Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1914)
A- m d a y rr*T » G u a ra n te e d W a a r - E v s r ] r y f o r M e n a n d W o re L a d le « ’ S p e c ia l O ffet S till B leed s! stream o f m o n e y — t h e life-b lo o d o f a state >uta faem “m o d e l p ro h ib itio n ” K an sas, in to L icen se states! T h e Topeka State Journal, a supporter of P r o h ib itif, on July 8, 1913, published the statement that approximately 1,500,000 QUARTS OF LIQUOR w ere le g a lly shipped in to th e state o f K ansas each year. * Kansas gat no revenue—other states got the money! • raaka 4M in per O w em m enf stofistfcs «Aow Ntof D r> Kansas h i t the lowest church enrollment of the North Central States. Only per era» o f her papaJntfm to pe- roiled as church membership. Wisconsin, a wet state la the North Central group, has a church roll e l d d .J p e r ceni. Dry Kansas buys gram quantities of Bitten and Home Remedies. Government reports show these 18.4 oirraicv u m c a a a : 0 . 8. Beuator»— D r . H a ir ? Lane, o f Portland and Goo. K Cham berlain o f Salem. For L im it» ! Thu« O nly— Six p air of o u r finest 34c vs dies* gnoranteed bose in block, white Ct4»rs w ritten gu< fo r $1 and 10c for postage, e t% i'ongreasmau, F irst District— W illi» C. H aw ley, of Salem. U v e rff o r—O sw ald W est, Salem . ' Secretary of Stale— Bun. W .O to u U 8a- bto». ■ S p e c ia l O fTer F o r M ei state T.oaaarer—Thus. B. Kay, o f Sa lem. F o r « lim ite d tim e only, six | our finest 3.5c value G«oran<er< any evlor w ith w ritten gunracb a p a ir n f o a r well known Jfns*t dim Garter* for «m «Lifer, and . pontage, etv. You knew these hooe; -hoy stt test when all others failed. Tbj rvfll foot comfort. They have u< to rip . They never become log baggy as the sha|« is k i pressed in. They are GuaronU diiiiix'S«, fo r style, for s u i*rio f m aterial and workm anship, abb s ta llllw a and to wear s ir month* out ho.os, or a new p air free. sg D o n ’t d e la y b u t s e n d it» o r d e r b e f o r e o f f e r e x p ir e e correct site. E V E K -W E A tt U O 8 IB K V D a y to n , O h io S u p t P ublic In s tru c tio n — L . erm ani 'Halmc.- ' A. Aid Sitoo» LIVES OFF WORKERS posed of leading business men, manufacturers and merchants from all over the state. Port C i ford. w c a r r orrioaan. $1 County J 'x l g r - W . A Wood, D p i L Buaoh county u naiiuiriio aera— D . Oufcapovt-. Gold lle a o h ; ttooCbenuwvth, L an g lo is. Slieriff— C. H . B ailey, Oold Keaeh. County C le rk — Job a B . fctanoard, Beach. County Treasurer— F ia n k C aug b ell M eddurbutu * Axaeeeoi— W n i. lU m a n , H a rb o r. School H u p t.— Geo. W . S m ith . Gold Complete Shaving 80 332 X YES THEIR PIE* State Printer-^-WHlls Dun I way, Malent. Attorney G eneral— A. M. Crawford, E IG H T T -S E V E N A N D O N E -H A L F Stale Gam e Warden— W ra. L. F in - . FEB C E N T OF CQNV1CT8 AR E Ury, Salem. IN J A IL AS R ESU LT OF State Health O fficer— D r . C alvin S. W H IL E LIQ UO R HOUSES LOEB O U T M ERC HAN TS DO MORE Vi b ite, Salrua. LIQUOR, f , BUSINESS A N D H A V E Salem. F E W E R BAD Clerk State la n d B o ard —0 . U . Drown, Convicts a t the Penitentiary at Sa DEBTS. ttolem. lem