H ■ W i ’i n that presMed uver I G«er. K t l» In ib "harmoitioue,* not n)ïïi>tù fd Oliuartaeth, J 8 Capp«, B L Wallace, I Jesse Sutton ca O H Haagan««* H C H atajtoo, (too A A J H a ts h ” Taylor, W illie »train, Oma X Sell, t | Repairs Sixes river bri 1«, »f J Gibbs, J J Sell. Geo W Billing», It | John Lied'a-rg , Vatiner, C W Tooker, Chauncey F r y . ' Clarence W right John Hall, Jaeob Fry, B K Prior, F L Chari«» Quigley til 1 Themes, T W Billings, B L Hillings. N I Jint Qui¿ley ' K Price. J DGxotay. S E Lucas, E l J Je»ee H .bi / M iller, Geo Faramisa, S B Smith, 8 J I J..hu S-.me Ic Canfield, 8 » Ail m is, Geo W Frv, Orva ¡, •Icotge Quigley i i I Adams, Juun Woudworth, J T Prince, I A J Marsh ¡A S Miller, E T H n itt, A K HaatingL-Uluud 1«; T J f i b l » ! G « M iller, K T H n itt; 0 A Billing». ^ J u n tirim .ha ■w Returning election returns; I t'r«*I Sell I A Harden brook #5.30. W K M iller 83.40, G A llu lf )'• i O J Heagenaen 10.00. Sidney Smith «.40, A 4 tJ. uinley a» Revls COetolloe 8.40. If T W alker 8.381 J s*“,l t A ft Milter 1.00. F H Rohina»n4.80! T J Gibbs - ' » H O Hampton 1840 U a Billings ».M ) R‘ m «I I I ; C H Pettlnger , F L Thomas 8.00. 8 S Adaiua , 3 00! C A Bi lings Johnnie Prlnoe .80. J HThuuiuaoif 8,ou! C G Fry « I F POuok «.«0. Geo Edwards i ! Geo B Htlffold, canraaslng returns 3.00 H Vernier ( Glass APrudhomme, election euv 18.73 Bridge Fond; , H T Ktewart, printing ballots 49 30 G II Pettinger it s VsnPelt, registering electors 1.1«. <’ A Billings „■f*ViactiA»xsoue i i £ ° * r-V Stole of Oregon, election supplies 4.80' „ George 1- dwsrilg 1, Geo W Sniiti', «tntnps R-!B | ^C^H P e tU n g ^ ™ ^ u M f 8UMOCBIPTIOS BATES Year Due Copy (Ux M o n t h s ..,.,,.... •u e Copy Three Moatlia............. . 0«» Copy Ojm Aovarwesss Bava» BaaeneaLLs. Turrp»>l*r ■ h o w a t b e d a i t f i n w b lc h V«Mt «MU' •*r1 p ito n i« paid «bolliti lire Inui«fo£j#l»|e by M^pigrt Uii# crliiiiim n,M!r meni of the bolder: J t ,WS8 then increuaeif its '” * r* that 11 veriluhle aiittirunliu o f iirih «<•»*» after I “ "y erv, perjury} forgery and Corrupt rvlm uii to re ^'•■re innnipiilatiima liegmi on a Scale lo Victor Mu make one jlixxy iltilsco iite iB |ila tio a. c f Congrera I 11,0,1 The coospiratoM tgruacked! the into line vein 1 *’* ‘ slum s of Portland loE names tn use, And prialucwl “ **■ j bribe,! Notartrs Puglie , M I u n til H yde ha>| seCutod n h o ^ . ÌÓ 0, that the folia 3 w ilh o n do! w j j 1 WJO awes, and hia side pnrloe^ g. A. H. F ilte r had loaded \h iw ip To ‘ die Io restore we Hciiihs of the ,»in * l , h cvililivates wlifeh he" uni- j ,<h,k **rt an‘l • ’!*$ d e fifia lly fon- j ’ b it *l *■ » chfliper 4nd mòre , # cxped iti.iu i to in v en t nume» o f en jl^ jf r y m e n and to forge asaigwinenta eluded llu n ie Root aet their poor Murdoch sr) us a rim ri, that, ciat *” i»0** l"tcr on to even forge W ill the co certificale» bearing the name o f the carrying l,«g) *e . I Cl,‘rk *,r ll,e H'wrd and his seal.’ O f Langlois, O nur • <:ouri,e of the purchasers of his ___ m 1 «»rii fica tea were slung, since a ( \ , l l n f v 4 but **’■’»»• • '» ‘ he tfu tè adm inistration ( V U I I U V J , ijiaved lh a way for putting 0 **t» l< l 1 _ ■ W e»t in biute Laud O f f ic e , and who ' Tbs follow I nj pnamnlml to e«p..se Ihm w ork of.U te B i t i s Ahuiwi Hpoilgrs to Hie m inutest d etail. Baudot. Ooitatn A . much for the tirantical nut E g ^ r ^ , W|, pyRREWT TOPICS come of iht? w orkiligi* of *»np istration ivlierm a il was ‘T iarn in fiy” « a Wo?” .",' Imtueeu Kxectutive and Legisiutfve James Bueh. h ia D e lia r t i- ie i.Is i Mayer totoe. wil a O eparlM euls. . t i .1 W Iacnhart - I 'Die gang of gunmen ami assassini R ob ert Fostei lU ". z. . , , , Bennie Ham in Loforgilo, in order le protect the J W Issuhart ">'T<murderera of women and children Ibmaom.i ro a t Ludlow ugaiusl MXamuutbip An Bull,van care, w iffl I lhB CoUrtl proeeedb,? to try gad ae- Ku ' 1 q u ii eaeh olhef through C ourt Miyr- K t* Uoardmu c ’ tia l proceedings, p f t h e result o f 8cB1g ’ yJp^r0*“ such proceeding« th e New T ii j k . JeaeoTuruer' •‘ 8 W orld ,.u nd er the heading, e<~ 1'’‘! nouuuiog Them selves Im io o eu t,” M™ Barrett says: ' ■ ' ' ' FrconOn.. • I '• »7 A lf J ackoou.. , u , j “ Colorado's rp ilifi» has ocquiugd Joc«»hFry.*... let "itse lf by court tua rtigl o f th e à tre c , £ Ì £ * rrl* r - io- Wee c.n iiiiiftln i h i, L u d lia M ^ la a tÌ' w ? WMtor- A p ril. -A ritmi- cig n i m-.r^ajr t e£ Khtoer Miller,’ peclaily in the W est, where the mi C TM cFarlanc litiii is in many cutes aii arjm .pot o f “ * ,C 'G ru ve r;.'., tel the State hut of |».w erltll , private f ' ut interests uhielt opi-uly sustains it, Gw/rs« Colebr ^ l 1» not conclusive of anything . Gito F Iamert The «o m lfctl o doni di», m ilitia * ‘ Àdolphsen.. which «v»s sent ugaiust the «tiaindt-r ■ A A Jam lebiu. 'ile rly einphiyet-e of: the Fuel and Wm Guerin lie Iron Cotnpuny was lamie up largely A J Marsh . .^ io f Rin-keleller’a empbiyees and W H U ro o k.., „ 'h ire d guiimen frout New Y o rk . I l n hU8|?^»t5 — I«|a-r,,ted un.Jer the author!ty o f John Hara .’ .'' rn the State, hut it? fact it was a pri K ECope.......... te vate and mercenary force. I l did Q A Sm ith........ M r. T a ll settled Hie Question,‘.‘ W h a t iii.il act in a m ilita ry capacity a t j w I u , y r,lp|11 »■ whiskey?” it wjJJ he grins ig wine” ^ « llo w w ith the idea o f preserving Jacob w hite “ disregarding the notorious f a « that I . Il ’ T *1 II T 9 * * H e n ry ....’ « Im ita ti» » Kb I »omen an d children. I t was the John Ray, witnes . ,ke ,n’ l , »‘ ,on munleroiiv agent of an absentee! Cou"«r» ” - whisky > is a decoction wh.we basis capitalism. I 0 g is poisonous dyugs. | There ba» lieen peace in :Colorndo 1 A L Bales, Mayer W h ile one m ay adm ire tM fifn , __ » K K Dunlap, examining Mrs Wra 1 C A Uiiliugs Stewart. Insane S.001 0 0 Fry J J Weerslug, eec Teichere’ Inst 10.00 George Kdwards ’ C E Suundera, examining M ay B Vernier ., Max I me sm ith, lusm e fi.00 Leo Fry Bancroft-Whitney, Ore Kep 3.76 Bund 10: Hullng, Landey 4 l • E. B Miller,Oar^ and board (tisaned2.410 ' supplies j Kl»os Bay Home Telephone co. 2.00« Iio».» 