T owb and County. Frank Clarno and son at Wadder burn, ware In tow« Monday. Commercial Club meets tonight. Everybody invited. Bandon, Ore. School House Should Have? Twenty-two Years Ago Heating Plant. Tbs _____ ____ ____ __ (bs Fart Orford Tribune o f October 4, CABBY A FU LL STOCK OF The opening o f our public school 1332, Walter Tbs Loaeks saw m ill shut down D. M. Moore, a daughter. w ill soon be here. Sight months j Saturday for the season. In tbs public schools of Bendon, work lie ahead o f tb« pupils of ibis „ . . H«®kW *rrm s were never A. A. Jamieson has moved bis which upon on Sept. 24th, 22 in * district, five of which pto * stormy fam ily into bis new cottage on Or- winter months. The d litrlo t ha. , “ ».» “ present, struetora will be employed. •gon street. the suiiliwg Oountc Rather a peculiar accident hap­ provided an excellent school build j <*f John R. M iller, of Rogue Frank VseCsmp, the Socialist pened In Bandon reeeetly when ing and the pley grounds are aiu j The new "Laurel” pattern Orator, will speak in Leaeve’a hall one ol E. B. Tbrgt's big team horses pie, but one thing has not been p r o - 1 Kiv«r, on our streets yesterday. sterling silver, and Saturday evening. Quality can't ba The Teacher's Institute, meets in became frightened and with his shoe I vided, sad that Is s healthful, or I even suocemful, meats ef heating Port Orford Oct. 19tb, and promises beat. G iv eita trial. I nitials Mias La era Hutton is spending a , whipped a small rook through a few weeks visiting with bar sister, • 100 plate glass window in the Hub ‘ i the school rooms. The wood stovy io be a success in every particular. is one corner of a large room not The program appears in this issue. clothing store. H ave we repaired/^your Mrs. Geo. Guerin, at Langlois. only makes the pupils sittiug dose Born, at Port Orion), Oregon, Report says R. D. Hum e has w atch ! Try us. uncomfortably warm while those only {»eked about 9,000 cases of August 81,1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Portland Business M en Visit in tiie opposite side o f the room are T . J. Fromm a Dun tO lb. baby salmon (luring the present year. P o rt O rford. suffering with ould but adds im girl. - The usual pack is from twenty to f purities ’-vaaewea w saw ro s« m asas »w mww kUC to v » the air and lakae the EXPERT HAND ENGRAVERS C. C. Chapman, president o f the life and M ap out of the ohi Id ran. th irty thousand oases. Ben Huy 1, the Bandon tnnrorial , i V«*. m . * u , I VT ___ _ sr—— We regret Ip learn that our old artist, accompanied by his father Portland Confinarciai Club, O. U. Then again, it is practically iinpoa K. H. BOYLE, Mgr. ^Pfeone No. 614 and mother, passed through tewn Plummer, secretary and treasurer aible to fix a stove in an exposed friend E . D. Phelps and his estitna yesterday on an snto tobr into C a l­ of the Portland Stock Yards com­ building along thia coast so tbst it We lady have determined tó remove W ecAny^ I I I _ - a _____I_____ - X ___ f - _ - I — - . . f r f l l l t f \ l a * ( * a r M .. _ .. 1 aa KA pany, and W. H. McVay, credit __ ifornia. ■ • k will not smoke during some storms from Curry county, and <»eJ- offer­ — f4 department of the Marshell-W elle ing their real a u d personal estate I t is safe to say that lbs effiotvjiuy A. B. Carey was up from hid Cor ! Hardware company, were prominent of our school thia winter would be for sate. bin ranch yesterday, and again the T u ib u x b fa m ily was re m e m b e re d ;' r Port ° r J ' Orford visitors one day last increased 20 per cent by a system The Steamer, E m ily, Capt. Roh ik i- . ! _ • _ : , i . ____ ' week. these gentlemen had come that wopld provide uoiform heal arts, arrived from the city at five X *o t-t O r f o r d , O i* o g fu i* Ibis time with spmc choioe apples into Cons county with a delegation and ventilation. and pstita prunes. , o’clock Saturday morning, landing of Portland business men, and were Town iota and acreage treats lor A