fe m . S Sä 7 Vointi»« X.XIÏI, A. ’.O Litote ft-llrfM,-431<>,-1262-H82 >rati«m To Hat ry o f hand« in National Forçat. POHT ORFORD, OltEGO?í, W K A C ARELESS CONSUL. h U ste 8-1860, -B M I, -15*4. By the recent death of ita in- S p e c h i H osi Caaae ta Loao irentor attention is directed to a Ki-storattoa to Entry of Lamia runtaori w««:»-5wer: Hoe*«- , hereby givnn' that tl», lands "*« *« . Q U * * ’ W’ j convenient attachment sometimes ry roc Men sn d W om en . tomr-ribe.1 below, em bracing 282 07 a.-res " hen » « * H o rta was consul a t Glas- National Forest. Ladles’ Special Otter mtteiu the eiaklyou National i'oreet, J F>tr, h e w a « seldom to be found In that utade to cameras and microscopes O tM o n , w ilt be subject to »eith-ur n t j city, as lie spent most o f Ms time ia tlto 'called the “iris diaphiagnt.’’ An Noth« hereby given th a t t h .jm .n j j F()r L im U e l Tlm<> On, y_ • B o e n t y under the provisions o f the I London draw ing rooms, where ho was iprtliuary diaphragm, or stop, is a described below', em bracing fioco eMtea*l laws _ of the V-nittd State» • gei.oraj favorite, a i l delegated the 1 thin metal plate with a round hole acres w ith in the 8l»kiyo a. National ‘ Kix pair of o u r finest 35c v a lu s to Forest, Oregon, w ill be subject tdia-t- dies' guardntoed ho««-in'black, ton or • a d the set of June I) , 1906 (84 btoL, consular business to assistants. One i ¡a jj|t, WHter Light in admitted Oeqi' n t and entkv under the provis-’ white colors w ith w ritten guarantee, M3) a t the C u ita d States land ofrt«« at day w hile making one of bis rare via- I Boosbnrc. Oregon,on Noven,lier ïfl, 1914. Its to Glasgow be scraped acquaintance j through the aperture, and, as it is ions oi the homestead law» of the U n it Any nattier who was actually aud in S'steB and tlie act of June I I , lt'06 for «1 and 10c fo r portage, e tc , often desirable to vary the ed (34 Htttt., 3381 at tlie U nited Stktos good fa ith c la im in g shy <ff said lands * l t h a stranger on the train. Each S p e c ia l O ffie« F o r M e n seemed fascinated by thq other's per amount of light, it baa been eua- land office a t Uosebur*, Oregon, an prior to Jar ’ a g ric u ltu ra l purposes pre F o r a lim ite d tim e o nly, six pairs of toned same, sonality, and tim e passed quickly. A t tomary to equip cameras with sev November 25. 1914. A n y settler who I, ttJ n , and has not dtendone-l C’ -S I a preference right.to I make liotnc- lost they reached the outskirts of a eral adjustable.diaphragms, each was actually mid in good fuitii claim our finest 35c. value Guerantrrd flute j ir y f o r t h e lands ing »by o f said lands fo r agricultural any color With written guarantee and ( m » « d u a lly , ac- large city. having ft hole of different «ire |,arpt«es p rior to Jan. I, lww. »Jtd h*« ( „ ;Mir c f weli ,UbW n .Vca'« Pam -1 eapied. Maid lands were listed upon "W h a t place ts thlsZ ’ lnqulrsd, the H c K E N Z IK ft P O O L E the applies, ions of the persons r a n - n_ from the other. To remove one not abandoned sam e, has a (ireference dise Ooriert lu f our ditUar, and 10c fo r , Meed below, who have « ornferenc’c stranger. rig h t t>< m ake hoBicstead entr« fo rth « "Things to E a t and W aar" “1 haven't th« slightest Ides " replied diaphragm and »ubstitnte «noth subject to the ju jo r rig h t of any lands oecuptcd. Said lands were list postage, etc. •M h , settler, pynvldodr such settler or Harte, a fte r looking out o f the window. er it a bothersome task. Inafiiria 'd ujum the applinafions of the iiereon» Y o u A t'f>* these hose ; they stopd the A few minutes later the railw ay diaphragm the sice of the hole moil t oned be low who l * , 8* * .1! ' applicant le q u a lifie d to m ake home 4fh«n all others f alim i. Ÿbcy hey g gï iva etahd e n try snd the preference rig h t Is guard upen«,] the door of thaCom part tan be varied at the will of the op lig h t aubj.