The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, May 13, 1914, Image 1

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    N um ber 1
typewriter adrant
w h ic h , when in ve* tigs
inevitably lead to the scie
of the South Premier—
| •■K’’De8.Lists tk-!90l, -1908,-1210-1214
Itentom tion T o Kntry o f Landa la
X utioau l Foruat.
Political Annonoc^QicDtd.
T he announcement of any candidate
w 1 g ffl i e t F r e í r r a l l a Asse
X itle e in hvreby'given that the lands
for noaiination to office w ill tie carried
described beluw, embracing 908.HO acres
> • > • * • « < e t S a w T a r t a —A
in this colum n u n til after the p rim a ry
w ith in the Siskiyou National Forest,
F e a a ta ia K i p l a a a l l a a .
Oregon, will be anbjttcl to settfonnnt
an«l eo b y under the provMldua of the
It Is a singular fxet, and without
hnmejrteiMl Jaws o f the United States
parallel Is any other race, that al­
nod theilnt of Jun e il.JfiPfl (34 S U t.,
though there are 3.000 JspafokM la
834) at tile U n ite d States land office at
New York there 1« no J»p«n<se colony.
Rose burg. Oregon, on June 8, i» l4 .
I hereby announce myself as a oin- The "Y aulsts of the east'- are aot gre­
Any settler who was actually and in dldate Of nomination tu die office of
garious. life their brethren rrotn China-,
j «otxi fa ith c'aitnitig any o f said lands
for agricultural purposes prior to Jan. County Commissioner of Ourry county, town It lit isay to «re hew this («met*
I, 19 0, and has not abandoned saftiA; eobject to the decision of the Bepubli- about Buch Japs aa are*tn New Yusk
lias a preference rigid to m ake bonie­ can voters at the eotntug prim ary elec­ a rt aot drawn from the class which
st« ad entry for the lands actu ally oc­ tion, M a y 15, i « 4 .
usually tnacts -up the Immigrant
cupied. Said lands were listen upon
hordes Most of them go there with
the applications o f the i*ertona tu«a-
mossy or tire surpli-d with It from
E , B . 8 Y P IIK R .
tioneu l>eiow. who have a preference
boms and they are tree from the neces­
r l . h r subject to tlia p i««r rig h t of tmy
sity of raablr.c their own living;. * .
such settler, provided such fo ttle r o r
Probably half of th« Jagg there are
, applicant Is q ualified to m ake home
preparing themael«
stead entry and the preference rig h t is
afbn which they
exercised prior to June 2,1914, on which
IM,W“ey tu f Hia MBjBOOTBMv nom- home. The others represent Jatteneee
• Isle the lands wlU lw subject to settle­
M d ^shouldF £ n o m l u k u d L Î ’X X ’ " • rr* n” !‘ ,o‘ c rt« ’ »»>’ « « invariably
ment and enter by any qualified per­
son. T he lands are as follows : W1 cd I ehall earnestly endeavor to m erit ¿nen
* WII,V •® d *“ ,,F
t4H'i N E J .tb e H E J B W |, the E l 8 W | the confidence reposed in me, by a »• touch with Am rricaa cnaioma. They
N « i Sec. 17. T . 36 8 , B. 19 ftr
SO conscientious and business Lke a«|- ' becom' k « n !y ofhndsd »hen mls-
ain-e, listed npon applies ion of 8am m in latraiio u of the affairs of that office.1 u k e n fo r Chtaiuwen. That they re-
H u ll, Agnesa, Oregon; Liat «-1201.
gard their residence in America aa a
The S W j S E j sec, 4 , T, 84 K , B . 11 W.
E. J . B A K E R .
temporary exils ta shown by the fact
W . M , 40 seres: application of Mrs. Jo­
that there are only a half down Japaa-
hanna Parker, M a rte l,O re .: List 6-1808.
« * »omen known to be In New York.