tax o f l mill on the dollar will seven or eight tone of freight end Robt. McPhillamey and wife. R. on their way south with the inton- install a heating aystem in the Port three passengers. She was heavily A good ranch o f 140 a c re , on E lk M. Smith (Buekskin Bob), Eddie ti«« of making the swisg around by Orford school. A special sohonl laden having on hoard 80 tone of riv e r, good buildings and orchard, is Divelbite and O. J. Mather, were Crescent C ity and Grants Paas. meeting can be called, the tax voted, borax, taken on at Lone Ranch, acre« u n d er p lo w . A good ranch tor visitors in town from upper Sixes They expressed themselves as es­ and the plant installed before the 150 tons of railroad iron for the a sm all d a iry , sheep or hogs. Price the first of the week. pecially well pleased with the unde- winter storms set in. Thia effects and term s reasonable. Oooe Bay Roseburg Railroad, and Veloped resources found in Coos and not only the efficiency of the school, Messrs. Mandigo and Smith, bus Also Saw M ill, in good ru n n iu g or­ a number of tone of freight for Coos der, capacity IS M ., S m iles from town. inoss men of North Bend, a fte r ¿ ta r­ Curry counties. but the health of the children. Talk Bay merchants. T h is m ill «rill be eotd a t a bargain. ing spent a boar a month camped it up, encourage the directors tor ’ County scrip was se llin g a t8 5 d e ­ with their families here and at Hix A T h u n d e r 3torm . call tits meeting and the thing will a l Geld Beach last week. P í r t O r f o n l l W i m l C l ü l ) as river, have returned home. Thsy be don«- thoroughly enjoyed ibeir outing. George Forty and associates, who Last week excitement ran high over a reported nsysi battle are otter huntiug, are camping at soms- W . O. Corbin was in from hrt up Circuit CoartNotes. O tRcarsj Ophir Beach. They had secured Sikes ranch last week with the first where between Capo Blanco and A J . Massa, Prealdent. Coos Bay, the “eaiinonading” being eight fine skins when most of them •’T The grand ju ry failed to find a ripe tomatoes of tbo season to ap­ A. A J AMineoN, Vk» Prealdent. pear an the Port Orford market, and heard»al both three points. I t was true bill against Riley 1 Cooley for got caught on the ju ry , which tern Mas. WM.Giu.iaaa, " - ” 3 . H. Z im h alv , Secretary. they hardly appeared as they were reported as a fierce battle, lasting 4 the murder of Thoe. Van Pelt at potarily put a stop to their fun. Mas. A. 8. J ohmstom , Treasurer. sold almost before “ Dad" struck hours, and some who were listening Cheleo over 15 years ago, and Con W hile at Gold Beach we had the claimed they oould toll when broad­ isy was discharged and his bonds pleasure of meeting our old friend town. Ctnb nieets First, Wednoaday In ench sides were being fired. men released. Doyle, the detective Fred Swagg, the Robinson Crusoe «uonth. AU amnhers invitod to attend Mrs. P. J. Lindberg left nn a Investigation has failed to dis- -who worked up the evidence that meetlnga. of Chetno. Fred has a pleasant visit to Coquille last Saterday morn clove any evidence q( a battle but caused Cooley’s arrest,land Higgins, home on one of the large rooks ia ing, accompanied by her two grand several have testified to there being the Grants Pass hank « s h ie r who Tobacco and Cigar Salaaman wsntod Cbstoo harbor, surrounded by M bs * children. Miss R ita and Master Tom a thunder storm at sea on that day. claimed he paid Cnoieji 8500 short, •»is, fish, crabs, s«it water, and to Advertiee. Bxperienceunnecesaary. Lena, whe-bave been visiting with •10Q monthly aad.. T^s veling Kapea­ I t seems more than likely that ly after the killing of Van Pelt, did many or the other luxuries of life. nsa. Advertise Bmoking. Chewing their grandparents here for the the disturbance was nothing more not appear before the grand ju ry . He raises a good garden, has a nioe Tobacco, Cigarettos, Cigars. Bond to pest two months and' are now re­ than summer