-ct to the p rio r right of ««fet realToot comfort. They haionq*«- ielXJl j exercised prior to Nov. 35,1914, on which ment and announced th a t they bad a r such settler, provided such «CAler or erator, and without altering ita appli- a b t is qualified to make hoais< I to rip. They never beouir.e loM c snd dale the lends w ill be subject to settle- rived a t Glasgow. - ■M Bt and entry by any qualified pet- When D s rts showed up at the con shape. This, whether targe or stead en tiy and the preference rig ht to baggy as the shape U knit in , not eon. T h e lands a re as follow s: The enlate the next morning, the first per cXerotoed prior to Nov 35, 1914, on W t still have a lew 1 MNU N W W NEW , the W >, NWA< NEJ, son who advanced to < re e t him was the Aiaall, remains round, just us the which date the land» w ill be cnbjcct to 1 pressed in . They are G'lcimutocd for left, and are closing out ! firmness, fo r style, (or superiority ol »he BW N E W N W W . H o c-10 T . 83 If., agrees hie stranger, 'who introduced pupil of the eye does, whether rett emvnt and entry by any qu lifted M. 10 w „ W. M ., except a strip of land person. T lie lands are as follows: 1 m aterial and workm anship, absolutely j at “Give Away” prices. shrinking or dilating. The latter The 8EJ 8W J See. 4, the E | KJ N W J. ; stainless a u d to wear «G montk» w ilii- ’ M lin ks wide described a - follow s: Be himself as a special agent o f the borne These suits are asade g in n in g at a point 3*1 cha cast and 8 50 government sent to investigate charges is a hole in a little membrane the NJ 8W J Section «, T. 88 8 „ R out holes, qr a n eg p a ir free. «hales south of the quartet |»wt on the of neglect of duty on tba port of the called the iris,- and is controlled AV , ex«»pt u strip »i U111 50 links from the best quality D o n ’ t d e la y b u t s a n d in y o u r I lying along the w«6t side of the - north line o f Sea. 10,«aid townahip end consul cloth. o r d e r b e f o r e o f f e r e x p i r e s G ive j range, on the eastern boundary of the The agent may have been affable, but automatically. But a diaphragm bAVJ Fee. 9, sai 1 township ami ia composed of metal, and ita ini the net area being 159 acres, listed tract; extending thence 25 linlca on be was lacking In s senas o f bninor, correct six«. . — « •e h side of s lin e running N , 04 d e g . for he evidently cabled his government itation of the action o f the iris ia 011 application of U. B. Duo little , BVKK-WRAK HOSIKHY CO.! W„ 05 title.; thence 8. 79 deg. AV.. 2.37 au accoont of the tra in incident, a » truly wonderful. The expansion ‘ Beucii, O legem; la s t C-1360 Dayton, Ohio « h a .; thence X . 72 deg. W ., l.fid c h s .; A tract o f 145 83 acres, within thence N. 44 deg. W ,, 1.43 c h s .; tiionce Hnrte’s successor was soon a fte r ap and contraction ie very much more- w ill probably be when surveyed 8 deg. W ., I 9 0 v h s .: thence H. <3 pointed. extensive w^ith thia piece of mech i », T . 34 S„ I I B W ., described as deg. W ., 2 22 d t a .; then, e 8 . 