■ A. hia air I The attention of lh«*a having oo- »»unta at that >lure. « « H t o the notion uf Cheever A Boa ma u ran thia iaaua. < ” O af. «<» Bandon, Ore. < Frao<1» Nordbarg, who haa been doing nicely. 7* m. ° * “*• 9**°® b* eh f* «*• “ ‘•J *rto k . P**1 ••» •ra l aaootba, baa returned to boot« pa peri. « * » Port Orford. M r. N ^ d tn rg did i t r j well nt the work, nod expvota n troll to return within a tow wenke and r, and returns openftioue. nd H u * lad on Kd Gallier and Mr. Bolton, of Bandon, »pent aavaral days in Port. Orford ai/wa our laat iaaua. Three •*•*>•» geutivinvn both believe in the fu- 1 day ture of thia auction, and i f our pro- U> that pi« meet them half way in tbeir ef etorme fo rla lu advance the interest« of , 6 northern C oiry, i t will probably Bm result in the investment of capital * tbia l ^a t W«» mean much to tbeoounty. J **” * A . J. Huffman, 8 alo o n Licenses Re Denmark Mercantile Co. Store »S ' • J your Boyle Jewelry Co. EXPBRT HAND IN Q R A VK B 8 £ B. BOYLE, Mgr. Photo No. 614 nd of therly itened re on to Agnaes, arresting three h a lf breeds at that place who were want ed a t Crescent City. The arreeled men were from Smith River, Cal., but wa did not learn what offenaa Wad- ***** wer* * * » rfcd with. ' > J2? ir ,t w 8 ' Mhi T M ffr B . P~ t ^ “ ¡J to lt th ’ T ^ l d f ” fain brother Jobe R., before the (a t o u n i » • « O 8o * S S ? t T ? . ,'k* ‘ * nt| C* H 1 ‘ » " * numerous and repeated oonvio “ •‘ r » th - « , » « » a v d i o c t that io . . t that ‘ru,n fo h . c do H m no i n . good fh « io ^ n Z i 0 k «a ^ ¿ " 7 T b . in jto litm H e la a loyal Republi Z l d T iS . J l * £ £ 1 ’ o ttU . county and Stain liner, igeat, ’ laat >r an uund i first .» ■' 'M' To better accommodate onr glowing trade and increasing number of patrons we have been compelled to add to onr general stock of D ry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, D airy Supplies, Stum p ing Powder, O ils and Paints, F arm in g Im plements of a ll kinds, including McCormiok Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook onr up-to-date stock of M en’s and Boys’ C loth ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigar», Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nate and N < / tions, Boiled Barley, Grass Seed and Seed G rain. * - - . cation. But the liquor busino«. of- too big an opportunity for the accomodation of their vieiou« opera liona in connection with women and girls. 1 charge that if ever the nu clcus of a white »lave truffle exists hom eat’ w a d d i u T f t o . ririt with ^ ito re r r sheriff of Del I ■***‘ Norte county, California, came up J UOrl ' to O d d Beach last Tuesday and in this city that c^hnot ba used as o have made a night trip up Rogue r i’ er j »n adjunct for tbair vicious organi- Bandon, Ore. ? a The Placo W here T m Get a Square Deal _ Have wo repaired watch! T ry us. Liata e - l l lf i -1367. -Il hte^hW rea ooa Rae * Boyle Jewelry Co a on h i. w .y north. HOTEL seaside ; « « » « it « ! r-u to to opwat. with, ^ U t e t o ^ w .y b .\u c o re a f« ||y ,uch u« *r* 11*» * u by ®*n®»11- A N Y T H IN G pom NOT ON HAND in« “ « **«»*’ * '• ’’ »Thia la not an dtock upoo Ugi W ill White, who boa Bbarge of Mmala liquor traffic. tbe Maeteay ranch a t Wedjlerburn, peated down (ba ooast one day laat work with several band of rosy» D ur ham bulla which ba purchased in northern Curry and oo the Coquille. H e w « driving them to the « o n - O n n s n s TAKM N Ilia a t r i a l o rd e r an a<- tack “Pon a ria « , sad I w ill venture * * y that one erim inally Inclined tolooo keeper, sueh aa Joe Conab, wi« tonka more prohibition vote* in tke-elty of Bandon than nil the preaebere, evaogelUu aad d ry ore- JAS. S. CAPPS M psay’a ranch, where this broad o f tort th at eouid ba brooghi here io nettle w ill ho run tor ehoaga