Abstract- R utty C u p u y . G o ld B e a c h , O r e g o n Town and County. ’ W ire itin e n l. . I ; An epidemic, eeid to be the red ’ measles, is prevalent about town. Remember e n _________ » on the 18th. „ ___ ____ the _ d __ » .,■ loc. „ . ** 8 leva Gal tier and Fraok Catterlin J were in town lest night, returning , J. H . (Jpton’e remiuiaoencee in to Bandon from e business trip thia issue w ill be (oond interesting, to to G old Beach, Beech, Gold O r O bbooh J .C ounty of C urryt |, T L 1 ; Ä ” b X Boyle Jewelry Co. Ä J ’ i right of left nipple, over 4th rib, pawing downward eod.iswerd, lev ering the 6th and sevenik ribs end He did not need an ab- ■tract; he had a Warranty lower end o f the breast bone, end Deed. Afterwards he found T h e j>cop|e of M y rtle P o in t are , A t e p relim in ary hearing before fo io g on ioto “ “ » W 0“ 1“ 1 there was a lien against the to vote on levying e te a to raise; Justice W righ t last evening E . a ‘ M *d 'cal »id »»« rendered ea U r as Egger wee bound over in the sum.jo<i P0* * ^ 1* nnder ‘ he oircum.tenoee. plaoe for $1280, which he 615,000 to ¡Detail a sewer system. E. J. Beker, democratic candidate ! 6500 to appear before the grand ju ry A t no tim e was there any possibil had to pay. This happened for nomination ae sheriff, spent' ft%the killing of J. D. Bush. C. E. ity o f recovery. in Curry county last year. Du. M . L . P xmbkxtox . - Saturday in Port Orford on matters ' In m a n furnished bail. M oral : * Get an abstract and ' connected w ith his political aspira In the matter of the Iuquesl of i .u t i , _ be sure. ■ u u , - u- In thia issue of the T bibumi ep- J. D . Bush: kMte. M r. Baker »Freaking an sc- f<< th# lhe K N A PP HOTEL, Port Orford, Oregon, L. K N A PP P ro p rteto First-class in every reapeU. Go >d Feed S ta b !« attached . ¿1 We ru n the Stage from Port Orford eta D airyvtlle, connecting with the i to M yrtle P o in t - , C. W. ROBBINS, M- D. F b y w ic la n a n d S u rg eo n Port Orford, Oregon. * K ” DeS. Lists 0-1X01, -1108, -1210-1214 R e s to ra tio n T o E n try o f bands In N a tio n a l Forest. Denmark Mercantile Co. Bandon, Ore. Store Expert Hand Engravers Up-to-date Watchmakeis Manufacturing Jewelers The Place Where You Get a Square Deal Watches demagnetized and and skillfully repaired in our fully equipped Repair De partment. v ( e To better accommodate our growing trade and inervaaing number of patrons we have been compelled to add to our general stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump-' ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming Im plements of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the celebrated Web ber Wagons, etc., etc. And don't overlook our up-to-date stock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts and No tions, Roiled Barley, Grcss Seed and Seed Grain. — F irst C lass W ork O nly — W e, t h e j iy y empaneled lo ia quire in to the cause of the death oY Geo. Johnson of Astoria,“who had for County Commissioner. M r. charge of the fishing interests o f the! gypher is one o f the substantial and J. D. Bush, find th at his death wee »u se d by a gnn shot wound made jewelers . W edderburn T rad ing Com pany a t [ enterprising citixene of the north Rogue river U atw aaon, passed jlown „„d ,,f tb« county, and needs no in- by a 32 40 rile . T h a t laid shot was fired by E . C. Egger, said Egger (lie coast a few dpye ago. to rasuin, Iroduoiion to* our voters, having m istaking the said Bush to r ’s deer, thewsattie position. No. 514 previously held tlie position be again »aid shouting being done near the B. H. BOYK Mgr. J seeks. -'»wo , Couaiy Attorney M ered ith says fop of the divide between Sixes .; .• ¿ - > ... e ; th at he w ill vigorously prosecute si, river end Erisoti creek in Sec. 4, Political AuBouncemeDt8. persons who accidentally shoot and T w o T A g e d ie s O n 8 ix e s R iv e r . T p . 