have voted dry four to one. Join t Henutoi fo r Coos and C arry— L 8. Sm ith. Two hundred and thirty-five favor1 Joint Representative for Coos and Ona of tho most startling evi the Oregon dry amendment, Ne 338 C u rry — S. P. Peirce. dences of the change of senti X Yea. Only 63 voted w e t Judge, ad J u d ic ial D is t r le t - J . U ment manifested in Oregon to The poll waa taken for the Com H arniiloo, Koacburg. wards the liquor traffic is seen mittee of On« Hundred by a life-term PrveeeutiiiK A tto rn ey fo r C u rry in the organization of the Ccm- priaoner, engaged by Probation Of Co.— W . H . M eredttb, W ed dw bu rn . C, 8 . Com m iaaicnrrk— K T . S te w a rt! I mittee of One Hundred, eom- near the bottom with Kansas? » moles 32nd in per a wo , ( x y r o B E H r, 1014 A ftU ilo m ficer Snodgrass. The men were told the records would be kept secret— they were te exercise their prefer- The Committee of One Hundred proposes to tell the people of Oregon how all kinds of business feels towards the .saloon. Oregon Dry “Ads." One feature of the Committee of One Hundred’s fight is that i t is carrying the war right into the enemy’s camp and while i t does not expect to be able to match Ito dollars Beach. with the scores of thousands being urveyor— J. Caugli.-ll J r., Gold Beach, I poured into Oregon by the Eastern XISVIXU» Mt T h u cot’HT». distillery men, it expects to spend C ircu it C o urt meeta h ouith iio n q u y is large sums for advertising the Oregon August of obeli year. dry measure In the newspapers of County ^tomniiaabraer» C o u rt meets the state. .or To adv**rti e our Universal O u tfit and U n iv real pr.xIncS f o r a l i m i t e l tiuimvii'ly, ieinl TO til »3 Id) hbavlng O b tflt ( We sell our products to the I •U»e. t „ and therefore you] agent*’ projlt* which as yon k very la r.e . 1 Jfollow Ground K otor 1 i-ia c h Lather 1 Hatur Strop, Canvas Bac 1 X itle l Battel Barit htirrof 1 33dneh Barber Tcwet t 1 B ar Shaving Soap f l Box Talcum I’uwder f J Decorated China M ug „ t Aluminum Ba.-bt\ first W ounm day 1« 4 anusry, A p ril, J u ly and Septour b»r of each ycat. Probata Cort-t meets that Monday in each m uatli ocaav ra n re v «ware o m o a * *« n po st - » n aM aae. • Harbor......... , i ......... tle tc b e r Oardner. Motion Picture Stoden. Hundred has already reserved apnea fee the nee of motion picthre slides in 1 | «croons of the motion picture theaters I all ever the state. Facto and figures O o k g jc a c b .......... ... . . . . . j . w . Kiley. , end the number of the Oregon dry I M e rin i........ A guosa..... T o rt Orford D e n m a rk ... Langlois . . KOR YOUR I,KN E c k le y . . . . , The Committee of One the Mrs- Viola A. F ry . 1 ............. A. M r Kile«. I ....A m e s Johnati a ................J. H. Cappa. . ..............E . 