f h i g u rt <i)rfurd ï r r t u a i i with oandidaies. as fast as oocurred, pledged to tba a long liue of deoiamna upholding riparian preteudere in tbnir right to ‘ tha a»O)i ia auch a w a y --------—• j b* revolved upon tbu VBDVnnAT » . U l t floor of tbe dou i to bo rai In Ibe castor uf thia Iv o r I’ jbliahed Avery Wednesday, by telescope eoo tai sing MABRY T. ST KW A MT. !««•• The waigbt of thia P b ^ aa’a bingrapbor ia tha b ulk- —■ ■ — - la 16 Urta; Ila coal *100,000. Coai • V M O K ir n o v katka . iuriuding du— ana quarter w lllioa. O asO apyO M Year .« J a ÏÂ I The working w o f tha _ iotrieato * joo» bod ooonpiod tba position of •wa Oupy Tbra. Monti _*»l«biao r/ swilrulliag tba . ------------ r ~ badsr ir f tbo historic commiitee ) au pyfeet that the inayruiqant «bai. b rin « *w g « n fe ro ^ of cbao» A ar K a m i K bàsmslls . ; pointed at a planet will fo lto - i l a ¡ d i u r n a , ¡..g « n ife . aad ¿ e„.y move neoI aoroM lh« t i « • . ■ • 1 hait 11.. ..I— , , • here » eery and destitution had 1 nan th« pleasure of vivwiog th e 1 u„iu , k - „ ' «artattaa la aaM. j X d ä K 2 i , * £ » S T S * (m»n èn’têrid £ r a The Wedderburn Trading Co. wntlMi by Judge Bean (not our old nrreat paogreea indeSnilely. or on* Jaad reliable Judge Boon but an iro- ia prepared to sell some of its tit they » « e paid tbeir price; and w i f ran 1 frOin Canada -b o gut on the people got away with -b a t they land in small tracts on a time «ho bench in itppuaiti—n to MoCam —antol by frankly pledging tbnir basis, with a small cash pay - b o bad bean put forward by tbo wouW he fudgaa to do their -IB . O ^ ra a ia n ’a AaaowWy.) aad thaaa ments. For information apply to A M now, at the risk o f being rtveraed • aotabor of earlier Oregon ebai— I with rushing ia -b a rn aa- T h i W kddkbbukx T rading C o . decisions. gela fear „» tread, it fe m y deliber The U. 8. Supreme Court and Wedderbnrn, Oregon ate belief that if Judges Qalloway auinerou« State Courts have*repeat an>l Ramsey, candidate, for the Sa- rdly held that ibe Stale it without preme Bench, —ill a m — their por- P” *e r to alienate f into o f o » J permanent X T b f e h pose In reverse Judge Benn In /u Ixwis K napp , Pres. C. W. Z umwalt . V. Pre« lure foreshore litigation, they - i l l A V is it to Lick O b s e rv a to ry . both - i n , retiring said Bean arid E. J. L onky , Cashier. «.otaianoi . « * , I th , < l b . v o o - . - d - l that Gobi Beach. defeating Benson, the reg u larity of On Sat. August 29,b . 1 visited lold, »re e x tiiw t vuh-an.ie», tile high —ho»e nomination is seriously and questioned. That speculative roust for the Aral time. I one 0» » „early flv« „ « « . aa h i « h a ! 1 fwr * f™ * '« " of the «.„dam n warehouse .„ d I t 2* ? ’ T . ‘ " d I1’ WOm* tf « W l« .k of which i . ! U " 7 “ “ H « 1“ 4 Ro* W -b a rf abouts may illegally seiie and hold for big prices that which the p obiic'' wfco nade lb« trip in a l»r<e • “ <« 4209 Th - i . . > • uw,u*r af.freati«| and a leading truck which iS«ke» taoii-w eakljr1 oyr ne • .T /**. * * ’. v ’ *H of the It u b it . HacWoif of the Supreme ia entitled to uninterrupted dotnlu-} O F P O R T O J t F 'O lM b trip« from Smith’, garage in San ()00 m . ..* "•< »‘''y , a lu ^ ther likely th*» Mr. PheU«’» (?uur‘ of California delivered by ion over ia become intolerable. /oao, to the mountain. Thia ear i» " T br* ’ .'