32 South, B. 14 \y’e»t, W M k ill another in Curry county so long --------- _ . 1, «j. i | T lie deceased was 26 years o ld . The announc«invnt of nay oaodi'let. as he holds the office he does H i* Last Wednesday forenoon Ernest ""d that the shooting was done on for nomination to offite will br carried In this ooluinn until after th . Primary „ .position in Ibis m atter w ill meet Divelbies end J. D . Bush left Sixes j ¿ I * “ , 1’ ’ « Deled this 2nd day of A p ril, 1914 election upon payment of 82.80 in ad w ith thu hearty approval of the R iver about the W . O. Corbin place vance. - . 8 . P. Px nciBçx people of the co o uty. end started in to the hills on a h u n t Faxn jA M tB tfti ’ FOR CO M M ISSIO NER . E . J. Looey has been in Marsh ing expedition. About the same J. W . M ackknxik field since our last issue, where he lim e E. Q Egger and Geo. Ferret O. J. M ath kb I hereby announce myself aa a can 8. M . H dmmbb didate or nomination to the office of took the M aster’s degree io the M a left Edaon creek on a sim ilar inis- County Commissioner of Curry oonnty. C ha «. FrrgHuoH sonic lodge. M rs Louey is im p ro ving | »ion Neither p arty knew th at the subject to the decision of the Republi nicely in the hospital a t Bandon,! other ------ . was out. Ferret soon got The day following the above can voters at the coming primary elec although i t w ill probably be six : tired and turned buck, but Egger tion, M ay U , i»14. tragedy F ra n k Rasnick was .drown weeks before she w ill be able to re- j pushed on u n til hs reached the lop L , i while trying to ford S i x » river R»pectfnllv * • <*» p e ig u . ruent of E . B. 8ypher, of Langlois, Boyle Jew elry Co. EXCLUSIVE Bandon, Ore. Notice is hereby given that the lands described below, embracing 2Û8.H0acres within the Slakiyon National Forest, Oiegon, w ill be subject to settlement tu rn to her home in Port Orford. E. B. 8Y P B E B . of the di vide between the tw o a trw tN I w ith a team and wagon. As B. W . aûd entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of thé United States J. C. M a rtin , representing. the when he met Diveibiss end Bush 1 Dean, M T . W rig h t end Fred Jam and the sot of June I I , HMM (34 Stat., FOR S H E R IF F . w ith the result th at the latter ia. iesoo were returning to Port Orford 288) at the United States land office at Modern Confsctiopary com puny, I herewith reapoetfally announce Roseburg. Oregon, on June 2, 1914. was in Port Orford over Sunday n o w in his grave— mistaken aud | from ,|ie oorurner’s inquest over the my candidacy for the DemooradcBom- Any settler who was actually and in killed for a deer. k illin g of M r Bush, they discovered to*. Hheriff of Curry eounty. ;ood faith claiming any of said lands while returnin g to MarshfieJd from M r. Bush was wearing a gray the evideuoe uf tb r accoiid accident— ,and should I be nominated and elect- or agricultural purposes prior to Jan, a trip as far south as G o ld . Beach. ,ed I «ball earnestly endeavor to merit 1, 1*00, and has not abandoned same, shirt and a t the tim e be was shot the team and wagon in ilia river the oonfideooe reposed ia me, by a horne- I t was M r. M a rtin ’s first trip into oc this section and he was very well be wee in tlie act of elooping over and the man iui«tdog. T hey w<on conacientious and bnsioeM-Uke ad ministration of the affaire of that office. cupied. Said lands wore lUted npoB to pick something u|Pt>ff the ground gave the ala rm , when it wae learned Reepeotfully the applications of the persons men- pleased w ith w hat he m w , and does R. J. BAKER. s.ow. who have a Mbfienme not hesitate to predict a b righ t fu with his gun under his arm. Egger th at M r. R a.n iok had left h i. home tio rig ht subject to the pi ior right of any wee about 75 