ors. IW E H D A Y , rXiiTiiI»ft*r .37 I > tä O K M liI 3 T t IO. l » l -JL B E1R A V4U ’Des. L ut, tn o e í,-i» to ,-ta w -t " K ” Dati. ¡torat loo T» Entry o f f.aattx Nationit! Foretti. Mete»-ISCO,>»«6l,-» 8 4 . R e s to ra tio n to E n tr y o f L un d s In N a tio n a l Special Hosiery Offer An institution That Contributes Notice is hereby gtvsii thut the lands G u a r a n t e e d W e a r - E v e r H o s ie Much Toward the Enl*venment described below, embracing 282.07 sens ry fo r M en a n d W o m e n within lira riaxiyou X a lim a l F u r e i t , ’»i. 1 - of Mankind. L a d ie s ’ S p e c ia l O ffe r ______J Oiegon, wdl tw »object to «"Utem-ut Notice is hereby given that the lands A B d s l i t y Hil ler the provisions of the described below, embracing 38162 For Lim ited Time Only— In a generul summ ing up of the taweof tiie United buito» ftix p a 'r« t our finest 35- value la - 1 num erous m evhucieai invention» acre» within the Hixkivou Natlou.l i o f dune I I, i«oo (34 g u t., tmlkd this lx ; Forest, Oregon, w ill I«- eubtect to g - t - 1 g.i.-rant.ed lusw in block, tan »T 083) el the f t .it « I Mutes la n d office a t - lb* n r.'i'« ta.» a which contribute largely' to the dement end entry under the provl«- -, dh-r' . .. . Wh>-« tadfftftid/ a Brass ' ) regvn.on S,,vein tier 26, 19! + ions of the hoiuextend law»of the Uni - J , *te Cu«'-,r‘> -Ath wntteu guarantee, guyety of nations, the ttlepboue, And erbved f » hj who was actually and in if f appears, does not fail behind, : wl S at-s and the act of Jnne 11. iffle >ur $1 and 10c for postage, etc. I faith c'aliiiing any of said lands Tbe wer« uptenf« , (»4 H u t .. 233) at the .United Stales , S D a cial Orr«n w «r M e n for agriou tural purposes prioi to Jap. I load office at Roseburg, On-goo, on ’ O f tw F o r M an sa y s the Indianapolis Journal. Put tbáj w«r> dt-/ tat X <¡xi «II that 4aj 1, 1( 0 , and has m t abandoned same, The »bot* pcfixi í-tt di, ¡utd na Ü» wavsa 1 November 26. 1914. Any sbttler who F o r a limited time only, six pairs of “It juat tu-cum-d to me the has a preference right t<|. make lintnn- T.e dead bg J uif Uy. whs actually and in good faitti claim-' our a nest 3Sv value OuaraiU e«! II.,»e stead eniry for the lauds n<dually oc- other day,” «aid a woman in a lit- • | in« any of said lands for agri.nip»ral , , . v col. -r w ith written v i m m i k m >, ,i At last the broo4t«t «Bist eapiod, eaid lands were liste-i upon Bowaotue and ’ tie group of d a b loiterers who ho • purposes prior to Jau. I . HMfi, aud has . ; , , » , , r „ „ There nkobdMA, r> h l/ J#Té*nh¡. the applies-k>ns of th<- penona nnn- r ( nr wo' ‘ known M m y P ara- 1 were having a so c ia l chat n if fte A br K ob Audi, srltb ¡<«:rn«e toro, te f f ' not Kb&ndeucd same, has a preference a tlonedbelow, who have a uroferenoo Aiur that d«j of gtuiud. rig ht subject to tiie p ior right of any ‘Vary Thaebcr iUggineoR in Toutb’g Compio* I the club had adjourni'd, “that t we ' right t - make.honu stea.l en tr, for the d **f O «ih r» for mut d o lla r, and 10.