Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1914)
i Boyle Jewelry Co. «Bandon, Ore. Town and’Toffoty. The C oquille M ill M ercan Fishing season opened on rive r last Monday. to exceed its aaaatt some *8 00 0 •10,000. Rav. A bbati o f teUgcuo, Eugene, «W WW. «.W WWaw an Boyle Jewelry Co. EXCLUSIVE JEWELERS. Store d is tric t’ WWUrWVj This dance is given by the ladies of the Com m ercial club, ,o r T * A 25c lu n ch will be served. The cause ia a w orthy one. and the patronage of the dancing publie is cordially solicited. — EV ER Y BO D Y WELCOME------ County Court Proceedings. N ow , I am going tu broach the subject of a port aod harbor at Port | M r»; C. U . Pearae. from her home i veyance to hold C ircuit Court. M r. The following action taken by O rford, j undarstand that wbaa I on M idd le E lk , has been spending j Coke, who ie one of the ablest and tha County Court, which oouvsned you were boosting thia project be several day» visiting in, tuwu since must economical judges who aver at Quid Beach last Wednesday, the fore, that the lumber interests way our last issue. ' presided ia thia district, said that Stb, were given us by Commissioner over on Coos Bey got among z the '' Denmark Mercantile Co»; In the Fromm Hall, Saturday, April 18, 1914 or A . A . Jamieson sent three tenn£ superintendent of the M.» to Q uid Beach last artek.. to acoon»- W atches dem agnetized a n d _____ modate people on their way to C ir ■ in tbs church last evening by the sk illfu lly repaired in our ; sail Court. _ , inclem ent weather. fu lly equipped R epair D e Tha Woodmen of the W orld w iftj .„ a ,. , . meet in their lodge h all Saturday ' • t* OO« r* P her partm ent. — evening, .n d mem ber, ere requeued T u T „ « . .. . i Orford last Saturday eig h t on th eir — F i m t C lass W o m O nly — . 0 | WB jr to G tt W by * ri MU con . —- Big “Easter” Dance the bands Rogue of a receiver laal week. The lia b il ities of the company are supposed F ra n k Strain o f Hare, is among tiioa« attending C ircuit Court from the north and o f the county. E<pert H and Engravers Up-to-date W atchm akeia M anufacturing Jew elers and tile uumpany want in to Langloirites and knocked it out Bunk exainioer Traay was in Port tria l jurors would not be called at Oso. Chenoweth: The C o u it w ill make the proposed completely. Now w hat good may Orford the drat of the week on hi* thia term end th a t the docket would change in the oounty yoad from the I aak are the lum ber interests away & H. BOYLE, Mg)r. PhoCe No. 614 way south a« far aa Gold Beach. He be cleared aa soon as possible. K n ap p hotel to the cemetery, also over there on Coos Bey to Curry- The Easter »ervices at the oburch reported the boidt hern to be in first -X Á . last Bunday W aning wars vary in the Denm erk-Floras creek change. oounty f Now I have good h'dd- class conditiou. j J .. tei-ealing sud entertaining. Several Both of theee roads w ill be let by iitge in high ends of this oounty; Six Chinamen were in town F ri contract, and tbe Court w ill meet l«rB*r i f an yth ing in the northern day n ig h t on their way from A * t o r recitations wsqi w ell rendered and . Th» announcement of an v candidate end, but I want to 0,-e a harbor here. much exoell«ntb>fialul»i«lbrNtehed on M ay Z5th to oooeider --bids. nomination to office wH f be carried ia to W edderburn to m irk in tb*> The idea of building g oonorete Then we uf ihe northern end o f th * by the choir, accompanied by C. H . I «» th is column unUI otter the Prim ary cannery for the W eddertiiirn T ra d •lection upon payuieut of 32.68 in sd- Prarss on the r)o liu at»d Mrs. H . T. bridge across Chetoo haa been aban county would pot he compelled to ing company d u rin g the sum mar Stewart on tbs organ. One of the dons«! and the Court has empower have e ll of our freighting done from months. . ' i, ■» ' . , ; features of tbs evening was a song ed tha C ounty Judge Io secure tbe outside our own county. Aa every BOB a n f e i s e i w E B <v Jack Rodgers, who went to R ive r by D o ily James and lues Wood necessary perm it from the W a r business man in Langlois, or else I hereby announce