Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1914)
Thanksgiving tomorrow. Attend the -x t j ' c ,u b ! Dick P u -I, i . m home on Bogue X 7 . L j! r - E ngraved F ree . you Boyle Jewelry Co. EXPERT HAND ENGRAVERS Bandon, Ore • E. H. BOYLE, Mgr. We carry ne accents. ¡x ^ i A lta » ,M -k , 4 list published recently ,h « u , hat (her« are l « i ,^ h e r » in Coos counly» °n ly 30 of whom are men * / „ . ». , T I bi U‘* * flnM nf New®«n i- ‘ h“ ” a , “ l,B « irl »ho The new , "Laurel" pattern resembles sterling silver, and the wearing quality can’t be beat. Give it a trial. I nitials Have we repaired watch? Try ua. I , . n , A. Bowman, of Langlois, has «*en spending several day. In town, putting in the plumbing in. the Go hie cottage. <b* •*e* BMr G « < * Duller Is , , f ‘#r * 1<Md 01 ,iM - L oom K rapp , Pres. * bite River flemr to th« het . J * * * frO,B MuK* ” i# * F*> L ‘, ‘ , " R : u " “ : ^ « w * , n L « j | from Band! , T * * * Saturday witb a load of me cb«odiee for Rogue river a ’ “ b a n k w A ehooting match for turkei ,nrt beef '• >0,nS o" io town tode « d "-"I oonlioue over tomorrow. firm w if e 'll * p o r t < NO BANK WILL HANDLE TOUR BU8INE88 BETTER PORT ORFORD OREGON o Phone No. 51i 4 »ireet, and U m,w remodeling tb# R ey Bunch, the IS year oM youtl m uw into a neat dwelling house. who robbed and cruelly tortured an I f you want to please ytjur o f YOUR BANKING BU8INKSS t w. u „ d ,. merchants of M yrtle Poinf, dit> « «M «»»/ • * his home last W ed»« d*> of heart failure. Mr. Lund * a* 71 W »( age and was a vet aran of the C ivil war. H e was , P. J. Lindlierg rvq.ntly moved “ W“ ber lba hardware the old Haake buiJdi»g .ero». H u ,ln « * Lundy. C. W. Z umwalt . V. Pit« E. J. L obby , Cashier H O T E L S E A S ID E Loon D »ke, 5» Doug or swealheart, attend the Ladies Aid 1 CV“ ,“ y JaJra *««• be*«ar at the scfiSnlbouee Dec. 4th 1 * * ,,‘e" cw* ; K«eeburg ou the 19th 1 and buy them a useful and attract’ T "** ’ t® ,,fe iin Pr,a,,',,a «Bl- I» pro- P o r t O r tb r d , O r e g o n iva present. ncHincing sentence Judge Hamilton A c -n n iin . a ’ M *d lbal lb * CMe W«S O lit of the Town Iota and acreage tracts for S la te A g U,. repor‘ “ “ k by the Most cold-blooded that ever came sale. A good ranch of i<0 acres on Kik river, good buildings and orchard. 15 I the close of business September 80 r acres under plow. A good ranch for 1 1914, Cutry county’s deflcit at th a t* . Fo8t,na4l«r Johnston haa received i time amounted to <22,759.92 I ” Orn tb* <l®P*rtuient notices to post a small dairy, sheep or hogg and term, reasonable. W H R .nBM, i t ' a ,,,ia « ‘ be attention of the people1 popcorn smt ^ T a x levy p„a»ed *by I Also Saw Mill; in good running or- der, capacity 1, M., 6 mile, f romtown This mill will be sold at a haruain c h in , of it . « L. iD‘° *ffucl Nov lw - T h e U x ! ha, been hroneM’ I / < **’ * lh “ 1 ' upou b a n k brokers,1 been brought Into Curry County, commuaimTrnerchanta, proprietor. I C .W . BOBBINS, M. D. Port Orford, Oregon. W. H. MEREDITH ATTORNEY sen COUNSELLOR * ?■ .;t* W E B D g g B D B M , OKKOON A T T O H N E Y obX L A V M y i t ie P a in t , O reg o n . Mias Addie Henderson, *b o un til recently wae d o . of the operator* Io the Bandon Telephone office, passed away last week at tba Mercy hospital in North Bend, following • “ opttMioo. The Randolph la now tied op at Bandon, nod it la understood that her owners would Mka to aell her. It ha. not been deeded whether the Tort Orford, Oregon, boat will be put on the Port Drford lA W A .!* !