B o y le J e w e lr y Co Town and Coauty. As w ill be noticed by the C o o rtl U is« Louise W alter* started this past few years that the hanks along r*>|mrt in (b i* issue, the county baa ' tuoruing on a visit io relatives in the coast lie m /pped out, and last H o n . 8. P. Peiree, from Sixes,has let the contract for a change in the the W il luma tie valley. winter it was promised th at the A l been spending a day or two in town. | roed at Meyera creek to coat 12400, trosa would be commissioned to Late dispatches from the war are CARRY A P U L L 8TOCK O f • Jaaae Sutton started aouth.. w ith 1 The recent d ry spell in Oregon tu lh o effect th at the Germ ans are r the work this summer and fall the sheep drive Sanday. H e w ill emended over a period of 7-' days, nuw fighting wilt* their backs to Par­ ! go as far aa Eureka before re ta r n -, **’• longest on record since the es- is, having been attacked in the rear T w enty-tw o Years Ago. I ing. i labliehm eot of the W eather Bureau by heavy forces. > The fam ily of Ja*. 8. Capps a t' , P6r,1“ nd 43 t ears ago. The The following- item* are taken from S w r Plato that Rezat* Waar } Denm ark, I . . » , haen having a tussle 1 " “' V »’. ^ T d r-V • p* ,U reu" rded ’ Church The Gold Beeeh Presbyterian the Port Orford Tribune of October I L w ill lie dedicated ou Suu* 1892, Walter Sutton, publisher: j w ith the meaafc. d u rin g the port / 7 , 1 “/? " K \ h e ’ U™ a t ,88# The naw “ Laurel** pattern day, Sept. 13,1914, a t 7:50 P. M . I few week* | sod 1893, each of which lasted 87 resembles sterling silver, and T he exercises w ill he conducted he Born— O n September 23d. 1899, , day*. tbs wearing quality can’t be Rev. J. V . M illig a n D. I).. of Port John Froiniu hsd the misfortune I A fte r a b itter political flgbt in to tlie wife of D avid Carey, a daugh beat Give it a trial. I n it I a u « , a- land, and Rev, John W . H o y t, pas­ ter. E noravsd F ree . to lose one of h i* “ I $ .°r,e coun‘ >’’ C a l, John • L . first o f the week, i t liecome Ired Childs has been defeated for the tor o f the church. T hia is the first M r. and Mrs, John Unioan have Have repaired your in the laud and was not found church building that G old Beach leased their Brushes creek ranch to nom ination as Superior Judge by baa ever bad, and i t d istan t many W m . C laino, for a term of three watch? us. til aeaity dead. 14 votes. A J. Huffm an was ra­ m ile , from any other church Imild years. Continued ' shower* during the nominated by a m a jo rity of 1 over ing. The church was orgapiged first of the week have, for a tim e a j, hia nearest opponent. M r. Childs M is* Rush* M cB ride le ft lor a J u ly 2 8 ,1 9 1 2 ,and incorporated Ju ly EX P E R T H A N D ENGRAVERS Joust, prevented »11 danger from ' has asked -for a recount in h i* esse. 14, 1913. Meetings have been held visit-in Cooa ootinty, last F rid a y. - forest fires. Deputy fire wardens'and hia many friends in this coun- Rice M u rra y accompanied her a* in the building siuce Just February. throughout the co u nty, w ith the ty hope that h« may yet win. fur a* Bandon. exc«| turn u f JfeW-. Dean, have been B. H. BOYLE, Mgr Rev. A. J, Irw in, who has been M r*. J.S Hughe*, o f Cape Blanco, Office W i l l The Place W here Yon Get a Square Deal laid W .o r r r m ta m t Be in this section durin g the summer, T elep h o n e departed by Thursday's steamer for The Rustler ia d u e today from 'pieached hi» to ieuell sermon in the ------------------- — —— — — "i.:— ---------------__________ -A " Moved. a couple of mouths visit ia Hie c ity . Rogue river. She has sn int/freig h t ‘dmrch at this place last Sunday To better accom m odate our growing trade There I* an