Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1914)
• h ija r t Ü i'ív U ífr ilu ia t WPJUWPAY SEPTEMBER 23, 1*14. W" .. ■ » b it of against W illia m 8 . Ladd, the hank er, it saetna th at M r. Ladd bad in T , MTKWAMT. itiated tha aolarpriaa nod seat Hun. «■• " ....... ..........-■»« ' J. H . M itchell to W ashington aa a IU B 8 U R IP T IO N RATKh. lobbyist io that behalf. A n yh o w i ; U u Year »1A» a letter written back by M r. M . opy Six Month«.. nrging the ten d in g on o f a num er Copy Three Month« Published Ejrery Wpdnpsday, *>ï ‘ «¿RUY K -» ‘ - c A sraarteoe Rares Rssaoesaka. , v»apr>aMaaa<iraM>far»rre»ii ) version »pa!' Poor M a il Service, • The Mtahliahm ol tha Gold flOecluChelCo m ail route w ill he (jailed p ith delight by the jieople D( sqplbern C urrv, eyen though the yea» w ill h»*e its thorn hi the fact (jja t the carrier w ill not Its oom- R l W to deliver paro l« p<Wt. I l ex h ib it a t Baa Franateci». T h * L o u i s Coos C ounty Court ha* hem asked to appropriate $2,000 towards tha M r. Capps' school w ill close here history. M . after departore for Port Orford arrangement ia next F rid ay. This ia the th ird ’ Tho grant *■ » acquired io )8$ 4, at 10:50. Thl» and, according to tha complaint io quite ridiculous, aa mail« f»r P o rt term that M r . Cappa has finish«! a more or lees sensational s u it in- Orford ittOai lie oyer here u n til the a t Kuehra creek. T h e patrons and atiiuted later oo by M r. a W ilco x day following, whereat, by a ohange p up il* a ll ««am to esteem him a« a pejis i# m y E. J. U Cooa B ay Nxwa. Y O U R B A N K IN G I have decided to become an irvt' dent candidate for the office of County Clerk at the November electioa- I f elected I shall handle the work of tbe office without any additional coat t the County fee deputy W. A. W OOD GOLD It EACH. OREGON. - Hardware of All Kinds M a c h i n e r y & M o w i n g M a c h in e s . E x t r a s for D a i r y i n g O s b o r n e , M il w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . P a in t s , O ils & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r F in e lin e o f G u n s, B a s e b a ll p a r a p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t in S to c k . (or thy election it over and ottr Run. H . R. Kino-tid, editor of teach a letm of private *rhoo| in yoptrssuntiitivea at AVasliiiigtOu have tbs Rugene Journal a t the lim e and ( the Round Grove P ie tric t. ltogue D o o r s a n d W i n d o w s In v a r ie t y c o n s ta n tly k e p t o n h a n d . TW&TeatcrOrcifOTv*^ Witt» a«w bu.tdiaxs, barter equip- P ip e F ittin g s , P lu m b in g a n d T in w o r k o f a ll k in d s d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . j u r facsdftT. S-ptewiMr IA Sp .-^it trete!»* M r B .» la ta . Jcor. ciSbara/ta» ¡r^, T«achleg, U - b rv ry W o rk . A x , A n J il'c J a ,.. 1 r , r _ , r u ..a F in a A r t « . I •<«<*< Au cir<s;t4f:*t ce of l i t o t i t d U a lk R Llkrsrr •(««.-< I..aa ~ow m i l warns. Cheever® Bowman, to a lM s M e s fssMy I Ne» JMMI» ' * ----- ber borne in northern C urry. L a n g lo is , O r. ysasnn whatever why the m ail oan- Congrree was besought to recall pot leave Langlois at 1 or 1 :30 P. M . the g ran t, but declined un the pre- M r. and Mrs. A. G . A iken parsed ' ipbioh would give it am ple tim e l o | , b, t u wa, „ qtte*tion for the ' through Port Orford last Thursday, grrive in Port Orford before d a rk , Court«. T h e Courte were appealed ! enroute for G old Beach, w ith a large 1 •r ¿I "k»e ^ w i< |t « , a j d quoted the famous W ilson : «nd select stock of m illin e ry goods. ! place on its way south on* day , «‘ooiitragt” joker in the Constitution The H aw kins brothers «re h u