12; Jacob Fry ; «-nah ad I < lilts« <X Pniijlioiutue Go. • 1*1.1» n., work and supplies 9, 41 W Bobbins 5.00' Wm K istler J O G Fry, registering electors 1.701 P*L Thomas , J B mansard. «tamps, etc. 1 Tlfis ’ Geo L Thomas , B W l*e«u», making election booths 3.00 " i n K stler i W .t Pishel, board Irs Hullivan 40.75 F L Thomas H D Hampton, keep Indigent 40.00 George Thomas W A Wood, mileage Ft Ortord i:,s»ne j Jacob Fry, supplies « 40 Lew Hostettler W A Wood, cash adv, freight 12 17 Bond «; W ill Mo-re, wagon I t^A Damon, work (X House lot 6.00 Mrs Fish ’’ W A Bisliel, board Geo Mayer 40.00 Bond 14; Mrs Fish, lumber Stafford & Bauer, lumber 2.60 I) Jl Moore, supplies I G O Caugbell, deputy clerk 2».OO Road «; I) M Moore, suppli ' ii,e“ r7 Juror 12.20 K«»ui 14; W T Go, supplies W H Meredith, ex to Harbor Rich- Peltner M iller ard Moore 14.00 Flovd M iller Fred 8 Caughell.j uror 15,80 M W Overton Chas Smith, keep indigent 40.0o A l ’u rtu Goo W Sm tn, ex visiting sohools 43.00 George Postal Dsn Kae, ex Sullivan case 10.25 W ill 1’riuoe Moy Gardner, mileage Sullivan o. 17.50 ,G Q M iller ' A.8MII!«g., witness Canonica case 5.00 f Fred Fish, team J Huntley, attorney Borax ease 60.00 W ill Moore " M ark Wood, team hire 5.00 W Custer j a d 2 , Abe Harden brook 5.O0 A Hilliard j Austin Ralph, hauling 1.00 W B Coy Ed Lawrence, t t t a work 148.60 Alva M iller W m Childers «7.50 Fred Fish G B C o le 60.OO W ill Moore Myron De Meritt 88.WZ Hodsou-Freenaughty, Co grt o J i 5 ni?r* " 30.00’ Bond 18; Wm Gillings, eupp « T /Y ^ lk e r * 71.60 8«ad 8; D M Moore, euppliei F M Brown 7.60 H««*» 23; E B Fry r ” 2.50 J J Weerslug z .11.30 '»FTsmert 17.60 Road 24; CbeeverA Bowman. .14.00 Road A; F Flanders 65.26 Road 25; Wood Bros, aupplie 44.00 Road ( ; A C Halter i " J H Porterfield 22 0 0 1 Will Walton .16 20 5,0« Henry Jackson . l+.tX) h - A S Miller A B M iiier . 70.00 E O G m iner . 2.00 Merton MU e r «8 60 Fr. il Gruver »« m Leals g.5o Joe iX*Mutt 11, team Vz,KSi?I? 7-5® R°’w * ! h.«wreuce, luinbv J C M iller 10.Oo The Court now prase»Is 1 ® i Geo Dunn 33.00 1 the 1 ontroct for the construct! Edd PurterBold 16.00 Meye.s creek change to Stair, Guv Porterfield l«,25 er and Be M eritt for the sum ,7 1 »7.60 theirs being the lowest uml I _ A hen H illiard 20.00 an • it 1» hereby ordered that ° " 6,“ ,v«. Hank go.00 ter Into bonds in the sum of :T7o irS “ Gillings, supplies 11.75 Eie faithful performu nee of t 37.60 sai‘l work to be completed Ao Loo» Q uigley 26.00 J Hhirtley appearing for A ] Weight X6.U0 l«tt rL»l, object» to the all .v L S -*• G - 0 O | . V I KU m ue bat gi rh.4<60¡ * s 4«.ta hinita frobf ihe asvCuni; M a ;'..» .tk i- .¿TSft.Jdrgeiiseft. . .I.W .4 0 ; r m ’»«o' E . J . laOMET, d i a b i e r . . i AO C, W. Z umwalt , V. Pre» . »•761 >•» . I 6»' 8 tA j ' B A N K <W P O K T <;,■"■! y'"'.' 4»S YOUR ».60 O R P O K Il BANKING BUSINESS SO LICITED - t ’ ' NO BANK WILL HANOLB ; t PORT ORFORD , YCUR BU8INE83 BETTER w .7S; 8.26 10 00; 76p. 8.76' 8 76 »« 87.15 ed , 1 «6.00 3» Ik» 27.50 32.80 117.60 107.50 77.60 28.00 «Oo 1 x . 