Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1914)
Yfct J irt OrtvtA Yrttjum The Wedderburn Trading Co. ia prepared to sali aome of ita E. J. L obby . aio, or Fort Orioni, Oregon, application to the United 81 (or patent ................• t> following tinaa o|J bcarini de. treated and b b . ia I Se<«. 10 a W . M ,. ta-v laod in eœAll tracts on a time basia, with a amall cash pay- menta. For information Î Bel T hr W edderburn T xad « u C o . B A N K O F C ash ier, P O K T YOUR BANKING BU8INKS8 SOLICITED'; Wedderburn, Oregon Circuit Court N ot«. Twenty-two Year« Ago FORT ORFORD N o lic « fo r P u b lic a tio n . W . 8 etui, to |4s<e ot beglRnina J con taining 31.74 acres—all foiug In Six,■» YCUR BU8INE8» BETTER OKKOON Nicer Mining District, unorgnnlavd, Currv County. Oregon. There nee no adjoining mining claim«. There is tuo known vein or lode o( value-bearing ioc* in place. I t is not taken lor wa d ter right value, hot for the gold vs I us in tbe gravel. I t to taken nnder tbe >1 PuaaesaoryeKight Provisions ot See. * 2S32 Beviaed 81* to tee of the U rlted States. Po-tod on the ground-in plain e right e4arthe trail in NW } S W j, Sec. u T t .4 R » .,B . U . W - W . M ., on the f 17th day oi June, A .D ., 1914. I Ib.gue river hus broken up for the Any end Oil persons claiming ad versely the above deaaibed raining j. seasoisend the Cooke have gone ground, or any portioo. thereof, am home. .Some oue wun't have so hereby notlttod, that unless their ad ' niuuli o w for th eir boat now. „■ verse claims are duly died aooording to » . law, and the regulation* thereunder, within the time prescribed by law,«vrlth , Look-out and be ready for the the Register oi the United States Land | grand h a ll a t Kuchre Creek, S alu r- Office at Roseburg, in the county of I day, Out, 1. Tickets including a NOTICK FOIt rU BLIC A TIO N Dou das and State of Oregon, they will be barred bv virtue of the provisions t tine l ui key supper 2 * 0 0 A lfC a n g b DerssTMan« bv v tu In a n to a , of said statute. r J. M . Usrox, United States Land Office, , ell« F rea k S m ith , David Carey, Register. Rouebnrg, Oregon, July 3rd, 1914. , Managers. Notice is hereby given that M r. ifa r v in H aw kins passed D A V ID E. JENKS ’ flirough Port Orford on Friday of Denmark, Oregon, who, on M ay W. 1, the nn-leraigned, hereby give no 1911, made Homertea-I Entry, S erid tice that I have a oonveyanoe from the I last. M u rviu haa been teaching Bo. «5247 for the N W } SR} r f Sec. 4, Patentee to tldelanda sod water lots in » » at Philo} river, nod ha a given Tp. 8g 8 , R. 15 W,, and oa September U>e Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon, on r' «p o rtion of which a part of the wharf mimk I sutiufaciion. H » iU in o d a 1 io & « ffio .te “r 1 u S T a r ia erected without m y consent. AU I Visit Ih e Rials Ni>rtu«i~Co)lege’«fur 4, Township 82 parties are hereby warned not to drive 15 » « * , Wiliam, te. M eridian. piles or trespass in any manner what- i lug ibe coming w iuler, \ haa filed notice of MA Intention stoever on said tidelnuds o r water lots. ear Proof, to - - Man. Apxa 0 . Dxnr. Pori Or hud |HM>sesses an eccentrie to make float Three establish claim to the above dee- • Portland, Oregon. I character in t|»e rliupe o f an old crlbed, before H a rd y ' nd 8tewart, Unit- . nt hia offioe IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E negro named “ Uncle Dnn.M A lt one haa to ^.i here to stop a uoby STATE O P O REG ON, FOB T H E CO UN TY OP C U B B Y . - ' child ia to mention “ Uncle D ae” Andrew O. Huggins, Plaintiff' aud tu ip p lelc quiet ia the result. tre. Tim .o ld fellow is a. regular “ Bogie The Odo Gone Commercial ^unmnM O o in p a n ., The Rogue River •NlffiffiJN <l)au.” T b e wsy be takes tneals ts Mining «nd 'Devek>|.iarnt (tevuliar in the extreme, placing a il Comiau.v.aourpf.rati m aw l C.