Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1914)
B. Qas Hen to treating kto rw i- «tooce on Oregon street to a eoat of paint. s«V- f A rthur Getty rame down E m pire yesterday to etoad on KJk river. Ito fn a H O T E L S E A S ID E FIGHT OVER COW c io * next Saturday, tba 8 let. Only Two ‘in p q m | one home- < , W WttBnwlF BOERS HIT OP FONDS B oston • r * W. B. MEREDITH W M O D B K B v i l f f , o a r i o o i r i*> wrctrJ Denmark Mercan Store Tke Plage Where Tea Get a S cording to word received from Eu- This time he to charged with ooetrihntibg to the delinquency of a minor girl. Uuetea was indicted by the Lena county gra«>4 ju ry yaatorday. S»o noon, and a breach warrant was to- sued for h it arrest. 0»>rge Crooer, deputy sh eriff o f Laae Cunnty, io rated Bocraa at Springfield, where he wee plaoed so dee arrest. H e to naw ia the county je il nt Eugene, where be w ill remain u ntil sack time is hie case is disposed of by n geoe this morning. • ,. . f . ATTOBffBT ara COUXSBLVOB 9 AffJhAW In d ic te d . Andrew Boraen, formerly a reel- *' dent of E lkton, who wet acquitted ° by ■ Jury i> the Lane eonnty courts * > tost entumer on a charge of murder 11 teg hie wife, is in ja il agein, an Tue new • ri” p . t o -i reeenùtos s > 2*.ty t£i»w» «ad the wee? •» q i .T • * «»a’» : » U s ò G h e tta ;-ù „ L ' h i/.'U t a J. D. Loucks Woo ' the offloere. Bosses expressed sur prise at trie arrest, end declared there to either some great mistake or eomeoue ie permeating him. The indiotmeot chargee that the offense was committed on August 15. The g irl io question to aged 18 years. H e r name to being with held from publinatton at present In nr roe the a-aeoo, ,„< t W . J. W hit- B. J. Looey returned fr o « Mcmh onler that a complete tovsetigaflon g | worth passed up the cosat y e .te rd .y field by Setordeyto atoge, In wbioh can be mads before the ossa aomos (w ith a four horse teem lorn] <»f place he had accompanied Mrs. Lo- op for trial. The iodictsseut states - Chinamen returning to the C olum -; ray whn » ilw l irom t h . bay on tba however, that the girt was a d elta- u hie river. The -lu m n catoh un' George W . Eider Thnmdny toepemi q u e ll a t th* Hate the offense to si Rogue river this summer was rery the winter with retotivee in the tognd to have haen m rattittad. - satisfactory, being rather above the erat. M r. L o n ry reports things The ract-at trial oT Andrew Boerne average. | rather qotot <m the bey and rapon • t which time he man charged with Thq bridge across Checto»riv e r: W,,X • “ * ’ Bandon, where tint shut murdering hie young wife, was one wifi not be completed thia year, p * " * dowa W mills ra d togging o f the moat ssMtotomri trials n - T lis Bandun Construction aom| any, « • • » ! * atofeg the Ouquiito river has whn has the oontract for building b»d • depressing effect upon boci- Lane oounty. The make failed. The T<> better aocomoiodate our growing trade and increasing number of patrons we have been compelled- to add to oar general stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and W o v i « ^ ^ by Dr. Cora etary of the and W age follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies. Stump ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im p lem en ts^ all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the œlebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don't overlook our Up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies* Dress Goods Pip®«, Tobacoo, Candy, Nuts and No tions, Boiled Barley, Grsss Seed and Seed . - J » , ” that t k organisation consisted of two ,^ rs- Duniway and Dr. Talbott and was fi nanced by the brewers and distillers to make Oregon J J w ^ t h w w the fat into The brewers and distillers know that all kinds of busi ness save theirs is better in a dry town. | 1 1 ' tr ia l o rd e r JAS. S. CAPPS l J ' | • 1 ! a it. ties met wirt, m > many mishap« ° * * «todittons. j santino» of Ik in the loss of material, etc., that Sheriff 0 . H . Bailey arrived in eluding n d*i it could qpt fulfil its cqptract.' and ; town last week oo hfa wgy to fits the oounty court baa exteoded th ej northern end of the county looking tim e lim it. Work w ill cratoenoe1 after hie potitirai wfrea, nod the again in the spring as soon as con- following day his Repablfcaa op .iilions permit. i pmwol, W . A . Bisbel, also arrived Georgs Colebrook, and sister, S *n “ ur ^M,rk ° ° hie »ay to the north Wood and Iron Work promptb Peasouab:« prioe. Your patroi Mrs. Geo. /ensen, were in town pnd h« » t the same