OHIXinn.OItEGQN, Wi:l)?IE»«T>AY, DECEMBETt », loia Lieta 8-1388, DOCTORS AHD C H A R IT !. «on. notwithstanding his _ _ fa r from being scuts, says a a English I t ft very dlfflcult to catch a spider w ith a pair o f forceps, h at a can easily be captured I f as Is made. Spiders see their prey before they are caught I d the web, hat the scorpion makes no morerpent what- j to seise flies or cockroaches until they Indicate their whereabout* by movemeuta. Thia being the eaea If «an reatUfa be understood bow easily '■be scorpion may be roused Into motion bjrct to the pi ior rig h t of any - provide«! such settler <>r qualified to n u k e home*" e n try ami the prefer« ucc rig h t is lied prior to N o r. <5.1914, on which the lands w ilt hr subject to »el tic ' and entry by a n y quelified pet us follow »: The NEJ. 3 t-.. . . . . . . lan.i lin ka wide described a« fo llo w *: Hr g in n in g at a point to chs east and 8 60 •k a in a south of the quartet poet on tiic n o rth lin e of See. 10, aaid township and W ag e, on the eastern boundary o f the tra e t; extending thence t > links on each side of a line running IV. 04 deg. W „ W c h * .; thence 8. 79 deg. W ., I t ! e h a .; thence S . n «leg. w . t 1.00 cha.; thence N. 44 deg- A'., 1-43 c h a .; thence a . 8 deg. w „ I »0 « ba.; tlieuce 1. 42 dag. W .S W o li» .: then ce», « 0 deg. W . 1 .4 0th » ; th<B 5e K.’ SU d r« . W , 4.20 • b e .; thence N . 7» ilqg. W.„ 4 ohs; tb fiie y N 88 deg. W ., 2 70 «die. > thence 8 . 4 * deg. 4 eha. ( thenoe 8. 30 deg. W ., I JO c h a ; thenoe 8. 00 deg. W , « .M o h s .; thence S. 47 deg. w ., 3.6« H ou w e ooaunary or t i e tract, the net a re a being 4 S .it acres; listed ur.ou an- pHcation o f T . W . Billing», M a rt.1 , Oregoa: List 0-1000. The WJ BWfe MKJfi, th e B J 8 K < < X W « 8 e e . 10, £ SS 8., B. 10 W ., 40 acres, application a t Blebard V en ner, M a n s i, Oregon; I4 a t S-l$48, The HR! 8EJ Heo. 1». the W ., IIS auras, a p a llo aiM .i o f Haymond C . Thom pson, Port U r o r d , Oregon, U a tfi-l$ S 2 . A trust w ith iu w h a t w ill probably he when surveyed Hec.41, T. 40 8 ., B. IS W ., descrilaxl as fo llo w s : B eg uulng a t toe northwest corner of tbs. 0, T . 4 1 8 , it . u W . ; e x te n d ii.g »hence V . SI H is .; thenoe E . So c h s .; tbeaOe 8. SS.OS a lia .; thenoe * . 90 ch s . to tint iduce of b eginning; except a t i p of land to Hake wide described aa B e g in n in g a t the eastern « f t h e t i a c t whence Corner i 8 . 0.80 chs.: exten.iine deia. W . 3 e b » .: thence N . 86 den. W. Restoration ta E ntry » f Landa la W rh a t t h e X e « U w i Fw a«a « le a tlte tl <>•» Ctoafetvy, K attento Koreat. Hum an w ant and misery Is not to be a lto g e th e r attrib u te d to iguoranse la the ordinary educational tensa, nor al together to economic conditions, but mors largely to the mulign affects of . hereditary physical ta in t and unsaai- yary »urroi ■^Odinga, says Mcdlclaa. A lt modern communities possess organisation» o f the charita bly inclined, aad to the efforts of such benevolent persons the in «die »1 pro fession la chiefly indebted fo r the founding and support of the many In I f a toning fork be aounded on the stitution» through which physicians table on wijlch I keep my caged ecor- exercise th eir functions among the nee become» agitated and poor. It rsmaias fo r the profession to strikes ont rlclouuly w ith his aflug. v n tp r Into this Work in a mors »ysts* On touching him w ith the vibrating luatic way. Every city, county sad tuning fork he stings It and then colli stats medical society should have n- him self up. as .ficorpfana do whan «tandiag committee of its most public belgcd In. spirited members, whose p articu lar business