|,f «»‘ •fo» UuilcdStates Senator old ^ * * * rtl “« » '» « the claim Already the public of Portland YOUR BANKING BUSINESS SOLICITED ~ " 1 WWi HmW*- • * • * be light in M i a i i e n , - e r e he run I “ f M" Sout‘w n * • * » « Cbmpnay of bag b^eu held up for aborit *1000 a 4 cylinder 28 pa»eanger> Kissel' ■ , ,. , i “ 8 ” ‘ in mmuani aar.r One reaeon fur a deaire to <•«»«« —no«e P- peopled<he o p » . i 'he4ig'“ “f L u ’ A " "8ele8 O ily to per frorit f«Mt for ground on which Angeles Oily i t ML Hamilton, which I bad long >te l((n_ Th . P*r’,“ Plu ri»|l r demanded the return J bull', wh»rVW and —arebouees on to construct its public riookt, -b ile cheriehed, - a . that I had heard « J f ^ *7 “ J * k*P‘ j “ »• «'»«r hut never got it. i ti,,e »««<*»» by said Company Marshfleld and oilier cities are in the got m w A about th . auep grade. *»*• . - b w t b o - S X . n „ 7 v X i t ^ .... ............... 1 ^ « « '* Sm t. yearw ago. _ Judge, throes of tpiunlea of tbe tarns sort N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E So much by —ay of prelude to P O R T ORFORO Bordwell »ays: ‘ | U nghjt», Or. ~ crooked load and the rugged „,OUnl- „ |ioWed U. it . These ' wk»* 1 *« l to vay of the impolicy of **A t a general proposition; tide I — "»• ------- — — sin aaaaory, that I -an led to w clock» are ,e»wd and regulated d ? *e,,<1,ne nlen of ,MTfe w«»hb to the a d t^ taic Y C U R B U S IN E S S B E T T E R OREGON bow it compared with tbe mountain , « b e e rv a lio o /L te o r * ”* ‘ SenaU* *’r»‘ * h llv <1 »»»bed the “ M il — r* which are iuitnediatelv w •< MK” HeS,- Lisi» 6 -i.w , - t » i . -,3W. lands or ’ tu l u l u ! , wm.k a - --- — ., I ...» which . m o the , h . movement of certain “ “ stars, e" with « o - Rjr » , habit h o„ and tion, i * ' “ ate :"™’ I of Curry rountv with . not the subject of private I —a» once to fam iliar.' Having de N a tio n a l F o re s t. au instrument uoed f— that purpose svmpaihy and iucl¡nation and pref owuerahip. /T lte y are held io com Notti» is hereoy given ti,»t the land» eided to make the trip I talked with erenue such will support privilege ,Do,‘— the »tale is vested with title only. W . were al*> abii—a the in Oe»cr|tMd below, uni bracing 3S4.621 aome of my friends -b o bad trav and Imttresa the claim» and d e-• 48 V U|,tee The su te ought not k>, acre» within tue Hlwkiwm National I struiuent which record» earthquakes intnda of the predulohy rich. Lona can““ t *ith o u i violence to the Forest, Oiegoo, wilt he aubject to set-1 S ? ° ” ’rl h"/L"‘d • ,hr T •U ltie » radius of 2000 eiia.rian.-u i . . k , > , . " ,M>rpoae< for which it exist*, alienate tieinent auu ent y under toe provit- »bey considered it positively dan- mile«. I imi» oi tiie houieatend laws of.tbe Unit ■ copy of tbe record i ? r , u*h t u» that and heoce into absolute private ownership ed State» and the act of June I I . l£08 geroua for a large machine heavily madeby tb ,.iu nstrumnut, »trum eh«,o nftbe ftb » Ir big ig i', , ; ‘ ,’rl> 5 ; ,M,T* 7 r* demand d*,,u f„r ■ polar such lands. ........ Such .............. alienation would <34 <34 Butt StAt., 233) at the United State« - — at Roseburg, - - - - — - - loaded, aad especially so, as ibe re quake io 1906 until the shuck he * ■ M’n Orewoo. s’*Oal®r’ ®«r voice» ,>e “n »"fnngwneni on the natural J&nfJ I office November ember 2 5 ,1»IA Any aettter who tarn trip, on Saturdays, is made came «O V io le n t < 1 .., tk > .. . w w heard, heuce to default now ‘ * '* h u tbe individual, and, there I i was avtiMdiy aud in good faitn claim- eta - a tendered w b a for ^ < 2 . < j X Ì L ^ ^ v M ¡ U r K ^ b Ì 2 » between 9 and 12 o.clock at night. I t happened huweyer, that I was t * lu8- p ,'.p worthy nt also be a surrender of no attribuì»! ».»t abandoned same, baa a praTeivoee personalia acqitainU»! with the as a bruna tion of a I u 8*? t" ,na‘co,homaatead entr» tor the During the two hours we spent I it» new privilege by eleciiag a poor of -»vereigoty, -----w" wwav ’ - ¡ . - i — o.“ / ; oi a i laud» oocupied. Said lands wer« het- driver and knew him tu ba a tbor iati whom the Uregonian had chid oa the mountain— from 7 to 9__ fore, forbidden.” j mentioned >elow waod. nrigbly com patent and rvliabla — n. we were conducted about the buiid ed for bi» want o f “th rift” when he Tba — rt was made at 2:80. The ing» an,I grounds, and all our’e « ? r 1 7 ** * fur * * r o r , to tbe a , v . 