unusually large run Mrs. W m . ( f ilin g s , W|,o hst been on tsiard for this place, sod w ill aud jn comjsuiy with Ida' a m hasl of.salmon in the C'«|uil!a, $sn E. L . W h ile. M r. W h ite has a river, good buildings and orchard, 15 i coast yesterday enroute from Port- piem ents of all kinds, including McCormick acres under plow. A good ranch for ! land to hia Vfedderbnrn holdings. O rv il Dodge, a pioneer o f Coo« building well under way on fro n t Presidential campaigns, up to now « small dairy, sheep or hogs. Price M owing M achines and the celebrated W eb­ I H e was driven down from Bandon county e t u i author of the Pioneer sheet which he w ill use for a resi­ ever known in C u rry. There ia and term« reasonable.' < ber Wagons, etc.j etc. And don't overlook very little political talk, no exeite ■History of Co«« and C u rry com ity, dence aud office room. Also Saw M ill, in good ranuing or­ by C lay G arootte, «nil went on in m ent, and an apparent lack of party Mrs. G illin g s lise.lieen .c h e e rfu l our up-to-date stock of Men's and B oys’ C loth­ der, capacity IS M., 5 mile* from town. the afteruoou in Dr. Hermann's died at ilia home in M y rtle Point A ugu-t 30, 1914, aged 75 years, 7 ""<* obliging operator, and the pa- enthusiasm. T h e average voter has ing, Boots and Shoes, L adies’ Dress Goods, This m ill will be sold «t a bargain. auto. months sod 25 days. M r. Dodge ‘ mm a <»f the office regret to see her but little to say, but be ia keeping C igairfr, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, N uts and N o­ Rev. B. B. Paul) in trip to came to .Oregon in 1861, and short- J 'e'* v**the awiichtomni. H e r resig up a whole lot o f th in kin g . P f t F t O r f o n It a e r c i d C lu b tions, Rolled Barley, Grass Seed and Seed Coquille since our last issue and re- |y tber»-«i 1 ter settled in Coo* county •••»•«n was caused because of the Capt. James Crew, who has been fl»*,», a a s 4 V s Î.I m » • .. k — .. ...-.¿...I I... If.... Grain. turned F rid a y accompanied by Mrs where lie since resided as une of * ° r k interfering w ith her home seal h un ting In northern . waters, P a u li, the hitter having spent sev th at co u nty’s most public spirited 1 duties nod because trf ite confining Officer»: was not sent to'Siberia by the Rua O rders taken for a n ything not ON H A N D ergl'weekfc nt C oquille for her health. i cilixene. T h e deceased is survived character. 4 „ A J. M arsh , President. sian government, aa reported, but fa W e a r , pleased to note th a t h»r i by eight grown children. , A . A.. J amisoox , Vipe President. home agaio, safe ami sound.^ T h e M aa .W tt.U n .L iK O «,’’ ” etey away from the coast has been I , . o . , catcli of the vessel for the seeesn beneficial to her. Saturday eve,nog a . a, ver- J . H. Z umwalt , Secretary. Uke» Port Orford Harbor- G iv e us a t r i a l o r d e r | Used, Frank V anC am p of W ediler- was 1,400 skins. He w ill remain Mas. A. 8. J ohmstom , Treasurer. — — N ext Sunday w ill be Rev. P au li a horn, addressed the people of this a t home for a few m onth* and start The steam schooner, Jim B u tler, Club meets First Wednesday In each last Sunday at, Port O iford. T he j ptaCe (>n Socialism. M r, VanCam p on another cruise in February, h ay­ m onth. A ll members invited to attend cooferi-ncoof lire M ethodist church was introduced by A tty . K . B. H a ll called into Port O rford Thursday ing purchased an interest in a email morning and sailed F rid a y evening meeting*. w ill swpu w Ijeld ,an d M r. Pauli ex- who is the Socialist nomine« Zor schooner. ' with 12,000 railroad tie«. From peels (O he transferred to a new field Jo in t Representative of Coos and Judge