yards up the hillside, ture for this part of the state. - not more than h a lf an hour pre such settler, provided such settler or FOR S H E R IF F with some brush intervening, end viously to take hie team acroaa the applicant fa qualified to make home G'-o. Chenoweth passed through stead entry and the preference right la 1 h*i**wV h »BBOun» myself aa a he says that he must hu.Vu mistaken river that eveiiing ka be intended exercised prior to June 2, I9i4, on which town Sunday enroute to G old Beach candidate for nomination on the Dem the gun barrel for a deer’s leg as going to Bandon the following day oeraiic ticket for the office of Sheriff date the lands w ll' be subject to Settle ment and entry by any qualified per to attend C ounty Court, which con 1 he fe lt sure th at Bush wae a dter 1‘rimary Election to be held to meet a friend who wa* Ooining May 18th, 1914, in (lurry County, Ore. son. The lands are as follows: WA vened M onday , m orniqg., M r. Juet getting up out of it* bed ready out frillB A rizona to v i.it h im , and 8W4 NEJ, the P E I NWJ, the EA 8W { Yours Respectfully Chenoweth is not a candidate to NW JSee. 1 7 .T . W 8 , R. 12 W „ 80 C. H. B a ILKY. to run. .W hen Egger keed Bush waa afraid that the-river might rite, acres, listed npofi applies'Ion of* -8am suoeeed him self ae ,C ounty Commis •creamed and broke into a run, go H u ll, Agnoss, Oregon; List 8-1201. during the n q bt. FO B JO IN T -R E P R E S E N T A TIV E The 8WJ HEi Sac. 4,, T . 34 U W. sioner, which is regretted by m tn y ing about 75 y a rd , before he fell. E v id e n tly t t i hur«e on the up W . M , 40 acres; application of Mrs. Jo- o f his friends as he baa made an I lake this iiteane of an Bouncing my W hen Egger realized what he had stream aide h» i lost hia hailing in banns Parker, Maria), O re .: List 8-1208. candidacy lor the Republican nomina A tract of-48.60 aciVe. wifhin what * t i l able, honest and fearless qffl^inl. done he ealle.1 to Bush and started ! H,« a v | h wau,ra n d had begn swept lion for Joint Representative of C o » probably be when surveyed .Rect. 21 h The Rustler came d o tin front to his araistanw. My. 'D iv e lb iv . under the wagon tongue, sri when sod Curry counties, and reapectfully and 28, I t 88 8., g. i t W ., described as request that my name be eonsideredat ►ris follows: »Beuiuning a t Corner No. 4 j Coos Bay an d the CoqdiilbA river .was some 2D or-30 y g r |w«y fro» they found the near bona w ». the primary ekjctiou M ay 16, »14. ‘ whence the southeast corner of 8eo. 82, Sunday w ith some 80 tons of freight Reapectfully' . the vic tim when he was shot, and found on the o ff side and vice versa. T. 38 S., R. 11 W., bears 8. 22 degrees K. J . L O N X T . 88 min, W 171.87 c h a ; extending for this olsoe, and after unloading reached hi» aide about the same T h e outfit was carried into deep thence N.;27.Wchs ;tbenoe W. 10oh».; tbeaoe 8. jffi degrees 30 min. W., 23 20 about one-half of her load Mooday tim e th at Egger d id . One of the water and was found on the first FO R COMMISSIONER. chs ; tbegee 8. 1» degrees 46 -min. K., a s tiff breeze came up .¿froei the fir.t tilings that the wounded man riffle below where they started to 11.90 chs. J thenee N. 70 degrees E.. 18.- I hereby reepeotfully anoounw my « 0 eha, tq the place of beginning, ap south and she was forced to sail with ¡said, was to the effect that lie was ford the stream, a distance of about detlre to secure the Republican nomi plication pt Robert Edgreti, of Agnesa, the real of her cargo for the hay. hnrd h it hot would pull through a quarter o f a mile, w ith the water nation for County Commissioner of Cur Oregon; List 8-1210. Lot 12 of See. 4, W ith the w harf repaired, the freight all right. Egger r tar ted for aasi.t- from 10 to 20 feet deep. The horse ry county, and request that my name T. 32 8., R. 14 W ., 40 acres, application o fC h a rle fB . Sexton, Denmark, Ore- could have been unloaded several ance and Diveibiss stayed with on the near aide was a young, pow and qualifications be duly considered n; List «-1214. March 18. 