- for Innds occupied. __Said lands were list- postage, etc. such sottler, provided such settler or , do not give the telephone its just j You know tlieae Iiose; hoy stood the applicant is qualified to make home due of praise as a rheer d istrib stead entry end the pieterence right Is U N IN H A B ITE D JSLA N D S. other, fgtled. They give i execfcfledprireWteJUv.K, H i» , on which utor. O ae hears a good deal, now fetich setter, provided such se.tier or i real foot con.fort. They ha-eno m - uivj date tiie lands wilt I * subject do «Wile- V fcere A r a T t . v n . a w 4 . • ( « e n I a ( h e and then, tele en, , about titfeuaefnl le ----- the . . , useful te .W W W - appli , I - - - I* -g-. ........... JUf‘V never DVV»T C apt «mdifted to woke Siili,rey- home- I W to Tip. rip. They boeoum loose and ' In d in a Oveen. meat and entry by any quxlliied i-ei- e w a d e rfÙ1 telephone if" 4 Í ,M> r W u- iw ..KV phone, th the w o onderful tetapbefw. f ” ’* d acn. Thelxnu sare as followte: Tim kuit^ in, n o t. I f you should want an i.lciid—that la, . , 4 4 _____ - « . . . X E k N W k X E k , ibe W 1< H U 'k NKJ, an uninhabited inland—for'tke purpose the convenient nven ien t telephone, but f which date tl»** U d H b will tie rubyuct to hi, TKer uro o-, uar.»itfcr3"foT the EM XEi< NW M .Sev. 1» T. S3 ft.. *** - ■ - * * - - ju s tif ie d ! i r m n e s f , f o r s ty lo , f o r s u p e r i o r i t y o l :• N. 10 W., W. M ., except a strip of Innil : material and workmanship,absolutely f 60 links wide described u-> follows: Be. stainless and to wesr »ix moniA« w ith -! ginning at a point 20 el.e oast and 6 SO ahain> south of the quail*! j> -at on the out holes, of a new pair free. north line of Sec. 10, said townsh'p »mi D o n ’t d e la y b u t s e n d in y<>ur range, on the eastern boundary of the o r d e r k-efore o ffe r e x p ire s . Give treat; extending thence 2 i links on correct »inc. each side of a Hue rnnuib-r Si. 64 ih-g. India yon can find more than liMXM) of In trite phrase, words can hardly uu a)>plicst»on Oft). B, Ikiulittlc, W ., 66 chs.; thence ft. 70 deg- 2.27 them, where there la not a hnir, -u be- B V E K -W B A K 1 IO S IE K V C O . Be uc iictf Oregon ; List 6-1300 tell w hat a valuable affair the te l chs.; theuce X. 78 dug. W ., 1.00 clis. tag and where you can. If you will, be D a y to n , O h io A tract of HB.02 acre», within » h a t ' I X. 44 deg. W.. 1.43 chs.; tl.ei-«- ephone is in the country. In the will priAmbfx be when aurveved See. i P 3 deg. W., I 'JO t-hs. ; «item« s. 42 mon.-trch <rf all yon survey. ,8 , T . 34 8.. ft ¡3 W., denc-ibeS aa fob i dull w inter days, when my hus An English traveler has recently been deg. W , I 22 eliK ; then, e S. tkl deg W flow»: Beginnin« at Corner No. 1, a 1.40 cha. ; th.nce N. tb de W 4.2« among the »moll lalands that dot tbe band w as in town and the children Otis. ; thence X . 76 d eg . W ., 4 clis; wet-fein cr.d of the iBdlnn ocean to at school, my sp irits would som e oed r poet marked M / l , wuvuce | . F. 8. M . tears X, 46 dogn»« fe., 4 chs.) tlieuci N 8M deg- W., a 70 chs thence make an ¡uvintdry of tliem ond re Becutital college pennants 8. deg. W „ 4 ebs.; thence 8. 30 deg. ports that he counted lrt,i0O and found tim es flag. Instead'of flying to a , and C8 links i x ’ouding theme X. 10 W., L30 chs. ; thence 0. 60 deg. W „ only shout COO of tht in inhabited, quinine pill or a dose of cut rate degrees W \ W< hs , thence K. 60 ch»., I A M chs.: theuce 8. 