Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1914)
ft - Boyle Jewelry Co Town and County. Commercia« Club Meat*. 9 0 S ! P o r t O rfo rd to H a v a B a n d , conatractioa and the company haling the nite end lumber, Ne«t Wednaaday arenine il la Uta i ' A t a matting held in loam M o n nice eottages a n d bungaloua have already gone up, and ucer 40 fami- M aay fam i Fort Orford and nor regalar naonthly meeting W ight o f' day evening It trae dtcided to CARRY A FU LL STOCK p F tbara C urry are attendine Circuit 9»« F a ri Orlord Commerciai clu b ,1 ganfeu a brasa band. Ao order for itoh sad HM» working men are now and a geneial invilatfon ieeztaaded 16 inatru menta « a * piaceri « (ih C o a rta i Gold Beaci» Ibis living ia the town proper. . EdmunjMJroft, owner o fth u C ro ft!“ PuWic »• lh i* -tatolag muato houee, and in additino to About half way Iron* the town to property a tN e w Latte, wa* in town | W‘‘ “ )b ' * " * * * « » « * « • j h t o e afe eavaral wbo w lll fo r the ocean to located the eum'pany'a 'ebowmg thè receipte dnd disburae . «ri»h ib eir own inetmnieota, ao thai bigeaw -m ill, that to now just ready Monday night on hi« return from menta o í Iba late Agata Carnival, the band « ili Mart 0 * with a inem for operation. Thia m ill which fiahing t r ip lo Rogue river? I f yon have any kick coming about berahip of 16 or M . N. F. Wood w ill have a eapucity o f 2M .000 Laurel’.’ M .O . «berrard patead through ' u , Cameral or’ « a n t to Sad out ¡ cock tree elected , a n d J .H . feet per day, w ill ba ooa uf tbe must silver, M i l Port Orford Monday, ram rétaraing ming * t o ^ y * the Committee name n o t finan-¡ Zumwalt eecretary and treasurer ia existence, being* ia a quality c o a t ha hie Imma at Bandon frota an auto^otoHy, now to yonr opportunity. The matting adjourned to I t a tria l. I m t I alb Class with the C. A. 8m ith m ill at trip to Rogue river. Other business coating before the again Saturday evening, when fa r Marahfield. 8oma of ita electric club will be traneacted at tbto line. llier details of the organisation will dynamos are among the* emet pow Judge Join» S. Coka and party repaired your ba completed. erful made, and everything about paeeed through town last Thursday Fur a small place Port Orford baa tbe m ill has been installed wilh watch! T ry ua. on tbeir way to Circuit Court at S utton T h r o w * C o y . much rnusioal talent, and the band two ohjectein view— the rapid band Sold Beach./ < V ' ÁZ-. « ill no doubt be a credit to the ling of lumber and the nnfery o f it* The steamer A. M. Simpson laid la a wrest ling match at Gold to w n . workers. The mill w ill be fympa M XPEETRAND E N G R A V E R S In uur port one day b a t week aeek Beach last Monday, George Sutton thelicnlly sprinkled, that to, when B e d itÿ o n Q e t* O rd e r*. ing shelter from the heavy North won from W ill Coy in 6 7 | tqinutea, the temperature reaches a certain weat « ja d that war blowing. and after wrestling k few minutes R. E. L. Bedlllion, of Bandon, heat an automatic sprinkler w ill be N^rtli Beta! and Uafyl<*> are each y for a aacond faff, Coy gam out and eel in action. The ie-e«wing com to have new and up to date hotels, j forfeited the piatcb. The car teal, bannger of the Bandon Woolen partment, where odds slid ends The Place Where Ton Got a Square Deal TheToriugr will be a *7$,000 con | »» »■•«•••» Button»* youth and skill Mill» arrived in Marrhffeid ou tbs will lie worked Up into thing* of 1,1 1 --- -~L~^ 1 !----------— i'w . Ipjrirhuii the latter will be nearly a t ' l,r',Tpd »«• much T«w Cn>’* greater [ N g n * Smith and left far ihg Cn- Da L o u ck s y i - smaller (iioM-uaion, w ill probably iS C iv e . ........ .................. - .................................................................