* P r o p r i e t o r . R<<*c river run again this winter or not. , » , ! • Beautiful fall weather baa pre vailed for the past two weak,. Sat* Goad Feed 8 t« b le attached urdny night and Sunday morning , it clouded up and rained tome but broke clear again Monday, and the Aral bright Thanksgiving day that fo rt Orford haa seen in a Aimber of year, is promised. ’ - K N A PP HOTEL O. G. M iller, passed through town laat week on bia way to bia borne on Cedar Fork, near Rogne river. M r. M iller had gone to Co- quille some three week» previously to be at the bedside of hi« father who is seriously ill at that place, He left hia father slightly improved although in a critical condition. O O QUII.» W . H . Bennett returned Friday from a several weeks’ busines» visit in Coos oounty. W hile away M r. Bennett purchased a nice lot of sup plies for hia fruit and confectionery stand on Front street. Three tu p . plies were brought down from Ban don, Friday, by team. S, NO TRESSPASSING. “ eri i# aB Mt i Z. „u ,., “ «1 and the p ' Cree 000 othe be n achei river them How Sixes lbl * “<e M th • noul both ' M r' J work Mr. and Mrs. Emery Goble and C e d . two children arrived in town Bun- y day evening from M yrtle Point, " having come with (be intention of • making this plaoe their future home. , Contractor J. W . M acken ai., has “ “ *C , i [ i Store the river in a small gasoline boat, SwmmmvafA >n on in Mexico is given which the Capt, ran down -into »he "MeasaaentRem nLCany Probate bueinese a smmLhy. J. J. STANLEY Denmark Mercantile Co Tha wrestling match In the hall o fc ir«u**a »hows, howling alley»! J tomorrow evening between George ,u d billiard rooms, and deaiere and *, Sutton end Percy Zumwalt c rt manufacturers in cigars and tobac I: •lin g considerable interest» sud ,ca- The u * ruu< from <3 to 8100 1 < <lv«e promise of being well attend* fn * w» « l * n<* to the aise of the bus i q P h y s ic ia n u s d S u rgeon AT LAW P o r t O r f o r d , O re g o n just completed a neat oottage . for p Xe8’. Mr. Goble on Oregon and 7tb streets r4,iCi rgon 1 D r. C. R. Bennett and wife passed the f through town b a t week on their are bei way to M y r t l^ Point. Mr. and ford C Mrs. Bennett k«ire been in Curry of for (lie past three months. tbsgAst- « „ j y„ er part o f whieh time was sperft a< Tbe Brookings where the Dr. was prao- |u»n, « ticing bia profession as n dentist.1 to the < I t ia undenfood that Dv. B ennett1 Dollar, •pprehensi ve.’’ Gen narrows where the current was so Oregon fw ne the head of hia troops »wift that it started to sweep the Tear IM A >uth upon Mexico city little craft und her distinguished — ______ ^Carrans. 1» massing P-wenger. to sea when he attem pt- * * • « ’’ • I« ™ end pastor. Und, 1 2 8 .» Bcrreststancc. «Every ed to turn the host around. T h s 'X T ” * " * - tea that Mexico w ill; boat was beached just before i t ! tfanbcr >nd broril l>nd- tbroee of eaqther rev , »truok ths breakers, and it is said VaL - *»------ ' "¿¿L 1/ ea sanguinary as 'th a t (bis was all that aavad the par-1 V«L of to w n^to “ ,, * ° ¥e ^ * ? ? ? rerlhrew the Huvrta (> from being upeet oo a rough bar.• VaJ- •< W «n ®wn ¿ta” 'Z ” 46 7 » war wilt follow an* i I I ie little wonder if the Senator, | ° I f ,DP-0,1 bmd not deeded... |R MIO urbulenl wnu,try ua ' would prefer to view bars from the i value •• ’ W W the United S tate.' shore after such an experience. I 1® * :hinerT to accept U e issue i — -------------- -- Value 2 a protaumrate over 8 en ato ra Prom ise To Visit Vato* ®f »»tee a Ae’e Some nl onr local peoplegnt busy, The s Friday and caught some 75 salmon (be Pori in E lk river. The fish have, called been running quits plentifully in meeting that stream since the Forty Broe. 1 bar 2nd stopped Arbiug there for the'appropri market eeverel weeks ago. N. F. Woodcock, who ia an expert in that line, ia smoking abeut 100 ohinooks fur himself and several others who are fond of ibis kind of fish. When the catch waa*made Friday it was thought to be on the last day of open season, but It was ainoe iaarn- ed that the season on Btk and Sixaa of our b tion, wa »« right naked foi base thei each ah should U that this and for t T m Get a S n a r . i l . i . 