i t should be to cooperate ac T a l k e d T e a O e lle e e * W o r t h . tively w ith the organised charities In **I remember when Judge Austin was the capacity o f an advisory bossd. By trying a case la the crim inal court." such a system nmoh msy ba dons la said a M ilw aukee lawyer, "th at be had way of preventing mistakes sad a fellow to defend who was evidently o f developing the form of preventive guilty. When the tim e ceiae tor him charity which w ill seek to smeHorsts to plead, he rose and said be waa w ill Buffering by the reduction of perni ing to let the case go to the Jury at cious conditions. The splendid work eucs. believing that o f infirm aries, dispensaries aad hoapi- chance for acquittal. ' 1 ia placing curative medicine a t “ H e waa nudged by the defendant, the disposal of tha diseased poor. Beads salfl. Tor the Lord’s to ba supplemented by bringing tha something* aeianee of preventive medicine into " ‘Ten know you are guilty, and you harmonious action w ith th a t fo rm of didn't pay me much a n y w a y w h is p e r charity which looks to the lessening of social evils along tbs Uaos of p e r ed the lawyer. •I know that,' anld the prisoner. *1 soosl sad public sanitation. only paid you SlO. and fo r «very on« In the room'beard that, and Judge A n itin talked his $10 worth. H r cleared h l* man too.” —Chicage Chronicle. P a th o s . ~. Hulsof Bred through the moot event- fu l periods o f modern France. B e was bora la 1787 amid the mutterings o f the revolution. yiolsof a parents were rfed by a proacrlbed Protsdtant aad hi» birth waa never legally regis tered. B is father, who waa a a advo cate. used his talent fa r public «peak- lug In the Prdtcstant« and became a marked m a n ., A fte r living fo r sevgrai weeks in * per o f his life-he was k t tost arrested,. •tn w illingly enough, by a gendarme w b e 1 knew and respected him. <• ' I let yea escape?* m M tto men. "A re yon married 7" replied U . Out- *8BH MJ uarw <• 81|HKR1 "but you would hare to pay for ana L a d ie n * S p e c ia l O f f e r Motfos is hereby «iron th a t the land«, described below , em bracing 884.63 *Pwr L im ite d Tim e O nly— » 'W e w ith iu the Siskiyou H a llo a s )! I Hix . p a ir « of p an ■» v o « u m r finest unrsv 36 36c VnluS In Eorept, <»r.g.»., » ill i«. seldoct t o a s t die»’ gunrantrnnl boss in blaok, tan o r tlem cnt and entry under tue provis ions of tim liomeetaad law s of tbs U n i* - white color« w ith w ritis e guarunlss, fo r 8 l and 10c fo r postage, ate. ed Stab s and ike act o f Juno 11 (84 8 ta t ., 8 » ) at the U n ited S p e c ia l O f f a r F o r M u n t land office a t Roseburg, Oregon F o r a lim ite d tim e only, six pairs o f f November 28,1914. A n y settler was actually and in good taitn ing any o f said lands fo r ngricaitaral purpose* p rio r to Jan. 1, 1906, and ha» ot abandons«! ubsndc " * same, — * n«A has a preference a p a ir of our well known H r s ’» P a rs -} rig h t to m ake homestootf entry fa r the d«'»r Q arttrt fa r «nr dvf/ar, and 10c for lauds oaoapisd. Bahl lauds w ere lis t postag«-, etc. ed u|»>u the » pp licafioc. «4 the psnvus Ton know these hoae; i h i y stood the ■ncut.oovd below who have a prefveanee I igl. l »nbjvet lo the prtor right of an y tost when a ll other» fa iU d . T hey g iv e «M-h settler, pmyhtod such esitto» or rsal foot comfort. They have no »»am« a p p ti-a n t Is qualified to make h<Jme- to rip . They never beoome loose and stead en tiy and the preference rig h t 1» - •njiswl p rio r to Nov 88, 1914,. on baggy us the shape Js knit in , net toll date the lands w ill be cubieSt to pressed lu. They are (toaraalrrd for ie ;t euieut sod entry by a n y quigfied firmnee«. fa r style, to