47 deg. W ., 8.8x1 Now, there la a good chance for any tonic, I would sim ply fly to the i theme ft. 31 degrees W., 46 chs , thence Y a le a n d H a r v a r d e a c h 0 tn . x j ft. 60 degrees U . 21 chs , to tiie plMwi chs., to the place w here the atrip ci oue who M y nnnt an Island. telephone, call up som e one of my of beginning, It U-it Ufi.a application1 2 4 in . P r in c e t o n , C o r n e ll, on the boundary of Uie tract, irte n e t M ic h ig a n ,e a c h 7 x 21 in . * Theee pertleu'ar Islands are not large, treasured relatives or intim ate > of I I. B. Horrcli, The Oades Oregon; j area being 48.10 acres; listed upon :.p. t f All best quality felt with felt head- h-atiou of T. W. BiMuga, Marl.d, «8 Isbnds go. bu, very many of them friends, either in town or In the i c.iat 0-1301. The SEJ Sec 6, T. 38 R. 14- lag, streamers, letters aud mascot Mt* regon; f.latS-KXli. Tim W'i 8 W ). are seffit-ient for the purpose of a Rob- N E M . • ' * M BKM N W M 8ec. Hi, T. inscu Crusoe or any other novel hero ; auarklu i W ., 80 acres, appli-atiun of J. W. Mug , ecuted iu propetcolors This splendid 83 ft., K. 10 W „ 40 aerea, applicai Ion or for even a small colony of shlp- sparkle of talk or harm lesa «os i Keoaie, ftlxes Elver, Port Orfqrd, of Miehard Vernier, Mur at, Oregon ; ••vreckrd mariner» or other pereens who sip over the wire, and go back to “ . . September - - Orc«im: L I t e-1384. H, assortm- „ , . ut sent postpaid for „ 60 . cents ta li. C. it l a c s , A.idìitou» Cora- ftn'1 ® *ta » l« to W pumage. Send n-»w , IJst 6-1240. The BEI HE) Beo. 18. the edglit be cast On one of them or seek my sew ing or work refreshed and XEi N gj, Ore N j ftE} + iK | Sec. 18, the for the pnrp'isc ef making n home pret tlkiHilonei- of the Geueml Laud Office, j HOW A lti» SPE C IA L T Y CO. braced in mind and body. X W j S A ) X W | Seo, 20, T. 33 K 14 ty much out of the busy world. 8- 25 De*. t D a y t o n , O h io W., litt sorrs, ap,dl.-ado i o f Ba, l trf B. , __ ____ ftayaiun-' “ ‘U nbeknow nst,’ too. as good Rome of I Item are only an acre or ' 0. Th'gnpson,. Fort v r nnl, th v .o n , List 8-1882. A trnet within what will two, well elovated above the tide, while j old Rairey Gamp would say, I P S probably iwwhen surveyed Sec. 81. T. others Are s quarter of a mile In diam often ndmietatered the telephone 40 8., R. I t W ., <f«scri(«d as follows .- eter Mid running from that up to a mtle cure to my husband and children. B«g' nnlng at tf.e Bortl.west corner of or two in length and a quarter or less See. 6, T. «1 H„ g . 1* W .; exteudu g of the length lu breadth. Many of If Henry yawned a good deaf in thence X. 6.66 clis , to Fortier N o . I; 'hem are granltte etructuies tliat rise : the evening and didn’t s e # » io tliencc Eat 10 chains: vtcepiy from 23 to 100 feet, well cover- care to read, or to talk, I would i tliem e X. 38 chs.; tiiencft K. au chs.; d with rich ko U, tbrongb which mnsll •ay, carelessly: theuoe ft. 38.00 c b r.; i lienos A . 30 chs. to the nbue of h c g in n - n g ; except a fr,-nl> water streams hurry to the am, i Henry,Z nll „ p G eo rg en ia n h e, j strip o f land 69 linlis wi le d e s c r ib e I as which they reach after flowing over and ask how tbev all are, over follows: Beginning st the- eastern tienebes of glistening ("delirious sand boundary of the tiact whence Conn r flint arc begirt by coral o-ofs, whlrh them ; w e haven't beard Xo. 6 boars 8. 