- - atrengh. was said tt^bave been very quille river port on tha 2 o’clock To better accommodate our growing trade train this afternoon. Mr. Bedillioo be the most complete on the Paorfio interesting * coast. Tlie building of the m ill D r. Bennett, who was to have Vfaa-d O r t b r t l , O r e g o n and increasing number of patrons we have has been on an extensive eastern been in Port Orford Monday, baa and southern trip in the interest uf pond ia an iiniueuiw undertaking a* been compelled to add to our general stock Tow* tarn and lor been delayed a few days at Langlois it w ill o«iver 20 acre* and it Btong his Com [»any, having secured a vol of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as A m re d s m n e ^ n U & ’iu re * on E lk but p il l (Ml his engagement here as Five Killed in Auto Accident. ume of business sufficient to keep excavated from a conglomerate that follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump soon as possible. the company operating eteadily for io many place* ia squat to solid river, gead faniUingu and orchard, IS ing PowdervQUp and Painis, Farming Im Tha worst automobile accident a year to come. During bis trip, rock. Part of (he pond to ao that «crea inde« g^yn ^ g p o ^ -rnpeh tor ’ Wm. Caudlin, the genial repre plements of a'l kinds, including McCormick a email dairy, ebeep or boga. Price sentative of the Pacific Paper com that has yet happened in Cooacoun- Mr. Bedlllion visited tha manufac it cad be used now, although it w ill ly occurred last Thursday when a turing centers of Detroit, Memphis, probably nut be fully completed in Mowing Maciwnes and the celebrated Web pany of Portland, was down from large Chase oar went o ff the Pony Chicago, Brandlord (Canada), New side of a rear. MUi, in good running or ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook Coquille last week calling on hia l i Me* 5 m iles fro m town. slongh bridge, near North Bend, and ' 'san AnUnrio. E l Paso, About 800 yards from tbe m ill, customer* ae far south as Gold our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth In. fi ve out u f tbeaaven passengers were j Jau^ MeMic(, , ||d Yu-W> A rr*o „. on a slightly down grade, is the Beach. ‘ ing, Boots aud Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, killed and one injured. I t to said M r. Uedillioii aaya that nothing harbor. I t ia an outside port, sim ftorn, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and No and i baa been derided relative to the ilar to Port Orford, only smaller in bad beeen drinking, _ i I tha • party ----------- — M errdiib at Wedderburn Oregon, . his, logeiher wilh tbeinexper.enee „y the company away from extent. Freight to now lauded, by tions, Rolled Barley, Grcss Seed and Seed Auguit 26, 1614 a fine boy °y- A" of (he driver, caused the accident B-n(lun) aboui the j a i l e r means of a heavy wire cable, but it Grain. the little fellow to the first, boy In going off the bridge the oar fell having been gteatiy exaggerated, to the inteiitinn of tbe eompaay to vmong three gills, his proud parents about tO feet turning completely __ O rders takes for anything not on band build a wharf that will extend into *rn kept busy receiving the congrat over and landing in 35 or 40 feet of water, where veeeeto feet of wa ulations uf their friends. cau load and unload in safety dar ter. The dead men were pinioned Coos B a y N kwb . | Lorrip Fusty, who la stationed ae ing 8 or 9 mouths in tbe year. They beneath the heavy maehine, and G iv e ns a t r i a l o rd e r Forest Guard at D ry vraek, spent were drowned if not killed outright A number of the bay fishermen also coulemplata building a abort AM toein berti l i X w X l f ‘ d” iu ‘u * c ‘ ‘ie ’< ,h " " * k - by the fall. The man who eaoaped inform ua that they