-O. Uvt wrroU, Defeuduui-j i tl>e food h i a t i u box provided for To the Odp Gone Commercial Com the purpoew be mixes up potatoes, pany, tbs Kogtra River Mining ami De- veiopment Oompauy. a a>rp .ration pie,' and pepper In to a mixed op and C . t b MoCnrrell. the abovsuauied d. fendsnte; Itivtfe MMBonenn BvarsevOasoos; \hy. ltd nbntraef » m 0 | pieces eery You, gnu each of «ou, sru hereby re enutioiiajy d o i n g the lid w fille hottce 1« hereby given that Urn an- quired t ■ appear «ml answer the com-1 W 0**“ * 1 MSfMnlA- idaiirt Hied a^aiast fu u in the above J each piece ia undergoing the devour entit ed Co irt and ¿uh w ibdu six in g procure. H ia reason for Utis court; - X ? peretma * » A v o i* cteM u weeke tr- us Ih e «Ute of the that pttbH- eatton-ol, U n t il: aiShin strange behavior ire tall« ns, W th a l against sffM estate are required to pre six weeks (1-0111 tin- 8tb day o( July,1 tire CrTetw} nro a&er h im . 1914, Umaame being tile .fate ot the sent thetr oiaiaas to ate a t MM Lewis first public Hon of t .U summons, and By th is tints probably. I f r. Brown BuHdjng, Portland, Oregon, or nt the if von fa il to appear and ansxrei said one o f I he gentlemen-Who on mu op a llo t of J. B. 8tannard, Clerk of the complaint ou or before the l»»h day of from the chy on n hunt, baa Arrived above Court, nt Gold Bench, Oregon, Awgnet, 1914, the tame being the Inst dav prescribed In the i-nlcr Of pub iea- safe and.sound to the bosotn o f *hie duly Verified with proper vouchers tlon. Judgment w ill be taken against therefor wiUda six months after the you fur want thereof, aud the plaintiff fa m ily , l i e ill company with M r. date of the first publication of this will apply to the Court h r the relief K oopand M r. Barney, were piloted demanded in his complaint, to-wit; notice. (or a judgment against the plaintiffs for I The New Y o rk W o rld , however, o u t to Blackberry cam p by Asa M cKisxxv Stern, the sum of 8166 00. tor attorney fees, •be grenteei j.itiru a l o f them nil, C arey, f t appears that after lisv- Adminiitraaor of tliaf estate of the foreclosure of the m iser’s lien on James Mouncer, deceated. (lie Paradise Bar and Blossom Bar and the one ilies|>shie o f petty, iug'urrlved at a euilnhle onmpitig j^Dste of A 1st publication, August I I , Placer Mining Claims, and for coats tpalii-iirtis proeeriptiona and o slra - 'place M r. Browu decided to go on a aud disbursements of this suit. Bervice of thia summons is made by cirm lor ..pinion’« aake, baa this to little ex,ledition ou h it own account, O , i £ te of lM t I’“ 61“1* 11*'"1. September publication pursuant to an order made . esy on the subject: after having gone about 50 yards by t i * Hon. John 8. Coke, Judge of the the Circuit Court for C urry Oountv, W ith Europe tottering on the aWny from Ibe camp ha found to and (resit supplies w ill be received by every etentaer. '1 «11 Oregon, lamriug date the 6th day of veige of'universal war, Jenu Jaurea hia extrem e horror th at ha was lost, s j s r a s j w • ,u " • • • Ju ly. 1914. ATTUBNKY Àxn COUNNBLbUB ■ died by an assassin's bullet, the lost in I lie wildrrness o f Otegou, Da e ot the first publication, July 8, 191A !. viuiitu of h consistent ciiaropitnisbip AT LAW G B O C E R 1 K 8 a n d P R O V IS IO N S , which we/c, in hia excited iniagnta W . H . M n n iD m i, II o f tliecsuseu f |>euce. For yrars.he , ' ■ • I W . A . Wooo, lio n , sw arm ing w ith' ferocious bear 1 bsd S- ihh I at the head of Ihe parlia W K D H ER B VB N , OUBOON At-orneys for Plaintiff * B O O T S and F H ( K ' utcnlary Socialists in ibeir p n itiat sod w ild elk, and to add to h it ter " M K N 8 and B O Y S , C L O T H IN G , I ¡against Ibe madness o f m ilitariani rur, “ the shades o f evening were J and the appalling waste of big ar fa llin g feat,” (he thought o f having L A D IE S ’ D R JC S 8G O O D S , mamenle. He had served ea the to spend a n ig h t in the woods filled H A R D W A R E , G R A N IT E sud T I N W A R E . - poitlicsl siaikestuan o f the Working classes in their persi«trut plea «that him w ith an uncontrulable desire lo - C IG A R S , T O B A C C O . P I P E » the domeatio welfare and social get some where and that q u ic k ly , so Pxrig, Aug. 25th; In an piogress of 1 lie* nation be placed lie airu ck out in w ild haste in ex C A N D Y , N U T 8 and N O T IO N S . engagement between the Ger- above the policy of revenge and iiu u d ly I he op|>osite direction from ,act’ • supply of everything ususlly kept in a waff stocked mana aud Belgiuma yester