48.7# 7.“ 1 ' JA M ' 1U.ÖO 1.50,1 . • ■.< OREGON Langlois Hardware Store Hardware of all Kind» M a c h l n e r y & M o w in g : M a c h in e « . E x tr a « fo i D a ir y in g O « b o rn e, M il w a u k e e M a c h in e r y . E a in t» , O il« & S t u m p i n g P o w d e r i 7!»»® l i n e o f G u n s , B a s e b a l l p a r a « p h e r n a lia , a n d o th e r S p o r tin g G o o d s k e p t In S t o c k . ' D o o r » a n d W i n d o w s In v a r ie t y c o n s t a n t ly k e p t o h h a n d . : P ip e F ittin g :« , P l u m b i n g la n d T i n w o r k o f a l l k in d « d o n e o n s h o r t n o tic e . Cheever ® Bowman L a n g lo is , Or, ...17.00 .. 27.40’ t..2#J)0| ...86.00; ... » .0 0 1 (SuccsMor to N, C. Miulecn.) ..21.20, ...17.80 ...16.80 . . . 9.20 ...18.60 . . . 10.60 ...1 2 20 •T h e Wedderburn Trading Co. is^repared to sell some of its G E N E R A I « 3 fr D -fi.C P ort Orford, Or. land in small tracts on a time basis, witli a small cash pay ments. For information apply to T hb W eddkbbukn T rading Co. NEW GOODS, and fresh eupplies w ill be received by every steamer ““ k - . ■> . v " . W edderburu, Oregon GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, •t ’ BOOT8 ami SR l b the eour ! •*'“* " ^ 7 2 ’ ' ' p “ F ^ ’' r" ' i ro,,' H I F F sVkre’ ’ ’ ’ ’ t’harged b y the President w ith ih» £ £, ®Jke* ........... .. in. P -rtia. e n r o l m e n t ,d law. ..... I 8 00 6S.T5 Louis K sapp , Pres. MENS and BOYS, CLOTHING. Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store j , ' Wm- Gillings, Prop. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS HARDWARE, GRANITE and TINWARE. S , C andy , nuts ami CIGARS,TOBACCO, PIPES notions . In fact, » supply oi everything usually kept In • wejl e^cke,, Oeneral Merchondiee Store. ORDERS TAKEN FOR ANY ARTICLE NOT IE »T<»CK. Call and examine goods and get prices. GENERAL MERCHANT Port Orford, Oreuron* -k— -----—- Has opened a new Store, with N EW GOODS, Treapaaa '7<itlce. full line of -C’toves and Ranges, Suerasca , A lu m in u m , i^ugsandO ytat- ting, Stiletto Suttleru, £ interns, E tc . mall call attentiuo to n quite recent >ra>caioMt” Stele administration, ~Port ©rford Souvenir oons Notice is hereby given to all persons »bom It may concern, not to eater up on nr trespass upon the premises of L . Knapp, for the purpose of hunting, nr flsblnt with nook and line. Said pre- misee ere situated on Elk River, Carry Coea.y, Oregon, and generally known as the •‘Bond” place. L- A. ROBERTS. A T T O B N kV J tv L zkW Myrtle Point, Oregw«,. Frebate business a siwei.hr. J- H. U 1T 0N , Any fierson or person so freepaee-. notary furliv leg for the porpdee of bunting, fishing, * * tsawllng through in any shape form L amolai », Cenar Ce., On or manner, or tearing down fences, or leaviagout side gates open, e r rnoleet- ing personal property, will be prnieeu- J- J. STANLEY ted to the fail extent of the lew. Woe. R. Johnson, U a re eo f the above named premises C O Q U IL L E ,