W oodruff, of Euchre creek, here she went to N o rth Bend, where I Ç. W . RO BBINS, M. D. a t that tim e. D u rin g their stay C u rry counties, eiid who made some she w ill finish her load with lum ber made a couple o f trip« to F ort O r­ at thia place M r. P auli and hia es­ very pointed remark» concerning Physician usiti ftrirgeoM ford w ith his team last week. H e and then sail fur Suhta A n n a, Cali tim able wife have made numerous the tiling« hi* party stood lor a»j fornia. ' Port Orford, O regon. reports everybody busy on the frfttids. " compared with the system now in i Capt. Winkle, of the Butler, was creek, getting ready for w in ter, H a . --------- - " W " ” ,M r’ V - « C«mp, who follow | ¡(|U> ' h - f|ivr 8Q yeHr4M|r, M The Port Orford W h a rf company ia proud o f the bright little boy W .H .M K IK D IT H «re building . 24 by 40 fool w ir e - _ « r. H a ll i . a fluent speaker aud j| mW(, ,,f U)B mibw,,,M,r GJt,8 | , 1)d and g irl that M r. Condon brought «ÇMS ATTOBSKY Xkfi’ WUMBELJAZr botine at the shore evii| of th eir new j given the subject he handles though he has run cm itinuously on him from Portland, and says 'they . . AT U W dock. T h is building w ill he really '«'«th study;. I o h an dling the So- the coant in 4be turatltiUie , Jkis.waa are contented and h ap p y . H e took larger than is needed a t t|ye present oialist qtieaiiuft a t !atge the -Speaker h i* first return trip.' In speaking home w ith him a beau tiful- hi'gyow tim e, but the ctosspany is building (Rude a good tmpraarion upon Ids of this harbor ak compared With the Wagpns and Bqggies for Sale, k ept in S to c k , p ortrait of little Nelaonj tlieadoptad w ith an eye to the future. J. W . hearers, hut w h in he touched upon other harbors between fean Francis­ HARDY T. 3TEW A R T also A gent for A ll K inds of Farm ing son, who was recently taken from Meckenxie, of 8ixee, ie in charge of local uondiiiune thesentim eot seems co and the Colum bia river, Cupt. him by the bund of death. '' C O M M IS S IO N E R plenjents; McCormick Mowers, etc, «. to indicate th at lie made a mistake. tlie work. W in kle was enthuaiaeliejover jte P o r t O rfo rd , O re g o n . O u r Sunday School w ill probably A great m a jo rity of the people ol possibilities. H e stated th at he Considerable im prdvetnent and Wood and Iron W ork prom ptly d on e a - J suspend when M rs. Tichm tor takes C u rry co u n ty believe in the honesty Office day» in town—Tuesday, Wed­ building has been going on in 1'ort. did not IwBeve th a t the time was her departure for the East, tui^'it Reasonable price. Y onr patronage solicited. and in tegrity of the official^ nt the nesday and Saturday of each week. far d istan t when i t would be itn Orford durin g the past few d a y « .1 seems no one can be foupd to take i c u u a l y r e a l, anil we lielieve th at it proved, anti that after im provem ent A -A . Jamieson lias completed -bis1 her place. * a mistake, a very grave mistake, Tobacco and Cigar Salesman wanted cottage, D. Quellen ha* a new barn lie I it would be second to none on the to Advertise. Experience unnecessary. fur a public speaker to question »100 monthly and Traveling Expen­ up, W m . GHIings and G. W . Zum | their honesty unless be can back southern Oregon or northern Cali (larch Service«. fornia coast. Deep water, bold head ses. Advertise Smoking, Chewing w ait h *ve put new siding on th e [ b i* assertions up w ith convincing ' lauds, and no bar 't o cross, were Tobacco, Cigarettes, G ìg ari Send 2c south side of their buiidiuga, E . L. £ 1 expect to preach my farewell a< proof. T lie »peaking and dance j features th at appealed to him . ■tamp for full particulars. W h ite ’s new