I A B. O’Brien, editor o f tbo Marsh ¡1«W Krening Record, has brokm arc down from * moots) strain and ever- ran *o rk , and la company with Mrs. O’Brien kaa gone to Bhipherd’s »Prints ia Baatorn Oregon to spend ton • " "" “ h « ■ « « * * * • benefit of i bis health, la M a rtin * the Record at Marabdeld and buildiog pr* * ° ‘ “ «*» I t w u the ptaaeuie of the writer, some two or three months ago, ta riait the Star raaoh, near Langlois, now andar team by Dr. J. R. Weth erbm, and ot that tiato no took It cp to riandatd Mr. the Smborg Packing • « ■ P M /. to In O’Brien has been a tireless worker. now constructing • hnOdiag lfOx . the Cedar Park dietrlet. I. The bend w ill give one cd lie reg­ * » Ibrt. which when completed will ha¥e a capacity e f 1,000 mam par day. 1| will he reedy for operation on a eeaalior aaete ahmrt May I t The salmon caught before that tiew will be taken to Ooea hay by etea* mar 'and placed la the «old Moraga. ular midnightdancm neat Batnr ' day night. » atine. During M r. O’Brien'S eh scooe tbe Rcoord w ill he edited by Last Monday a large water spout Jsek G uyton, the well known cor­ sucked up Obt o f PortCrford harbor respondent, end O. W. Briggs, who tooted in a w hirling dolman over! at one Ume published the Radium loam, making a norel and beautiful a t Wedderhnrn for the late R. D. sight. Busse. BOYLE JEWELRY GO, Bindon, On. Don’t mim ft. C. W - Z e m a n lt A Bons are has lo p a busy week setting wot their E vkbàbd B . Borr.it, Manager. old thick of shoes, beta xqd ototb Me. 114. V e e c s s /M ^ tlonally good bargains. FIREWOOD FOR M l£ B*Ud rirer. JTed Hateheson ft Good fir stove or healer wood deliv­ driving tb^uppsr stage daring M r. ered In tows to large or small qoa.?;:- C leraa’s ebeenoe. tlee for bl.es per tier. Give your nr- /B r e . J. R. Stanaanf, of G o ld der to Beach, who was operated upon r e - L 0 O T 8 B P A B L If f G , P o rt O .o r d , O . . W totly at the Moray kaepMbl at North T h e sensun on tbs low er Rogue is Depl;r«t«d .'.Reht. Perry and Mim Ora Prock { o m m fg i - , - - were united ia marriage a t tbe bride’s patents is Port Orford last evening, Justice M . T. W right «48- cfoiing. .. , Tbs bride is the eldest daughter ol M r. end M rs J. W. Prock and has been raised in this vicinity, while the groom ie ee ieduMrioua young man who came here e year J A .A ./« a n m o a ,* W * e r P \e M h > v < -- , t M as . W u. 9lfc*‘iWW*4> N -.. . . . < K Ex-Mayor Of TULunook Is Duka Ö . S ,.-r Ä ö •. « ,. O.W. Talmage, aa attorney, and former mayor of Urn ally of T illa­ mook, Is In tbe ally today nuking arrangements to go to Oak Pint, on tbs tower llliaoie river, where he has recently become pmaemad of the Turk reach, a pioneer hetne- ataad of the district. M r. Talmoge ia eioaiug hie lew oOtoseS TtUenaeok The Commercial eiub meets next Wednesday evening, A pril 7th. , Officers w ill ba elected for the a n - , suing year, and members a rt most Urgently requested to attend the C. W. Z vm w am Ì V. Pre« E. i . L oxxr, Cashier, B A N K O P 1*0 O T O R P O Ii I > YOUR BANKING! BUSINESS SOLICITED •-. . meeting, PO R T G R FORD The Tramp oalled la here h a t OEÉGoN week bath on her down trip end 1 b tu r a , while earouto from Oboe bey » to Rogue river with fishing aOppiim. * On her way sooth she landed a small lot o f freight for this plaoe. ' ■ A. A. and Fred Jamieson, 1. J . Looey, W m . Gillings, R . Quellcn eed A. 8. Johnston meds s party 4 1 c , g .» ». g(»«V« v * '.(■y .hegarito /tAjwm plaee. The*three ¡Mt named gra- men **»e«te the gnekP oM warn in i­ tiated toto tbo first dvgrpg that or^cr. - h Q tal •' WWW? Delmar W righ t went to Langlois the first of the week where he w ill leech school in the upper Florae ereek district for some tarn months. H e is substituting for P r o f., F . H. Robinson, who w ill take up tbs «fork end complete the'term he soon HARDY T. . ». G O » as tbs school closes which ha ie bow teaching a t this place. «T e W a RT Daring the storm« o f lest winter one of the large buoys in nee near P o r i O r . O «1 O . e ^ o s . Orescent C ity broke from its moor Inge, and d rifting op the coast came ashore on th« beach about half e mile south of , Port Orford. Lest NO T R I (SPASSI NG. week tbe government light hoose tender Menssnite called here anil took the buoy on board, whiob, af­ ter being repaired, w ill be restored r ______ ______ _________ ___________t o i l s fo rm e r lo catio n . The buoy wise w ill be prmeeutod to jb v felt, sx-c weighed MOO pounds and i t requir­ G an 1st« lake, about a mite north . and west of Port Orford, swept " . , . . .. w . ‘ . «_ / . . H ’ ¡*5 ' ‘ “ "e J. J. S T A N L E Y C O Q U U -L B , A cheat a u s tri ie F ro m m h a ll last B e tu rd a y club good returns. Daactog was in d u lg ’d io for tome time after sup pur, end the new clnk is to be uoo- gretuiated for the successful msn- nsr in whiob they entertained both old and young a t their Ir M public '¿r FOB A X Y T H IX M . WOT OW ’• i uilQ :.»