w ill not Bah sea well, which would give them , Ha saya that there has nut liero fell in the space left by an open tliia season unless better prioea for much better shipping facilities dur any bad fiyes in that section dhrmrç door and crawled out without iojn- •aluion ark idfiirud by Iks canaariea ing the winter months. Aa it to and that following »y. H i got tha bead of one of thu and cold tilla g e plant*. now, thia harbor ia on* of the beet outride shipping porta along lb * (9<».V. West's order closing the gains j» r ly , who was afterwards rescued, Doyle, uf Wedderburn, ia re Makoti he -gamed eleven hunters to om of the water, ami then Wet»I for nuast. ported to be dangerously ill. H e to help not being able to get the oar leavo*ltM wopda.% .» The company ha* completed about * piiAieer of Cooaand Gurry cuuuliv* M(m. H ural Hr.» jraa in town one o ff the other». AaaUtanoe arrived end baa nbmernue friends on Cone five mile* of railroad running up day1 * 4 week marketing the last in 16 or-20 minute», «ad doctors Huy and tbe lower Cuqullle who tbe Cbetco river lot«» 'their timber, erf bis giavenstine apple. oeup from worked for several hours b a trying " * | " * ^ to t . ' wil1 *earn wit1' re6 r#l of hi* Ulnae*. over wbietktheir engine to running, resuscitate the victims aud also about one mile o f epura, bis E lk rivar farm. Owing to its I t to poeiliveiy stated that the Thia to a standard gauge road o f avail. dryueee-tbe* By TTSe lim'd afr""Ji». YrMa»o‘ir, ^rw- H)h 'wHI lim y nwaMstltM ti early, and M r. H urst that j h i. svbatantfel coaalrnofioo, A fish ing of the line from Eugene to Guo* and a* it will run up the Obatco ^Bartlett peart «rv ready to pick. prittUir of tlie Marshfield r(> Bey, but that it- may delay for a market, Was. Whrth, J. Bluford Da Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, and then cross over into Piatol riv to tha full ex- which la something unusnal •= fur vie.nwner of the oar and « wealthy while the continuance uf thè B ile er it to aormtoed th at it will even also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Tmt liito «actio*. Goos tiver farmer, John Negithon along the coati from Coo* Buy to tually be used as * link in tbe eoast < P . W. ZUMWALT. plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. < Generally speaking, there will and M . C. 1’edJroen. fvan Bourne Eureka. railroad. On this toad and in tbe nut be more than half a Crop of wa* injured end George Watson, Capl. Alex H a ll, of tha ferryboat nearby woods approximately 100 Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a fru it in Curry county thia aea*on. brother Io Jame«, escaped uuliurt. Transit, left Saturday for a visit men arc employed, making 200 Reasonable price. Your patronage solicited. Beva you any i to offer, or do yor Lack of rain is given aa the cause. with relative* in Curry county, and men on tbe company’s payroll. fcafw uf ( niiyona niiyc who heat I drain The potato crop in thia vicinity to expect« to k ill the lim it of bucks Quite a aettieroant, haa sprang op The Arizona Inn. to jpurehare. Angua G. Mackaj also a poor one, and the price of before returning. Thia to the first «car the end of the track, where a —------- — ! vacation he baa taken since tbe school diairict witi'pm bably be or •a g l Batata Agunt, Port ( a u ti . lubuiara promise« to keep pace wilh the advent* in-the price of other Michigan. The Ariaona In n , a t Corbin, the Marshfield Eaataide ferry was ee- ganised in the nearfuiure. food stuff*. ‘ “4 “, ■ ■ The town of Brooking* la destined halfwny stopping place between tablisbed about six yea«* ago. • < F DeS. Lists t - l i l t , -IS IS , - I M S - M M to be one of the cleanest and best The scow, mentioned in our last P int Orford and Gold Beach, ia fast! glieet speaking