residence and the ware mon to the Church next Sunday at 11 following were well attended, and 1 Capt. W in k le came into port in a A. M. All Christiana are welcome, house are under construction. the latter was a very pleasant social I NO TRESSPASSING. fog, but w ithout any fuss or f e a - A t night. I tyill give my lecture on r* event. M r. VanCam p was troubled ' T he fire that has been burning tnres lie steamed up to, the wharf Daniel. This ia especially for young N O TIC E is hereby given that any along Oregon street north o f town w ith a severe cold, rfn<} promised to I . , people. W ill be glad to have you all r and all parsons found trespassing upon , for the past week, became threaten- return in the near future and deliver . and tied up. Some boats running . y ,e*e the premises of the undersigned for the I ing when fanned by a heavy wind another address when he is in bet ; to neighlairing harbor», w ill back B. B urt P a u l l . purpose of hunting or fishing or other­ N O R TH BEND, OREGON and fill for h alf an hour as though last Saturday. Moat of the able ter voice. wise aril) be prosecuted to the fuff ex­ landing here 1» e x tre m tjy danger N«tice. bodied men in town turned out, tant of the law. ' MANUEACTL'UKIM Of ous, and fin a lly come u p to the Dance A t D enm ark. • lid with ax and shovel *n d by C. W. Z U M W A LT . w harf from a tarailion they have Aa I expect to move soon and have Sixes River, Curry County, Or. track-firing tried to its y it* progree*. S A S H , D O O R S A N D M O U L D IN G S been in h a lf a do ten limes before. some furniture that I do not care to A big “ d in e dance” ia advertised Saturday night the wind changed The Jim B u tler’s landing reminded ' ta'te w’t*1 me’ w’" at ■ H g dia- to lake place at the Denm ark pavil- G LA SS to the south, and the rain o f Sufi , . * , count to those wanting the same. Call liun next S atu rd ay, Sept., I2 th . the landlublier of when the old , , t the Methodist Parsonage thia week H IG H G R A D E IN T E R [p R F IN IS H H ave you any to offer, or do yoe day night pul the fire-out. ... . , , , A 4 piice (ircheaira w ill furnirh th« E m ily and Arcata used to run here. and look it over. know of anyone who lias? 1 deein PRICK» MAILED ON APPLICATION Mtaa Ada M arsten, of Gold . ... L .. Respectfully . „ , . . . music, and a chicken »upper w ill be to purchase. Angus G . I'a c k a j Beach, who has been visiting in this . , . . . , . ,,,, , I M ’ >«A z- jr -.- « » Ol B. B u rt P a u ix . . . . . , , i served at m id n ig h t. 1 he people of Real Estate Agent, 15»rt 1er: i Coo3 B a y N e w s . en (hirig# fj M Bnd wh<> D r. Sam B. Foster, who was in Tax Payen Port Orford, Oregon, *! T a W h o m I t M a y Conueru. N otice or A pplication roa P a « kt thia »«-«lion A-eently, testing cow» M is t L id a , came up from Gold Beach I.. KINA.PI> , tend are assured a good hospitable / uf lllhercu|, Mineral Application No. 09«>3. »is, sny» that ha found 1, the nn-lerslgned, hereby give no­ and passed on to Lan^loia, Mon y«y. tim e. Notice i* hereby given tliat Georg» An invitation is extended to the tax- tier that I have a ooiiveyanee Irom the where ehe w ill visit her »¡»ter, Mr». thi» part o f Coo* county rem arkably payer* of Curry County to meet with D . Elgin, of Port Orford, Oregon, has made appheatiou Io the U n it^ t 8 State» Patentee to thbiaiK l* aád «-»ter lota in Ptrst-claa» in every Sespect. free from the disease. o i the Board of Equalization, which will on ; G ebt Russell, a n d then go to M yr- » r of I w t O f f o M , Oregon t h e H a rb o ... . uu QAtoQl4 Starting M ine On Sixes. . convene at the Court House in Gold I gold touring lands, h eated and being 1 3 o j d Feed Stable attached. a portion of which a partnif the wharf P o in l y itlr het grandm other, Mr». t * p t . A lex H a ll, of the M a rs h - Sept 14th> « 1« Sic». 