00 deg W , anism than in the eye. The hole lows: Beginning at Corner No. Peo« » ■ « Chavaerev. 1.40 chs ; thence N . Mil deg. AV, 4.20 le e d -r post marked H / ' l , wi 5 c h s .; thence N . 76 deg. W., 4 c h i; One might almost,say th a t the recipe may he redneed to a diameter of a 1 F. 8. M bears N. 45 dogiw*» E ., 4 ■sautifol collega pesosats thencs N HO deg. W ., 3 70 ci,a ; thence for n happy home was w hat has been sixteenth of an inch and enlarged and 68 lin k s ex .ending thence N, U ye« put off ya« wiB be toe late. Visiteur 8. 48 dev. W ., 4 chs.; thenca-8. 30 deg. aptly called a "bland-’ d ie t W hile It to a whole inch (in the stage of a degrees AV., 66chs , tl.euce K. 60 W„ IM chs. ; thence 8. «9 deg, W ., to not literally true th a t eating bog thence 8 .8 i degrees W „ 45eha , tl Y a l e a n d H a r v a r d e a c h 9 i n . ' x these Remarkable Values in suits. I M ths.; thence 8 . 41 do*. W „ 8.50 makes s bog of a man, yet It ts true microscope), and even to two inch 8, 60 ilogrees W. 21 obs., to the p 8 4 in . P r i n c e t o n , C o r n e l l , \ eha., to the place wliers the strip closer of beginning, il»led upon applies es in large cameras. M ic h ig a n ,e a c h 7 x i l on th e boundary o f I I * tract, m e net there Is a large connection between It of H . B. H o rrell, Tlie Dalles Ot MeKENZI A FOOLE Bloodthirsty, lustful The precise manner in. which Liat G -I3 « l. area being 18.19 acres; listed Upon sp- and character. A il beat, quality f e lt with • • T h m id lr pHeatiou o f T . W . Billings, M ariu l, race» are those that eat meat—largely thia mechanism ia constructed and W e a r" 4 log,- streamers, letters and mascot cx- T h e W J S E J Sen 6 , T . 38 - 8 .. O reg o n ; L ist 6-1001. T lie W | 8 W R rare meat—freely, whereas the gentle. cannot be explained readily. It i etsuted in properpolors. Tills splendid W ., 80 seres, application of J. W. H E fe , 11» KJ f>E5i JiWJg Sec. 10, T. Industrióos, persistent races are most ! assortment sent postpaid for 50 cents may be said, however, that the Kenxie, Sixes R iv e r, Port 88 t»„ B . 10 w „ 40 acres, application ly grain and fru it eaters. -O regon; L i t 6--1S84. September o f Mtehard V e n a er, M a n s i, Oregon; aod 6 stamps to pay postage. Send now P O U T O K F O l t D W hile the controversy over regata diaphragm does not conaiat of a t o l l . C. M Ba ca, Assistant «atout Liat 6-1240. The S K i 8EJ See. 1«. the rla ntom Is one for scientists to settle, single, plate, but something like I h O w a k i » h p e g i a l t y o o . j eneral Laud miasioner of tlie Ge: WI J N E J , the NJ 8EJ NF.J See. 19. the 1 D p y to n , O h io * NAVJ 8> a J N WJ Sec. «>, T . »3 S„ K . 14 creo the humblest of ns can afford to 20. These over lap each other and 8-25 Dos. ., 110 acres, application o f KurJu*ond try for himself (be advtfhitages o f a can he moved ajninltaneotisly by * C , Thom pson, Sort u r or,I, Urepon, “bland” d ie t It Is a most Interesting Lis 0-130*. A tract u itb iti w iia t will experience to see bow acute and sensi pressing a tiny lever or by the em i«eha.>l ,w< tu».-i he njten nutveyrti Sec. 31. T. tive the sense of taste can become by ployment of other means. Each Ha 40 8 ., 1 1 12 We, described as follow s: avoiding food that has a strong taste, of the plates ia pivoted out near at the northueet cofner of • No one knows the delicate sweet» B e g u unlng n Sec. 0 ,'1 . 