r superiority of lierson. T b s lands are ns follows: m aterial and workm anship, absolutely * * - *. «>* E l E | H W | the NJ 8 « J bectlon », T. 38 fi„ R, is stainless and to wear rix month» w ith W , except a s h ip of U n 1 SO lin ks wide out boles, or a new p a ir free. lying along the west side of the NJ D o n ’t d e la y b u t S e n d I n y o u r HR J >'ec. 9, said township and range, o r d e r b e f o r e o f f e r e x p ir e e . G ive the net ares being 160 acres, listed up- ou application of O. B. DooUttfa, ¿told correct sise. Beach, O re g o n : la s t 6-lSflO A tract ot 146.68 acres, w ith in w h a t w ill p ro lw b ly Iw when surveyed. See. 8, T . 84 8 ., K 1J W ., d e s c ilb e d .S fal lows 7 Beginning at C orner H o , 1, a o»d>.r post m arked H / l , W hen» F. 8. M . bears N . 46 itogfavs k .T c h a . a n d * * lin ks ex ending thence > . 10 degrees W 8 0 o h s , thence E . SO ch» , them e 8.81 degrres W „ 46 ohs , thence 6 .6 0 degrees W. SI ohs., to the place BLOSSOM of beginning, ii tort upon a p p lie s * » o f H . B. H o rre ll, Tlie Dalles Oregon ; Lagsnd a t Spain Tails B o w \ t W as List 0-1861. T h e W J 8KJ Sec 8, T . 38 8., R. 14 F irs t Used s t s W adding fa W ., 80 seres, application o f J . W . Mac T h a t Country. Kensie, Sixes R iv e r, P o rt O rford, The wearing of orange bloAon O regon: L i t 6-1864. September 14, 1914. C. M E a cc, A ssistant Com- • f a wedding is accounted fo r is miasioiier of tlie G eneral L an d Office vartadfc ways. Among other 8-26 Dee. B V E R -W B A R H O S IE R Y D a y to n , O h io ws» River Flour Try it and Conviction Will Follow MCKENZIE & POOLE FOR YOUR DEN x It Is a Pleasure to Hake Bread with White CO . Beeutifel nsllags Y a le n n d H a r v a r d e a c h The Cheapest ^Because it Goes Farther 0 In . “t h i n g s to cat a n d w e a r” 8A In . P rlneeton, C ornell, M ic h ig a n , e a c h 7 * 1 In . A ll best q u a lity fe lt w ith fe lt head ing, streamers, letters and maeoot «x- «kilted In properoolors. T hleepleatlid i aaenrtmcut seat poetpald fa r SO cents and 8«taTupelo pay postage. Bead now I HOWARD « S P E C IA L T Y POHT ORFORD c o .f .W e fin d a d v e rtis in g in tKc T r ib u n e pays D a y to n , O h io r J stories fa the following popular le gend from Spain: An A frican king presented « Hpuuiah king w ith a magnificent orange tree, whose ereutny, waxy blossom» and wonderful, fragrance excited the aduiira t iod of the whole court H a n y begged In vain fo r a branch o f the plant and a foreign ambus sudor wna tormented by a deuir« teiatroduceso great a curiosity to his uatfae Iqnd. i j e used over.' purpose, hut a ll bis efforts lug to naught be gave up io de ■pair. The fa ir daughter o f the court gardener was loved by a youhy artisan, but she lacked th e d o w rj which the fam ily considered nec essary to a bride. One day,chanc log to break o ff a spray of ornngv blossom, the gardener -thought lesaiy gave it to his daughter Seeing the coveted prise in th< girl'» h air the wily ambassador of fered her a sum sufficient fo r thv dowry, provided she gave him a branch and said nothing about it H e r m arriage was soon celebrat ed, and on her way to fhe a lta r, In grateful remembrance of the sour«' of all her hnpidneaa, ah> - .. _ . . . broke off another b it ol the biclty tn-e to adorn her hair, W hether fhe poor court garden ej- lost his heud in consequence ol daughter's treachery the t o m a placo wliere th« »Ir p clone* on They went on, and U . Qulkot died on th e western boundary b f the I tract, ti tlje tha scaffold a few days later. A t this n et area being 82.81 aerea, . application time Francois, the future statesman, B. Freem an, H s n o -, Oragos ; who was the elder of tbc twb children,' L is td -1 8 8 8. September 14, 1914. O. sod a h a lf years old a n d .a l B a to r, Aeai»tujit Cotnintoluner of ways preserved tbs recollection o f fib- tbs (tonerai I-and Office. tag to see bis father in prison, or w h a t' was euphemistically called the bouse sf O F F IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y . Justice.