and <•“ /■ * » - ’’ w aian* irhad Bwr intv , * ’ PMrpo«ea- The Durham ware “ And so long aa I am t k y atty, •K* tth r aM*to *« **«• oouotry in ’ ■ <*»*• »own I will toaeh absolutely early days, but of later years « W e 80 "tone unturned within the limit« I of the old .took la left. The m ix- ing o f the Jersey baa had aonsidere M e to do with injuring the prion»? href cattle in this motion, and M r. Maotony'a return to the Durham w ill no doubt have a beneficial effect in thia regard. And aa that gentle mao w ill bnild a obeese factory oo " * r hia Rogue river holding* in the ' **** lo v m u H n i should also “ , ba profitable along thia line a« the ‘ **‘* Durham are a prolific milker aad ***’ well adapted to thia climate. *” 7 1, the undersigned, hereby give no tice that I have a oouveyaaoe irom the Patentee to tideUnda and water lota in the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, oa a portion ol which a part of the wharf is erected wlttaoat m y consent. All parties are hereby warned not Io drive piles or trespass in aay manner what soever on said tidelanda or water tote. Man. A x x a O c D abv . Portland, Oregon. • / k * Wood and Iro n W ork prom ptly done at a Beasonabla prioe. Y o u r patronage solicited. Court, a t which thaw aay pacsoa iatar- ostod la auoh aatato .may appear «ad file objeettona ttoreto la writing aad contest the same. Dated thia Cth d h jrri Oototor, »14. AM ES 8. JOHNSTON, A dm iaiatntm ol the aatato of WU- iUm W ittwar, dooeased. *>■>«*• u»uva about thia lhaB • ® an w*>o haa had I »"rnad into perpetual dark tb il to°a«ler? The follow taben froln ben<l a Hand j There is also a good wagon road at published in '' Soklay leading to M yrtle Point. Salem: the peniten Such a road would be of benefit “ Speaking of parole v l to tbe entire county, more partiou- ««cord» prove that whisky larly, of eourm to the north and, c*u»e of moat violators fi although mapy beneficial effects ,heir oWifia»ioe. I f It were would be felt,by the Ooouty In gen >w* i ’quor the number of etui. M ail would arrive at Port n,<"1 making good would at Orford oae day earlier. People go- 82 P*r c* n l >"•»•*« of 70. Ing to tbs outside could reach the proposition, tbia self aam< railroad from bare in a tow hour*, queeiion. A community Stock and produce from all over tbe C* D<MI • “ loort »u »aka gen oouuty could be gotten to tbe rail- wo,>l an« • * • « * * ,d* OT road easily for shipment, and for every dollar rueei The road oan easily ba made tbe »>>a» ■><*»«, »aid OOtumuui beat Utoroughfara if f tbe county. »0«“ « M in taking caiWWf I t would wind along the river on a aulta- »«•»’• h«A <* tb , very easy grads without a single ■ fa d . and i f you exami h ill of any oonaequanoa to coutend nnurl records o f your coon with. Gravel is everywhere abun- j b* »un*««l t>i find that danL This would make the road ' <*"» ° f a« crime oan be tn the rams both winter and summer Look ft up if you and would give auto aervica from »***• •»•tem enl.* here and Langlois tbe year round to the railroad. . The people living along the route of the proposed road are w illing to donate liberally in work. I t la un ' __________________ . , . w. y. the local paper my dervtood th at tbe eounty w ill be thanks and deep r * ^ 1***^ to i arked to build fi or 8 miles of this who ao kindly aseiatod in the d road at an e»timated cost of fi 10,000 bari* 1 of “ J mottor, Elixabetl i and those liv in g enroute and m ore1 W* lt' v j * * _***" **- directly Interested w ill do the rest. " * w jj 0> One of our riohest limbered and mineral »eelions as well aa tbe littlo settlement of Eckley, t . M w practi Hofee la f t I cally isolated from the rest of C urry ------------- county. A wagon rood to Eckley Afi those who are swing ua , w ill make them an aseet of Curry *** * * where they belong instead of C o o t! ¿ e f’u w Mm county. And the other benefits to n»« «■,. —e—i ba derived from such a road are »o be grateful to those who will great that any who have the welfare ‘ ’ rith B’1" request. Our taraw t Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock also Agent for A ll Kinds of Fanning Im - plements; McCormiok Mowers, etc. Whisky Makes Criminals. W agon Road U p 8 I x m . A move is on foot to taka the ( matter up with the County Court of b u ild in g , wagon road up Six.