8. a . r . m . i o , . flrat three miles* era comparatively i question« were readily an»wer"ed ' a* “'" a‘ * P>»Hla"<| m illio n - lawyer of reputed great ability ia *•’ •‘»'■•aut Is qualified to make home- level until Ibe bam of tbe Eastern and whatever attracted oar m W « '^ l w«r* «t «>»1 tor the untor ....... bills ia reached. Tbe beat speed li«.n - a . explained to u>. Theye ia tuitous circumatsnca that tbe opp»- ®«k«» the pamphlet plea tor i u ' wu,ei* dal» the Iaada will ba ubjovt lo mads on tbe level -a s 12 miles n r aition in California .gam », th . 20- ;»<to,Hi,m. [ ^ ^ £ 2 *£ 1 1 !!^ a community of about 40 people boor and from 6 to 7 on tbo grade. millionaire Phal«n w ill ba divided j But o f eoarw every species o f 1 **? •4* * * * E * E* N w >; raaiding oa tba summit of Mt. Tbo distance froat the w ater of Baa H-oeiitom. They ail tire in a w t Joaa to tbo Obaarvatory ia 28 miles -----------* ................ baodaoma Cottages built either of there would ba scant likelihood that I Special Privilege to defeat i t For by tba iwad aad 1* miloa on an air brick or ooncrela, and are aH em - tba Jatter would pall th tough. I instance. Mr. A. B . PownraofBAitb Hoa. fb r tba drat few m ilm after Ohio has already done itself by j H'»*«ra at Marshfield, aeaarta ia a tat aj pioyad i f KMbe oa parity at tba O b - o<rj»tfr-WB0lwle' Uuld oamataocibg tbe aacent tba Mad Mrvatory. fb e ra ia a school .» defaming Foraker o f Standard fa — I •'"»« dintrihe in tbe Record that i f •CDUOl At ------- »KMHtMir«* ifinw w ______ _ A tatet «m WWW.« within what iaada through a oootiauatmp of or law l.l^.^ab»___ a.. a. I.L - —. —- 1* . is “ adopted « _ the . Comp« ny rveyed bee. tended by u tbe 15 or 30 b rig h t)*“ hl* a lu ,B P“ ° *•“ « » • hack.” B ut ¡<hn— •, T . M 8., K JY W \ deanrllmil ebards sod vineyards o f onmpaia baaltby children whnee borngs •■ad aJ aJ fi loi- • _ a r a (tbera *H > have to dismantle Re. logging • hÎ T r' i , ___ ia _ imminent ------- danger that - - Su. 1, _ UWyamaBwMaga’. -W ithout ea ou the trioUnuln. Tberaia a Poet * Pann— bosa q f the busses in Pena H z», wiaenca in <he ggey face of tbe fact oeptfca tbaaa t— a aad vinca have office and a daily mail to an,| from * *y wiU *“ « t u v a e d ,-------. L ? K • * X. 1« owing --------- --- from its jbadegUnlW’ «x vudia« th««ue tba appsaraace of being wall oared Ban Jose, but there id „« store as 1 **’ * * * nroddto in the 8tate ¡operation all foreshore im ttr n v « . ¡ W 1— «' -, BP u h » , i.ieuco K. SO ch«., improve , theo.-e b.3i d-giw» w.. Li oh» , them« for. Tbe bouses are neat and aob the daily nnada of the «im m unity 1 wil‘cl‘ uf been dabbed, “cor f ■ *« < . which operate aa adjuncts of ~ ;® 2 'W 7 * 8 * • 2« mia, to t.w pince aunlia}, and everywhere there is rupi and ouotenled a « brought from Ban Joaa ■ . îkJfi tS L “‘îü?. s iT lioai">“ Aa ‘ iu Cali- oommeroe and navigation. Aa well T u T S Z i * * * * * * . - ? P»™** by .’ .t o daHvery. ’ f Ü* ‘ <M On* >n; tornia, the opposition strength w ilt might Mr. Powers contend that tbe aad r X l d i t Z M ^ — “ “ ' om m h * <•» be divided. A t a time big Smith aailla w ill have to be „ T h e yr* 8tq — #, t . a e., K. m i Langlois Hardware ' Store Hardware of all Kind- M a c h in e r y & M o w in g M a c h in e s . ¿ O1 ® a l r y l B «3 O m b o r n e , M ilw a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a ln U , O i l . A S tu m p in g P o w d e r F i n e l i i t e o f CR u m , B a r b a l i p h e r n a l i a , a n d o th e i ~ G o o d , k e p t i n S to c h . c o o a t a n t ly k e p t 0 « h a n d . F l p e F i t t i n g . , P lu m b in g a n d T i n w o rk o f a ll k in d . d o