itil- ' •a rlis r than it is now^geitjpg igtra. and pitndry “ upinions” of C hief ing a cooper shop a t UeiryvHls»! C u rry ooonty is entitled to butter Justios M arshall under it to tha and w ill he prepared to supply tho gsail ssryice. H er people should effect that the question o f fraud demands of the dairym en of th a t p iliie find demand ft of ugr non- wa« im m aterial; th at the Court oountry w ith barrels. fW IW r would not look behind the Govern- Joseph H are was In town Thurs o t’s cerlifioalel The “Oregon Central M ilita r y Road,” on h " W*T ti® 1'1 B* * ch- Jo Oregon pqlftjcs qre sfqtg ¡n gsrg)- fng up. O n ly a Ifttle tqors than a (Donth and a h a lf retpefne before tbe election, yet outside of the pro fessional politicians and candidates, fittle is heard on the streets of Port fend that would indicate that this Is an election year. R. A. Booth, Republican candidate for fj. S. Byu R o jd » “ Dalles M ilita ry R o a d /’ grsnts of m illions o f s c im AMES S. JOHNSTON , (Successor to /. I is prepared to sell Teal > , . o J i yooin an Coos Bay grant were made to the bT ^, r *- Lindlierg. Almost evety Slate which later ,«ddled o q t section of Northern C urry was well corporations organised to “ lake I represented. (Aurora Observer, Rep.) There ia no doubt that this con them over.” gressional district w ill thi» FalJ Tbe DaHee Co., after being d uly witueas the hottest campaign th a t Organised elected V ic T riy e tt pro f t has seen in m any years, pon- prietor of Saloon* and gam bling greaaman Haw ley thia F a ll has an houses to tbe Stats Senate and rig h t ppponeot of character and ab ility, well do I remember bis yrprk t|ur whose influence and standing in jjjg ll,a session of )» 7 0 . H e had (iia section of the State make hitp liret» * first class printer nt Culujp (be moat dangerous opponent ffaw - I h i *, Ohio, before em igrating to thy ley haa ever had. ffa ia Frederick coast. H e di«d several years sgi flo llis te r, th e "H u a tl« ro f Coos Bay.” jesving a goodly fixed estate. O n bis recent visit to M arion county T h e abolition of the State Senate ha made an impression that spe)ls js the moat popular measure to he danger to Haw tay’a aspifsliona. Here, H a w le y ’* well known dry voted on in November. on la tim e basis, w ith cash pay a s m all a ’ M E N S and B O YS, C L O T H IN G , L A D IE S ’ D R E S S G O O D S , Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store : i H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E and T I N W A R ^ C IG A R S , T O B A C C O , P IP E S C A N D Y , N U T 8 and N O T IO N S . In (act, a aepply ol everything usually kept in a well stocked General Merchandise Store. \ V n - ( '» iiiin .ó s . P r o p . O RDERS T A K B N kO R ANY A R T IC L E NOT IN STOCK. at > ; Call and examine goods and get prices. » : < JOHN R. MILLER. last week, and on th eir return a t tempted to enter the m outh ofSixea Riyer, w ith the result th a t their boat capsized in the surf. N ethyrly Was caught under tbe boat as she struck the beach, and for a tim e he yras com pletely trapped, but a swell soon lifted the boat and he was re leased. Fortunately neither were inju red , and th eir only Joes was tbeir gpn and am m unition. GENERAL MERCHANT Port Orford, Oresron« Has opened a new Store, with H E W G O O D S, r dress of having been interested in the corporatio-a that bonglit 803,000 aerto of that grant loag after the title thereto bad been settled, re- and id fresh suppliea w ill be reoelvod by every steamer, iU I my y purpose to keen a fu ll atook o( everything required » ' I * ade in the line of i G R O C E R IE S and P R O V IS IO N S , * t B O O T S and S H O E S. J, W ilson