Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1914)
A P R I L S , 101*1 Sane O F F IC IA L D IB K C T O B Y , typewriter advantage* w h ic h , when investigated, inevitably lead to the selection of the Smith Premier— A single motion is quicker to make than two. O nly one motion is n eed ed to make any character desired on the complete, ¿traight-line, key-for-every- character keyboard of the y \ * *y> %■’ 1\/J easy a ctio n lig h t ru n n in g Improved M argin al Stops Escapement, Speediest ever devised C o m p le te , S tra ig h t L in e Keyboard and 1 1 1 ft iV lO O el I U A K ey (or Every Character. W rite for information to T h e Smith Premier Typew riter Co., Inc. g* Syracuse, N . Y . B ssbc J ms cvaywbtw ADULTERATIONSIN CERMAN D IA M O N D D IES ARE C O S T L Y B ran T ra its Are Coatamjaatod and • ta ts abo ntovsicr o rn c s s s : Acids Abound ln M any A r V . 8. Senstors— D r . H a rr y Lao«, of ticles of Dlst. Portland and Oao. C ham berlain o f Salem . A Aoeordlng to a report made to the 3ongreaam aa, F ir s t D istrict— W illis state department. Dr. H. Malthas. di rector of tbs bureau oOce for examin C. Haw ley, of 8alem. ing foods of the University of Jena, U v e ra o r—O sw ald W est, Salem . has published a statement relating to Secretary of State—Ben. W . O lontt 9a- the articles most frequently adulter ated. According to Ibis statement. StatwY.eaanrer—Thos. B. K e y , o f S a lem. ' i ‘ and 1,30» in 1M4. This number did S u p t P u blic In s tru c tio n — L . A . Ald- not Include 110 samples dt m ilk, which were found to contain a very high par- erm in, Salem. centaga of dirt. Stats Printer— W illis D u n lv a y , Salem, It was found that apricots contained Attorney G eneral— A. M . Craw ford, sulphurous ad d ; egervsaceat lemon Stale Game Warden— W m . L . F in ades did not contain a trace of pure ley, Salem. fruit Juices; batter coatalaed too little State Health O fficer— D r. G a lv in S. fat and too much water; so-called bak ing powder consisted of otoomarsar- W h ite, Salem. lee; egg noodles eoatatnod no yolk of Kalem. . C lerk State la n d B o ard —O . G. Brown, eggs, or at laast very aniail quantities; huckleberry Joice was spoiled -com Salem . pletely; raspberry Juice was greatly Join t Senator fo r Coos and C orry— diluted, and some samples contained L & Sm ith. glucose and coal-tar dyestuffs, mines- Joint Representative for Coos and meat contained sulphurous acid; C a rry —8. P . Peirce, ■*' ground mace contained flour, ground Judge, 3d Jud icial D is tric t—J . W . toasted bread. Bombay mace and nut meg; marmalades were mixed glu H am ilton , Roseburg. Prosecuting A tto rn ey fo r O u rry cose and colored with coal-tar dyes; m ilk was watered, skimmed and often Co.— W . H . M eredith, W edderburn. very dirty; pepper contained lime, 0 . 8 . Commissioners—H . T . Stew art send sad a good deal of the shell; P o rt Orford. sausages contained flour, boracic odd sad colorla; matter; preserving salts oocmty o rrio is a . oontalnad sulphurous, boracic. flowrle County Jud ge—W . A. W ood, G old The report complains of the Indif Beaoh. County Commissioners— D . ColCgrovc, ference shown by the masses regard Gold Beaoh; Geo Chenoweth, L an g lo is . ing purity sad reliability of articles of food, and the custom which prevails Sheriff—C, H . B ailey, Gold Beach. tat large cities of having U s examlna- C ounty C le rk — Joh n B . B tann srd, Gold Beach. County Treasurer—F ra n k C aug h ell Wedderburn T H R IF T O F D U T C H PEOPLE. Assessor— W m . T J m a n , H a rb o r. School S u p t.— Geo. W . S m ith . Geld Beach. Valuable Mechanism for the S ra w - <■>« of Tins W ire I s Fouad K. Surveyor^—J. Caughell J r., Gold Beach, u m m s o s o r t u b coubts . C ircu it C o urt meets Fourth M onday Is August of such year. County Comm I astoners C o u rt meets first Wednesday la Ja n u a ry , A p ril, J u ly and Heptember of each y s a i. Probate C ourt meets first Monday in each mouth C V S S T OOCMTY COST OTVICBS S S D X A n iu . TOBT- H a r b o r . . . . . . ............ Fletcher Gardner. G old B e a c h ...........................J . W. R iley. W e d d e rb a ra ..................0 . L . W akeman. Illlh s e ... Price. M o r ta l.....................M rs. V io la A . P ry . ¿ g u e s s ...,......................... . . A . M . RUea. P o rt O rfo rd ........ ...........Ames Johnstos D enm ark..................................J. 8. Capps. L an glo is . .E . B. T h r ift E c k le y ... ,J. A . H a in e s Timber Claims. tads H a re K idney TrotfMn and Don’t Know It. Fill a bottle or eomnv • • t o r ssd tot It stand tv • BLACK - DRAUGHT ith j —< t hours; i T? ' Stack and poultry have few troubles which are not bowel and l i v e r irregularities. B la c k - Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puta the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breerlers and farmers keep their herd« and flock» .-.ealthy nv givin g ¿hem »n occa sional dose of Black-Draught and Poultry Medicine in their food. Ar y stock raiser mav buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of thia medicine from bis dealer and keep his stock in *igorous bealth for week. Dealer« gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine If yburv does not. send 2S cents far a »ample can to the manufacturer», Tbe Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat Cantxiga. Tenn. B H ave you ever seen a Sunset? Flttebnrf Safe .» iL » . r , . , c ... i , riding, v e ry d u ra l a. 1 I .’,- j M rw-ler rW.ilyeevs. '6 -P r o o f . A J® ^»TtoTriS?« J- . . i i ’i i >mea p o r o u s a n d which closes u.-> pnneturea without a l l o w i n g th© a ir to ©«cap©, T l«rw cIgh n S ^oroth an ’ tvc-tolly pi-cparrd i «in ™ .!.h tr™d T»io rrs-.l irprlco of these tires Sa<k ? b ? a 2 iiS ,i ’v"’ f r,<'' rl 14"* 1’" coses wo are “. J h»vo « a m i n i i . A n d t - ^ in ? -1 ^ , ° ^ ™ ^ 0^1 V I .. D ts o R ip n o N : ,' " !’c t''.r r r i 'sl;rtin g n n a lltle a b r in g x C i i J ijWHR'F'BWMM '[ 7 a fifi s«S to pvwvant rim euttia*. Thia »Iro «an outlast any* othar [I • ° e v , ffLASTie alia “ «A»V RIDINO. All orders »hipped aama io u not f®» « 2 y l l - r j L e » .< t,«JI thy o«u«l tr ic M . v.i»e«us which dwwllsssa« «sow all ,w w ask “f • p""u,,n,'*r. no noVTMIM« oenim naaM orvlasrasalrto * l rM-d P " “ s o r o n . until ron know um sow nod w o o d M in ? i? Z ’ 2 ? " • ’ S f * DO N O T w anted A y e r’s P illt. . -A ycr’« Pills. A y e r’s P ills. Keep saying this over and over again. T he beat laxative. fcS^if*s2.' inventors ’ D O C TO R S to w rite (hr onr >'9n*.d«ntlal letter befh r. ap- ptvtas tor p a te n t; It m ay be w ortb ew aey. W « prom ptly obtain U . 9. and Foreign “ « T R A D » M ARK * ò r ro te n , ff N - T IR E 'fri. v a b • • » r i nw riel, akeMb • r p b n w a . d we M a ri aa I M M E D I A T E FREE rwpnrt ob p ataaU hiU ty. w « gt»« «&• bssÄ .egal PArvk-w aad advio«, aad o«r • te r fB k «r« airbJaral«. T ry bb W . n «asans Piiatabia. Taut« tiooa Da Ma ... C U R E C O N S T IP A T IO N . . . . Goctowg Mewrodv 4 wsmp.av « beta«», MwwS.eW, Itoe IwA. «gV OiMMt. N « t« r »>GN4H« WMktaPii Of Gri|>« the. fee. ivIO Mat i u ’\ H i . a f t i N t h ’H .c Mac, 'U A U u ru < *ib M ’ •** oor Ulcyctaa unG «ryoarow n BAuw>lahUat<k>4iM« wur prtow. Pe* nla.rtF h l e o t a d hand bteye«M. b e t ngnally haw» m w ttE i IS Kedgeihtra Tfi Sslf-hcaling Tires A l>epoet« C*.. Pl tie burg. Pa Bt'iLDiivG c « t troxtn* Orders nti<4 t h e niin»t>er^n*kivH*< krm tn t r * ’»•» W ant your m oustache or bcard abeantiful browa or richblack? Use ASC DKYS, SDNSET M A C A Z :5B ‘ «»■ rsAKttscn «rftWlliEdiiJtog Ayerk Pills « to o ffer, or do yon tn u w o f a n y o n e w ho has? l\\ Ira. ■ •«■fetch m v w M to a u d l K t y a a ir h a v e hesm « •b ite C A S C A U E T S and tre y are tae best tn ed liin e w« b a r« kT«. bad In tbe boune Last w mw uiy w ife wa« fra a tis w ith h e a d acM A o r i w n l . y i , gQe tria d »oiuenf y o u r f a sod th«x rn lte te d the p a l« In Ler nead a moot tim nt'diatoiy We both rccntrinend C a scareK ' C K »A bTBDBFoKD has. wood L I ■/'ll . o mbixb O a., J An «V IF « . Black-D Aught and Pout 47 lie<14~tne is »he boat I e r« r trie d . Our flo c k was ooklnff had whoa you Rent me the m edicin e and nor* t h e j ^re^ fe tt in jf e» fine. They are looking W per oeat. b itte r. 8 p. B B O O K IN O T O M . H a v e you any 1 desire br ,*“ ■ Our “ »uUererjr whuro are making td purchase. A n gu s G . M a c k a y , I 1 I° nCQUiagO until f lo ar untU you re u ^ recrlve T re'k Z sud d -a p approve p ro v e c cf > onr Il h A m c J d . Wo ship to anyone aorwhera in thn F H a ««.. ¿ m sm Heal E s ta te , A g e n t, P o rt H u r o n , Bl K i I t v Ml1.™ i s i . mJ li^ S S .th<’.bl0Tel".,n d I)ut I t V ’ S iiy teat you wlah. M ich ig a n . ■ B l f i q | , Li?,1’ V? V.‘ in *?ot •>°rfectly aatl.fled or uo not wtvh to koep tbs °ur «X Dense a nd W w.« « « a. ” r F/lCTORY PRICES JJJtn’f fV 1* Ul® hl‘d»eat eraile bicycles It to T re s p a s s 'l o t i c e . HfMKAMww antnai A«™* «w possible t'j mnko at o n e small probt above l a i d ' ^ t o f ’uaanii h X T t « " ‘Vdkmen’a profit« br buy- a irvckl^ p o S a ftiim ? ® IS® ®anuftctun:rg> guarantee behind your lit " ° T BUY a bicycloor a pair of Urea from ««».«• at mt lieruby given to all persons Bny Wf. k until yon recrlro ovr cntalocnos and learn our UBheard of STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE a Snlwsilhy condl- t'ol‘ -*f ’ ha ktd- neys; If it stains y ° UT linen It Is e v i n c e of kid- ney trouble; too frequent dexlre to ; „ K z L ’V - . J ' pess It or pain In I —— the back is also sanvtnelng proof that the kidneya and blad- j dar ara out of order. What to Do. Thera Is comfort in the knowledge so oftea expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wlah In curing rheumatism, pain ln the back, kidneys, liver, tladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain tn passing It. or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcom es that unpleasant sacaselty of being compelled to go often durlnr ’ho day, and to got up m any time« /»ring the night. The mild and the axtra- ordlnary effect ot S w a m p -R o o t is soon realized It stands the highest for Its won- 1 derful cures of the most distressing cases. If yoe need a medicine you »hould have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. a n d jl. sires. You may have a sample bottle of thia •wondorful discovery and a book that tells more about It. both sent Mjjwr-yBwPSf-q-SiS absolutely free by mail, address b r. Kilmer & n™«. Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing meo- •eo roa r in g I hit goner ju t offer In thia paper. trrf, 1 U f / \ k/~ Trb -Jy 1 f . i ’’ ’ , V |T r < l l / U \ | / f. A beautifully illu » tr » te d monthly magazine of the wide awake W est with fast mxting short stories, picturesque personal pot nt-of-view description of the interesting development of the West, and the romance and his tory of ths wonderland «4 the earth A sk. your iorxl newsdealer for current is s u e or send $1 50 for year's suhsrription. 'I he book, "Road of a Thousand Wonders ’ — 120 beautiful Western v:ew» in four colon— wdi be included— RIDERJGENT “ The people of Urn Nethsrlaads." says Consul General Ousattasr. at Frankfort, I» a report, "are thrifty sad economical. sxesllsnt merchants, sad. la proportion to population. their nation to oas of the richest In the world. They are cosmopolitan, sad large-minded In the Investment of their capital. They ware the flrst and most extensive buyer» of U tltsd States bonds of 1861-65. bat did not touch the confederate lesnas. According to estl- elal sources Dutch capital to the I amount of la Invested Is American bonds and shares and $400.