661 .• oooramod*te out growing trade jmd increasing number of patrons we have ^ O< S ledn ° *1? l° ° Qr 8eneral 8tock Mil G°2d*’JGroceri“ »nd Provisions, M in J ¡ T ' a H^ O .W are ’ i l s and ng Powder, ^PP11*. S ta m p - Paints, Farming Im- kiD V 0 M ia * M«Conaiek ber W^nM^ ne* *nd th# 6elebrat»d Web- ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook our “Pj<Miate^ockofMen’..n d B o y .’C l X «nd Shoes, Ladies’ Drew« Goods, “ d )rfoid last Saturday A delegation of representative No• Grain. >8.978, value.. " »e matter of putting citiseus from Port Orford consisting „ “2 * ' ,667, Tahle ••• Bn to cut white cedar of Win. Gillings, E J. Looey, N. H N°' ^ r'loga’ 2941 8ixea this winter. Larson, and H . T. Stewart, went to valuation............. as property on Dry Coo. Bay last week and interviewed As oqnaliaed by Co chAe estimates 100, Senator» Lane and Chamberlain rei* M UfioH.'............... . 7 ^ O m ens ROT ON HARD K 840,410 oat, aud there ia stive to harbor improvements nt Increase mis mg »he river that (hia p lan . The Senator« seame.! .................. •* M r. J .m ln o o ’a vary favorably inclined to w arti — "** lnc'°<le 4.SS0.1M • tr ia l o rd e r 4.SM.1« JAS. S. CAPPS. the ties down the government improvements at this ge, and then haul place, either in the way of * hfe. truck into town, saving station or a »mall jeuy (0 ixnmining E lk and ’ aid local »hipping. 8enator LancJ ee, Mr. Jamieson is In particular, expressed a lively ¡„.' ist be will not en j le r c t in the matter, and asked that general nesa at thia time, all the necessary data, etc., be sent * are not strong ' to him, for, as he expressed it, thia ito trucks over in wee “his project” and while Senator liuoly atrengihens | Chamberlain would help him out, Iges next summer, yet be wanted the people of Port (peels to start at Orford to take the bove tinea. rectly with him. matter up di- the Senators bad planned to fo r O regon Fish leave Portland for Washington e B uild in g . -7— «'«nit the 23rd, it was impossible j f‘T them to visit Curry county on B la c k s m ith in g SA 3RO BR O 8 Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kep also Agent for All Kinds of Far plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. manuyacturiro jewelers random , O regon Wood and Iron Work promptly d Reasonable price. Yonr « .I L L « d 4U< ' Owing to the redaction of —-- --------------------- — *■ 8 1 will return to Brookings in the that pi, near future and in doing to will make short sto|« at Langlois, Port C om m Orford and Gold Beach. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom tt may eoncera, not«» enter op en or trespnaa upon the premises of L. Knapp, for the purpose of hunting, nr fleblng with nooa and line. Said pre mises are situated on Kik River, Carry County, Oregon, ana geoerally known aa the "Bond’’ place. Any person or person oo treepaa»- iag for the purpoaa of bunting, Snhing, or traveling through in any shape form or manner, or tearing down ftmoee, or leavingout-elde gates open, or molest ing personal property, will be prosecu ted to the full extent of the law. Wa». R. Johwsmi. .-.Si-,.- Leaves of the above tk « Place Where NORTH BEND MRN0FRCTI0IIN8 COMPANY N O R T H B E N D , O REG O N «ANovAcrvuna op 8 A 8 H , D O O R 8 A N D M O U LD IN G S Officers: A J. Maaaw, President. A. A. Jamaaoa, Vioe President. G LA 88 ' high grade interior finish * ruioaa mailkd on AnxiCATtou | M n. Wu. U iix im s . ’’ J. H. Z umwalt , Secretary. M m . A. 8. Jonxerow, Treasurer. Club meets P in t Wetnesday la each month. AU member» invited to attend meetings. WM.T. STOLL, AUj.atlAt« M inin g L aw » Rpnctalty < oke Bldg. M arshfield , O s L. A. ROBERTS, 4 GEORGE I f . BROWN, A T T p R R K Y ' L A V BOSBBCRS OREfiOU W. A. WOOD A T T O R N E Y A T LAW GOLD BEACH. OREGON. J- H . UPTON, notary public , Loaoiere, Cenar Oe., O m