tbundar, which, etrik I t is understood that much evidence atamn for faU meadow, aqd lives as happy eg a turning horns to attend school. iug upon straining oars brought vis­ woe introduced tending to show clam, with no one to annoy _Mrs. W m . Gaufitleu left Gold ions of Japs and Germans and bad who killed Ai Coolidge aad wound rtelte afraid. NO TRESSPASSING. Bsneh Inst Wetfaesday, via. West sli-the sounds of a terrible battle. -,y ed “ B ill" Smith, shortly before Van Rev. B. B. Pauli, o f the Metho- Fork, for bar homo in Seattle, W ash. Pelt was killed, and that an indite diet Epiroopal Church, preached at She w ilt to followed Itaer by ^er W. H. .WU»on, RacHYOR Good vroold b ats « lie d husto»d, who fs onto uv bA*ineee;al for on« in the .other. T liu would Christ Church In P ert Orford Sat­ O ffe r. Gold Broth. Ttohr fliarfy friends „ ______ ____htkab- urday evening, Sunday and 8unday have opened up the aid sores. of a . w ise » i l l he prosecuted to the fa ll ex­ hope to see them return and again evening. The last Methodist Con tent £ the tow. The following item from the fued, cost the county 3, laige sum, make their tiom i in Curry. ference set opart a new circuit, con C. W. ZUMWALT. T rin ity Journal of Weaverville, with-very little liklihood of a con eisting of the tqrritory from Bendon Sixps R iver, Curry County, Or. The Rustler is due from Coos bay California, will be of interest Pi our viction in either case. to Gold Beach, and M r. P auli has to take on board about 12 tons of readers, as M r. Wilson grew to man­ George Meyer and E. C. Eggers, M been assigned to labor in ibis new wool held for shipment hen* by W . hood in Curry county, and learned the men who killed their compan- T . W hits 8 r„ going thenoetn Rogue the first ruiiimeots of the printers* *•»«•* while hunting in die mountains field. He w ill be located on the Hafve you any to offer, or do yot Coquille, and, the weather permit river where M r. White has about 9 know of anyone who has! I deein trade iu the Tribune olfioe. when - of C urry, were tried and acquitted. ting, will make regular rnothiy vis­ tons more ready to ship, and other to purchase. Angus G. l'a c k a j T h e Roe ” * Publl"her Th< Lydia Olsen of Langlois, w.s its as far south ss Gold Beech. parties hold several tons, R e al;E state Agent, Port C unt t tn P r in te r, as a publication, is granted a divoroe from Jle. P. Ol Appoiiiti^entx will beduly publish, tier wil^take the entire lot to Hkn work of art, and a'h 'Unsolicited [ sen, and W illi.m Clerk of Harbor, Michigan. ed. Rev. Pauli ia an eloquent and Francisco. offer to act a. its editor is a h ig h ' was granted a divorce from ¿»mine attractive apeeker, and hat the abil K lire between the lake and E lk compliment to the skill and ability 1 * K ” De8. Liats »-1215, -1218,-1243 -1384 C la rk . | ity to accomplish much good io the R e s to ra tio n T o E n try o f Lands to river caused considerable uneasiness that ••Wade’ ’ has acquired in hie The appeal from the hoard of aervice of the Lord. N a tio n a l F o rest. for fear that it might jum p the lake profession. The item follows; Notice is hereby given tlia t the lands equalisation of the Sou I hern Corry and threaten the town during the Knapp's H o tel. “ W. H . Wilson, of the Journal described below, embraei ng 206.04 acres Borax company, irvulted in their w ith in the Siskiyou N ational Purest, psst several days. Sunday it took force, has been highly complimented 1 taxes beiug 1 educed from 94,500 to O iego o, w ill be subject to settlement a number of fighters to keep it from O f every house our rocky coast. in being offrred the position of edi a n a entry under the provisions o f the •2.185. Where the way-worn traveler raps, homestead laws of the United States destroying the home of A. G. M il­ tor of the Pacific Printer and Pub 1 ™. . and the act of Jun e 11, W06 (34 S ta L , Usher, the leading monthly of d m ’ »" U»« case of Dr. F . jJ The one we ell enjoy the