Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1914)
10 Shots, at your Finger Always Stays “1’ut” The Borrow Clevis SA V A G E WjiaKI.EU AND WILSON íjü . u I , ' . u u u u h . U. T. STEWART Editor and Publisher O«iiil»«oi*ipr ion, J£<1.."S<) per yoni LIGHT HUNNIKO .. Jk KA ITU, The Leading Paper of Curry County H u l l I t u u r lu g . O M C A L IB R L A U T O A l l ! u o W e . A nd. ÏM B V W ffi P IS T O L ,Tflte Aavuge^A"3l>HUut»c diuotliers evury adversary in rapidity ot its lb it. t/u tn i the occasion conics yoti tiavt ’ { sid y (he <juiuito«£, uandieat and u*ost accurate arm made, l i v e yourself every possible advantage, i t means life or death. T uat is >vuy you »vtil disca/d your revolver when yo u see the Savage. . ■' ' T h e OitEfiOM D a il y J o ü b k a i . is th e lead in g l)em ocratio ucwt-paper of O r e g o n ,issu ed at P o rtïa u d . i ne m a n a g er* a lso issu e a BM ti-W « t i t t y , w hich is esp ecia lly odapted for people w h o d o not care for a D o ily , but w ant a good fa m ily paper. . Special Featucrs which will Appeal to You S H jT d : ’Double the uutnber contained in au'kndi- * ' ' nary revolver and two more titan other automatics'. ^COUKACY: J I'be pistol is so constructed that all powder gases are utilized, insuring extrem e accuracy,j|? well as freedum Irom l o u l i n g ■ •' .<• JMFLICITY: Fewer parts than any other autom atic pis tol. Completely dismounted by baud without the aid of tools,., No screws to work loose. „ A n y o f th ese papers can be had iix co m b in a tio n w ith the P O R T O R TE N F O R D T R i a U N H , a t th e follow in g rates: Daily and Tribune - - - - nt The exclu sive right to handle this Clevis will lie *>1.1 t>y Counties at Stntee, or set ox three c s s bo purchas ed (or <1.00. Address Semi Weekv and Tribune J . H . U pton , L an glois, O r., A ugust 27, 1910. ^A LA N CE: Perfectly balanced. C enter of gravity well ‘ ‘ to the rear. Lies n atu rally in the hand. Will not flinch ou the trigger pull. The only autom atic which Ibcks at the breech while the bullet traverses the barrel REAS1 F .C Z K M A a n d F I L E C U K K F R E E K now ing what it was toanf- __ fer, I will give FREE OF CHARGE, to any a(CT>-t«d a positive cove for Eczema, Salt Rheum, Kryslpe- lae, P iles and Skin Dieoases. -In stan t Jgiief. D on ’t anffor longer. Write F. W . W illiams . «10 Manhattan A veroe, New York. Enclose Stamp. S A V A G E A R M S C O M PA N Y , . U T IC A , N E W Y O R K ■ D e w in e s s C a u n o t b e C u re d . 0USEW0RK frootnuch homework wreck, wo- bftien', nerves. And the consfant eaqgef children, da_v and night, is eften too trying for even a strong woman. A lugganl face tell* the s to r y of the overworked housewife aad mother. Deranged menace, laaaorrhcea and falling of the wamb result frohi overwork. Every housewife need* a remedy to regulate her menace and to keep her sensitive female organ* la perfect condition. o r local a p p llra tto *., u th *y eanaot m e h the dlMWMd portion of the M r . There u e a J y sue way to ear« <1aa(ne«e, and th a t 1» by oonatHu ttcnal raiawti««. Deafnew la M a ted by aa la flamed ro D d ltlm of the mucoaa I In In * ot ttw KnaUchlan Tube. Whuti thta tuba la lnflaaicd you hare a rum btlng Round or ImprrtttCt hoar In *, and when It la entirely clow d, deafneaa la the re m it and u n io n the InSam atfon can ba lahen out and thia tub« niatoroa to lta normal condition, Ie a r lu * w ill M deatroyad forever; nine caeo. out of t»n are cauaed by C atarrn which fa nothing but an In la m e d condition of the mucona anrfacea. We w ill give Ona Hundred D o llar, for any caaeof Paa (new (reused b y c a u r rh ) that can. not he cured by lla ll'a C atarrh C o n . Send for eirculara free. F. J. CHBNKY A Co., Toledo, O Sold by Drogglata, 7Sc. Take H a ll’a Fam ily P llla fo r conet I patlon. to doing thb for thousand, of Amerioan women to-day. Reared Mn. Jones and that is why »hr w rite* thi* trank letter t »- Gtaadeane, Xy., »•©»». is, jw < I urn «« fle d that