myself aa a can aide, Cal;, several week* ago to a t cock. For Misses of 12 and 9 years Departm ent to coneri-uct a truss where knows, competition is the didate for nomination to the office of tend the golden wedding annivers- bridge— combination type— at the life o f trade. I f there were a good girls are hard County Ooemty Ootnmiaaloner Oommhsioaer o of f Corry ooantt. county, I « •„ J ’ ’ 7 o I respectively these two « > "• »re r subject Io ra A the of .. the — Republi- ‘ to P u r‘ j to beat. A lth ou gh many were m taAme.0 fo fta* tteoMon __C . .. j n í Í b. P same t ile selected for lit« oonorete harbor here and another one at ? '-t Rogue river,see the possibilities and can votera at tbs ooming primary elec Orford by Saturday*, stag« having attendance, others were kept away bridge. had aa enjoyable trip . ' I lion, M a y IS, 1314. The contract for ^Building the probabilities th at would be opened on aoouunt of tbs stormy evening, Respectfully W hy J. W . K . A lle n , who has a home aud it was decided to repeat the pro Clietou road wee let W . John R. H ill up a ll over this county. E .B .8 Y P H E R . for 12700, which amounts to about should not C a rry oounty have two stead near Langlois and who owns gram next Sunday evening. •9 0 0 per m ile. ' ; the old Vondergreen m ining claim as good harbors as tha oounty north T h e grand ju r y now in session a t FOB jtSHRRIFF. Meverai bide were received for of us has? a t O phir, passed down th eco a.t sev G old Beach baa returned true hills eral days ago to look over the letter against E. C. Egger and Geo. Myars, building the proposed concrete I f the Langloisitas can not be bridge el Chetoo, ranging from <31, ahamad iato helping out place w ith a view to imgroving it. their who arechsiged with manslaughter 000 (o 34,000, showing th a t tha oounty, then why not forget their I l is reported th at M r. Davidson,, for mistaking and k illin g oom pan qd I shall earnestly endeavor to merit thaoonfldencw repoeed in me, by a of Langlois, who was the successful ion hunters for deer, and they have bridge Oould have been b u ilt a t the existence and cooperate w ith the conscientious and business-like ad- estimated prioe of •85,000. extrem e southern end of the oounty tl?n of the affairs of that office. bidder on lbs m ail contract belweeu been bound o veriu tbs »dm of 18000 T h e Court decided to assist the aud go in for whet the ooonty Bandon and Port Orford, has re n t each to appear a t the August term Respectfully E . J . BAKER. ed the Masterson residence in town of Court. Egger can g ive b ail, but people of Cedar F ork to.the am ount n«ede and gat It, nam ely: a good ~ ~ y ~T - and w ill open i f up into a hotel in it is doubtful i f M yars osn. T h e of •1 0 0 0 in opening up a road ia h arb o t both hero aod a t Rogue , FO R S H E R J F f river. th« near future. 1 * relatives of 7. D . Bush, whom Eg that valley. I herewith announce myself as a M r. Chenoweth also sMd th at he A B ooster . todWate for nomination on the Dem- ger k il|e d , made affidavit before the George Johnson of Cor v . I lie. son tatio ticket for the office of Sheriff expected to gel some help from the the Prim ary Kleotion to be held o f C. C. Johnson o f Cooston, arrived prosecuting attorney in Josephine County towards tha continuing of far tfo IW L 1914, ia Curry County, Ore. today and w ill leave a Vance for toe county that tlray were satisfied the Yours Bespeclfuity tbe Rock work dune on tbe mount- Maroh, ltK shooting was entirely accidental D r. W eatherby ranch n A r Langles* O. H. BAILEY. gin south of to w n ^ s t shramer by known as the Star vancll H b gqye and th a t they did not ears to pros Highest temperature 7«; Lowest W, Supervisor A. J. M aish .^ Mean for the month 61. FO B JOINT-RB POE8ENTATIVE to make a seven-day test o f the ecute. Ao ton Canon ica, the Swiss — ------------------- j — >k Rain 7.41 inches; greatest in 24 hours 1 take thia means of ax Bouncing my euws of that herd.