most, ler. Cloudy weather, with a south­ 333) a t tint U n ite d States land offlee at Is commonly known aa Knapp's Roseburg. Oregon, on August 1ft, 1314. erly breese th a t threatens rain, has Pacific coast devo’ ed to the pri|Jl. I ^ " Ite .n .n n , charged of practicing A a y settler who was actually and in relieved the situ atio n. The “ Em ily” came some days ago. ere art, th . offer coining u n e o h c ite d ^ iT 1^ " “ w‘lb<>ut “ liceoM- “• good fa ith c la im in g any ot said lands And brought three hunters into tow n: liberating 21 hour« stood 10 to 2 for f a r a g ric u ltu ra l purposes p rio r to J a n . The R a n d o lp h came into port Three Frisco boys were not so slow, 1, 13 a , and has not abandoned same, acquittal and the case against Jhe But what they made it fast for Brown. has a preference rig h t to m ake home­ Sunday evening an « h a ; thworo » . 34.1st che.; thence 8. 33 degrees W ., 33.SJ eha ; thence 8. St' Che, thence 8. 40 de­ grees E ., I3 .M qha., to the place o f be­ g in n in g , application of E d . W alker, Ix n e a a , 1 >regon; L is t 6-1364. M ay 13. 1S14. O. M. Raves, Assistant Commi»- lio n e r of the General la n d O&ce. 4-1» Deg. War Notes. thia coast country to stay. He has, oording to bis own story he tuok • with hiwi a registered Clydesdale j boat end crossed Rogue river end stallion, with which he expects to ' started up the coast. He became make tripe into this vicinity »■«•ron. next thrown hack, and the hope of • Paris lies in the great Kus- lost a l‘ 8 rm y a d v a n c in g onto |(b*t awd aud finally took iu 8’ sidn army advancing look refuge in Sheriff Bailee's k.rn sheriff barn ab,,ot two Berlin from the north. miles north of the river. Leaving] o u t of B detachm ent of ? nt ere'1 °W ln‘° 2000 E nglish so ld U is engag- Ex-County /udge Bailey ia now enjoying a via,I With hla relatives . . o- . ,, and many friends in thia vicinity Cedar Fork where he wa» seen eev- e r .ld .y a leter end word newt to ° ne 3 0 >re The Judge ia looking very well and a re says he feels better than he hoe for the sheriff Deputy B. W. Dean i many months. His fam ily is now a t Port Orford had been notified] S e v e r a l sm all naval en- in Ashland, where they w ill »top of ihe man’s whereabouts and m gagem ent have resulted in this winter, aad if they e ll like the oompnny with T. J. Fromm were . victories for the E n glish. p ie « aa well se they now think lh‘ Mweden « m eb llitin g her they will, Ike Judge will buy prop­ beaten to the quarry by the sheriff ___ .. . . , t .» » she fighte she Will erty there end probably make it and b i. deputy. Sulllven offered his futnre home. The Judge drove 00 resist a nee when arrested, fan J D '11 the allies, Italy seem s to be on th e ia in Ids Ford, and says the road said that the seme parties who help | great record o. eurre, -.aw over the mountain is a beautiful , «d him break ja il would still help verge of takin g up arms with quai.cd io mcdicai hietory, provae drive though is places very R o o d * S a n a p ari I, a pceeeeace roaril l*’’ den- him and that he would never J»e the a llies against G erm any kno w n to any other M E D I C I 1 1. gerous.— Gold Beach Globe. ijtakea to tbe peuiieuita^- alive. and A ustria. M A And made the ladies scream. A tonbark team was on the way, The river yawned below; The ladies thought that judgment day. Was coming none too slow. Safe back a t home these folks returned. Thanks to this earefal man; Gratitude in their hearts has burned. Deny it you who can. I f advice 3 t any time you need - The Legal ligh t a t thia Hotel W ill from all danger le a d ,, The fee charged will suit quite well. This ends the tale of thia hotel. Ite landlord and its guests. Some other day we’ll try to tell The hietory o f the rest. P ros, GENERAL W agons and B uggies for 8ale, kept in Stock, a lio A gen t for A ll K inds of Farm ing Im ­ plem ents; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work prom ptly done at a