A tra« t of 48.80 acres, w ith in what w ill
probably be when survejod Secs 21
sad 28, T . SS H„ R. l l w .. described sa ,
folio mg: Beginning at Oorner No. 1,
wheo«> kite soutlieaat corner o f See. 32, '
r 36 8 ., R. I l W .. bears 8. 29 degrees i
Strange as it mny sveui in thia day
56 m in. W , 171.67 eha.; extending ‘
and age, the rising and setting of the
thence N. 27.lOefas ; thence W . lOeh«*.;
W rite for mformatioD to
sun v>ss the greatest of natural phe­
thence 8 .9 » d.egrees 30 m in . W „ 23 30
nomena to the snoicut «cholera They
c h * ; thence S. if) degrees 46 m in. E.,
T h e Smith Premier Typew riter Co., Inc.
12.00 elm .; thence N . 70 degree« E „ 10.-
were greatly puxaled to know how the
Syracuse, N . Y . Branches evnywhsss
0 0 e h *., to the place of beginning, ap­
same sun which plunged into the ocean
plication of Robert Edgreu, o f Agues«,
a t a fabulous distance in (he west could
Oregon i U s * 6-1210. L o t 12 o f Sec. 4, <
reappear the next morning at an equal­
40acrea, appHcatfen t
ly great distance in the east. And, as
of t hartek J . Sexton, lien m ark, O re- a
Sir Robert Ball points cut, a number of
gou: L ist 6-1214. March 18,1914. O. r
remarkable theories were advanced,
M . B in e « , Assistant Commissioner o f t
and e r a y o n e 'o f them wrong. “The
the G eneist ixiud Office.
old mythology asserted th a t a fter the
3-11 IfoB.
s i» bad dipped in the western ocean
at sunert (the Iberian« and other an­
“ K ” Defi. Lists 0-952,-1(182,-1121,-1146
cient nations actually Imagined that
B e u t o r a t i« « So K n t r y « f L a u tta
. . .
they could hear the hiwuug of the
te» N a tio n a l F o re a t.
« my waters «when the glowing globe was
Notfee is hereby given th a t the landn d“ ,lr e t o * ° o w * • M NlW lea«» noo.i- plur.grd th rre ia ) he wae aeisesl by Vul-
dtocrihrii below: TO bradng 12LW m U o " ,orCuun«»
« Cur- «-an and plas-ed in a golden goblet. This
Sores, w ithin the Siskiyou Nntfooal ry county, and request that, niy iiuuih «(range «raft w ith
astonishing car­
b* ,a b l t,ct te> set- and qu.4Uicwtf««i* be d u ly cuuaidered go harigaled the ocean by n northerly
t e Ä
t h J h . « , Ä f la ^ S T u i
“ u u lD ‘ t ‘ " < vleeticuoa
ouree, Mt a* to reach the east again
In tii^ r for sunrise the following morn-
U u lle il Mates and tlie a rt of J u u e 11,
tig. Among the more sober physicists
1«C6 (¡14 Bta*., 233), a t the U nited States
Respectfully yours
of «Id, as we are told by Aristotle, it
1In8. i l.'Vr|i ? n 'xoB'
A. A J jM IE S O a .
was believed th a t in some manner the
May 14, 1914. Any o e tik r who was so­
/ u u r.aa conveyed by night across the
tu a lly an.l in gutsl fa ith c la im in g an y
northern regions, and th a t darknsas
of a i d land« for agrfeulturul pur-
was due to lofty mountain^ which
P«««»s p tm r to Jan. 1, Ifofi, snd haa not
abandoned same, lias a preference
I hereby announce m y cnmlidsey srreened off the sunbroans during the
CDt,y tuT * • Urn offiee o f Coswty Treasurer aub- voyage." Another tbsnry was that the
lauds were ttetejfupon
w ,H o t * * • * • * • * * * • vot' sun actually pursued his course below
the solid earth d u rin g the darkness of
o f t i e persons m eati.m cd la fo w . who « M « t ths coming prim ary election,
night, and philosophers taught the
have a preference rig h t subject to the
. Respectfully,
same a lu u t the «tars that ram and set.
p rior r.p h t of any such settler, pro-
F mxmb O a v u h m ix .