0.3»i ebs.; extern.in»- turui wall» about the lniniKi*. j tiiran for several dapt ; or, Henry, tlii-ncu 26 links on eseii side . ( a tjpe ¡ c a l l u p y o u r 111.,-) . r f ln rl risk JtoW runs lug ft, 61 dea. W„ 6 eh».; th-r.fte ait Mt.- f<>ns X. 88 deg. W ., 8.20 ch .; thence s. (Hi ' '«y* ('fllarleaa VaMtaft. deg. W. 8 chs.; thenus N. «6 deg. W. a Colork-s» vamt»b for use on flue M> to know.’ T h ese-little tclspboix* chs.; thence X . 70 deg. \V „ 4.32 ch»., uels or other print», a» well- aa for «ytnpoajutns wotiM brlghteu dear t-- tlw plx.s) where tile strip clows' on white wood and other spotless article« the w«-eti rn boundary of the tract, tin Is made se follows: Dissolve two and old Henry up nmnxingly. W hen net area beta* 82.81 acres, appli, ntion one-hnlf ounces of bleached shellac to the children were at home from of K. B. Freeman, H n r t r , Oregon ; one pint of rectlSed utcobol; to this school with colds, toe, th* tele L is t 0-1282. ftepU-nilmr 14. 1314. V. add 0ve ounces of aiitmal boucb l0Mt. phone w ss_ pur g r -s t com fort. W. Hates, Agsir-tunt Guin in is iur.-or of which sbonld first tw hcatrrL and then Indeed, I thick the world at large t»e General la n d Office. boll the mixture for r.bftuFflvs min _ II quautlty w____ _______ utes. Filter n Map of this •» ungenerously silen t concerning I U F F IC IA I D IR E I TORV. through Altering paper end If not fully *he cou n tless glorions m eeanges of eoterh'»* ndd mere boneldack and boll golden cheer which, day by day, wrxTS äxo oiumici orricsas : ag x 'ti. Wb“n this bus bert) done, run in every direction, flit along the Ü. 8. Seiisiurs— D r. H a-rv Lune, ol the mixture throinrh silk and through Portland and Geo. E Chsmberlutu of «lterlng paper When cool. It la ready telephone w ires.” < • 'A' fta lein. for u»e. It sho-ald t«. applied with Gold. Congressmnn, First District—W illis eare asd uniformity. __ Though the tem peratnrs fell C. Hawley, ol ftaleiu.X', Tool, it i.H»ratir. more thnn CO degre»» below tero Gvern or—Oswald West, fta’ctn. gentlemen, wisbint tome bushes several tim es at the place where Secretary of Btote—Bi-n. W. Olenti 8a- removed f24itii his garden, told bis gar observations were made, these l--m . dencr to puli them up by the recta fttato T.nasurer— iho». B. Kay, of 8a Some time uftrt- be went Into the gar records cannot be regarded ns den and found the gardener digging representing the extrem e cold in lens. trecctas round the bushes. the an tarctic regions. G reely nnd Supt. Public Instructlou— L . A. Aid "ViTiy. George.” he »a Id. "you need _ Perry saw nothing w orse thnn «0 arma», Raient. •ot dig roniHl those small bushes la . or fl*> degrees below rero, but. like State Printer—W illis Dnutway. Salem. thet way. 1 am sure you are stron« Attorney General—A. M. Otawford. suoush to pull them up by the roots.” Capt. S cott, they were cleee to tbe State Game Warden—» ’ni. L. F in “Ota yes, sir.” replied the gardener. sen except daring the summer ley, Salera. J ”1 am strong enough, but I must dig a m onths. The m ost never* cold on 8tato Health Offlcor—Dr. Galvin 8. little before 1 enn catch hold of tbe record is that observed in north roots.