1314. O. limes over. Bush, As soon aa possible 6 or erful a n im a l, and during the strug at the primary nominating election on . Hsiicq, Assistant Commissioner of M ay I6tb, 1914. the General Land Office The Comm ercial C lu b reoentlyj 3 men reached the scene of the ac gling had freed him self from his Reepeotfully yours 3-11 DeS. cident and started with Bush on a received from the Forestry Depart bridle, and when found bad drag A. A JA M IESO N. " K ” DeS. Lists 8-082,-1032,-1122,-1148 m ent a sample of clothespins made »tretcher for the nearest house, th at ged the wagon and his dead mate The of J. W . M ackenlie’s 5 or 6 miles into com paratively shallow water. R e s to ra tio n to E n t r y of* L a u d a from Curry county alder. FOR S H E R IF F ’ In N a tio n a l F o re s t. pins are of excellent quality. They away. A trail bad to ba cut L aoiss AMD UiMn.KMxM j f hereby H e was u ninjured, and nickered for Notice ia hereby given that the lands are light and strong, and the graiu , much of the way, and it was six assistance when he aaw hi« rescuers announoe my candidacy for the office described below, embracing 227.91 of Sheriff of Curry County, sUbjeot to o f the «(Mid is so One th at they are I o'clock in the evening before they acres, within the Siskiyou Natioual enuring. ■ ’ * your decision at the Republican Pri Forest, Oregon, w ill be subject to set proof against splintering and are reached . the house— the accident I t is thought that M r. Rasnick mary Election to be held in Curry tlement uudentry under the provis Ions of tbs homestead laws of tlie very d ifficu lt to split. There is having happened about I I o’clock either gut out to assist hie boreea County May IS, 1914. United States and the act of June 11, much of thia wood in the county, A . M . During thia long trip the Should I be nominated end elected to when they first got into trouble or 10W (H4 Stat., 233), a t the United states land office at Roseburg Oregon, on and it seems th at this might be aa wounded man never complained, elee attempted to swim to shore said office, I shall endeavor to dis but tuid the men th at he was stand when they reached deeper water. charge the duties of said office earneit- ud in good faith claiming any ing the trip fine and expresaed the H a d he stayed in the wagon be ly and fairly to whomsoever concerned. o f said (anda for agricultural pur A . J. Marsh and son, Louie, ar Sincerely youre poses prior to Jan. 1, 1908, and has not i Ireliel' that he would gel w ell— a be would have been ail right, aa some W . A. B IS H E L . abandoned same, has a preference rived botpe from Portland Inst 8» t rl J * ' “— r ! lief that he held un to the last, and sm all articles weie in the seat th at rig h t to m akes bemesteod entry fu ,or I urday evening. Lom e is the young . . , , / “ u h» had no word of oeneure for the had not been disturbed, showing FOR TREASURER lands were listed upon the applications man who lay very low for m any man who shot him. Dra. Robbins th a t the rig had not been overturned of the persons mentioned below,' who week» week« with with lung lung fever ft 1 hereby announoe my osnriidacy at the Ban have a'preference rig ht subject to the and Pemberton, who had been called but had Boated ill an upright po to the office of Coonty Treasurer sub W hile in prior right of any such settler, pro don hospital last spring met the parly in the woods before sition. vided auch settler or applicant la Portland M r. Marsh had his son ex- - - ject to the will of the Republican vot- qualified to make homestead en try , . they arrived a t the house, but all