- 000,000 In Russian bonds and shares. "Vary large sums of Dutch capital are Invested In Mexican government bonds and In bonds ssd shares o f Mex ican railroad sad Industrial oompanlea; also la the government and railroad bonds of A uatrlaH angary, Portugal large amount Is working profitably In the Dutch Indian colonies ln sugar, to bacco and rubber plantations, the min ing of Us and other metals, petroleum wells, etc. A financial book of refer ence places the capital of all Dutch Joint stock compañías at 1744.154,000. but this docs not embrees the numer ous Dutch oompanlea which bars their headquarters In the colonies and ln foreign countries. The Netherlands, possessing neither coal nor Iron, Is not a manufacturing country of note, and In this respect Is even surpassed by little Swltxerland. also having neither coal nor Iron. Tbs Dutch era full of the commercial spirit and hare a large merchant marina. The rural Inhabi tants are given to dairying, catite r a il ing and horticulture«, ln which branch es they excel.” whom it may concern, not to enter up on or trespass upon the premises of L . Knapp, for tbe purpose of bunting, nr dsbin; w ith nook «and line.- Said pre mises are situated on Blit River, Carry Couu-y, Oregon, and generally known as the “ Bond” place. Anv person or p e l- s o t s eo trespass- iny for tbe purpose of bunding, fishing, or. traveling through in any shape form Down to the Tim s of Sdvrard H X. or manner, or tearing down fences, or They W a rt Accorded ths leaving out side gates open, or molest M ight of T oting . ing |>eriional property, will be prosecu ted to the full extent of the law. The ladles of birth and quality sat Wm. R. Johnson, i In council wtth the Saxon Witas. The Lessee of the above i Abboax Hilda presided In an ecclesi named premises astical aynod. aayx Anttnqultles ot S fd l ! SWIFT & COn Paforvf <awyer*Be Opp. U S. Patent OIRet.WMtaisgtM. B.C. T H E S ? A 'A comparatively unknown in- dustrial detail Is described by “Tbe Electrical Review.” Accord ing to tbat authority, diamonds are uaed quite extensively as dies fo r drawing wire o f the smallest aises; for instance, the sixes less than, say, 0.025 inch diam eter. The hardest steel dies are not suitable for thia work, for the rea son tb at the wear upon them so enlarges the die that the diame te r of the wire is not uniform w ith in the required percentage of variation a t the beginning and •a d of a drawing. Sapphires are also used sometimes fo r this work. Copper, silver and p la t inum are the metals usually drawn to the very small sizes. W ith diamond dies it is practic able to draw platinum to a diame te r of five ten-thousandths of nn Inch. An ides of the Oneness ot a copper wire drawn to only three one-thousandths of an inch in d i am eter may be gathered from the fact th a t in one pound of the m etal there are over six miles ot such wire. The weight of the diamonds used for this work is from four to live carats, and they are uncut ex cept as* to the die. The value of these dies, which, of course, are not of the first water, varies from |1 5 to 920 a carat, and several hundred thousand dollars’ worth of diamonds are utilised as dies in the various wire factories o l this country alone. S k illfu l, however, aa must be the artisans who sink these small dies and attenuated as the wires drawn through them may he, yet neither w ill stand comparison w ith the oatpnt of the spinneret of the common spider, whichejects a single thread of silk so fine th a t 18,000 threads are required to equal in thickness an ordinary strand o f sewing silk. “I t ’s Just seven o'clock,** said Bqnilbob, “and so you have plenty of tim e to drees yourself carefully fo r the theater. W ith this m ar gin of time, H en rietta, yon can surely have no excuse for being un prepared at the last moment, a tr a it wholly confined to yonrsex.” “Yes, dear, I ’ll s ta rt dressing righ t now,” said his helpmeet du tifu lly . “And I myself w ill show you a good example in promptness.’