These are «but samples o f many a theory
VKied such settler or ap p i.cant la
th a t m ig h t be named w ith regard to,
q u a lifirtl to m ake honpstead e u try
the phenomenon o f sunrise and sunset.
am i the preference rig h t la exercised
pi tor to M ay M , l ö i t , on which «lato
he lui.da w ill be subject to settlem ent
anil e n try by aDy qualified person. A
tract o f ten «terse, w itbiu w h a t w ill
T h e ir I-uptls.
probably be when surveyed, gee. 1, T.
-All children who pre »rut t hetnselves a t
36 8., B 12 W , described as follows:
(lw vest fo r study are received. I t la
j'c g in n in x atoorner No. 1, whence the
not ever required that th eir parent»
northeast corner o f gee. 12, T . 35 8.,
bring tfaieui or send them, says Popular
« K. 12 W ., bears K. I0 c b & , a«.d S. 2u
m Y “ M Ä ’ h « * H." f u Ä 5 f
‘t ¡,u r n W‘Í ‘ “
M o X l I ¡«a»«., cxb-inling tiience W , 2 15 cbs.
■ thence S 3 6u oh«., tlie. to W 3,35eb».,
I booses his profekoor, and, if accepted,
, theneeN -fi 50chs , thence W , 4 jOctia.,
logins a t once to study under his direc­
tlienup S . 8.6;: che.. thence E . lb clia.
tion, installs h ia iit lf in Ida cell o r In
i, i
thence g. 8,8:1 < im , to the place o f lie- I
the school hall, ami becomes hla servank
ginnifig, listttl upon applnaitl n of J. i
I f the professor bos already too many
» 9 M e r i« C
. I I Rouniitrn:. Agneta Oregon; li t
he refuses the new pu­
A tract of 72.45 uBre», within
pil and ailvisca h im to chouse another
w hat will profoybly be when surveyed.
teacher; sometimes he guide» hisclioice,
Sic 35. T, SI'S., K . 12 W . U . M .,
directing him to a master who has tow
or no pupils, or takes him to the su­
W ï O » WÍLL B t Ä S T o S s i S K E S a ^ ^ - ’--------
perior who w ill «elect a teacliev for him..
The choli c of a professor is always a
¿ à «
- •«
w i U S Ä Ä Ä K i
grave affair, beoaure it is held in t'n n i-
lioiliii, ns in alt Buddhist and lira lunatic
Stock s ad poultry k a r t few
trouble« wbtoh are not bows] and
countries, that prof, ssor and pupil u ia
l i v e r irre«<i!ai itics.
3 la c k -
liouirl by »trong ties c f eptrlttaat afc
Itranjht Stock sod Poultry W e fr
fluity, mid that th«« pupil ought, to re»,
cine is a bow«.«l and liver remedy
spect his master as he docs his father
for st «ok. It put« the organs of
anil mother. The few inflicts the xnme
'iige-ition in a perfret condition.
ixmnlty upon aa offense c f the pupil
Prominent American breeders and
ngalust his master a» an offense by a
fanners keep their forth and fl.oks
ion against his father and mother and
healthy by greing them an o«v*.
it pveseribee ih .it in certain cases the
sronal dose of Black -I «ranoht 8 l <k
A ~ Ä ’ 3 ^ o S Ä t r e S f f . r rS r"“- i
snd Poultry Mwiicine in their
pupil may be heir of his professor w ben
o e s o m p r w e t,
(.«.ei, Ae.y stork raiser may buys
he Las eared for him or sup-ported him
26-oent half p«mnd air tight con
or nerved him when studying under his
dnraMA an<J
of this mrdiciiM fre n sis «leal«;
direction; not only n fam ily bond hut
and keep his stock in vigor«»«
a religious Lord, too, la estuhlishej be­
health for weeks. Dealers g-nisr-
tween them, for 1:1«- profoasnr makes it
«11« k«e( lilw k-Drw feiit Stock and
his business to teach bis pujiil the cosuse
Poultry MedteiVe. If roars «Iocs I
and " a o a tta^tm sfosT“ ^ *
by which h e ic»y ritru sdvnntn-
1 geous reincarnation and reach the N ir­
«"Y «tour
vana, and becomes his spiritual guide,
Ÿ , ' 2 î ’?r * " ve« t»»’« purposes wo aro u « A * Y RlOIKC.
one motion is
IW c w d R lf o .