placable haired. By ih e irouy of the cam,>, when ha fortnnntely run fate he perished at ibe very hour General Merchandise Store. day the latter were forced to when the brute passions of neigh ou M r. C arey who had been looking O RDRBa T A K E N > OR A N Y A E T JC LR I O T IB « T U C K . hiuud in search of h im . I t took retreat with a loss of about a boring (teoples seemed about to, triu m p h over common sense antjj M r . Browu fu lly two houie to re thousand men. The German the powers of reason. cover from the shock hie aervone loss is not known but it is Jsutes was oue of the great o r a - ’ system underwent, and lie probably torn iif bis d ay, In the Cham ber of thot not to be very great. Deputies «nd from the ed ito ria l went away a sadder and certainly Preaching 8erriora. S a n d a y chan of L ’H u m a n ile, he wielded an most disgusted man th at ever via Aug. 30, U H . * M orning Subjrot, euotmous ittfiuence by hia powers, iled this part of the country. o f invective and persuasion, by h m ! M o ra J r-W b e n lute in the woods an “ H ow R> trust Ihs S p irit.” ' broad human sympathise and ia E ven in g Subject, ‘‘W h a t ve uwe In ounce, o f considetntion is worth Irlle c ltia l fores. Cnnsar.” Everybody coma. You several ,ou n de of baste. Rom 10 good circumstances, edu 1 am welcome * 'ra te d a t the Euole N orm als Super I i.-uie and a professor of philosophy U. B u r t P a i l l , Pastnr. •1 lo ti louse, by circumslauces and Pope Pius X died at the Vatican training lie Iwlonged lo the narrow jn Roma last Wednesday aflermani class of intellectuals who regard the d a ily affaire of the world fro m ? A physical break down, caused by a 14»ce «(.art. But warm south- r bis advanced years, and nteulwl eru nature and emotional character1 w orry over the European war caused led linn in to the tu rm o il of polities J bin death. The Pontiff was an able, aud Ihe ceaseless work of journalism . 1' kin d hearted man, and his death By bis pbysicid energy, his u iifltg 1 ging m ors) courage.nnd hia devotion w ill bn universally mourned. to principle, he was recognised 1 every where as a high mi tided «0 1 cia lisl, determined in accordance ’ N"tlo« la bsreby gitren to a ll pnreons w ith hia theories lo Iteller (be oon horn it «recern, not to noter np- d itio n hoi merely ot the nimtea of ’ "r trenpaau upon the premises of L. one « lu n trv but of the eivilised »■CP. fa» tbs parproe ot bunting, nr countries o f the win Id. »hint with noon an.l line, (tekid pre- HARDY T. 8TEW A R T Jaurea was one nf the few Korop 'fans are situated oa fflk R im e, Carry ean s'atrt>n>en of tl«e present day U I . ffi. C O W M l f f i f f i X O M l û R who Could I II be sparrd. V o v t O r l o r d , O i-e g y o ta . J. II. UPTO N, W h ile the W orld dues not charge ngtart r u B u c , the nsesseioatiun was procured by m iliiarest element in France, one " L a s o ix m s . Cenar Oa., Oa can read between the l in n Mime « b a t mors than Is said o u lrig h l, , C. W. ROBBINS, M. D ■ D o abt ) r v t os « « Ixram on, The following item* are taken from 0 . 8. Lund Office at Rosebura, Oregon, July S, W it. " the Port Orford Tribune of Sep. Nth, Notice is barely given th at ■ < • 1892, W alter flutton, publisher: „ , H A R V E Y A T K I8O N of Danmark, Orugoa, who, oa May Miss M cB ride of Mussel Creek » , »11, made Homestead Entry Serial No. 07iO8, (,,r SEW ot » 8 K , 8po- «coiiipparded by M r .K ie e M u rra y , lion ss, ■ Township St Sooth, paid, P ort.O rford a visit on Sunday Uam nis West, W ilUm ette Mnridt iiS* >o,ii$eoi bis Intention tome^e lust. z • Pfnal Tlicre-yeur Drool, to eetaWI—i Alex F ra n k ’s Ian bark camp ni Hardware of all Kinds G E N E R A L M T C E tO S IJVHÏT, t^ r P o r t Orford, O rrc^ì ' NEW GOODS, W. H. MEREDITH Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store 5?? W nb Gillings, prop. Call and examine goods And get prices. JOHN E, MILLER, GENERAL MEECBj Port Orford, Oresron- Has opened a new Store, with HEW GOODS. M }- full liru of S toves a a i R anges, Guernsey, si^luminum, XugsajxdiJytat- . ting, Stiletto Cuttlery, £a.ritems, E tc . H byaleiaa a » d ttorgeoa Port Orford, Oregon. l?ort ©rfori Souvenir Spoons ì . J. 8TAN1ÆY I