* said Hquilbob, kindly. “I ’ll s ta rt right in now myself. By the way. where sre my shirts?” “Here they are.” “Put the shirt studs in It, wi* you? And— er— by the way, tl dress suit is rather rumpled. I must have tossed it around in I drawer. You sre rather ham)' those things, Henrietta — eat. you press it into some sort o shape?” “A ll right, dear.” “And, while yon are a t it, fix t ’ pearls in my shirt front, ding« 1 wish you’d chase up my cuff b u t tons.” Mrs. Rqnilbob flew around wt' deft and willing hands, gat het i the masculine apparel togetbf while Rquilbob calmly dross himself in the intervals of his i id fire directions. “Got my t hat?” be asked. “Good. N o. please fix my necktie and—why- i Parliament. j Mr. Wlghtfred's great council at OEXNIS CUNN1KF. JK„ | Beaeooceld. A. D. 694, the abbesses i sat and deliberated, and five of them I ep. U. 8. Mineral Earveynr «Igned the decrees of that council along with the king, blahopa and no bles. Surveyor for the District <>; Or King Edgar’s charter to the abbey egon. of Cowland. A D. 961, was with the Gol<l B e a d « . - - - O re g o n consent of the nobles and abbesaes, who subscribed the charter. H<|tlilboh gasped in surprise, re- In Henry I I I and Udward I's time G E O R G E M . BROW N Isles the New York Him. looked at four abbesses were summdned to par- the clock hands, which poinh-il llamenL via. of 8haftesbury, Berklng. eight, and then surveyed th e flu r 8L Mary, of Winchester, and of W il ton. RO HEB l’ RO H R R iiilw ried little woman. tn the 35th year of Edward I I I ware “G inger!” he said, in fine sedrn, summoned by w rit to parliament, to “aren’t you dressed yet? W e l l , M. LEE PEM BEKTO N appear there by their proxies. Mary, if th a t isn’t Just like a woman!” countess of Norfolk. Alienor, countess P H Y S IC IA N of Ormond. Anna Dispenser. Philllp- ISaciproelty. pa. countess of March, Johnanna Fltx O ffice a t L a n g lo is H o t e l "Mildred." whispered the poor but Water. Agneta. oounteaa of Pembroke,-. Mary de 8L Paul, oounteaa of Pem Intellectual young man, “Bmerson says L anglois -, O regon ‘the only gift le a portion of thyself.* broke. Margaret de Roos. Matilda, My Christmas present to you la thia countess of Oxford. Catherine, count poem, sad all I ask of you la return ess of Athol. Theae ladies were called to s took of your hair.”—Chicago T rlb- by their proxies, a privilege peculiar to the peerage to appear and act by proxy. The Lap of Penury. Briggs—If yon want to aos misery, Parliam ent and Oolf. Is roa- e your boSy ttr*. -q a n d you should pass a Christmas tn ttas Golf to supreme at Westminster. If well. f ity-eent bottle of alums. you sec a group of members Is ths lob r C E .v r - .r /- p '- T ' i Qrtggs—That's nothing. I once by laughing, or lounging or yawning : . Í ? ’ i t to.» passed a Christmas with some fellows with Indifference. It Is probable that employed by Russell Sags—Town they are supposed to be grasping all w ill el»».** a l-o .; in a Topics. | ths potentialities of the political situ plump, i e/n,w"'C eh’lif I t • „temer ae ation. But If they suddenly become w ell as in w inter. O nly eoe eetat To Drown the Noise. serious, earnest, strenuous, nay fur a oay—tlunk of it a n d H’s ae ales Tommy— But, pa. how w ill Banta ious, you may be sura that a nsae one Claus get down the chimney without has Introduced the subject of golL— being heard! Loodos Opinion Pa— Tour Mg brother will hang up some of hto new socks—Brooklyn U f a A . IVumber 48 1