Imported iron Stallion 87210 in anticipation o f bis arrival, Mr. Soiton 8r. baa been «kipping the ban) plane in bit work to “let Tba Rngtler Was in again Thursday aod boded «owe * 0 ot freig ht,« Urge part o f »hieb for tba ountraotor who b btdh th o .b a r i Tba Norway baseball taaa*. wfc phtyad at Hort Orford a count« • t Coquilb. •‘D u t o l T i ll o L n ^ w M u tor Norway aod.atraek oip IS ^ jto a a . /*,.,? i bat- ?,A; by, G e» W , 8ydnam, o f D anaark, y , » » • a Port Orford rb ito r last F ri- •r, day. M r. Bydaun owaaaoaM n in - to fag ground on 8ixee, and was as prating some partiaa ia from Port la land who contemplate buying tba oight g irb and two hoy«, who bava ju slgtodtoted feu» tba Bandon High school, the burf has tb« «.I important question taoomn bafera towing to ray of M b « »— »- » --T it tbw masting » ill ba liia t a f holding w bbh » ill bo o f interest to Tribu»« ! the 1*14 Agata Carnival. Already “T he V .b d b to ry , delivered by ' inqairìaa ara baing raaaivad aa to »ben thia «vent b going to taka ' J piace, and from a ll dine|tona »tana B. M. M cO ianglg Horee-eboeiag, Wood and Iron Work, o fS bkiyo n Fare« hm I Corry w o th n . Prom ptness god re& tottble price»* 8pec AH Werk Guaranteed ». 1«, and Tp. >1 I Tba T ribu hk tomiiv 1 " rnia amt la o f | basket of rores, sprinkled with sweet ^ ^ ^ J w ^ h a t ^ b IL j peaa and »»set william», yesterday f PHYSIC IA N ig w on the sheltered t o r » , of Car- “ ,” ry, and torsi.», beauty sad fragrance O flk e a t Langlfrie H otel, L a VOT j OU, O meoon C. w . RO BBINS, M. D. FbyatolMi awal Bbrgeow P ort Orford, Oregon' T» rua O oixtt O oobt . ov raa 8 t * t « OaeaoM, n»a thb U ocktt o r O v a a r . *** - J i* T \ i £ “X ™ 7 i “ T* C ...O , » . x-u W « ,.L . „ " re b , “ e r u w iH r it lp eba «’ " " J * ,fe’ Oe<," r— * b * n this want b sup D r U erib and wife, of Norib Bend, p|ied cr„w j , uwd by (be and J. W . B e r g ..., and wife of p .„ y in ^ r. lill€ iu B j| Ploraace, paaae.1 down the coast aw | mhar baeincss. » last Thursday in a coupb of autos on a pleasure trip to C aliforab. W< H - Williamson, who ia th, Dr. B artb and wife w ill v M t at *»«•*«** »tack holder ia the black Loa Angela», w liib Mr. Hollister M " d p b n tn tO o ld Beach, hat bren wife and feiande, » ill visit at Ban •I**»- ! " * aavrral daya in town. Dbgn. M r. Hollister b tba demo Williamson is aa experienced cralio nominee for Cungresaman eud believes that tba plant from this district. • * G«W Beach, »blab b no» elated B. W. Deen bee received the ao- <1“ * n • • d * * *W db be and bis asso- pofolment aa Superintendent Fisa ^»tes have expended »3O.Q00, would Warden tor Curry oounty. Ha b,ve b**n * P*J'",8 i,ro»xw|t">" end oommenaed h b dutiea June 1 s t,, ,u n n ^n* »‘ this tune, but tor tba and einee that time ba. m a d e , trip erook* 1 *« *k d on . by o n. of the cither this evening or touterro» to reoaire tba patboL The unfortunate mao’s name and in itia b being the » sum aa those of Ute County Judge, caused many ? . 4 . ? U a t b . and - J * » » ® *o u re of the Ophir iM ta lb ito k Kvening Sul.jtot, “Tba Friend qtf Mraara. Mtlbury and Spoerl, who * hksh * * • « P * w *° ml,M’ Sinner».” ’ll want with h i» to Don Mountain. w hk * ,ar* r,,rce Puf P « » th .a u « - bad to cut many h«a td get over “ * r li® * tba trail to that point. ° ~ in- O n n s i t s TAKEN FOR ANYTHING NOT ON HAM , • t r i a l o rd e r J A S .S CAPPS N e x t Mooday, the l&tb, ¡.School T . L . Carey, manager of tba Wad- Meeting day. Tba meetiag at Port dartmrn Trading Company’s store Orford will ba at 1:80 P. M . in the at Rogue river, mat with a painful naw school bouse and all who are acuidant Sunday that might have ielerasted in (.lie welfare of our easily resulted totally. lie was school, which should ba everybody goiag down a »teep trail on tba r i v >■ tb a district, ought to eomeout to ar bank to where ha keeps bis gas the meeting. There has town s tk ta 1 her o f minor bruisiw, bat nothing naw fooad aotborRy the meeting [ sarioon, sad while “Tom’* is soma- loot year levied a two m ill t««-*- of July h en whet bore de cowbai he still wears the » e e lin g n e a t M o n d a y may see lio n bere. £ m a m « « -» Wood and Iron Work prom ptly d on e at a Peasonable price. Your patronage solicited. A. » TOWffKAWO SAM'b. VANPELT. ff.O.C.C.M em hev ■ IH**«*f I tn n\i