and W illia m Neth- erly were out otter hun ting one day been at tempted here, and a« «very- thing went off sm oothly, and the children did unusually well for be ginning, We hope to have something more of the same kind in the near future. T h e audience was amused for two or three honrs by the enter tain m en t, after which «lancing be u rd ay, but now on M onday. A n d Z th ere haa been another gan and wa* kept up u n til m orning cltaage which brings the mail fiom Messrs. Zahnieer, M ille r and New Baadvn at I I A. M . iaataad of & P. man furnished the music. NEW GOODS, r Kpvuiitx C rxkx N o r a . iroclivitie», as well at his llq noth Some tim e lack 1 adde>| an item ng record at W arhington, may be to m y article anent the new m ail The entertainm ent and hall here (its u»doing st t|je pu|l* io Noystabay. schedule to the efR-ct that, by way last F rid a y wa» a veyy enjoyable o f Bandon from M y rtle p o in t the affair- M r. Capps deserves much C U R R E N T T Q P IQ 8 , mails reached L ” n8*°** ahead of credit for the effort ba has made the tim e Of arrival aoru«e the conn to insure the aucceea o f the enter By J I I. Lpyog. try diryc«, which item you very tain ip *n t- I t was the first time f£ditor Txtoturx: properly cut out. I bad heat) misled that an yth in g of th s ^ in d has ever Although Mr. Booth had OP port by a man who cams through ftoin |n tha orgy of corruption which a t (toseburg, and who by some means tended the acquirement of the huge got hare via Bandon 'ha next day. grant of lands to “ aid” iu building But wa are a day behind form er the m ilitary wagon road east by schedule right along, and Rorae south from Eugene to the Nevada than that w ith Portland and Salem p u r , bis msntiou in his A lb an y ad papers which form erly came oa Sal ÎM IS IL O H jk IV T , p ^ r P o r i Orford, W e d d e rb u rn , O reg o n l ’ r'! lim ber as it approached the Id a h o the wee small hours, nothing nocurr- Hatg|ey. la n d in s m a ll trac ts T hr W edderburn T radino C o . B eautiful, warm sunny weather; K' ” 1 line. I Ing to tnar tha enjoym ent of the oc- nominees for Goyarnor, are making .T h ia grant wit« «old for many Good muaio furnished by active campaigns throughout p re ruil|iqna also. the Anderson brothers, of Denmark, g °n - _____ Theabove mimed grants, lik e the Bnd • » « c a lle n t supper was served 8pel Is Danger T q G E N E R A L its m en ts. F o r in fo rm a tio n a p p ly to who tried to find tha W illa m e tte grew growing, roosters crowing. Valley and Cascade Road after the hena layin g and auliacrilM-rs paying, ¿toy, gnnoqnoes the appoinltqeql Of grant had l>sin sold a few yegra And while the weather prophet G ran t B. D im mick M h i. C a m p a ig D U ( .k f ,)r fa.ooOJWQ and u tte r ly ' scans the skies, and says « storm Manager. M r. Pim m ick w ill direct l0 |race u would be no surprise« the bou*e- the state-wide oampaign from P o rt-i „ _ , j . j w ife ’« busy, brushing dire. land headquarters. Friende of U. Tbe grand bull at Leneve’s hall l»V anybody th at tlie Dalles road B. Sajis tor George JS. Chamberlain i had been constructed as required : last F rid a y evening was a success pre responsible for the statrtneni , under the terms of the grant, yet it ' in every p atlicular. The hall was that tbe Senior Senator w ill not could be traced through the s a n d y : well filled, some fo rty tickets being reach I ortlnnd u n til $ h °q t j plaipa to nn immense body of pin o jaoid , and dancing was kept up ‘t ill „ some o f on b i* r,,Bch on ‘ i1* Dairy v ille -M y r lle Point road. Jo carried l* ■ s '»I*ry Pub>'° 8nd nUo *« ent ia the 1 b,r tbe Phoenix L ife Assurance N. V. C. Nielsen.) T h e W e d d e rb u