- I f you had told me to pull them White, Salem. ern Siberia, well inland, snya the np by the bnioebea. 1 could have re Mnli-fri. N ew York Tribune. A tempera moved them.” Clerk State lauid Board—G. G. Brown, ture of 90 below w as registered a Cesrphto, Sttosl.1 U w K ^ k e w d A Kl»ar*a Ecowamr. Salem. ' ln|cwl>«í»«W« Pito.». An example of George I I l . ’s econo few years ago a t W erkjohansk. Joint 8euatoi for Oooa and G u rry - mies ia so curious ns a ¡most to suggest For w ell known astronom ical rea Ball B-sims (.srr-sw Ft«n-«b!« T»I h Istw RK6 1. A Smith. that it must have betokened approach- sons the w inter o f the southern Siispii Sosal Cana. DnW» Joint Representative for Coos and tag Insanity. He actually let out the Droo Ftrp-d Type B m »ream colored horses used for his state hem isphere is colder than that of Perfect La w l x < i Gurry—H. P. Pei rue. the northern. If a m idw inter ob coach to a Jobmaster, who “thinks BichroiM Ribbon Judge, 2d Judicial D ie td e t-J . W from the great receipt of custom that servation co-lid be made aev-rnl U cifo m Tocci. Hamilton, Roseburg. they will draw him Into an easy for hundred m iles frotn tbe oeesn In Bad Biiflr.g Type Bar PrussewMng Attorney for Curry Column lo Ñ h r end P s ra n o b « I that part o f the globe, therefore, Go.—W . H . Meredith, WoJdetburu rVc e.l T«bol..r.r it Is not unlikely that a tem per Vie bi» Writing U. 8 . CotuiulssioDets—H T . fttewurl PADEREW SKI GOT « 2 0 . A Key for Erery Cksrselsr ature of fully 100 degrees below Port Ot ford. Patas Ersaog r«c.lilir, Bvt ( • U M ■Ito sero would be encountered. ioa-rb«in*«b!» Csni»SM cots-rv ornees». C la t k e s O a l a t P H w a . < Ihgln s a l I Csrnsgr R a t u « L m r s Paderewski-» first really important , » Courty J u d g e -W . A Wood, Gold Intoxicated Wasp*. Swaging M«rg.r»l Rack engagement as a pianist was In Tarts Protected RA-bon Beach W asp s have a great fondness Cest Drives Cwriegra County Commisshiorrs— D . OUegrovc, long after the death of his betavod for ow rrip e fruit, especially Ribbon Caairi-lied (rom Keyboard wife. He was engaged to play In the Gold Reach ; GeoChesoweth, Langlois. VerisbU a U Ceiveosl Law Sfmee. drawing 'room of a lady famous fur pears, plums nnd sw eet apples. Sheriff— 0. H . Bailey, Gold Beach. Perfect D us Guard her muslcnlJs. and bis fee. wnleh seem The w igar of these fru its has a Beck Spore Lame County Clerk—Joh a R. fttannard, ed to kon enormous, was 820. He tr,aa- tendency to pass into a kind o f a l Cseriege Retarder Gold Beach. •grt* <o persuade the humane agent to cohol In Ihe ordinary process of improved MmgiOel Slope County Treasurer—Prank Oaugt.ell pry him In advatw-e. and wbeu Pado-' Ea-aperaeot, SpesibeW Ever Devised _ suit i rotting, and after Imbibing large rewskl had ___________ redeemed his dress Wedderfaiira ‘ ft- m pawn and |mld for shoes, gloves. Q u a n tities o f this MqeM t^e w asps Th**e arc features which saale |lw Assessor—W m. T.4i»»e, Harl-or. tie and other eesenttsls he had no mon- become (Uttrageowsly tatoxtrated. Sindh rretsúer the choice ol tie ftcliool Kupt. - Geo. W . Sm ith. Gold ey left for cab hire, so ba.wos forced T h e y craw l away in the grass in a Beach. man