« river to ounnac| g ith the railroad J C. A. Smith is buildiag to Eckley. ith in g o f the oouuty at heart ill hesitate, d* ¥* * * ** * ? to oppose it, sod it* building should. ‘ c H E E V E B A BOW not arouse any «actional feeling, 1 O ffic e re: A J. Marna, President. A . A . J amibbok , Y im President. Man. W a.U iu.isoa, ” N O R TH BE ND, OREGON " J . H . ZcMwahv, Secretary. Mas. A. 8. JoaxsroK, Treasurer. aancracrvaraa or 8 A 8 H , D O O R 8 A N D M O U L D IN G 8 GLAS8 H IG H G R A D E IN T E R IO R E IR IS II I-RICBS WAfl.KD OR AFPLICATION Timber Claims. H ave you aay to offer, or do yoa cuow Of anyoue who haa? I dtoin to purchase. Angus G. Mackay Beat Evtata Agent, Port Corel Michigan. DxrABncnrr or n s Is ra u o a K N A PP HOTEL United States Land Office, Bmebnrg, Oregon, July u , »1«. I»<mca o r ArrucATios ron P atskt .. Application No. 096«. Notice 1» hereby given that Ueorg» D . fiUgtoef Port Orford. Oregon, haa Port Orford, Oregon, - K IN A . V P P r u p r ie to Elrst-claea in every respect. « S s s f W W. A . WOOD A T T O t tM M Y A T L A W t 's w .'- is i G o*d Feed 8 tab to attached. W. M ., to-wlt: Beginning a t the I See. comer be- We run the Stag« from Port Orford i t W ., k . M , fanning thence on south rln Dalryville, qonnecUng with the boandsry line of the Elgin home-ten<1 Stage to M yrtle P o in t Notice to Creditors. • ‘ i f - * * L ‘ 7 r i * to S e wmt lin T of ' la tm « O oi'lT r Coder or tub 8 ta t « or said homestead; thence 8. 4.30 che.- thence 8.. «4 deg. R. » » to i Oaaooa, ron Tan Cooxnr o r Cvnar. Ptem 10 chr. 8. <41 See. comer t ^ e h I In the Matter ol the Eetato off S il 11 ’ I T ? * • * eha- »" I James Mouucnr, deceased. f West boumlaiy line of Olive Hansen >e | Notice U hereby given that tbe un timber ea tm ;tto n c a N 10 eha.; thence dersigned has beau appointed adminto « • “ ‘i * \ * - f * * * i toeooe 8. 7Jdeg. towtonin«; ooS- u o i a H e a c i i , u p e g o i trator of the estate of Jamas Mouoaar, daaoamd, by tbs Judge o( the above Hu did not need an ab court. A ll persons havaig claims c u i o m tolng i cUtna«. T lte rw i.n o against said estate are required to pre- adjoining stract; he had a W arranty known vein o r hide of value-benrine ■ent their claims to me a * CM Lewis rook in tdaen. I t la no< taken t o T w Z Dead. Afterwards he found Building, Portland, Oregon, or at the ttre -a : office of J. B. Staanard, Clerk uf tbe there was A lien against the above court, a t Gold Henoit, Uiegun, place for $1280, whieh he duly verified with proper vulM-here bad to pay. Thia itappened therelor. within six m„n to after the <1*10 of U mi Ilfv t pabliotlwii uf tfeto in G urry eounty last year. HOLD BKAC8 . OREGON. L ,” «♦> »• »« 52 , O ,"»5, OrT°°* a® M oral : G et an abstract and M<K i m . i t I t i a Adpiinistraaor uf Urn e r ta te uf be lure. GKORUE M . BROW N, D E N N IS C U N K ir P , JR., Lep. U. 8. Minerei SarrejAf Surveyor for the Dietriut wi O r egon. QwM Deueh. - . . Otggwa A T -ro n N E Y Within the time nrcatribed by law, wiu> Kegtstor ef the United Mat*-« »mml Uffico at Itaeeburg. In the onunty of Mouglas and Rate of Oregon, they will ? rirtne of the provision» of sold statute. A T X ^A .W RORKNl'RO O RffhOV W J I.T .8 T O L L , A tty , at L e e M in in g L»W n Specinlty J. M. Urrow. B«iii«tor. C o k e U ld g . M a k s m e ix u ), O l