— Coos Bay H a r on A lf M ille r ji place was indicted X27 inches. ' F«V Congress. for selling whiskey. T h e grand ill candidacy tor the Republican nomina bor. Number of rainy days 12. tías for M a t Representativa of Coos ju r y was workiug in night senion ” of dear days M . stud Curnr cuantíes, and respectfully Tbs danoe next Saturday night, To th a Elector» pf tbe First Con last evening on the Cuoiay case. rwqaast that my name be considered a t ’• of partly cloudy days 9. given by the ladies u f the Commer the primary «lection M ay I t , la 14. greaaional District: , " of cloudy days 11. Tbs re,tort published ia thq.Cooa . Respectfully*: cial C lu b, promises to be very well I am a candidate for Congress on Thunder storms and hall on tha 28th. E. J . LONEY. Bay Times, and which haa Mace attended. Good mopio boa bean en the Republican Ticket a t the Pri Light frost on the 28th. gaged, and it is reported 4>at sheriff beak |o ih g ;tlte ropad» of U m . prwa, m ary »leetlon to be bald M ay 15th Total rainfall since Nov. lot, 66.46. F O B COMMISSIONER. concerning th a reason why the Rus The aaonth e f March did not exactly Bailey hue mads a diplom atic atroktf B riefly, I stand for the improve I hereby respectfully announce my come in like a Lamb, but it sorely went tler failed to land a ll o f h e f/ cargo by promising the Indies tlffit he w ilt men I o f o ur rivers end harbors; for out like a Lion. The two middle weeks desire to secure the Republican nomi at Port Orford last week la mislead nation for County Commlcdoacrof Cur be present, which insures a good, or ing. W h ile it is true that tha pro- tbe revision o f our homestead laws ware extraordinary warm and clear, vy county, and request that my noma derly tim e. to meet present condition»; for the causing the fruit trass to blossom, to bo cess o f unloading by small boala, and qualifications be duly considered John G illings, who ]|as been surveying end classifying of the caught in the last week’s storm, of which bat been necessary since tlie a t the primary nominating election on which the 28th was the w o n t and eoid- clerking in the W edderbuiji Trad ing w harf went down, ia alow, never 16,000,000 scree o f lan d 'in our for ast of the seeaon. The rainfall for the May 13th, 1914. Co's, store at Rogue rivsr lu r in g the theleea, the Capt. o f tha Rustier.. est reserves uf Oregon, that the vaet last Week£waa 6.80 inches. Reapectfully yours J. D. L oucks , A. A JAMIESON. pest year, returned to Pofit Orford and not tha weather or local condi area uf (ra x in g and agricultural Cooperative Observer. Wednesday on the Randolph, ac tions, is to blame for taking part of land therein may be opened to set FOB SHERIFF ' - conipanied by his wife and baby. tie men t. his much needed cargo back to Oats ____ i AMD U sntlcmkn : I hereby They had a tine trip up on the ocean I f tbe government shall finally Bay. T h e ' boat came into port enounce m y candidacy for the office win the suit now' pending against and have returned to make their Bunday noon, and local men w ant of Sheriff of Curry County, subject to the Oregon and C alifornia Railroad borne here indefinitely, v ed to commence unloading imme yonr decision at the Republican Pri mary Election to be held in Curry The Com m ercial Club, which d iately, but the Capt. put the work Com pany, I w ill do all in m y pow County May IS, 1914. meets the second Saturday of each off u n til M onday m orning. About er to keep these land* from being Should I be nominated and elected to m onth, w ill soon commence the noon on the latter day the south placed in tbe forest reserve«, end H e did not need an ab said office, I shall endeavor to dis work to the end thut the gracing charge the duties of »aid office eaknest- work of arranging for the 1914 Ag wind caused the Rustler to pull stract; he had a Warranty and agricultural lands he opened ly and fairly to whomsoever concerned. ate C arnival. The C arn ival w ill out, but it is not true that soy long Deed. Afterwards he found Sincerely yours probably be held a t Agate Beach shoremen were landed with difficult to suttlemeot under the homestead laws. I stand for free tolls on there was a lien against the W. A. BI8H EL. this year, where it is believed that ty as the bay wss not so rough but it can he made