—Gentleman's Magasias.' t svsva sun d is t b ic t o rrtc a a s : a f a Coal M iner. .U . 8. Senators— D r . H a ir y Lane, First, the boy o f eight or too Is sent Portland and (too. K Cham berlain ts the breaker to pick the rlats and oth- 8alem sv Imparities from the coal which baa Congressm an, F ir s t D is tric t— W illie been brought up from the mine, there be Is promoted and becomes a . - C. H aw ley, o( Salem. door boy, working In tbs mine. As h» O v b rn o r—O sw ald W est, Halsm. and stronger lie la Secretary of State— Ben. W . O lo u lt Se rauceil to the position and given Ois ism. pny of a laborer. There be galas tbs State T.easnrer— I hos. B. K a y , o f 8 a experience which secures him. a place Ism . 1» a mhier*» helper, and as he acquires , 8 u p t P u blic In s tru c tio n — L . A . Aid «kill and strength be hecomea, when tn ! the lieight of his manhood and vigor, a erm an , Salem. , Stats Printer— W illis D u n ls s y , Salem. full fledged miner. la fortunate enough to'escape Attorney O enorai— A. *M . Crawford, the falls o f rock be may — re a . anil m coal, 1 » Btate (tom e Warden— W m . L . F in tain thia . position aa a miner f o r a num gend does not relate, bat m ain ley, Salem. ber of yearn But as nge creeps on and Stale Health Officer—D r . C alvin S. he Is attacked by some of tha many | lands now . know the vronderfu W h ite , Salem. diseases Incident to work In the ml; tree, nnd ever since thnt weddin; be makes way for those younger ami Salem. dny orange blossom has been con C lerk State Land Bourd—O. (1. Brown. more rigorous fallowing him' up tha aidered a fittin g adornment fo r n taddrr whose summit be kSa reached. Salem . bride. He then »tarts on the descent, going J o is t Bsnatoi fo r Coos sod C urry— beck to become a miner's helper, then L 8. Sm ith. mine laborer, now a door boy. and LOVERS. Join t Bapfueentativs. for C pe* «T»«4 when old and decrepit he finally re Jilted Bwerihearta Unknow n In C a rry —8. P. Poitou. turn» to the hrengfir where be p u ffe d the Cape B o ra Race of fiavagsa Judge, 9d Ju d icial D ig tr is t - J . W . ea a child, earning the same w^gea-ae are re, aired by the little urchin? whs —Befnaal K a y K een Daath. ' H a m ilto n , Roseburg. work at hia aide. ¡Jfcvre la n«r'ti Proascttting A tto rn ey fo r C u rry five fa r ambition In the are: ' . CourtahJp amojig the Tfarra O o . - W ; H . M c re d ip , W m lderltufn. er^a Ufa., H e erfubot rise to . ijel Fucgpng (the at range of 0 . 8 . O om m lM ioM urs-^R T . > teg M s> and .wealth. Only s a vag es in h a b itin g th e fafaud a in P o rt O r io n f eoa even be given place as a <r snpseinteedeot. andtahese are posh, the Bt-tgklME-ltatxl of Cafa? H tifni o o ix ry OrrioxiiM. tfon« which few mlueffLcare to h o ld z- fa ■ sltuph' hot serious business. C o un ty J :i« lg e -'W . A W ood, Gold John M itchell In Cosmopolitan. * H avfag chosen a bride, the m V- Reach * nge wooer offers the Indy his hunt County Commissioners— D . Ootagrov«-. R ,» « ta tln T he proprietor o f a large d r y toods. lug bow. I f ah« take« l i and re Gold Heaoh; UsoChsnowsth, L an g lo is. •lore had decided to tear down Die oW tu rn * It * t once, then the suitor Sheriff—C. I I . B ailey, tto hl Itaach. C ounty C le rk — Job u R . S ta n n a id , building and erect a new o n e ’ fa tfa*|-understands th a t he la