C ast D a te s Csmaeca
R iU e e Coeiroiled horn K s y b o u j
V adsU s sod Uaiysnel Lies S pec«
Pmiset D m Cwod
Beck Specs L e n s
Cm iags Retarder
heprersd Marginal Stops
Escapement, Speediest ever
C o m p le te , S tra ig h t L in e
Keyboard and
A K e y for Every Character.
easy action
light running
aaanda H ave K '.S n c f TroriMte
aad D on't Know it.
Mow * • Vi
I • botili or corr.n
and tot It atoad , f
ith > <
•«; i
t or »«■-
.n -.c a te v « L
I u r.rtii'ih y cooffi-
floii , < the kkP
nvys; if it rial ns
yo«r huen it 12
f/ktence of kid­
ney troebta; too
frequent desire to
f o c i It orjjalu In
■ .
, t
, M b e hack » also
ae«retnc..i< pmof dial the kidneys snd btad-
gararsnutof otder.
Whst to Be,
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
•Boa «presosd. that Dr. M im e 's Sv-smp-
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills srery
wish M curing rheumatism, pain In the
hack, kidneys, liver, t ladder and every part
• f the urtnery passage- It corrects levbifitv
to hold "'•tar and acaldiag pain In passing
**♦. * f
effects following use of liquor,
• w io r b t e r , and overcomes that unpleasant
M M trity of being compelled to go often
« r t a r 'h s day. and to gat up many times
*>r.«g the ntpht. The mild and the ertra- i
erttnanr affect or Sw am p-R oot is soon ,
tou red . It stands the highest for Its won- f
derful ceres of the most dtstress'ng cases.
V51 »tewki hava the
hast. Sold by druggists Ir 5 0 o .s n d $ l. sfosa.
You may have a «ample bottle cf this
■eabyrnail, '
Kilmer It n«*. » aw sSes.
Mon, N. Y. When w t H i n g men­
tala generous offer In this paper.
Have you ever
seen a Sunset?
A beautifully i l l u s i r s t e d
m onthly magazine of the w if o -
swske W e a l w ith fis«inat«ag
short stories, pseturerque persons I
pom t-of-vtew description of iha
interesting d z.elo pm em o f th t
W a tt, and ths tomance anil h u -
tory of the svotuietlsad U vhe
• •
Ask your I « a l nrwydeal-s
for current tssiie c r send $1 50
fo ry e ir’s tulrernprion. 1 he hook.
"R o ad o f a Thousand W oaders.”
— 120 beautiful W estern ’.'.ews in
four colots— w ill bo «eluded—
I o
Ä r ü i . ’ w i S u S i ü r ; ì ì J’ x ^
hhx *.
O a ., / mb . » , mm
Rleek-O Hughl Utoek m J Pont jrf
¡M*»'« If far M y rw.«fl thev tir» nr-t »alUv'ArtorT on s.xi
M e tf^ tn e U tliM b M lIffF u rtrW d . (tor
•lock tym ooklng h».l wh-n you »»nt
me the m M ielne Mid now they are
fe ttin g to flne. They ere lo oking»
> e re e *L HHter. ¿SZJZv&L'
t 7”
®*É°r * •
F O B S H E R IF F •
TreaiNSMM ’ .'« t ie r .
H£äD ACHE AyerkPills
I — “ itosi»
t r-.
We and »«)>,
rirew tr
hare fcrea
.W iw
ir her«
a s in a C A - C a m : I H and Sner are t«« ures
W a n t your moustache o r beard
SWe«Uv*. «ht Sets« «Mue «rf y n u rC S M 'A t t ir a ,
a beautiful brown or rk h Mack? Use
sivuteille m baie are. l-iwt tn she krure l.sst
« r e * w-y » n . n *s t r n n l . w .ih beaci«--. « Sos
sod thee r «Utend tke *s<k h« her tiesit .Imess
imaw JU tely. Wa botti roeos ÆenC Casesress "
Oses nTSiiee>"«ii
— "«'■■« ■ —
riy in y Í-« n t f f l i : it w j be w«wth W -IHJ.
We pronptiy ( b u ia U. 8. Mat m * < a
w û
c s u r o y v i*
S W IF T a
A y e r • P ilta. A y e r 8 Pills.