your Wino of Cardoi I halpiBf ma. 1 am feeling Letter thou have fe lt for years. I am <lom< my wu work without any help, and I ■ashed last week and was not one bit red. That sb~ws that the W ine it oinu me food. I am yetting fleshier kan I ever was before, and sleep good ad eat hearty. Before I began taking Hue of Ca-dul, I used to have to lay owa five or aix times ovary day, but s w ld o u o tth ln k o f lyfcurdown throurh -cent bottle of Mere aubacrihtra than any ether laahlao n.1 ga Cl nr—million a month. Invaluable. Let. r u .lylea, pattern,. dmesowhiag. millinery, plain aewlng, faocy needlework, halrdmaahun etiquette, em d etorlee, etc. Only 10 centa a • year (north double), including a free pattern. SuhKribe today, or tend for aample copy. W ONDERFUL INDUCEM ENTS to A r e n ta . i 4 ^ S i i f '5 S « h P K>»ita Ü . J . P e lo n i 0 fica W A S H tr ii’ n - n h^Ü*h<***r* lyCffias • P e p o 0 . C. prove the great merit of Hood’* Sarsaparilla, Hood’* Sanaparilla *ell* becaaae *- sxom, CRKAT^URKS. The New Jjiea Wi,man’s Magazine BOTH ONE YEAR FO R * t 75. Tim New I uka W o «»«'« M aoaxinc I s an authority on breesinaking Milii and Household Economy. d t averages more than leo pages each ith. We offer you therefore a t least 1200 pages ot good fashion an« ■e reading for an additional cost of only 96 cts Samples free. r The S ta rt to a B e tte r Puu can h are it all foi {¡“’.¿SO fw Month a v p ^Afonth ! " T?1’ Ev'”’inX Telegram, of Port- lan d , Oregon. It is the largest ev. ening newspaper published in Ore gon; it contains all the new s of the state and of the nation. Try it for a (month. A sam ple ropy w ill be mail ed to vou free. Address Salary H a lf of pattinar anywhere is ¡a maklnp the I f r e e w fu t Ml be a te eaafr’—if yoe \van< to' better yew trositk»» - wn U f /*« i M . W e have node iho start* ex* y, and we hnv» made the irttels v t y to succors eat v. So easy, to ¡set, that you will be surprised at the iashroificaoeo ot the b a rra r that has h e ft yea back The start to success is le s.mply in aad mail tc us the coupon bslaw. Read ever the list of m ä tie n « In the eonbon, m ark X Astore tHm o n o y o u w e n t to enter, fill in and mail ilio coupon tons. return mall we w»!l tell you how you can easily, lue attentively, a a l in your spare time &aaUf» your-ta’f for the position you want, and w e ll tend proof of It in the form o l’laut» as tjj what we have dona for others. » T H E TELEGRAM, _ _________ P O R TLA N D , OB. start. y>. «.«I T R A P , - b l A l . a B r tu « .|»i7 W R . i n J * ao ..« u t.-u . u , u-> tu ,. >. « .ana.,, p o y g M T a T H A T P A Y , m in iu m Ikw uU m sm w aiy. M e w ovpeuw. luul lu u , you to . n o w . «oodm odri. lAotu v r M o u h (o r FRKC report an c M e n u b law . •> y m n f pmrtloo. SUR- Í SSblKC, R c rC R C N C tb . Fur Imo OoMe m* 'Ui l-rnStnb.* I .lru t, urlio to 0 0 3 - B O S S o w n rv th w n a n iN O T O N , o . o . - SLrowfe, «4 X. ll ba6 thc soli<i top’ * 4 4 • ejection and do uble c extractors — Ht,^n The Jiest to be had in Curry County, a t reason able Prices. See or Addrew D. 0 . NEW TON, Vt mb field, Ore<ou Tha tits ehshed anne ara r u Mranteed «•«•a^hootiaw, lard-hlttina m ne, and era fenequalle A fbr .lueke, geeee, foxes and oil loas-raac« Mmrh. I clreular <1 via« la rM rllustreilen. w ith hill doeeripiioa o f t h i a h.ndftome new gun, sent free on request or w ith complete I '»>rase Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Legal Blanks, Any Thing, Briefs, Posters] Envelopes. Statements. ton «• ««D ims W « W »AY JOU tiNAU N E R V I T A .K v .B g ? , Cures Impotency, N ight Ectiaelona anr TUbting diecasts, a ll effects c f self abuse, or exccas and lndis- cretion. A n c r ie t o n ic a n r t b ,0 o d buUtlpr« Brings th-. t i l . 2 * ^ pluV glow to pale cheek* an« re?