an even more en that the home boys wanted to keep American bottoms; for government plaoe for $1280, which he FOR TREASURER joyable affair than it has been in the on unloading the bowl, and the aide for roads; for just, and liberal had to pay. T his happened compensation for all labor, a'od for I hereby announce my candidacy Past. Rustler had little totore than shown in Curry county last year. to Ute office of County Trea»ur.r sub national suffrage for women. D r. Geo. D. E lg in of Eckley, hss her heels iu a get a way before the M o r a l : G et an abstract and ject to the w ill of the Republican vot Pd. Adv. B. F. J onxs been spending the past week as a wind lulled and in a few hours the ers at the coming primary election. be sure. gueat of the Knapp hotel. M r. El bay wss as smooth as the proverb Respectfully, THE BOOSTER COMES SOUTH. F baxx C aooukll . gin, other than being troubled some ial m ill pond. N O T IC E F O B P U B L I C A T I O N D xfabtmimt o r th « I btrbiob , w ith rheumatism, i t enjoying re After Workiag m the Extreme North W il l R e b u ild W h a r f . United States Land Office, m arkah ly good .health lor One of Ina . FO R SURVEYOR. Roseburg, Oregon, April 8th, 1914. End ef the Coaaty Hi» Attention i» year» aod keep« thoroughly posted -AT" ■ Roderick L . M acleay, president of Notice is hereby given that Directed teward Pert Orford. I herewith announce my candidacy on the eurront events of the day. the W edderburn Trading Co., who ERWIN J. BAKER tor the office of County Surveyor, sub He is taking stops to obtain patent has been »pending the winter in of Port Orford, Oregon, who, on Febru ject to the w ill of the RepUlf icen vot ary 23, 1909, made Homestead Entry Se E d ito r Port Orford T b ib u n k : ers of C urry Couqty aa expressed at to hie m in in g claim on upper Sixes. Portland, was in town Thursday rial No. 04682, for Lota 9,10,16418, See. A fter liv in g in tha northern sec ». Township 34 8. Range 14 West, W. tbs ooming primary eleotion. T h e Cruiser Pitisbu tg passed up night while on hie way to visit his f . , -* , Be»P«tfuJly, tion of C u rry county for alinoet M., has flted notice of intention to make the ooaet teat F rid a y »ftordoon on Rogue river huldiiigs, where the Five year proof, to establish claim to Joa-M- CxuaxaLL, two years and witneasing the un tn« land above described, before Har- her wev from tian F«7ijci»en»tn the fishing seasou opened this week. R wonted and deplorable o m d itio n in dy T. Stewart, U. 8 . Commissioner , at Mr. Macleay aaid that w hile the N aval Station at Rreminglon, Wash- his office at Port Orford, Oregon, on FOB COUNTY CLERlfc .’ * which our county is thrown by tbe the 22nd day of May 1914. end m any o f our people were out oomract bad not yet been let for re Claimant names os witnesses: opposition existing between the I hereby airnAnnce iby candidacy to see the war vessel as she »teamed building the w harf a t this plaoe, Rich« r 1 Qnellen, o f Port Orford, Oregon for nomination to the office of County northern and southern part of the Willie T. White 8r. ’• •• by. She coaled up when pae-ing nevertheless, work w ill commence on Clerk subject to the wishes of the Re- ” " oounty, I have asked some quest Georire Forty tha structure in the near future. I t John-Fromm 8r. ” " pnb.lcnn voters of Curry County as Rogue river, and the quantity of ions up there wbioh no one haa J. M. Urrox, expressed a t the coming primary smoke that her funnels emitted is possible th at a contract w ill not Register. election to be held M ay 15, 1914. censed a report to be flashed over *et> Rn<i lt>at the work w ill la* w a r tried to answer, and I believe that the northern part of the county J . B. B tas X abd . done by day labor. M r. Macleay the wire th a t a ship was on fire W. A. WOOD. w ill be in Port Orford again 'in a either cannot ut dare not try to put F O R J O IN T R E P R E S E N T A T IV E C h a s. F o rty wee painfu lly hurt forward any answers. So I am go ATTORNEY AT LAW FO R JO IN T R E P R E S E N T A T IV E 8 , turd#y , f UrnOon over bis few days and mill probably be in a ing to a»k the same question» «O LD