41H h R. 12 W .; exten din g and adds, oils and bites iu onr com the circumference of the brass tneiice 5 . fl.OOohs , to Corner No. 1; tnbe in which they are mounted, mon cereals and fruits who eats huge tirfinoe E is t 10 c h a in s ; and the pivots on which they move th e n ,« N. 82 e l,» .; tlier.ee K. in chs.; chucks of fish,-flesh and fow l highly thence S. 38.00e h e .; , hence w . 30 chs. flavored and deluged w ith biting are placed at equal intervals all to the place of beginning; except a sauces. Sim plicity of Ilf« , can be as it lie way around the circle. The a « p „1 laud '4, links wide describe I ta much a pnrt of diet as of furniture or Liqjiivement is either toward or d i r ,w e i.cgin niu g at the «Mister:: ’ clothes. — W llllauf Noyes In Good I a way from tlie "enter. No one who ■f t h e t r a c t w h e n c e C o r : c l Housekeeping. « 5, 9..".,i vhs.; eataiiuiiig : Sc has ever inspected the device has IwM' W ar B ra t M a rte B o y ’s Men's $6.00 HR _ ngl»» 4 t X. FOR YOUR DEN k* I 1 I e $ !► . f u e l , »!■►,• „» - Secretary, of State— iS-n. W. O lc u lt Sa lem. State T.enaurer—Ih im . B. K a y , o f 8u- letn. 0t I» O X8XB O O M lin e » faiiwl J_o Mperlence delight over )►,; fll rvg. W.. S eh»/, tiic n ,* 1 An lapecunlons constituent of a Chl- its smoiitFworltiftgT^ffiMgewirttyas 1 ooi-. AV., 5.3t) ri»„.; then.-« ■ • w*j \A. 3 eliSjl them « N . 05 deg. W . 3 ragp atdersian called upon the latter The inventor'was John Henry thence N . 79 deg. W „ 4.3; chs., St his office tost week and requested J cbi hj-ihe p t, , where the atrip dose:» mi the loan of a dollar. A two dollar b i l l ! Brown, an Englishman. He died y F ^ f W B t .-r t, bonndaiy of the tract, the. was the smallest the alderman had. ; at H o v e in December. A friend of b ea te k ls-ing 83.81 acres, application This he banded to the caller w ith the ' h is , l)r. Hollis, writes to Nature as 01 11. B. Freem an, HafU>r, O regon; ren,* rk: - ! fo llo w s : . Id s ! 0-1282. fie |to in te r H , 1914. U. “Go to the Mgar stand dow» stairs ! 14. H aver, A »»latent Couitniadoner of “In the early 7to*a he took bla get a fifteen cent elgnr. keep « dollar toe (leu srsl L ai d utiiee. home made model to Smith ft and bring me the ehnnge." In a few minutes the visitor reap- B Beck, eck, th the e p predect-aoora re deceasora of o f the th e well well- I H E K IC lA h IH K K IT O B V . pettred. puffing contentedly nt a cigar, known firm of opticians in Lon and handed the aiderman 85 cents. No don. This model he showed me, a-rstr »w> o is ta ic t o rric x s » : ticing a peculiar expression on the al . 8. Seiifctufs- D r . H a ir y L ane, of dermen's face, be withdrew the cigar many yer.rs ago, and, although F ottln tid snd tleo. K Chatnbcrluiu of from his lips long enough to inquire: ! roughly constructed, if differed in i’aietn. “ Did you mean that the cigar was no important detail from tlie type jof appnratux at present in the ongressm an. F irs t D is tric t— W illis for you or rue7” “Get out of here!" was all the dis : market. As he did not patent the C. H a w le y, of Salem gusted politician could say. O v e r a o r— Oswald W est, Salem . < ! little contrivance he regped no pe- icuniury reward foe bis ingenuity. There 1» much comfort to bo found Although frail,iu body and phyaic- In n garden. I have wstcbrd a poor ally eomewbat infirm, Mr. Brown women « a little tox of flowefa nt a by indomitable energy made aud window, growing radiant with bappl- 1 , n essM cncb bud bbwaomed and smiled i r e t * :n,,d io r " ,n n J -Vf““ r" “ ln r 8e n .. n o t e o .r s ,n . Supt. P u blic