8 T b n ft ’ . . . . J . A. Haines I Boaatlfal college peanas Y a l e a n d H o r v n r d e a c h 8 in . x 8 4 In . P r in c e t o n , C o r n e ll, M ic h ig a n ,e a c h 7 x 81 in . VOTE 3 3 3 X NO H a v e K id n e y TtotfiMb D o n ’t K n o w It . Dm a bottle or comic «Star awl 1st It stand i ••• BLACK - DRAUGHT ch j -< , hours; i . n n 'e a i.iiy * condl- llr A S T O C K and POULTRY M E D IC IN E */ , 1 / -*= ¿ ¿ 7 ) ' iJ noys; tf It status yuur ¡tnan it Is svidencs of ktd- r a r k \ If I t L L " *y h-cubie; too rrequent desire to pa** •» or pain In ___, “ the back is also •sovliKbag proof that the kidneys and btad- 4sr are out of ordnr. What te Be. The«» Is comfort fa the knc-v’adr» jc «Ben expressed, that Dr. Kltrne. s £» smp- Eoot, the (T « l kidney semedy fulillli every wlah in curing rheumatism, paitt In the haefc. kidneys, liver, t ladder and every part e f ths urinary passage. It corrsets l;.«Wfctv to held water tnd scaidtng pain In passbss IL srbad sheets following ase ef liquor, Wtaeer beer, and overcomss that unpleUant aeeessitr ef being compelled te go oftsa 4wtox 4 e day and te get up many time* d»r.«g the night. The mild and the aura- •rdjnerv effect ol Swamp.Root is soon rsalixed It stands the highest for its won. derful cures ef the most distressing cases. I f ye» ne»d a medicine you should have the beet. SoM by druggists lr 80c. an d jl. sites. Yea may have a sample bottle of this woadsrtul dlacovery end a book that < e l l* g B » D ^ S ^ t ? | mere aboui It. bolh seni absolutely free by mall, ? address b r. KUmer to w s Z Z s m Oe.. Binghamton, N. Y . Whan writing moo- H M rsadbg this g^barsas «dtor la this paper. •Stock and poultry have few trouble« wbiidi are not bowel and l i v e r irregularitise. B la s t - Drsnifkit Stock and Poultry Medi oina is a bewri and liver r- nedy f « »tuck. It puts the organ« of digMti.m in a perfect condition. Proniinent American breeder« and farmer, keep their herds and Sucks aealtky By wiring ja m an ocea- •i.jnal dose at Black Drought Rt-ck «ad Pneltry Medicine in their (.tad. Any stack raiser mar buys A) cent half-p-ntnd air tight « n td thu medicine f’ osi hie dealer and keep bit stook in ngorow« health fnr weeks. Dealer» gener ally keep HUck-1 fraught Stuck and Poultry Afedicine. If years does nut. semi 88 omits for a «eiuple can to the maoufactiiron. The Chat>*ii,«jga Medioina Co., Chat tanooga. Tima. HEADACHE ■atom C a - w '.iH t r s and meOlatue we kare eve. kad weak my v ite «aa «raaMc ««redaya, «ka trla.1 «mmiaf they ae la th e hi with ke TourC A A ll best q u a lity fe lt with fe lt heed: log, M reaiuers, le tte rs and masoo^px- routed in proper colors. This splendid assortment sent postpaid fo r W cents and 6 stamps to pay postage. Send now, U O W A llD S P E C IA L T Y CO Any settler who waa actually V><1 io i ou D a y t o n , O h io fa ith claim ing any o f said binds ‘ Phase ,B the - ugrioultural purpose« prior to J m i. tion a | 1 ,19 0, and hun nut ab«udoued satue. D has s preferetioe rig h t to m ake butne- ra y re stead en iry fur the lands actu ally oc- “ On this Comi 2 l n Aa-tlATtl. f 1 cuplod. eaid lands were lisle t U |o a * if!?. . t C,J P.,r 1 7 iJ.-wenUever.-atM.rr rrr c the applications of the |« r.« n a nu n- re" ,y represent! k L m , o n ,J , 0 ” r iv e t.» a i d Srprov. c i . ..- ■ tiuned below, who have a preference 8r*d »6,000 fn ct.1—’ • W e «hl;, t o . njror.i a n y » .- , iw |;. f ’ b . u u s --« « -» ,, ■ rig h t subjtot to the pi iur rig h t uf any which the less I B Ì» Ï Ï . Ï Î Î ? to *- Moo >‘,s LicrCiOanu put i t U .a u y l e t ¿'OU i,t»h such settler, provided such sett e r o r « f t hs brewers H Îî r 'îc n?M nt'. “ tt-fied o r do noi » U lt to keep tlio applicant Is qUHlttled to make home 1 _ v W L « AviaaiS'rwMMi«b*.