A y e r’s P ills. Keep saying
this over and over again.
The best laxative,
•ay ‘-c-ntwnption can be
cured. N ature taJon/5 won’t
do if, i t naeda help.
Sotie« is liereLy green t> a ll persone
«nom it m ay cono ra . ont to enter up-
"•» or treep.-vm upon the premiara of lr .
Knapp, toy the purpose of t untliig. or
flat-ini w ith norm and lin e i 8a«d p re ­
c o .»
f* a fa n f AgKy«r>%
L i n k s amd G rktlf .M ks : I hereby
anuouno«' my caudMucy for the office
of Sheriff of O u rry County, subject to
pour decision a t the Republican F ri.
1 inary Election to be held in C urry
C ounty May IS, 1914.
P iouid 1 be nominated «ndohete«! to
«■»hi offlvo, I ahall endeavor to ffla-
e h .jg e tlie dal4««a «.fsaid «>IBce eam e t -
ly and fairly to whomaoevnr'mHicerned.
Sincerely roars
mise» are s itu â t« I on E lk Riiytr, C a iry
Cnun.y, Oregon, and generally known
as the • ' Bond” pia«.-.
A ny person 01 p,r«*o>c w> -re-pn »-
•»p for the pnrposie of « untinsc, bailing,
■>r travvling th c«pi» in «ny « ti» ;.-1 rio
or m anner, 01 ti-a lug down f t m * . or U
leaving out e«d- g fes open, '-r no ■leal-
ing personal («••«p- rfy , w ill lw p « w n i-
Mli to t i e lu ll exil III o f the l< *
Wn*. R. Johnson,
Lesw eo f -h- ale-v.- ’
HARDY f . 8T É W A R T
. « . C O M A llffU B J O B flC K
V ie r t O s -S o r s l, O>«*fg<>tt.
M . L K K I’E M B E U T O N
L. A . R O U K H r f i .
4T T O 1IN E Y
W. A. Bi«H EL.
11 O llit « I p r e n J W e »
Ske ««>■". wem I sereiw sail «Area. aoA Was
staorgta * n SMHitwsCe. T ry os
«OzTMAC XtfWir
H E R E ’S
noon avKOixu
• p . n ocK tw oT ow
taw rSAitcisco
’ ì ì ’ je '? ^ js m 5S k «
M y r tle P o in t, O regon .
Office a t lu in g lo ia H o t« ],
Probate business a specialty,
L a ao lois , O reooh
Opp. t ) > . P s ’ e r t e f f e c .r a a M o « ! « * , • <•
A U e n a a n luveatAv C e n r H m s Scheme
to K ee p Vos Com torSable Io OmwaMS.
The house of the * a t e r tubes is the
remarkable budding freak c f a fireman
, inventor, who e In iron that lie tins solved
I the of a eon stout frn ip e ra tw e
that may lie regnlated a t w ill, mid inci-
dcutnlly seeured a stracturc that com­
bines the elements o f strengl h, comfort
and beauty.
lie first pot up a skeleton o f his
house, the fram e for «mils and floor«
being of water tubing, eoniuet«! w ith
A | lim ping e.nd boiler system la the
basement. Around Ibis skel-ton, any*
■he New York Journal, lie put up his
house in the ordinary any. The tulies
w ere srWli’n the w alla and hefw em the
loors and «•"ilings. fa the vummer
lime this tubing Is eosineeted w ith tlje
regular v ater supply, and n vteady
•trrsm fine» through the pipe» In the
walls and onder the floors, 1 irentattng
under wremore. nlw orhipg »!«» heat of
the w ills and floors sa It flows. Ih ir-
♦»ff the long snd severe w in te r the tub­
ing Is eouneetod w| | * (j,„ lw ilcr, and
w ater bested to tot) degrees forced
throuz’i the eireult o f p(T>e*. The wa-
ter nt the outlet is found to hare de-
•rensnl to to di g r-rs , the remaining W
»wen distributed
throughout the house. The speed of
the clrenlstlon o f w ater i«sn be regu­
lated so as to a Ifow theflxlngnnd msin-
tenanee of » eertotn temperature