n . on mera party brand mean so little, moved i f tba bill shall ba euomeatol' “ * * “i “ r BiU* W’«tock “ J L Jo « * • « < • < » - »Of by midnight. Palmer, tbe Démocratie oa odidate before tba people. Tba truth is. T >ith «*[ When ^neirnoW that (he m . m i g h t ^ t tbe people of tba K ay* f however that the Company la aim- O r. U * - alone Btata averlaatingly in his debt Ply defending speculative bolding» * S S d X ” g y onacured tbe view of tbe e,m p t tfie brick which were manu by tide stepping and supporting <*nt of use of other water front areas. ’ w m lU . Keal a a . »«W P H C I WHICH Were (11 tbe Progressive candidate who,» ! The people of California, in order rT H A R D Y T . 8 T E W A R T r f . f c . m ite W . r a . c M , 8 . ................ h . u lM o .p w , «11 ib , m—- Boss Rxisevelt w,|| not permit to to protec| tbeir irrigation i„U M «U U ' 4L C O M M I S S I O N E R bowl at Sm ith’a Creak at 4:50. wba, a ibe - airy of rip riparian »Ive machinery, and in tool averv ; withdraw. Thu», amt ooly thus, it against ------------- . . 7 claims „1 P o r t O r i o n i , O i-e g g u n . a atop of 4 * minutes was made for tiling put there by man was trans . U r’wred c"n P«nr“»e'*ni be »helved owners, deliberately set about the' Mfrashawota. The distance . of 7 port«! over that 28 m ile, of mount- , for and * " • , tmh of packing their Supreme Cou rt t" **" miloa from Smith's Creak to the am road by horse and mule team», I " Utah hose Smoot is the Re * J *aak. aommit wa oovarad in exactly •o v ha can only exclaim (w hat wonders Pu,,lioan candidato whom it ia j fSuccessor to » . C. Nielsen.) hour. In this Arelch of road of 7 man has wrought. 1 J thought his Moriuoo co religionists miles tbera are 865 tarns aad some Lick Obaervaiqry was completed 0* B P®11 «brough if nuited in the o f them are very abort, bat, on tba C J E IV E K A .L X E R .< ^ H jk .IV T .\ ' iu 1888, before the days of the auto ' «Uovi- —bole I found the grade not as »leap mobile. Ib e road was completed I But to cap the climax, the Dem aa the Quasi rand through Curry y ^ r P o j - i O rfo rd , O r .^ r ^ ahout 28 years ago at a cost <>f| neretto party of Illinois has placed ooonty, bat tbe rand ia more crook <85,000. in nomination that prioce o f cor ad, though on an average, wider W . F. R ilcy . poration corruptinuists, Roger S ul than yoor C arry eoanty roads. As livan, for United State. Senator. Bear as I oouid find oat tba Mt. Thia is said to bave resulted from Hamilton road ia laid out on a 7 C U R R E N T T O P IC S . W i p . G illin g s , P r o p . some sort ol party feud promoted P*r • en* grtde, —hila yoor road ( by Hearst and Carter Harrison. through C arry ia a little more than By J H. ÜPTOK. a all » F • par cent. A« one approaches the Editor T i l l bim X: Tij» country demanded popular* a < eammil tba ridges become longer election of Senator. i„ hopes to |w t > G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , lo the S. F. Bulletin “ Democratic and the canyons deeper; soma of a period to the domination of the 9 edition,” (Republicanedition a week _________z ____ __ jww tbatr aidaa being almost perpendic Government by the wealthy few to ! „ „ „ BOOTS and S H O E olar. There is no heavy timber variier.) J,„ . p . pbet.n Pomocraiic ' the great diecoin öin re of tbe masses ! M E N S and BOYS, C L O T H IN G aaywbara lo ba seen. Large scrub naodtdala for United States Benaror o l mankind. „ E D I K S ’ DRESS GOODS by oak trees being tba largest, and ia given irrozb space jn which it le- ■- l*4wev«r, there ia the hope left H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E ami T IN W A R E . ounteri ih ,t ba was thiea times these raraly attaining a diameter of 0*»t M r. Sherman, a clean man kvt. Tbe aides of the dee;>a»l elected May.w of the city, but no