7'.,'*AlkgV A bill giving the beads of «11 fam- ilirt to acquire title io a 10 acre , homestead has been introduced in and Mrs. J. Huntley o f Gold were in town last eveningen- river, good building« and « acres under plow. A |o M J a small dairy, sheep or h and terms reasonable. Also Sew M ilt, in good rr iter, capacity i t M., 3 tuii-s Thia m ilt w ill be sold at a ba o fte n acres o f^ u b lio lands sUher ° v is it th eir daughters, Mrs. Tom pkins o f N o rth Bend and ■-( Thia section was visited by a s eJ'j J Chqn J I * within or outside of the ‘ •u>^er crtlS,* r bo,^ e* l ^ * 1 » D^n »ef firm garden, ju m p . the County Coon ln an offer Lands Rrntered to Katy. T h e i^ u ,.- m to cruise the timber and eUsaily all - ...p. ins h L to r u * 7 ra,,lJ lMrt^ * ’ «*>• lend in the county. Mr. * h e following described ia first or I S M n T n t ‘ h* i P,u|p* n “ '¡«nates, that he could do in northern Curry end south P g or he whaff. J the total aggregate of the cruise Siskiyou National Forest and E . J. Baker was in Port Orford «mount to osar »30.000 at last Friday and made final proof i P l *°e- Other counties in the on his Corbin homestead. using a t that & *” tried thia system of witnesses. I f A u ^ le n s ift George !« *“ '" « •» true assessable valuations Forty, , ' A couple of sign w riters were «tored to entry under a ll of tbejx He lend laws applicable thereto, J « lv 27, 1914. From 4oqe 20th ■>*!/ 27th the land w ilib e open j are well pleuaed with the results, homestead entry only. In ! “ Bo* h ,v i"« h«r 1» Tp. 3 0, R. 1 3 _ 8 s 4 i. 5 to 8 national three years and must show that the •ntryaaan made permanent improve meets to the vaine of three hundred dollars and baa resided upon the land not lees than two months each summer. He must also pay five dollars an acre it jh e arsa ia limber, •d and 01.25 I f It irno t. The ma.s- ure would give surface rights only and its object ia to provide perms- uent homes iaabe hills to which title can be seoured. Curry Man Say« Good Road To , South Ia Vital, elusive; Secs. 17, 18. 20 and i( ,a decs. 28 to S3 inclusive. - 1“ Tp. 31, R. 13— Seen. » t o j i elusive, end Secs. 8 and 9. >" Tff 31, R 14—*8ees. 7 t o l l I i- D r. J. K. Wetherbe«*, ia«q4ffer of «¡toaive; Secs. 13 to 24 ¡M lu siv^ at J the Star ranch at that ptaoe was i b' * * ’ ,ng * * * * • * ’* * * * * * * * - • * " * • 2 6 1° 84 in c ,u iire - « forced to make e busin»M trip to * « ‘| ,« » » -v .o o m . down by rig from Sro. 8 and H 4 « W | u t & o. 7, T i. Raedoo Wednesday lend office before making toei Dr. Wetberbce stated that the •he pulled out for Rogue river. 'among sunie who were not on the fill"«». Settlement w ill n»t belal Win CHiliigge, the hardware man ; ’“"«h*that a shipment of booae was toaed upon the land until 9 o’dloc Star ranch eompriero lOfiO aaree in is increaaiag tjie s iM of the atoob he' ,b o u * l" * • ,nn in' Complaint was * m . / u n e ‘2 9 , 1014, *lj,e datsTa North Curry. I t is prim arily a ’ dairy ranch and at present they aro «arriee, s u tll m>w nite ente find in a' , ‘*r u **°m e of the officers and which the lend w ill be* restore* h his store nearly anything ha de ’ rord M n ‘ to tb« driver of the rig ¡« to y , Application* mop he Ix e milking 150 cows and w ill have at least 25 or 00 amro io a fcw days. •ires in tb it line. l*w* **• h*d bettor leavo the pack- co**'i before a U 8. Commissidne The live stock is a ll oT.the highest D arina the n s .t s * * " *** lolWM,ed brSnfii"fi. end as a <» »»*• C "°n ty CtorkJn. the o o tiij grade. M r. Wetberbee states that are B. U «h con* < luonc* H»e powder remained »hero »hn M«d ia situated, bffon T ill / ¿ *7 ? " . ’* * * « * The picnic dinner *“w d«to, but these must not to III the B. L. K . milking meebines are m id T T s o e r lt w tZ m ** * * mor' * * " " R* * broviog town U .t week end .lid some very Uaber cru'»‘”l thi* ( neat work on some of tln f business ' 'u“w’‘e ,• ‘ | ,£ windows, for the bank, Dr. Robbins ! 8on,e 25 ,ne" * “ * »«• the and Chat. Long. x. !