In s tru c tio n — L . A . Aid erm an , Salsu.. W ater your State Printer— W lllla D11 id w a y , Salem. upon tier gentle hand. gardes and tend It well. A little Attorney General—A. M. Vtawl'ord, tittle Iqve for sunlight, a little sympathy far State Game W arden—W in. L. F in rein, and tbe garden of tlie heart may ley, Salem. bloom w ith beautiful deeds and fra State Health O fficer—D r. C alvin S. grant thoughts. Though the beauty o f the roue Is brief, yet the perfume may W h ite , S a lrin. be preserved, like the memory o f a Salem. C le rg State i.and B o ard —O . G , Brown. kiss, forever.—Schoolmaster. Salem . V m 4 » 1 Celd». J o in t Senate, fo r Coua and C a rry — A w rite r In The Isincet says: "Since L 8. S m ith . I began to study diet I have beeu as Join! Re|<esentative for Coo« and tonished a t tbe number of cases of C urry— 8. P . Peirce. which I have beard, even o f medical Judge, 3d J u d ic ia l D is tr l« t- J . W . men, who by eating less and Dot so often have found that their susceptibil H a m ilto n . Boeeluirg. Prosecuting A tto rn ey J o r C u rry ity to colds has quite gone. Such facta as I bare met with point to tbe eondth Co.— W . I I . M eredith, AVeildorburn. s k in that It Is the ayatem overcharged 0 . S . Com m issioners— l i T. Stewart w ith the products of food w hich.w as P o rt Orford. not required and can set only as s poi son to every organ In tbe body which 00, mtv orriosio,. Is most susceptible to colds." C ounty Jud ge— W . A» W ood, G old Beach. • G r o a n « F o r S n agleS en . [ County Commissioners— D . Cotagrove, "M a ry ." said the young matron’s Gold Beach; Geo Chenoweth, L an glo is. mother, “ft seemed to me you were very cold to John this morning?" Sheriff—C. 11. B a ile y, Gold Beach. "Tea,” she replied, ’T m beginning to C ounty C le rk — Joh u 11. S tanu ard , suspect him.” Gold Beach. "The Idea! You have no reason to, County Treasurer—F ra n k C aughell I'm sure." W « td e rb „ ra “Haven’t I? I dresrttod tost night Asaeaeor—W m , lo la ia a , H a rb o r. that I saw hfr.i kissing a nutter wo- School S u p t-— Geo. W * S m ith , Gold m s n ."-rb iie d e lp tila Pre««. Beach. T h e B rt«a. Surveyor— 1. Caughelt Jr;, Gold Beach, "Unveo’t D married you before7" MISTUIO»Ur tmscovhtn . asked tbe clergymao pleasantly » f tbe C irc u it C o urt meets Fourth M onday it : young tody from Uhicsgo who w m August of each year. , shout to be joined to the young awn County Oomndmdoners C o urt ni,«t.i from Oshkoab. first W ednesday In Janu ary, A p ril, "Only twk-4,” she » arm u red coyly, and tbe ceremony went on.-Boston J a ly and September of each yeat. Probata O hltrt meets first Monday in Post each flsoutb L a v e a« P ie s« S ig h t. 0VMY oookTV ro»r o r s t e t s I » n COST Ills Deg—Are you certain that your g am taa. Harbor.................... Fletcher Gar, 1 ner mistress loves my master? H e r D o g -W h y . It was love at fire* G old B each.......................... J. A4 . R ilar. e ig h t She pushed me eff the sofa to W e,M e rb tfrn .............C. L- Wakeman I l l i li e e . . . ; ....................M r. E. B I 'l l , « . k<t him sit d o w n .-I)o tro lt Frse Press. M a r ia i..... . . . . . Mrs. Viola A. F rv , Agues...... . . . A . M . Riles. In order to be In pivfect heatth otw P o rt Orford Ames Johnston must be temperate In eatlng. Th» D e n m a rk ..., . E. B 'rb ri'ft j te 8 8 1 * 8 b m , w W « r - Regola ri ty le L a u g lo ls . . . .J.. A. H e in o t one o f th» golden rulee of g well arder, IJ e M iy -.