C o r n e ll, M i c h ig a n , e a e h 7 n « 1 in - A ll best quality t o * with felt beml- I tag, streamers, tatton and mssnri ex­ ecuted la proper enters. This splendid , i assortment neat postpaid tor 8ft oouts. sad »«temps to pay postage, Bend no« how aud Port Orford., cov M ty orrf©«B*‘ Io moot euoceptlbie to colds.' “ • County Judge — W. A Wood, Gold Beach .4 . ____ “Msry," said tho young matron’» [ ’ County Comtumai mera— D . Colegrove, mother. "It seemed to ma you wara I Gold Beach; GcoCbenoweth, Langlois. vary cold to John tbla mornlngl" "Yea," she replied. ’’I ’ m beginning ta S h e riff-C . H . Bailey. Gold Beach. County C lerk—Job u B- Stannard, soapect him." *» -The Idea! Too barn no •.old Beach. I ’m sum." County t Trcaa’irer— F ia n k Caughell “H avant I t I Wedderbura that I saw Aaaeeaaf^-W m. Tolman, Harbor. School » o p t .- t i e o . W . Sm ith. Gold * Beach. S s rv e y o r-1 CaugbeH J r ., Ool.l Beach. M im s e s or vnicouava. C ircuit Court meets Fouith Monday is August of n n c b y m r. C o.M ty C o m m l ^ n r . Court meeta fl„ t w . dnenday la January, A p n l. July «"d September of each yeai. Probate O ta r i m ans first Monday in each mouth ^<£1^ ccnnv oocxvv rosy or»tes» flhfti.ra»T -H e vent asked the young lady about to ‘ fremOabk “Only tvrtea.' O S t lC G O co , AH necessary operations in writing, Killing or statistical work are accomplished from the key­ board of the light running, easy atfion Model 10 (Visible) Smifli Premier Human want and misery to not to bo altogether sttritosWd to ignora— e to ordlM ry educawonal aanaa. «0» at­ to «conomle eondiUono. bnt mur< j^ g e i, to tba mdUfl* rfa a te • * h e re d ita ry p h y .ie e l ta i» » a a rru n a d ln g a , m y* Typewriter C o , T k a Soitit W Alt. m o d em »» ,L _j. _ ^maeae o r g a n lr a tio u . o f the t,|y inclined, and »0 the »»arte of «■*» benevolent persona tba r i* - la chiefly indebted “T hings to eat and wear” Complete Control all the drudgery. As men in a savage state are even mo«* p rejn d ie d against work than their civilised brothers, It is quite n at­ ural that they should take mens » r«<>a n«a coia*. A writer to The Lancet «ays: ”» > * • urea accordingly. y«-«t Senatm for Cooa and Carry— | began to study diet 1 have been a«e DOCTORS AMD C HARITT. 0 . 8 . Commissioner»— f l s p r c ia l t y MCKEHZIS & POOLE D a y t o n , O h io grant thoughts. Though the benaty of the rose la brief, yrt tbe perfume may be preserved, like tbe memory of a klaa, fore very—flchoolmaater. tonlsbed at the number of ensee or which I have bawd, eve» men. wbe by eating lass sod ant: m efteu kaea found that tbelr snsceptlta- to colda has quit» gone. Such facto as I have mat with print to the snoda- ■ton that It is tbs system ovaiensrga* .ducts of fo«J w m en w aa with the products food whtsb wss and psL --------- -- can n set only as s paL T . Ctewart om reqatred — to »vary organ in to the tbe body which ___________ $ 1 .7 5 Sack D a y t o n , O h io fe - F0^-Y0ÜB PEN 5 p « hi' Dd’ and fo " * d ,h e " * n ,o d° I. 8. Smith- Joint Bepreenntative for Coos and Curry—8. P. Peirce. Judge, 8d Judicial District—J. W H -m ilton, Koecbnrg. Proeecnting Attorney for Curry Co.— W . B . Meredith, Wedderburn. * foe N.Y. to e fom ritae aad «» W o n ad *to » -n jv *» - sUtuUons through whtoh phyatetena exercise tbelr fonction» among tba poor. I t rem a in s fo r to e profession to enter toto thia work in a mora «T~* matte way. »very atty, oonnty stata medical society «bonld bava s W anted INVENTORS N o th in g , has ever equaB- N o th in g can ever t u r pa DrJtings New Discover ' .." ^ .7. ***>*••* M b«« ............... iW h a . ........ . .a .. J. W. »Hey. :a fc W k e m a n . a . M> mien. k ----------••-•••• ¿ ¿ B . i f f S r ... J . A -H a|n e. • • **• . ff f k 1 'pv I rer /Vi 1* *»*f » A«"tn& rroiu. , if ftWpu, Tr»e1 Si ' f'