whom the Republicans have nomi C lG A ftS , TO B XO CO , P IP E S luentiun i. lESile of the tiagia bru canyon» ara densely auvered with nated, will win out in November C A N D Y , N U T S and N O TIO N S , tality of his |sdioa during his thi>d onderbruah, ammly beer berry and and thus »pare Ibe world tba spec term tuwmd Ute striking teeatotore. h a « p p ly n f.v a r y thing u.ually kept in . „ „ grease wood. tacle of the unspeakable Roger sit On a clear day the view from the I t was that awlul savagery that ing in «.ur bigbeat Legislative body. General Merchamlise Store brought about the Labor Unhm aommit is magnificent. A portion 0KDBB8 , TAKEN , OK ANVKBTICLK > 0 T IK STOCK. In Oregon, an overwhelmingly o f Baa Francisco Bay, including iwrty that swept the eiiy as a re Republican S ute. the spevucle is Goat Island, can ha seen, as aan buke to tbe otiiguing Mayor’s big presented of tbe Republican candi also tba businew section of San Joee, Busina»« ad minis, 1 at ion and that date and hia immediate Hackers heiure the ebb of 4liv tide of pupnlai and just a glimpse of Loa Gatos and earth to indignation against him four times fairly ' turning - a - heaven — ' snngglad away in the Waatarn foot carried the municipal elections, as I ’ T T 1 * ‘ h* " * * * Democrat, N o tic e . hills beyond tbe broad expanse of a finale sweeping Pat MoCarlhv, | i,1*** i 1* " ’ '0 eff>rM Notice is hereby gi7en to all «.rroee ■ a. * B O B ER T8. the Santa Clara T ally. On arriving carpenter B„d jniaer into the M ayo.'. ' f J M " n , « * Mary »>«i b— <4— T ro u V rD .a o tto .D to rT p i ^ T T O H N K Y at tba Observatory the eisitoc re ' 1 f®r Mr. BotMh*» alleged graH weaUh A T AaAwr chair. »■ or treapaae upon the premises af L. ceives a hearty aad cardial welcome and assumed nrcammry alliance with M f i U s P w lw *. O r . , — . <nnpp. for tba purpose of hunting, nr during Schmidt's, (Labor from tba professors aad their corps ‘ Big Business which the outnioon i Ashlar »Uh noon aad line. Paid pre. o f assistants and no pains ara spar Union) tfai,d term, and after he had man more and Probate business a speci.lty. diatruate aa 1 „ on Blk Kiver, Corry ad to — ba tba visit eotortaioiag and stolen himeelf into -vetth and uui •be year« roil by. Coamy, Otcguu, aad generally known of his class, that tba awful earth I as tractive. I tha “ Bond” place. The Oragouiau'ie distressed J. H . U P T O N . Tba maasiva dome which can ba quake end fire occurred. I t was Anyparsoaor persoa» sc T-gnu tba |ieopla shall adopt t h « ___ __ then that Schmidt appoiotml the aaan from 8 a a Joaa, on clear days, fng for tha purpose of h u n tin .ieh irg . o n v A t r mibuc . ur traveling thnrngh In i t bail» of miafoeeed concrvtn sad •o be famous Com m itye of 50 to Sow on tire ballot for lha safeguard L»awuw», Ovaav Oa., ing of so much of our water I root- or manner, or teerin» down or is 70 feel in diameter. I t reals upon take charge ut a»aiia. and being im j lags» aa have not already been leaving out-.Ida gates opoa, or moleat- »pro a cnnaieto base soma 20 nr mo re bued in his new role of g “bighe m« personal property, r i ll 1^1 priwecu. feet 11. ba'gbt aad several fast in up” With axahad notion, natnrally I ' prialed by speculators. That «»•» pa- J. J. STANLEY «ed »o tha fall extent of the law. thick— . Upon thia bam l a . awri * -poa the - u m p t i o n that 7 1 P*r “ »*• Ina measure an attempt to ' ¿ o o fi-t. p r o ^ / X V t S ^ I Wtr. r . Johnson, Uqv, of the Tba T k lieever Q Bowman, •blob: AMES S. JOHNSTON Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store ; NEW GOODS, Call and examine goods and get prices. ez^ fuU, of S to v es arid R anges, <Auemsey, ^ tu n ru n u m , l^ u g s a n d ^ C a l- t ’h ^ O bietto <^uttleru, £an.tem s, E tc . ori ©rford Souvenir Spoons COQUILLE, - . .