10 anil I I , T. 32 R. 14 W., ia erected without, my tobnaent. All —r------ j 5f -----------------l(gi- e ' ’ parties are hereby warned not to drive W . H . M cB ride, for a Visit. re ! I would like to arrange to haveaWp- W. M„ to-wit: i C . C. In m a n , » Io * . wa« »ii|ierin flrbl hikFleide farrytMmtj 1 Beginning at the | Sec. o rner be- piles or treat»** ill any manner what­ We run the Stage from Port Orford b» reaentative taxpayer w w from - — the y different . - two^n j0 and 1] T 3*^ 14 A baud o f »»me 450’ hand of sheep tendent of tlie work done on lite turued ihui8erX t said homestead; tlienoe 8. 4..10 chs.; ile* fu fflie r up the river, Thejrfron. Notice to Creditor*. tlierq end of the county for Isham m „ b ,, „ | In the county. As one weak U allowed thence M„ 64 deg. E. 19.20 . ha. to a new company is known aa the H y The government has .ordeied a l l , » which to file petition« I would afjg- ; place 10 chs. 8. <.f J See. corner b tween I m t h « O ocmtv C ovst or thb S tats or W alker, and were iieing driven to gest that the meeting of the taxpayer* I lb a n d I I ; t -enoe E. 40 chs. to d ro Sixes M inin g company, and amateur wireless stations here to I»» E u reka, C alifornia. O ther sheep' O bxoom , so« thb C ount ? o r Cvaar. be called on Monday. Sept. 21 at. j « H - ,nl8en<8 have a »m all crew o f men ru -h in g c,„Hed W ire |eR# on f()n.i(rn v„ w1h In the M atter of the Extate off w ill he picked up aa tlie drive tra I KZwaa» — eHore-n L! «_ ' «1«^’ J tbOHOK N. lOchfi. ; th«DCe Now gentlemen, if you have « kick N. «3 dog. W. 3« cR».; thence 8. 72 d«g. James Mounoer, deceased. )' w o rk to as t„ commence «» «•> that » a y e n t e r O w a Bay must be Notice I* hereby given that the un­ y e l* south through the county. please come and register it; If you have W. 8 chs. to ptare ol beginning; cuii - G o l d B e a c h , O r e g o a dersigned ha* been appointed adminis­ The buyer was offering 14 per head m ining thia fa ll. The co<"l’»".v ee«led and mil used during a ship’s I none, register one anyway just aa an toining 12.74acres—all being in Blxr» River Mining District, nnuiganixv-l, .......... . * excuse to attend thia meeting. trator of the estate of Jarnefl Mmincer, which is considered an excellent had k m w twelve ton« til freight stay in port. Curry Comity, Oregon. There are no H e did n ot need an ab­ deceased, by the Judge of the aliove ; ' price in view qf tlie unsettled ana- ship|. _ • i _ . i k iii tne County daring October and meet iiouglas and Ktste o f i . ; r e g o i i , t h e y wi« 9,1914. KIM RÜ TR H " R F lir t i w ill ptobably go aa faraa Brooking*! reward for h i* enterprise aa well aa I he A lb«true« is locating h a lib u t , the voters with whom I am unacqoaint-, lie barred bv virtue uf the prevlatl .vision, and the D r. expect« to make a pro fo rth « giaxl o f the cixm ty it is to liaiik» off the Oregon uoaat. uoast. Fisliiug Fishing ed. .. ' o f said statute. • r banks o ffilie MOthia. «n«ua Dr MU«*' Aotl-FO» i-sivla Vary Respectfully J M Ureo», (eaaional slop here on h i* retura. ' be hoped that he strike* it rich. .»ft in k rests have town asking for the J. H. T homtoon Hey istor ■ MAftabi,«. -Ita^d *'««••« Bandon, Ore. R'WAIJLACE D e n m a r k M e r c a n tile C o . Boyle Jewelry Co. S to re Bandon, Ore. J. D. Loucks-. JAS. S. CAPPS. G E N E R A T. B la c k s m ith in g , Ü. ». BEEHER JESS < P o rt O r fo r d , O r e g o il NORTH BEND MINUFACTIININfi COMPANY Timber Claims. H O TE L. t Guppy County Akstrict- Realty Company. •>< » , 1 ___ - « rt