accepted. ■trad. In furtherance o f thia plan h* Aa a m atter of fact, a woman (told Busch. waa removing his goods to temporary ra re ly ,-If ever, rejects an offer of County T re a s u r e r -F r a n k C a u g lis li quarters In another building. W odtjerburn The goods were nearly -all ont of thn m arriage, fo r a T ierra del Fnegaii Assessor— W m . T U m s n , H a rlio r. old structure when from eoitwf un does nol take a rejection jxitieot- School HupU — Geo. W . S m ith , (told known can»» It caught fire. The de ly, and is apt to reseat a denial by partment was promptly.,jsn hand wounding the damsel w ith fir ««»’ ll liad n , stream playing on row. Surveyor^-J. Caugta-II J r .O o ld Beach. flsiues, but the merchant was »lid g trn M o s o r t u b cocbts . . . I t 1s, perhaps, needless to add with excitement. Runntog^pp to the C irc u it C o urt ihssta Fourth M onday IF chief, he urged him to gfeetcr has*». th at there are no henpecked hus Never mind the good»!" be shouted, bands in Tierra del Fuego. The August of each year. i r e the building! I'll give the boys C ounty Oommlssloners C o u rt insets men, fa fact band themselves to first Wtsbrekday In Ja n u a ry , A p ril, n check for $800 for their gether fa a sort of society, the W A N if they don't let the fire J u ly end September of each ysa i. aim of which la to keep the women that floor!” • Probsts Q q a a meets first Moa«iay in "W hy. you're going to War the old in subjection. This curious cus eooli m outh building down anyw ay, aren't y b u F tom is the outcome o f a tradition e ra » » ooewrv sun roar asked the clrtaf. . - th at the women once had the u p •. ! u s ta ana. "Tee.** he « I d , * V * t do you aupi»>ss H arbor.’ . ............Fletcher O antner. I w ant the Insurance compnnlra e r any per hand, aad forced the mea to do G old B ench ........................... J. w . R jjer. body on s an k to think thhtta tab ran- fill the drudgery, Aa men fa • e r b u r n ................ C. L .W a k e m a n . sou w h fR d h n g M f ib e r - savage s late are even mote preju , ____ ..M r. K. H Price. By grant exertloa the fire woe ex diced against work than th eir M a r i a i ............ . M r». V io la A . Y¥ v . tinguished w ith little loos ee fa r aa the y * y • » A . M . Rilea, civilised brother*, it fa q u it* n a t A agd and I the P o rt O rford Ames John»t< n building w *a concerned, ural J b a t they should take meas chabt v us hl* D ç e m a r k • .J. 8. (tappe. ures'accordingly. gioia B T h rift reuth’e 1 M . »Special Hosiery Offer G u a r a n te e d W s e r - E v s r H o s ie ry fo r M a n a n d W o m a n Are «tar necessary operauons in billing o r statistical w ork are accomplished from the key board of the light running, easy ad io n M odel 10 (V isible) ersehn. SeUfkt LL, KayUwJ RsMvaki» «afihnm luM iAl« P l Btü Botin» C oti «*» Ita o -iU . TU oU ot itaci Staple Stradi CiStta Dwim í.F^ 2 , b î 1,É, mm RAtoa M »M W Trad. B .« ir e T y p . B m Cotona F a t t o «ani P a r ^ D w ta a l Tab »lotot V n U . Wring ■- A Ksy Jta E vct £ Chwoctw O n to n CoMrtfied frsn «aJ L hiun d -Jj»» P n to t Dan Gaafa Bnk Specs Lerer Caxûg, Balardw Writ, to iatowfiat» T h e Smith Premier T y bracata N.Y. r.-; These are feature» which make the Smith Premier fhe choice of the » .J .. A. Haine« T tp in v e n t o r s p/rrcNTs ’Ll--- «ra.îÂÆÂiiÎ**“4- SWIFT A CO. I «. _____ _ > • fWi ( .Spp.0-8. r*lest8Saa,Wa»kl»4f«e, a* N o th in g has eves equalled it. N o th in g can ever surpass i t •a y n n r * t r t t f t m n enfi euffsd. N atu r« «letto won’t | it, i t neetfe help. fit I fa Cea K n i t b e fff, h u t i t * b 'i c - v n 1 t o fat »■ auw aa w ell as w in la v . Tta*nio • tu e .» M . a « « * • »oedtani»«»«. API>e