errand. Each Monday night on their way to Caos ° r tb' * e grattoasen has served the t t y , from whence they w ill take a ^ « " ‘ y two yaaru as Sheriff, and bee steamer for Log Angelas. Mrs.den h f ‘ • ««<* reoord behind. The rnra sen w ill be accompanied from Co ( b« tween them to exciting and pram- quilla by ber husband. The party ( t<J * • htosm , will spend the whiter in Loa Angn ( The Rustler sailed into Port Or- 1 1 1 I ’ lee, where Mr. Colebrook w ill t«ke ford last Thursday and landed some medieal treatment aq hia health bea th irty Iona of freight. She returned not been good for tome time. ' to Coo. B a . Friday nod to again I- A. Adolpheen, Democratic c a n -jdu* • * Ih te ^ le ie to land part of a * * 1 j didaie for Joint Representative, ic* r8 ° *b ile e n ro u te from the bay •peat last Saturday ia town, re , * • river. When the Bustler rawing old acquaintances and ahak cr°saed out of Cone Bay tost weak e 1, the P B - t e . - j \ - - '.7 t ir a no- t ceC uikl Itero » » „ < » .-.» • . a . -e log bands with the voters. M r. j th* * * r *,-d **••> *» rough for soy- P»k.i.ùre to t’.’.-t*;.-'' w. j » : Io : t.i Adolptoen to y tr y much encourage.! j *ral < *•/• four or firs of the the Rerhn,-o.” *l, iC .x > rt, t- ,4. o 1 a portioo of whS-h a . . . . u l « j * w j. I ! over his political ouiiook. as he has l“r* e •*t * » ^ s were bar bound, and to e.’w ieù w»?-ooi m y A’t promise of mack support iu Coo* Carpi. Olseo^with bis staunch little parties are b v .- \y we, .od noi te d vl.e *he one that tod the way piles or t iw i- a - 1 ia r y t i r , ) v»( '• county and that he will run well in ! cra^, > soever on baiò Ih'e'c.n e o.- W.’. »r lo s. his hums town is uaured. Ti,e pao- <’a l- As a her navigator Capt. O l- _ . U?» AXX a C. D.X..-. pie of lliix d is tiie t wit, not make a ' ’ • n *• ®n* ® f’ hc beat ttw ig t be coast. . J mistake by sending Mr. Adoiphean ! te the legislature. ~ I i W m . Gaunllett, who in earlier; days arse county clerk of C arry I , o w n ty for reversl terms and who, (or the part two years baa m a d e -*. ---------- ~r------- Lose» V a lu a b le H o rs e . ___— _ 1 w - t m t . u . algo Ageol for A ll Kinds of ] piements; McCormick Mowers, I f you do not drink, aamn one etoe has to pay TOUR share. So, It to TOUR money the Ora- •on brewers and Eastern n«— tortes have bona natag to psranads TOU Oregon wet wlU de TOU good. I t Is believed they expect ? . r ? ? ' ’’ NORTH BEND, OREGON KAXUrXCTOBKRS OF SASH, DOORS AND MOULDINGS B LA S E H IO R G R A D E IM T E a tO R F IN IS H ritjCEV MAILKO OX XrPttCATIOX al « Bende, Sizes T ' W r,8®‘ “ * * misfortune je S‘H urrU * »® »«*• his most vain- „ toam hors« by the anim al gat p, J * ml1 'l *î * ■ Ata mfawionerof the Oeneml De«. ^ s * ’» u . ur - C oe; right t--crake howratea ' entry for tin ,: L ^d a ooomne 1. S a il Lm ie were ” “ i? •PP0 c *-I« ms of rlw I--.VOU» awwt o ra l below who have a pre.'eren. n « ¡ h a r t “ny to j ap lM todtu W ild . d. <• the U » .e will be cul,j.«t to Notice I , hereby g'vea that the n t . derdgaed ezeculor ol toe aetata ol Jn- lies A. H . Koch, as named In h h w ill, and LaMars res araeaUty, having lx«o xraetsd by th e CoonO O>ur. oi urry Ououty, Oregon, alt ps.sons in debted to sold deceaeed are hereity ao- tlfled >0 pay the asms to me wiihoat ••«lay, ra d all persons having valid claims against raid deceased era ry- . t -1 *»V.U0 I ¿OlluLkW a .r a d S ta b lg a .tic h e d We ru e the Suge f n . . . Port Orford a D.«iiy v. a, con .e n iu g with the Carry Cauiy ttitrict Rultj Cupuy. S o l d B u tte h, O r e g o n lyi.m ahmc the w r it aide of the Nt .to71?h ,n “ "J Beach, O le j o b : U s t S -l.W wtthij what ««raeyed Seo. J1. T. IMS., It 1$ W_ Oeee-ted ae loi- Iowa: Regtoainj ci Ouraar No. I, a * ' L raZ?U “ J 1« 1 WZ1. wh«-oev »'th proof „1 their validity, at my rangBHuha « e-emll-sar theme » . 10 ..- y * * * - h. «0 rh » , home la Port, ia raid Carry V, JaNanA. M. Koeh.deceassfi, River, y * *-*» « . Nnvem lw -M , ISI4. Any •etiier''w hil wee actually ra d in „«,4 f , i U clal ™ log aay of said laa to fo r a^rk altu i l Pu, ' \ ’M Pnor,*» •»«>. I. line, and h„. (E n tity, within six mraUm (tum date. O ateof first pohlfo Uon ftopt. U , '« If W ’ . v k T. RTn-ra, Be. Exeentor of tbs estate of • J- J. STANIJCY tuvn.-e U.S1 d-gx-et W„ tAcae , diente *5 F * T J ? " 7 - ” « * • . to d « placa G KO H U E M . B R O W N , ’ T h e W « g K |S te g ,T . Ci R. i f W ., SO aerra, appiiu,UM«i of J .W . M ar O O Q U I I . LB» A T T O U M IC Y A T KtMfffil'JMl URKGO8 . td L .V W