*A"o r<''Iwnj>»..d,.« » . i n k « . . , , , , . • stead e n try and the p>«leretioe rig h t 1» * 5 FA C T O R Y PR IC ES 1 '“ h “ ><• tn«to«t ére la M o d ' s i t Is Xj —.in .i , . . tw*‘,i to to ttrlco at one amad punti alora , exercised prior to Nuv. ¿3 19H, on w lik li I "W e intend to hCir^r\!£ 1 ®,sl5Ptsctul.«-’a *? f - i n'WÄicup'n'a by b ■ tîte v e u v |Cc ¿ r ir. t« r i’f <ï í ! r l,<i i n n?.0” . » ® .» .ho *w ir s .iM ProtiU « behind r o u a r- r V ilale tlie lands « ill he subject to settle- is a parasitic it i m eat mid entry by a n y qualified i « i - off t i . . n, vroi i . son. T h e Uim s a re aa M o w - : The e p ,y ” ,IU 7 Y Û Ù W«LL ÖE N h k K « H X L to, the I f k N W to NEA, men- canneries, t the Kto N K X h W j f , Sec. 10 T. 33 S., ers and so forth ' 2, ¥ ” * a tr ip «< land ,■ The following * r b c ’ cl“ »au. r , uur o r a a.a»pm *alüuul-te »ur pnœr , SO links wide described a i lot tows: B e -' i . u . n f , j , . J “ ’ U - I t ía T í í ó “** r ’- í ’ I» » rw fa a a rr.t fea». blrrCw t a l taaaPr tara , g in nin g nt a point M cits east abd K 80 ! i cli> in - south ol the quartet post on the “erB or the A»*.'» I north line of St® 10,said tow n-hip md world of Oregon range, on the eastern boundary of the ! t n o t; extendiug thence l i bolts on M cm hcri of CommlHeo. i i acb aids of a Hue runu ng K. (it drg. coïrîrieoE m EHioRXTfl A.xr> W., C6 ilia j thence 8. 7» deg. W „ J.X7 P n M O M .................................. .............. t h e .; tlieLce X . 72 deg. W ., 1.00 qiin.; MAXI FACTí MP.IW ti,entw N. U deg. W ., 1.43 d ie .; thence l a w y it m ä .......... ...... b ... J . ’ .. N. 3 deg. W ,, I 90 vba.; Thence 8. «2 O U IM lM tO .X WCAbWRg ................ .'eg. W , t tx d m .: tbem e 8. IMdeg W . UKX5RIIR AXP TrMWfPWMKM. n .fi» ix « j M J tx fi a«Tt*iiEat>' | I to ebs ; tlicu te V . A> d i g . W , 4.-0 I.F M h P ît * 5 0 T I X I I l ô t ................ chs. ;th c ie e N . 7* deg. W ., < chs; 4*>XT»M »’T O M ......................... L , ” thenev N B8 deg. W ., :t 70 d ie .; thence jneu-ai-am iM itPi .......................... ddJnr. very dnrohle s i.d lii,..-, la iid o wi h f d ry. D '., 4 e b s .; there« 8. 30 .leg. P ttv s in a x s ................................... re ë c is lu u a l.t, . f.u i.b -r.w u ic t» ¿.over x t r t v n A .T ..................................... AV., 1 » e h -.; tbeDoe 8. «9 dew. Av„ TtUXKtniRTATJOX xuae p ore« « e n d wbich cícera i n t: I I » * » ............ «.SSclis.: thence S. 47 deg. W ., 3.A0 A n -itrr rV T ........................5........... ___ ebs., io the place where the strip dose« W n ra A X rw o F n n t n a 'N TA N T ...... ................. .. on the boundary o f tlie tract, the net aroW ORAiv i .............................. area being 48.19 acres; listed upon -p - ATtnxm ca .............. pllcHlon ,*f T . W . Bi I, lugs, M a ria l, R K A I TW.TATI5 D E A l-K C « ftre g o n ; L 1st 8-IOOr. The At J SAA’ q À IT I O X tH M ............................................... w m t« ................ ........................ N K fc , Ih e K t K K f c N W M S e c . 10, T. itA r.r £ftae iC^for<-”, ‘ '•*. tO-.lh-<’. » h lw ^ o u lr M .»p er pair. FAHMBSS ..................................... 33 8. K, 10 A t 4 u a r r is , applicaiiun RX JiTWIBfl ................................... '. of Richard Vernier, M a r a l, O regon; xiATim ............................................ l.iat €-1840. The 8K1 PK | 8eo. 18. the c o v . x t t rrrutp. ...................... N E } N E } , the B j 8 E } K F } Sec. 19, the NW } 8 « } N W } Sec. 80, T. 33 8„ K. 1« AA’ . 110 serve, application of Haymond , OREGON DR Y SLIDES. C. Tlioui|.son, Port u r ont, Greyont In large number» of cities List 0-188*2. A tract w ith in w hat » iU probably be alien surveyed Sec. 31, T. and towns all-over Oregon the » 8 ., K. 1» W ,, des,rilw»l as follows: Committee of One Hundred, ieg .n u In g a t tin* northwest corner o f the business men’s Oregon dry 8««. 6, T . « 8 ., R. 18 AV.; cXtet dt: g tbence N. k.W d i« , to «'.oner N . I ; organis-ition, has made ar- k E ÍÍAK íS, Ì 2 Hotogethorn Pone I SsH-bealingTirstro« vuoMpntutt fJÄ*“ •’r--« WBR&ÄOE l« S t Surveyor for the P ts trio t oí O r* e g o *. , la * M » . « rs«*ta T«M» li le«er » .* « -. w «e«-», a- m « « . O, OURB O O N S T I P a T l O M . . •n y v u n g K rq p fto n N a t j re nie «f r it, ¡ t n to td . h e i c u re d . O i «got s < o f i . ’s i M ri-sirtS a » .*,» .« , saga a«. . Catawrrt» ' X ik I t ALwtl wi t:r the moat wan « u;e»!i. ai d i . - n t a r r »T tua age. p'eaa »»1 aita retroatun e to the la » '« , nA gratto an« i m U n ly on klrti «ya. liv e r and boa ria, cM aeam * the oetli-a a -s k m ¿i«ec! «irida, •'U’’ ; b * -'''•‘•’b * , -evur. lie 4<u«l nU M dp alkM •»•> -htou-sne««. f*:roau buy -no try a bos *he r«a «tnrfcrâ a*4 M t S m * «fcartMonr iT AaUrac«. Try m m <! « w SW IFT A CO^ Opp. P.S. Fatsaf tlftcc,WasblkgUa. B fl. must bo s e n ta n e * Vt f-r a m et a» w a U ac w lu fo r. . It a » tt u « Ht»> --44 m in m etar* C d « « ..» ’. - * » - . }0 chains; AA , 38 »I.« ,; ti.cuce E. 8u c h » .; thence 8. SS.fiEciie.t iin*ti(M i t , 30 c..». to tlie pla.-v pf iw gfoaln g; cxvvi* a strip ol land Nt tytikt wi le na M o w s : D rw fi.u ltig at tin. ceet,-in faoumlery of the t i » t wbs»cw Corner Ko. 6 bears 8 , 9.3U eh«.; cgtvu ins Lep. U. 8. Mineral 8arveyn| . F IG H T IN G AGA1N8T ORE GON DRY. < DENNIS CUNNIFF. JU., G o M R ene h , T H E S E A R E AI E N R E A L L Y A” rin«to» rangeroents for elides to be run in the motion picture theaters on behalf of a dry Oregon. These slides give tbs facts and figures regarding Oregon dry. Friends of Oregon dry are asked to visit these theater» and congratulate the theater manager on his actio*. Those invftod to sand a postai to the Committee of One Handled, 748 Mo gar. Building, toiling tho name of the theater and what they think of the slide. Through the influence o f Jim Laritin, the European strike leader, tho strikers decided te drink no alcoholic beverages. "The man w ith » booao-soaked brain w ake« a poor flghtor,* says Larkin. A l (ho Canadian Northern Railway at rike. the Arat act af the otriho lenders wan to HmM ’ h” nos of Infwxlcaata, and T.’ .’ EN to abet down the saloon. W hyf