last week caused i To K«try-O f Landa tm town* in (»ally along tbe ooast. I t becoming one of tbe mo»t popular 1 iceue as being in Port Orford har much discussion among tbeuitixeii* N otional Forest, boatelry* along the coast. Its owner 1 of town. T l,e general impression boa been laid out acoording to the bor in tow o f the tug Klyhiam , i is hereby given th a t the lands 1 bed below, em bracing TOti.iM acres was beache.l and remained litre a F. F. Friant and hia estimable w ife,' ia that all alrret rpeakers should be plana of an architect and jh a drain within.tbe ttfskiyou Nst onal Fo.wat, bought the place last fell, and auic* treated without partiality or preju age and sewerage system will be O iqguh, w ill be subject to settlem ent couple of days before proceeding, to ’ under the provisions o f the Bandon. Tlie scow had bean batch that time have made many improv* dice. I f u political speaker, no modern and complete. Speculators I tows o( the Ubitcd States men la which lend to make tbe plaoe matter wbat hi* politics, is prevent 1 cannot buy land at any price, and [ th e a c t o f June I t , >WM (34 S U L , ed at Clieloo to discharge ita load of • ' NORTH BEND, OREGON ■ ffififiB M n ffiB States B i tona T i United I ! o office a t bridge material and pounded upon aa ideal coast hotel. Coming from ed float (peaking ou the »'.reels, the in each lot that ia sold (here ia a ehurg. Oregon, on August 16, 1914. the arid »and* of Arixona Mr. ••uta rule should apply to "wet” or clause that prohibit* the use of the UANUrACTDRRIU Or A n p a e tU er who w a s actually and In the amid until its reams were opea govd fa ith c laim ing any o f said lam ia ed, which caused it to leak on the Friant realised tbe attraction* of “d ry ” or anything else. The street* laud in the liquor traffic, ao that T o r a g r ic u lt u r a l purposes p rio r to Jon. the ocean, especially to the inland were built for commercial purposes Brookiuga will remain dry regard SASH, DOORS AND MOULDINGS 1, I*.« , and baa not ahsmiooed same, way up and necearttaled stopping traveler, and one of the first things and not (or an open air ball for less of how the county or stale may has a preleronoe rig h t to m ake liome- over at this place for repairs. G LA srf staad.eniry lor the lands aptnally oc- go. Tbia excellent condition is due he did was to cut away tha tree* be spieler*. ««pied. Said lands were listed upon u Kuperviaor A. J. Marsh started a N I G H G R A D E f N T E R 'O R F IN IS H to / . W . Brookings who is on the tween the In n and tha ocean and the applioationa o f the peraoaw a tioued below, who have a pisfere noe crew of righ t men, with four teams built a bay window or conservatory ground and personally overseeing B ro o k in g s . PRICES MAILKD OM APPLICATION rig h t subjrot to thA pi lo r rig h t of any and six wagons, to work Monday thiuga. onto the aitting room, ao that now sugh settler, provided aucli s e ttle r o r applioapt to q u a llle d . to make h o m e hauling rock ou the mooutnin south tha traveler can ait in thia room, One thing that particularly im I t was the pleasure of the writer ste a d e n try and the preiereooe rig h t la of town. Tha July lerip of court •haltered by tha »urruunding hilla, Dot long aiuce to virit the town of presses tbe visitor a t Brooking* ia exercised prior to A u g IS, 1814, on which date tlie lands Will be subject t o a a t le - • pprop'inted 6500 fur this work. n ixi watch the see in all ita varied Brookings, which is springing up in the democratic relationship between m ent and e iw y by any-qsmiHSmt- p er- Toe haul from near tlie Summit, moods. Among other improvements' southern Curry about five miles employer andemployee. There are aoa. A tra c t o( St scree, w ith in w hat whaie the rock is found, to tbe fixit w i l l p ro b s l For tfle n ^ k t 80 days I w ill sell h im -' Mr. F riant has built * social, or f,om the Oregon-Celifoiuia state many high class then in the em S, T . 