rn T ra d in g C o. aggregate of choiceat land*, and we , Com,»any, of London. have the word of M r. OREGON Langlois Hardware Store A T T O R N E Y A T LAW » '* now PO RT ORFORD I expect to make a trip throughout the County during October and meet Y C U R B U 8 IN E S 8 B E T T E R the voters with whom 1 am unacquaint ed. Very Respectfully J. 8 . T hompson . T R E S P A S S NOTICE. a pretense household exem ption, hut the “ high en order, or brought by souiebudy be aerioua er-ups” d id 'no t halt in th eir efforts for anyone else. N o tic e ia hereby g iv e n t h a t all p ar to pull th eir pet measure through. (bp government to deny the p atro n . , y g i||jp o o tie s a re n a m e d not to c u te r upon Ol A salmon weighing 50 lbs. was at of that rf»**1“ t,,e p r'y'lfg «* uf ll“) trespass in a n y w ay upon th e p rem is Langlois, Or. the promoters, was In d ia n Agent Fourier’s m arket yesterday. • I l porosi» t-ost act in order to safe a es of th e un dersigned near Mu»aet o l Silvio reservation, sod brought, caiue from Chas. T illo u ’« boat. A c re e k , O re g o n . fgw dollar« und cents. I l is esti- T w enty-tw o Years Ago. out a gang of hla brave*, who made Anyone so trespassing without oui few year* ago Ohi nook salmon weigh (ROlud th a t it w ill coat $2400 to , .. . a h it and miss anti mies scratch Here here and ing between 50 and 60 pounds each consent w ill be proeecuted to the ful| parry Hie letter and paper m ail, and The following items are taken from \ ■ s i.i there up to the suuunit of the Coast were uot uncommon, and occasion extent of the law. reliable party Informed the w rite r, r , rwpamv pa z “ Runge end quit. T h e balance, the Port Orford Tribune of October 11, - T. L. Corey, a lly one was caught which weighed 1892, W alter Sutton, publisher: not king since that he would carry • . » u , * - A . B. Carey __ ____ J I about two third« of the jo b , b y 70 pound*, but o f late years big pjreyything for $3250 per annum. I th Mrs. E. F itxhu g h, C ounty School fish have been rather scarce. f b q t jt may save $9o0 a year the * >.-»rghso^y ^ a a js s 't H » Ox. In d ia n reservation, a semi open Supt.. vi-ited the schools of O ph ir ’ ‘a i w l r C a U w s r t i t t h e ir .O B l g oyprntien t is w illing to discotu ¿ d T f t . l U a C U U .a U O i i l l « « |T C , A t a meeting o' representatives of and Gold Beach ins* week. (Omdeieveral hundred people a n d , 0OU,,trV' Ant ?tnd rcfn-shniv v the act (tatly the commercial organisations of aos pojitivt ly o» kiri«.*?*. «nd bowett, M r*. O*o. M errim an has l * e n , . dopy m any of them the privileges George L, W o rd . hurl been e le c t-| vkmfUsinM the entire r ~ bi * m. « o W r , Pur. Orford, ! J ° ° * C<>U“ l > ’ . (* ’ U,“ e ra re taHdaette. lever, Lubiiual t*o$i»tipetiOB plber* are granted. ( ad Governor, and when the job «pending a few days in and billcMicnome. Plea»« bin a ad try a bei Wwih'ern C u 'rrf is slsn hsving^ * « »«1». • • • “ «>» Bhe h a . a fineh.t o f m illin e ry goods.! 'c ^ c o X T j ot C. 3 . C te-doy; iu* A w »v^u. fetoMead Mitew.l v* cove by *1» dniadpaU ^0y (Bail troubles, and perhsps df* • a * P l ~ ' , i heltev ov f‘»r worse. y jlMI p|,,retice Vonilergret u w i l l ! ____________ . __________________ (lute fur thing* other than poiitio *. iator SeoreUry o f S tat* one t e r m ,' river. J( Will be possible to arrange t|ie*e was personally fa m ilia r w ith the Mr laM wta,k m ow d w eek P g lte r* more satisfactorily. T h e . “aom-pting" episode end described from tbe Crawford p la c e , o il E l k (Soil Is scheduled to lea ve I^uglois it some years later in h it paper. river to his ranch on H u b b a rd ’s (or F u rl Orford a t 10:30 