Reasonable price. Y our patronage solicited. B E E H E R JE SS P o r t O r f o r d , O r © g o ix NORTH BEND MANUFACTURING COMP ANT N O R TH BEND, OREGON MANUFACTURERS of • SA SH , D O O R S A N D M O U LD IN G S GLASS H I G H G R A D E IN T E R IO R F IN IS H »•RICKS KAJLKD ON AI’PWCATION ►os»-» LUNBER! LUMBER! P h y s ic ia n a n d N orgen a Port Orford, Oregon. K N A P P H O TEL. P ort Orford, Oregon, For the next 30 days I w ill sell lum- f „ bar a t the Elk River saw mill for »7 per 1 M . Leave orders here in town, or a t 1 the mill. J. D. L oucks , Gold B each , O reg o n ------------ 8*r-< > p rte t o r . * f-4 < ’,•'/ :f Firat-class in every respect. Feed S ta b le attached. W e ru n the Stage fro m P o rt O rford via D a iry v ille , con necting w ith the dtage to M y rtle Point. ■ Curry County Akstract- R m K) Cunpiny. „ K N A P P Go»d t e r t Orford, Or. WM. T. STOLL, A tty, at La* I M i n i n g L a w a S p e c ia lt y H e did n ot need an ub- Coke Bldg. M arshw bld . 0» ’ »tract; he had a Warranty Deed. Afterward» he found f- there wag a lien against the T R K S P A S N n o tic e . place for $1280, which he Notice is hereby given that all par had to pay Thia hapl*ened » « r n e d n<« t» Miter upon 01 _ trespass In any way up*>A the premis­ . in Curry oounty last year es of the undersigned near Masssl M oral : G et an abstract and creek, Oregon. Anyone so trvap Being wlthoat out he sure. G E O R G E M . BRO W N, A T T O IIN E Y AT KOBRBl'RU OREtiOW C. W. RO BBINS, M. D. not on hand JAS. S. CAPPS, They hunted elk and hunted deer. And spent their evenings on the stoop. They visited Sm ith’s end drank bis beer Headed by their leader Roop. The European war has I t ’s whispered about quite on the sly, reached such proportions (hat By those inclined to “ blarney” T h a t when it came to say goodbye. a weekly paper can but g iv e I t wee the hardest job for Barney. a sum m ary o f its battle». Tbe landlord to court had been, __ e , To testify on slender. ! liberty traveled but 14 miles from Each day ia an im m ense hat- I Geo. W . M artin, who foi many the scene of hieouibrmk. On Mon And while absent from the inn, tie w ithin itse lf, «attending Miss Ida to the guests did pander. years lived at Eckley 4nd visited j day Sullivan we« convicted n f for along a front ofTrorh 50 to A dark eyed maiden and two more. thia section with hirf noted horse gery, having raised a check at Chet 200 milks. Came to the town one autumn morn; “Thad." is camped form few days J co to pay off a pokar Jebt, and on With hie fam ily at the lake. Some J Tuesday wm sentenced by Judge, The German advance onto. They le ft so soon for another shore. T h a t O rford’s beaux looked quite • or 8 years ago Mr. M erlin moved Coke “ to two to twenty years in the i Paris seem s irresistible, and forlorn. to Eugene, hut came beck recently penitentiary. Tuesday night, with late advices indicate that city The landlord took these maids to court. end bought gz piece near Myrtle outside help, be M wed the beta to ' is now besieged. The French Behind a dashing team. Point and taya that he ia back to his h .. cell cell window window and .cd escaped. escaped. Ao Ac- | and E n glish troops have been The well fed horses inclined to sport. taken for anything G iv e o s a t r i a l o r d e r Timber Claims. cupied. Said lands wese Hated upon I r. 8 „ m va„ , whe th e applications of the persona m en- for th , merchants at this pl.es, tio n ed below, who have a preference rolling yesterday for Rogu. nvor, ja i| G<>w r ig h t subject to the pi tor rig h t ol any w ere t le rest o er WM j night, was recaptured 8unday morn such aetUer, provided such settler o r applicant is q u a lifie d to m ake home coeaignsii for the W edderbur. , ng hy gli fo á w « O L D BEACH,- 0 R E I4 O X . consent wlU In- prosecuted to the fall ex te n t o f the law. T. ts C arey, A . B. Carey »LL1NUY NOTICE. The ladles wil| find a nice as o f Spring bate e t M n . M. A. N Port Orford, Or.