¿ore* th e fire o f youth mat! S tic pe; *>ox;e boxer for S2 4JO; w ith * w r ttu i, g iia r a n - te o to c u r e o r r e fu u d ti*e u .o n e } i Ui^er\Bj • * * c rla tn M M Up-to-date Work Done » f MAGAZINE citaiogM ----A N D -— ■a* 7N, Scraaua, Fa. U : • tures o f c o m fo rt and conveniencOb T h e closed-ln b r ^ c h keeps th e a ction clean an d th e shells d ry -k ee p s o u t rain , snow , d irt, leaves tw ig s a n d sand. ''•Urrs hi efyle. fit. • k . 5 ? J * ’ • ••arihM’ «¿d. Mere . - t N .-u4‘ r . t . . . Own ear oUirr nm re t J.*tX 1 :•<*!'hv ihtoinjcetd». Bar <v.i >v«tr Arfwx., or Oy j ‘.V. > 7 ‘h »L, N ew Y o rk City Artrlmmam The PORT ORFORD TRIBUNF r1«4«» e s p ia ls , w ltto cu t fo rt b a - o'.tfgarkva a * sty p a il, bew I q u a lify le r a la rg e r ealarv ¡a tit« p o altlo a b afu ie ab:«to I h a ts aba rk n * ¿a1! I* * - Papers one yea r tor $2.25 International C e m q o a d c n c * School, " - I " r - v i i ia > l* by mihwriliio* 4«. ,,: mi «. ealy «> rse-M«, * . •. » K V WrVÍ - . t *1'. * > * « » » ’ . .4 « C ' 1' “ —• “ ’ « I*. ’ -S’*»* IdtAl, O R E G O N IA N m odel is th e sim plest, sure>tr an d fastest 12- repeater m ade. F iS l' •' « t j T S r iz a T j y /T ,® ! !’» -• bfnr- r « o - ’a Ui»rt any other »,..;ail.ii or ,-ialc -;.rt. McCalr* is the ,<:.z!rt« I-';’ .I,, a Cr.lde monthly in j»iii;->n np.e l.t.1 dred thousand • >t»b • ;/" 7« (.to.Ying «¡1 the latest « ,'r»n„. «,’«C.i i P; “ pr-iA vacb ivsue la rinf .1 < 1 mrkiing abort ctoriea • i..i aa.lf.tu' i.i). ir.atiuu for women. I.r . ß W E A T SALKS "Repeating Shotgun For I Z c r n c o *• P ostal b r i n g , p re m iu m v n d n e w r e a l , rielme, r\4tme-a P SfcA N DA H'Ö OF ï; H K Ä The new •Ahe^Hwn c n n O rv tlw i allows you to take sun sport « ten seconds for c!e»nin< ®r rac'<, yet thc joint le always as firm and rigid as fn a solid frame, ^>n- taka-dowa e in. _Th<; f i t f Yrsvrm ftt» ycur band and he^»s suicU « perotiose ^cCaH’« Maga^pe a la J$cCaH Paderas eeary city aad laws ha the United l a t a nod i C anada, or by mail direct. Mom told than a y ether maba. Send fee tree catalegua, WoCAXXW HAdAlM 'h C u r« üsNnicipntictn «mmi CuFiuir-rs C.MMly Cathan lu 1 r ¡ ««b <*tira. dri vulst« •‘•»fu« iW E E K L Y W , E. B u rro w , C o r b in . O re. I m in i husband m y tim ber to re jdnee fences and b u ild in g s on tb s farm , tn erefo rel m ust not spore any more cedar. P lease do not usk for it The green tree* will grow and the dead Ones will keep. §A FETY : Breech positively and autom atically locked u ‘ ' during the time of discharge, ail not be tired un less the triggei is pulled. When the safety is on > neither force nor folly can discharge it. ‘ T R IB U N E N o M o r e C eil o r to S p a r e . Daily Sunday and Tribune flNCIGH F: 19 oz. including magazine. Length over all * ' 0J inches. Price #16. Any wide-awake dealer will show you this m itraiu re rapid fire gun. If he will I not supply you, kindly advise us and we will seud it prepaid. '' • THE Perm anent *a th e b ills, b a tt e n be remqved In * seeond tim e. The only C levis now on the m arket that stays w here put. . - anadian Purl w ay « re « n ilin a t h W h eel an d n .is n d | * B w o rld , fro m 111 »«o a« rn, on pay mena t w e e t t a t h eea h . < u 3 • « v e l a n i a »«»«a » “ » • I in - t a li m o o t- ■ • . on Short Botice- Satisfaction Guaranteed N E R V IT A M C L H C A L C O . U n t o n * Jadawwi Nte., O-tC/vOO. ILL T o W h o m f t M a y C o n c e rn . c o n n e c tio n » L A U T IW O V AM > i ü W T T O ÎW Tbe undersigned hereby give notice that they are the owners of the South half of Section 1<, Township thirty three. South range fourteen W est of Willamette meridian, Oregon. All par ties are warned not to tree pas* upone make any locations, either placer quarts claim s at their peril. D. KxLLanaB) ) Owner*. J. H. (frArxn. j ' Portland, Ore « V O / V Z 'V ■-’¿ •Z t TV zM Y Y . We-To-Ua« te r M r tv v«,.va. im am ...iiv d u. «^co ve.l.i, «nn,' rcakm wu . ti mn veroa«. tuomi Vor '» a .'* S il u r u * ¿ ifi AFTERANY ncknem, S c o f f ’« £ m u /e *o *i tocreeaez the appetite and hriUe rireagth rapidly, lb wonderfd nenriihjient w i i b n a tn re in restoring health. M D^uggit*. S»-t< » Sown«, tlloomfirl* „ ,