°*W ruad **M hsturdsv, and turned A« w ill be noticed bv the t 4 ^ 1 lu‘ ut * G iv e ne a t r i a l o r d e r JAS. S. CAPPS, P ro p . Part Orford Furniture & Hardware Store WnbGHlliigs Prop. another «sommon cruelty” i is the Jock io g of (heap,' Tbeaotion M. LEE PEMBERTON PHYSICIAN Office at Labgloia Hotel, L anoixjis , OBEadsr / W. A. WOOD ATTORNEY AT LAW HOLD BEACH. OREGON. James Hughes of r i» er in Curry county, is in ths city on bus incss oonnecled Uh shipment of two high clam Jersey bulla which he has recently purchased from the farm , of J. B. StumpoVHultniwnab Oregon. The Stomp herd of Jerseys is oomddered the bast'on the Pacific coast and tbe bells 'M r. Hughes purchased are of the' farm’s beet etuck. , One id the awimeW, whiob Is only eleven month« old, . that it protects the wool from be­ coming roiled is wholly a misukeo • o.»e. Oooe dock the ahee,, end then ! you moat “ tag” it, that ie, shear off t be wool that might become roiled. The tall keeps the wool on the hips parted and it never becomes foul or ff)«tiiuwn. Here is tbe statement of Mr. 8t«rk himself. “For twenty- five years I heps sheep of different breeds. My flock o(sbeep'eras the best ie that motion. I never bed a single long-tailed «beep become roil ed. M y ewes were mors prolific than the average. M y sheep sheer­ ed more than tbe docked »beep of tbe •erne breed— why 7 Because they were larger; had not been . stunted by ducking; they did not suffer so much from the odd oe account of the protection afforded by their tails. In conclusion, I wteh to state that I have proved by over twenty five years nf practieal experience end by careful observation that when a lambs tail is c«t off, fatty ten per cent of its value for any purpose is worse than wasted.” full lihe of S to v es and R anges, S u em seg . ^ (lu n tia u n x , itu g s a n d if y ta t. ting, S tile tto S u ttU ry , £ a n te rn s, , E tc . 'S o r t ©rford S 'ouvenir §poons rf»i>A«î»rîwiarWnfu mroaa«atoa^ro^ ^aîatesînTiX NORTH BEND, OREGON MAMtrracTvaEKs or 8A8H, DOORS AND MOULDINGS H fO H U R A D B IN T E R IO R F IN IS H , •; eaiccs M a il k d ox Arri.tcATiox *6 « ^ J u n io r ' uhsm pion.hip honnea a t the state fair. H e is a deroRjfrnXofithe fa I moui Noble P«er, a fi&OtX) 00 p ri« , bull, and ia also relstwl' to Pauline ie Cornu, the oow with a yeartv tec ! GENERAL • hat Monday July Sth. lfilt, at t h , ; special term of C ounty Court a t claim , the first tim e the d a rk eaye> Church 8«rv«cea. court room of said oourtln Gold Beach, Gold Beach which convened Mon 1 j„ ¿„«blv q uick tim e Now in or Oregon, nt the hour of tO o’clock A. M . d , y . U . investigated the work Ja r to .e ltie . rood n .t o r « l d i.o . 7 I will he away Sunday h«t Rev. hae I hh n eat ae tbe time and place for I u .. dn, nM,..u „ *e‘ ‘ ,e ? dispute, b« a r in ir o h ira tln n a in A>ld fln & l A /w in n l one ) I i t |>cople on J we a r t »ojn« to offer a re a r’s sub A. / . Irwiw w ill preach both mom hearing objection, to aajd final account a n d . tbe arttiement thereof by the lb« road from thwLong Bridge fill, ieg and evening at the usnai hours. Court, at which time aay person Inter­ and eaid that it wee wittloui any I to.peek for him e good attendance. ested in ro o t estate may appear und exception' the beet pieo« of donation B. B u s t P a u ia . Pastor. file objeetions thereto to w riting and work that he Led ever seen. I t ap cotiteat the same. pealed to him e . an important Date»! this 8th day of M ay, 19H. change, and be promised t6 uye his R uth A.Jbawnanon, E xicutria of the estate of influence with the cour,l to hare the O aoae* E a w h e a t, iteceaaed. G EO RG E M. ^KOW N, A /T -r O R M lä Y * . A T L .V H ROSKBVB0 ORBOON county assist in completing the work. Mr. Chenoweth was accom­ panied or his trip south by Mrs Chenoweth, wbo was making h»r first trip to tbe oonnty seep Blacksm ithing n ’ E S ?.. •- * .? Wagon» and Buggies for Sale, kept ia Stock, also Agent for AU Kinds of Fartnittg Im­ plement«; Mcflormick Mowers, eto. Wood aad Iron Work promptly done at a Beaeonable price. Your patronage solicited. “ "/ ’ a 1 i' *■ Î' ' 5 / . J. STANLEY « Ü p -I, their clothes. . 11 ‘r • . A- - / f