A- M .! He said th a t tbe party th at oon- creek. T h e tnaii frnm Biiudon arrive* in ( ducted Wood’s to the sum m it, after Miss P h o t be C u lver, who J*angloi» bbout noon, and thus is , viewing the “ promised land” beyond pmnpelled to lay over there u n til i returned to Eugene to partake of a bean working a t the K n ap p h o te l; for several months, has returned to |0 t8 0 the next day. There ia no “ spread” already d u ly prepared. B U S IN E S S S O L I C I T E D N O B A N K W IL L H A N D L E h Cascade Cwbitr, B A N K o r P O R T OMF*O1«I> Ta tbe Veten el Cony Ceooty. through. Wagon Road,” hardly* •»W illamette V alley and n et , C u rry. Big Buxlnr*» is m aking the fight C ounty Bubool Superintendent o f it« life against the fifteen bun F. A . Golden baa received a b ite r | dred d o llar* lak rxem ptnio on (lie from Pennsylvania, asking for in ously signed petition, out a co u aid-' hon«*a o f the pour. notw ithstanding formation concerning tbe cummun arable figure In tha ease a t bar. |lh a t II was the Big Businas* major ily school house a t the forks o f Coos W ilcox had bean employed by i l y '» Pwrtlaud 'h a t pulled the river. T h e eom m unity idea teems • n active promoter a t Eugene to hooerlioUl exem ption through un ¡to meet with favor, and the w riter u B„ , tw l by . cireul its and «h > showed him tb a tder hicl. nearly J4 m illio n d o lla r. M itchell letter to 1st Id. A» hap- i ’•«»rib of «ta lly ja w a b , furniture, ate. number of eastern districts. pens all bat generally in such e*«e«, go uutaxed. The pending 1500 C ounty Attorney L il j - q v iu ’a the backer« of a frau l upon the 'd o lla r exem ption in favor o f the filiacher “ d ry ” ordinance goes into public domain were inelined So poor would equalise benefits some effect at Coquille on T hu rsday I t “ Welch” < h i their ohief worker* a f what. T h e plea is made that t»xt« p ro hib its bringing Ikju o r in to C o - ter tliey had got th eir bill tkrougfi escaped by way of exemption* mutt ,quij|e in greater quantities than lm met by increased leviee. T h is is Congress, hence the suit. Tine gallon, and then it must be As to th e 'fu rth e r along history, ■elf evident, «nd is the very point I brought in aa f a r t of cue’s personal the jug-hand led baggage. I t can’t be shipped in on of the ‘‘Oregon Central M ilita ry urged against «neW, , penormu. act «m the part u f j ^ h -tjo g C . W . Z umwalt , V . t ’r«» P r 1»»- e x h ib it, ia additiou to tbe am ount to b* raised by tbe towns in Cuna o o u iv r and the subscription frmn ot 80 atioutee iu tim e for departure teacher very aouih, tlie m a il* from tbe north and ■ cuuld, as they ought, go straight K napp , TreapusK N otice. L. A. R O B E R T S , futi line of S to v es and R an g es, S uem sey, si^lunxinum , l^ u g sa ad D y ia t* ► • ting, S tile tto S u ttlery, £an.tem s, E tc . 'P o r t ©nord. Souvenir Spoons aesa- Nutiov is hereby given to a ll persons whom it may coaccru, not to enter up- oa or trvsp.-OH upon the premises of L. Knapp, (or the pprpnee of bunting, or Osh ing with hook and line. Said pre mises are situated on Elk River, Corry County, Oregon, and generally known as tha "Bond” place. Any person or pefsors so treepMa lax for the purpose of bunting, fishing, or traveling through in any shape lortn or manner, o r tearing down fences, or leaving out side gates opea, or molest ing personal property, will be prosecu ted to tbe full extent of tbe law. Wm. R. Johnson, Leseeeol the above named premises A TTO BN EY A T JUxKW M y itte P adot, O regon. Probate buairieas a apeaialty. J. H . U P T O N , NOTARY P tlB L H :, Laneuus, Cesar Co., Oaa J. J. S T A N L E Y Uwyer, COQUI I LK, - . .