M r. Rasnick was a man from 60 1 ere a t the coming primary election. and the umfarem« right la exercised I am ined by a specialist who pro- Kbapactfullv, prior teiWby 14, 1914,.o n which date DOUDced him to iar sound and in that medical aid could do was to to 65 years o f age, and bad been on F bamx C a I vahbu .. the lands w ill be aubjoct to aettlement . . . . ... . relieve the wounded m an’4 suffer Sixes some two or three yqars. U n and entry by aây qfiulIfleârp&ïOfiT A ' first claaa physical eon ditto« . ' L o o ings. Mrs. Bush went from her til recently he had been liv in g on tract of ten acres, within what w ill|je nuw wejghs 195 I be.— nearly 100 i FO B SU R VEYO R . probably be when surv, ris u l.T . . , , . j .. , : home at the Inm an m ine to the the'Fitshugh plaoe, which he had more than when he left th« hospital. 1 u . . . . . . fowowd: 36 8., R I I W ., deecri' • , Mackenzie cabin and was there when rented, but a short tim e ago be anee the Beginning at corner No. I herewith announce my candidacy r i ' v b f t l i i ' T h e iwople o f the n o r t ^ r t je n d of , bey bri)Ught her hM baild iu , rom nortiieaat corner »( Bed. leased and moved to the lVtm , Ma for the office of County Surveyor, sub R. 12 W ., bears E, KTcRi county verv generously- raised the woods and was with blbi whdn iheuey place on the opposite aide of ject to the will of the Republican vot cha.. . extending extendin thence W. ’ 2.16 6300 the wnbyw of J . , E u s » r , me 8,’ 3 6U fitJ th e o tr fW r K a i thence he passed sway about lnid uig ht tlie river. , H e wae an industrious er! of Curry Conn ty a a e x j» i1eaeed kt ice Ñ| 3 SO A s ,, thence;,W . 4*30 thence w&° * * • *B,t *” •<r**«htene4’ c ir tfpit night. t in coming primary election, f ice N. 8.83 cha., t h é n c é ifi cha. thence man and a good citizen, and came Reapectfully, ___ to the pi lace of be cumstance«. Before she would ao thence 8. 8.83 cha., J. D. Bush was a young man of here from Eastern Oregon, H e has ginning, listed upon applfcati'in of J. cept the money Mrs. Bush insisted lica J am . M. C s » b « lu fine physique and excellent charao H. Roundtree. Agnesa O ifg b h ; lirt no relative* here and but little ia 8-962 > A tract of 72.48 aores, within upon a list o f the names o f those ter, and had been in thia vio in ily known of his fam ily connections. FOR COUNTY C LR SK . w liat will probably be when surveyed, who had donated to the fund, say several years. H e lenveaa wife end H e leaves an estate valued at from Bee. 88. T. 40 K„ R. 12 W ., W . M „ I hereby announoe my candidacy described as follows: Beginning at ing that alts would make it - one of two ch ild ren — the youngest of which 61500 to 62000. U p to the lim e of for nomination io the office of County Corner No. I, Identical with Corner the aims of her life to see th at ev ia about three months old. H e going to press his body had not Clerk subject to the wishes of the Re* No. 4, of L.G . Branch's Application No. 320; extending thence 8. 87 degree* E. ery dollar of it was retn'rned. Prior also had a brother, George, who had pub lean voters of Curry County as been recovered. 18.60 chs., them « N. 61 degrees *5 min. I to her marriage Mrs- Bu*h was a expressed a t the coming primary been with him here. H e form erly E ., 43.30 chs , tlience N. 0 chs., thence, election to be held M ay » 19IA 8. 72 degrees 30 min., W ., 68.10 cha,, 1 School teacher. » m e from near G rants Pass, where C h u rc h 8 e rv iC 8 t. thence S. 38degrees30m in., E., lo c h s ., J. B. S tambabd . his parenis reside and to which M rs Flora I. Foreman, a So<-¡»l¡«t to the place of beginning, listed upon ' Sunday, April 12th: An Easter Ser application of J. B, McM illan, Bux 108, agitator, who taught at Denmark plaoe his remains were shipped. mon in the morning; everybody wel •................ ' — FO B JO IN T R E P B E S E N T A T IV R 8WJ 8 w | , the § AJ B - K * L S 8-1082. W i, the The WJ • * “ >e" r* *< ” an'1 h* '< •’’Ouble with E. G Egger, who did the shoot N’i r i B \\'l Bee .17, : the iM'hoo! Isiard at that place on so come. A t night the service will bo N K j BW f, the EJ EJ 8 W | 8 W I Bee .17, I hereby announce myself aa a can ing, is a young single man who mostly song service; the choir has pro- T . 33 B., K. 14 W ., «0 a c r» , Hated upon didate for the nomlnailoa f.«r the office applic-tlon of E. A. K norr, Port Or onnnl of her insistence on mixing lately arrived on Sixes from W a ld o ,I pared special music, and the send» fonl Oregvb : List 8-1122. A tract o f, her |KiliUcal beliefs with her school ‘ O r., and who had never seen Mr. will be interesting and entertaining.— of Joint Repreo-ntatlve for C» m , u <I Curry Oountiva subject to the « ill of srea, -*-•-* w lthip what . . . 86.48 acres, *— • will proliably ; Come. _____ A surveyed. Se». 34 au<» 86. f . ” ,rk - « n,” r ln trouble at Q uincy, Bu«h u n til after the fatal accident. be when Tuesday, April 14th. at 1. F. M. the the Deniocnulc voters »1 tne mid 40 8., R. 12 W ., describe^ as follow»: i 1 O r., where she refused r to remove >0 H e ia said to be nearly disliacted 2nd and 3rd quarterly conference will Counties at the Primary Election to lw B ecinaingat Cornel i<* 9, of Jfp. l.let .,L .No'J'c'dil*' literatu re from the School over the affair. be held by Dr. Abbett, of Eugens, He held H ay 16, 19'4. with corner No. 19, of Liat No. extending th e n » N. 69 degrees, E.’ room. W hen aha was deposed ae a Respectfully, The day following the shooting will also preach at 7 JO P. M. We A. A dolphsmb . «— w . w ~ a . o e . ~ J Deputy sheriff, B. W . Dean and would be pleased to have you with us at that time. J 89.80Clis., thence N. 38 degree» au into. ( friends and descended upon the Justice, M . T . W rig h t, went out and B. B ist P adix , si s s x X ; •> '« FOR TREA SU R ER . held a comrner’e Inquest, «nd the 9.98 olia., to the place o^ beginning, and threatening her auccesaor with following certificate o f Dr. Pemher 1 hereby announoe m yself a t a can Hated upon application of L . O- Urench I ton and report of the ju r y are taken d id a te for C o u n t jr Treaanrer snt-ject to MILLINERY NOTICE. » n s ol L B. Nlchola, Hstebor, Oregon ; violence. Aa a result of the esca the w ill of the Republican voters at pade Mra. Foreman and her friends from the records of that inquest, Liat 8-1148. The ladles will find a nice the coming Primary Election. February 29,1914. • C. M . Bruce. were placed under SlOOObonda each which w ill be brought before the Aaaiatant Oommisaloner of the Gener Respectinlly, of Spring hats at Mas. M. A. N iklssns , to appear for tria l on A p ril 8th. grand ju r y next week: a l Land Office. Port Orford, Or. R obt . X. W a L xib . I O rders , ..... * ■ ......................- -nu va . row, .. b. .. ______________ ' a,. « and taken for anything not on J------------ — !------------------ »- -JLixi. ! k .r G iv e ns a t r i a l o r d e r JAS. S. CAPPS, P ro p . V tp U ( iwi,^a;i«.«iaW rej njn lyl«AJU ilB M Bga Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store 3 Wm-GUIlpgs, Prop. ? > •> S T h e place to buy your Gh.ristm.as presents full line of S to v es and R anges, Guernsey, yi^lum inum , I'^ugsartclSyiat» ting, S tiletto S uttlery, £an.iem s, E tc . : 'P o r t © rfori Souvenir §poons J y r NORTH BEND MANUFACTIIRIN& COMPANY N O R TH BEND, OREGON manuvactcbeks or SASH, DÔORS A N D M O U LD IN G S GLASS \ H IG H G RAD É IN T E R IO R F IN IS H e itIC K H M A II.K I, ON APPLICATION » 3- q .-b |ti»e»tietih^ew GENERAL ~~l' B la c k s m ith in g Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a l- eaaonable price. Your patronage solicited. BEEHER JESS P ort O r fo r d , O r e g o n i