BEACH. ORKOOV. position a t that time to make a def I hereby annonnoe myself os a can- , hom# on E lk river w h j,# rj(li a through the T b ib o n x and Iry and d id a te lor t h e n o m in a tio n tor the offlo, • _ i i _ l . j . . ___ in ite aanounseuiefit. of Joint R epw w ntatlv. for Coo. and I y uu»« bur* ' » • »>•’« off »*• C. W . RO BBINS, M. D. The extensive raising uf goats un see whether or not we can get any Curry Oountiee subject to the will of 1 an im a l, which ha was breaking, to derteken by the W edderburn Tred one to answer. P h y sic ia n and Surgeon the Democratic voters <,l the said cinch the saddle, and as he started 1. W hat is the ciuae o f thia con A tha horse plunged ! h,#* " Ot p r° ” '° * * uec8M- »"<* Counties at the Primary Eleotion to be to regain hie discord and leek end of harm ony Port Orford, Oregon. ano threw m m against tbe saddle .M r ,.‘ “ y* U**jr * 7 , r “du“ 1 tinual between the northern an held H ay U , 1914. end threw him against tbe saddle between the northern end and the horn which struck him in the groin. I “ «• <*f ‘ h * ®-«k. f Z f our 0,‘ unty " Respectfully, ■ T o tY b o m I t M a y Concern. A. A boltbssm . .. ................... H - . u - end d 2. W h y ia it that, if .b thia of I , the undersigned, hereby g i v e no __ along shortly after th e.ccfd eot hap I I U W M r' M»cle»F « P « c te to pened w tlh bis team and hauled l E . ? * - ro<* ‘ ° f ‘ b# S U m ,W B‘ h i" the county wants a thing and start« tioe th e, I have a convey a no« from tbe FOR TREASURER Patentee to tidelands and water lota in a project on foot that would benefit man borne. Dr. Pemberton R,* Ue r i r ” ; the Harbor of Port Orford, Oregon il, on I hereby annonnoe myself a a a can injured in j the whole of C urry oounty from one portion of which a part of the s ■shaft didate for Ooonty Treasurer subject to wa* called, and M r. Forty ia now MILLINERY NOTICE. .... , end to the other that the very fact s erected without m y consent. All the will of the Republican voters at parties are hereby warned not to drive getting along uioely and ilia thought |t 1 o f it being started down here be nlng Primary Election. pile« o r tn-apas« in a n y m a n n e r what The wik find a idee i the in ju ry w ill not leave any lasting of 8pring haU * M„ M A N|J Respectfully, comes a » ignal for northern C urry soever on sold tidelauds or wster tots. Bandon, Ore. j . Political Annonucemeuts. Tbe Mace Where Ton Get a Square Deal To better accommodate our giow ing trade and increasing number of patrons we have been com pelled to add to our general stock o f Dry Go/xl*,P Groceries and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stum p in g Powder, O ils and Paints, Farm ing Im plem ents of all kinds, including McCormick M owing M achines and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ C loth ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and No tions, Rolled Barley, Grrss Seed and Seed I Grain.«. . . 1 . r ’ • t O kdbrh taken for a n ytuino ________ '_____ :_____ f a », ,• 4 41 not on H4 nd ;! ’ti ■t I G iv e «as a t r i a l o rd e r JAS. S. CAPPS. P ro p . P ort Orford Furniture & Hardware Store j Wm-GiBinás, Prop. < < 5« Curry County Abstract Realty Company. G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o n R obt . Z. W alksb . m t llt o . ¡i port Orford. Or. to Ig h t i t tooth end toenail? Mss. Axxa 0 . D aw Portland, Oregon. 6 '4 T h e place to buy your C h ristm as presents full line of S to v es and R anges, Guernsey, >i^(luminum, i^ u g s a n i3 y ta t- ting, S tiletfb (£uttlery, la n te r n s , E tc . '"Port ©rford Souvenir Spoons NORTH REND MANUFACTURINB COMPANY NORTH BEND, OREGON MANiirAcrt'REKa o r SASH, DOORS AND MOULDINGS - G LA S S HIGH GRADE INTERIOR FINISH pbices UAiLan ox a p p l ic a t io n H I G E N E R A L B la c k s m ith in g W agons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also A gent for A ll Kinds of Farm ing Im plem ents; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work prom ptly done at a «.i J easonable price. Your patronage solicited. BEEH ER JE SS P o rt O r fo r d , O r e g o n 5 I ■aiwtw f I W.0WW» J v À