who iuvmhcatca compsrative eow.IktotbeaceneofhljMmgagem eot sem i-som nolont condition and re- advantages. The music loving sudleuee .aspired m #in „ „ , h<. Surveyor— I. Gaugbell Jr., Gold Beach. him He played with feeling, passloa " ,Z f; * MtSTTKO» OS TUB COl'STa. off. w hen they will go at it again. Glreutt Court meets Fouith Monday it * r .1 (usetery of tils iBstnuncat as oev- rr before. His »v.ccess was Instant aud It is w hile in this condition that August of each year. unmistakable. The poor player had they do their w orst stinging. A County Fommtwtoncrs Court moot» suddenly become tbe lion ef the bout, person receiving n sfin g frotn one first Wvbaeeday ta January, April*. his dream had become a reality, and of these intoxicated w asps will o ? V ¿s î i " fame and fortune were assured Mar. July and Septen-ber of oaoh pem At last, a/tov dlseogag'ng himself severely from nerv« poison Probate Court meets 8r»t*Mondoy iu t (WRAw^iffffgn Lu^ • pbiiiK ft» ptew-i riey h . w w lk -Mtevy from his admirers, be turn-d to leave, 1°* I ° r d ays.— N ature. each mo.itb 1 W . p»< « 1 * 0 « l u la F. ft aaS «U t«»» curad. Í*»t ire akxM> w a n t &■ oraav ool - stv ro»v orme«» «nt? ro»T- when bis hostess, remembering with regret the smallue«» of the f»e for *o Aftermath. S it, it R —-¿a help». ■ AMSBO. "Why are you so quiet th is ev en H arbor....... .. Fletcher ’ lar.li»er mgrretoas a performance, offered'bits i ï v ’r Gold Beach. ........... ....... J. w . Riley. oer carriage for bta return home. But ing, dear?“ »he asked. “Are yon Jäk • r i f e ¿ a ! Paderewski'* pride came to the reecoe. Wedderhura ...............C. I,. Wakennm thinking about how we twcame e n U llh c e ... , ........... M r. E. R Price. In bta courteous yet reserved way ae 1 i» t-X lsbat help, h o t its » ,» » i M o r t a l . .. . .Mrs. Viola A. Frv. made a formal bow. and snylng, "No, gaged la st night?” m itat l»w e f.i'.t ’.Hfcd in «UC,»- A gue* .............. A. M . Riles. thank you. msdame; my o *n 1» w a it 00.” he answered, with a deep n u r r » n -» i ■»- Port Orford . . . ........... Ames Johimb-R log." lie stepped eut for bi« long Walk sigh. "You sec. I’m perfectly ao- T m *. *» Hi f *eJii ». ».-or* j Denm ark....... . ........... .1. -J. H. Ckppe. homeward.—Pearsou'a Weekly. lAftiV -, k, i her to n ig h t.” — Chicago Dally 6 3. PfcUat flMW,WML'i>»¿ca I €. B T h rift Eckley.............. ...............J ,. A. Haines New». ——w. -» «W V« ■ |lt 7 ^ . ■ ■ ^7 . *>,-**• " We will give F iee a Christmas Card Each buyer at our Store. One Card each buying visit. N. MCKENZIE Ä POOLE “T hings to eat a a à wear” OREGON O R T O B FO R U F<tR YOUR DEN S Wj DON’T fail to see our large line of Christ- _ mas booas. Act prom ptly tso* A ¿ 'k » .. X -. * 4ntarcH* A ll necessary operations in writing, billing or Statistical w ork are accomplished from tbe key- board of t re light running, easy ad io n M odel 10 (V isible) A t'i, acy PATENTS I ŸttRââÊW.» « h a ? ! SWIFT Langlois.... ...........E, A CO., W ! Write lor i T h e Smith Premier Typewriter C c Syracuse, N .Y . Broacbm - n Nothing baa ever equalled >L N othing can ever aurptss It Or. King’s Discovery '«OSF3“ 'ft- New A Perfect Por AH Thmat an j C w ei Luag 'Trouble«. Mfagrv heefc If ft Tr fikrtnws I