38 H .. t .. K N A P P P r o p r ie to r . of. the h ill ia M far that Mr. Marsh card room acioaa tha ’’way where line and one mils north of a e fo llo w s i ■ Cheje ploy of tha company, yet they all ber nt the E lk R iv a r saw m ill fo r *7 p e r ' 1 , w h e n c e th e e e iitU d u ia rte g t o t i i e r o f has bought the p lau lin g from the , . . , . «.j u , „ men can relirtfand pnef a pleasant river. Thia atw industrial tow», rub elbow* et the same general mesa M . Leave orders here in town, or at Sec. W , T . a S T T I V l i , iM iT ! . 8 First-claas in «very respect. old wharf at per M . and w ill u«e >n<J h# ,|m ? excepting tboee who have home* of the mifi. degrees E .,a.SS ohs , N. 36 degrtee £ . , i t in plank'ng (lie worst place« in J . D. L oucks , G o id Feed 8 ta b l« attached. lank and piped water iulu the liotiae her and Lumber Uom|>a|iy, is has their own, with the day laborer and Port Orford, Or. the road a* it ntara the base of the as well as building a ~fla»« wash thau two years old, yet at this tin.* hobo «ho ia; working for « '“ grub at Hubbard'« creek. 8 . 20 ob«.; thence 8 .7 * degrees E., 33.70 mountain and cloak room onto tbe front of has a population probably equal to •take” U> take him to tbe next town. We run the Stage from Port Orford cha.; thence N. • degrees W ., *7.30 About a m il* anti a half of the v ia D k iry v flle , oonnuctlng w ith tha hia hotel. ch«-, to the place of. begnw irnr, listed any other town in tbe county and I t remind* one of a big family gatb Stage to Myrtle Point. upon application of M arshall F ry , Ag- mountain was rocked last year, and Mr. Friant claim * not tn have' will soon fotce itself into the lead. ariug, aud'tbe fare is better than DMs, 0>,<von; Ú i t « -I3 1 6 . A ll o f L ot ia now an excellent road, both win had any experience ia farming he-, Brookings is beautifully located found at the average hotel. This 3 except the E M Sec. 10, T . 34 8 ., B . 11 W w . .. , 18.14 acres, scree, app.M app.tcetion attoa of o tc Clisa. iia s E. it. ter and summer. fore coming to Curry county, b u t1 upon a level brnch and low rolling feeling of good fellowabip, coupleu — ■ WM.T. STOLL, Atty, at Lag B row n, lita b a , O regon ; Liat 8-1*18. Lot « th e E j M N E | j N W j J , 8e0. I 3*. T . 38 L*«t week several young men in the ci ops he raised this year tor- hills about half a mita from - tha with the ubueace ofiuioxicants.geta M in in * t«w * Specialty 8 ., R. 11 W ., SB » acreo, anp liration of tainly did not indicate it. Ha seat1 ocean. A well-stocked a on pany tlie best results out of the men and He did not need an ab Coke Bldg. M arshfield , O i C. W . Sinuiger, e Z o . G e n ’I. Delivery, Bandon were mreated and fined for Koeeburg, Oregon, L is t 8-12:6. A using olw.ena and . indecent lang east and got Some choice corn reed,' store, where price* ate reasonable, is going to make of Brooking* an stract; be had a Warranty tract of 130.70 acres, w ith in what w i.l uage on the street*. Thia action ia with the result that his corn patch j tha Brookings State bank, with Geo. ideal lumbeiing town. protjabty ' be la when surveyed Sec. 21, T . Forty thoneand acre* trf (be beat Deed. Afterwards he found describe.» as follow - «; 36 8., B . t l l W »» ., Me— v .iv -u — • » credit to the town government ot ia the Itest the writer has seen this D. IV,«wi «« Cashier, a modern little Hexinning nt Corner No. 1, identical Bandon, and the statute they have season, and hia oat crop and garden ! hospital, with a good physician and timbered land* in Southern C arry, there was A lien Against tbe T R E S P A S S NOTICE. v-whji Comer No. A td Jbe Robert Ed- gren c b tlm , whence tbe Southeast t or- b-ought into limelight ia one that vegetable* were almost equally good, graduated nurse, a gi«»d school,. it ia estimated, ia aufficieul to keep place for $1280, which he Notice ia hereby given th a t nil par- ner qtJtafi. N L 36 8 , R. 11 W ., tn-ara Not knowing that the seasons ever' with J. H . Thompson aa principal tbe oumpany bu»y f«r >tw next had to pay. This happened tie« are nam ed n<4 to enter upon ot »: 10 d i e , 8 . 