-, • pd Uf».—Ladies’ Home Jeuxiwi. ... J Í ■ '* *■ I Complete Control practice as a dental surgeon. Ho was a fellow of the lloyal Astro nomicnl sociyty and died at the nge of 67, much respected.’’ S a s tn ln lR » H la T t ie o r g . No man 1» a real man of scienee unlera he is ready to abanikni his own cottclu- sioqs, duly put on record. If subsequent Inveetlgwtions prove them fallacious. The president of a gT--«t oollege once wrote s volume on the practice of medicine. A fte r it had been completed and- he had gone to New York to a r range for Its publication, his house was bnrue l, and the manuscript of his book ¡ * ^ ^ 1 h i. notes were d»-Mroved He couldn’t reproduce it Ten years Sfterw unl he said: "T hat fire was the greatest ot good fbrtune to me. I f I had published the book, I should have had to stand by It. w hereas now ( know th a t it was a ll w tongl" Mr. Andrew Ia n g . In Longman’s Magazine, tells of two geologists who were gathering tpecitnena in a lonely [ roOuofcain place. One of them had w rit- ¡"leg s book. The other, looking about one <9sy w ith a field glass, saw his friend occupied 1 long tame—unob served, as he thought—In rolling a c fa a t stone downhill, and a t dinner qusetioued him aHanit H. lie pretended at first thsA he hAd teen doing it for exercise, but, hard -pressed, confessed- "W ell, the fact la. the confounded thing woe 300 feet too high to suit my theory I" , But nature is ton teg to be rearranged to suit anyone's theory—even ourow a. ------------------ Tg— ~ L e e a la w t lv e e f a r C e m p U e , S tix ifk l L ina Keyboard R eriovsbie ana Istnchtngeahie Platen, B a il Bearing Carnage Revenible T a b viator Rack Sim ple S te s a l Cultiae Devise D ro p F « r d T y p e Ban Perfect L in e Lock Bichrome R bboa UnJocm Tnn ch B ell Bearing T y p e Bar Goivm n Finder vad Poragraphai Decimal Tab ulaw r V n iW e W ritin g K ey lo t Every Character Pc.fcct Erasing Fee la m Interchange,b)« CarTra£c, Right and Left Carnage Relearn Lever, Swtomug M e rp n e l Rack P r u tfrie i R ib h « . G eer Driver. Carrieem Ribbon Coetrniied from K eyboard Variable and l.'nivereal Liae Space) Perfect Dual G uard Beck Space Lever Carnage Retarder t e A ll necessary operations in writing, billing or statistical w ork are'accom plished from the key board of the light running, easy ad io n M odel 10 (V isible) A 1 1 ea-^j-.l Cio«. EscapsmeW, SpeeJwatTver Devne-1 " ’ 1 ■ ' a f 'e ‘ A" ‘ These are feature* which make the Smith Premier the choice of the man who investigate« comparative advantages. Heat. Hundreds of loeomotivee are rente« iftoJM every year. Several corporations: to wrrt4 fb* o » lt r-,s«.f!d»»tbU ••«»«» b*?>«n S4»- plrirg for i» v b-rw/wth th eir chief revenue thia way. v/» p««m p4 » o tiU in V . >• »w t F a i » . p % Baldwins have many a machine out on the rewtnl form of payment. T h a t i t . the engines are rented In tbe same te * T E 4 D S Í . G R K ’ ®f « « e - 6 M - way that yon would hay a store on in- •« t J ? H> 1 M &Q| AT& ' etallmnnta- eo much down, ao much a I ¿ ' month, the payments to apply on the i -ek’rw «drier »»< * final purchase raonev. It 1» seldom, i S ’. « f i F T A c o .. however, that a railroad rents locouto tlves.—Engiuet ring. Î r o t t e l i Í J I . -.yr.’ jy PATE?3TS ( I f PR. u . k . * ï f t t i T f e v , r i ar j»-, fi.w - i Dr. King’s New Discovery F .r ( 3 g g K S “ , Wj. For A ll T h ro a t I Lung TrogbfeL astnayhaskWKfate. TrisSBeWesf - . * I ,, w l