37.40cha , and 8. 33 d<- should he enforoed in oilier coast fifty yearn, and in til« meanrime trevpas. In a >y w a y u p o n the premia- rccg 66 ml«. W , »71.87 oh«.; extond- lowua. Profanity and vulgarity become so dry on the boast M r and Mias Bessie Clark • • aaaitrtmt, in Curry county last year. ea of the uniterafened near Mnaaai thia eosicern ia proving a wundeifui „ g ta e a e e B . 10 oha. ; thence S. 67 dc- F tia a t was not prepared to irrig ate' are a few of the privilege* enjoyed am never productive of any good, greea E „ 10.13 e h a .; thence N . 64 66 boon tw tlie resident* of that at cl ion. M oral : Get an abstract and creek, Oregon. e h » .; th e n c e 8 . 78 degrees W ., 28 8 j and they become especially obnox this year exoept in a crude way, by the people uf tale place. Tbe Anyone eo t r e a p » s a ln g w ith o o t o a i Farmer* are li o d i n g a ready market b e sure. ; tiieoqp 8.3 1 eh«., tiience 8. 40 de- consent w ill he proaeonted to tha fen • E ., itaO eh. , to the place o f be- ious whan used in publio plaoea ia bat next year be will have on irri j busineea building* at the |wvaent for all kind» of produur, and there G E O R G E M. B RO W N, ex ta n t o f tha law . In n lin in g . , npuMostioo eppHostion o f E d . W alker, the pteaence of women and children. gallon system installed that w ill tiaae are teiupora-y, awing to the to work for all who want lo work. ZgUM s. O regon; L i a t 8-1384. M ay 13. cover practically nil of hie field*, j feet that all the lumber used thus T. LCkuwy, I t la not necessary for a town Io ba ATTOUltolCV A3' L A « 1814. O. M. B «i c « , AwstsUot OoniQiia- A. B. Carey To such industries a« the Bn*>king* incorporated to anforcethia statute, Mir. and Mrs. Friant know how to far has lieen shipped in, liutaa soon •iooer o f the General Land Otbce. KOKKRVRO ORKCMV Timber A Lumber oumpany, Curry 4 -M M L and if aaverai of the Curry county make tbeir guest« feel at home, and as the company gel* ita big prill in county ahiHlhl < Xtemj the liaji.l of towns would follow theexample set thia coupled with the natural I jcs good tanning order «nine subatau MILUMEKT NOTICE. W. A. WOOD M C iv E A T record c . cm , », - j » by Bandon tbe result would have a Hfon and improvements they are ti«l building* will go up, among goodfellowaliip ami encourage llieni by legitimate ineuna in tlie develop Tha ladies w ill fl-vl à nice aa» q u a in t aweyatHcai history, p ro *« ATTO U KKY AT LAW good wboleeoroa.effect upon (be making, to feat making the Ariaoaa which will be a 66006 schoolhouse, arent of their buaiueae and the con pciaaair» m e rit i a B ' o f Spring hats a t M a t . M . A. N 1 (mown to Iu n a very popular stopping plaoe. tbe district bonding itself for it* sequent deveiopasent of the county 1 Port Orford, Or. B I E O I C I « ! , morale of tbe riving generation. OVbD B RA ««. f f E M C I . « • Bandon, Ore. ¿oyle Jewelry Co. Denmark Mercantile Co. Bandon, Ore. Store i J. JAS. S. CAPPS, . Hrop. GENERAL BIflP.kRTnit.Ling Timber I'laima. B E E H E R JE SS P o ri O r fo r d , O r e g o n NORTH BEND MANUFAGTURINfi COMPANY LUMBER! LUMBER! 1 K N A P P H O TE L. Port Orford, Oregon, Curry County M stract- Reilty Company. ^^■ 1 H old B e n c h , O r e g o n » f ‘ r A 1 Jji-