«d JtA W i; ’ e v e n in g i,i9 ' backs and a prise given to tbe first Lite one spelling ‘’U ospilslity” , which was won by B a rry Strahau. Next. jn pictures representing birds and an Hnale were pinued about lbs wall, and in Ibis oontesl two prises for a oorrect list of an«wars was given, •r. Mrs. W hite, John Stone. Lowell __ Johnsloo, Nsau eed Lottie F o rty , and Dorothy and Byroe Stewart all headed in oorrect list*, sod in the drawing that this ni ceeeltetod ihe T twine, Nerta end Lottie, war« tbe looby onto that reoeived the prises. ~ Tbe baskets were auctioned off from the Shadow o f (be owners thrown upon a curtain. The bidding wee fu a c tic o . i, O b PBBS T A K M " |h_1 b. ju sl oppoaitu the pfonic grounds. A J by tbs P c * Orford BqamitoUty Wob |liulastream started through the . .* h k * «as a kery eiyoyeble fora Wcdertful sand sunn developed to to w raging to n li affair. As tbe psopla Mtsrml the! , torreot fifty yards wide and -w ith .. P. ’ hail numbers ware plane! 0w their banks 18 feet high. A channel was *°r ?’ T o bettor atoeommodate our growing trade and increasing num ber of patrons we hav« been com pelled to add to our general s to c k ., o f Day Goods, Groceries and Provisions, as follows: Hardware, D airy Supplies, Stum p­ in g Powder, O ils and Paints, F arm ing Im- , plem ents o f a ll kinds, in clu d in g MoCormiek M owing M achines and th e oelebrated W eb­ ber Wagons, etc., etc. A nd don’t overlook our up-to-date slock o f M en’s and Boys’ C loth­ ing, Boots and Shoes, L adies’ Dress Goods, Cigara, Piper, T ob tcco, Candy, Nuts and No- tio n s, R olled Bari ,y, Grass Seed and Seed G rain. - , _ through tbe sand spit that holds it from the ocean test Thursday ia ihe ■ biggest run out «ions it has been . knows by white man. ¡~ Tbe laky is usually emptied into ed considerable time with four horses to roll it up the beech and the ocean by a stream that winds launch it et ReUle Rook, from whieb around tbe binff fur more than a piece it was towed to the steamer. quarter of a mile, but tbe heavy Lorna Forty wee the, first to dleoov sUrt of last winter filled this ehea N O T IC I POR PUILICA TIO N. e ith e wettderor when it wet oast n«l up, causing the lake to rise un- J0” upon the beech, and for making it usually high. I t Waa about to over- fast and reporting it, he was reward­ fiuw at several pointe, and for tear that it might do Kioto damage i f it ed with a present of $60. M hf t broke out elsewhere Frank Twhenor s**-1 The basket social given in the and Frands Nordberg turned It ont k Store C h t | County Muti Realty Cnpany. > iV « b « IO N K n cat back into the deep water of the lake, which, with its several arms, , covers probably 290 acres of ground, I » ^ ( sad which was drained o f I f or 18 M 00 feet o f wstur. Thom as C The take had been stagnant an The und long end covered so much of the fo- oi liage around it, that the water bed eeesrix o | become very fool and It is ondoobt { ( edly a good tbiog for the health of jeX d ito eo the commonity that it has rue ont. ‘ - u ; - . < The surf hea dosed it up eueie. eed J sent them { has commenced iia proeem o f re- » Ith in six ft , ailing. irBt P“6»1 To W h om It M n y Coocern. L ■> • U e h nSeets W e t W w h p i.ia y WsXSb'- m o n th . A ll mem Bere in , i ted i oat;>.«t . Of Oak F la t C . H . Hearse, the M iddle Blk coo- < (rector, bea been spendieg the pest week in town, potting io bine end , otherwise Improving the interior of 0 . W. Zum walt A Bone store. [ . A fi, M a t o f t i P i t o f o F f t i ^ « - * * * - • « Bond, has been discharged from , that institution as haring recovered. J. D. Loucks Eye Gksses A pril 18 to August 20. and Beptem bar 10 to November 10, white the season on the upper Ragne la bat OOdayf. M r.O aogheU boptotkee- JAS. S. CAPPS. 1, the , nderslgncd, hereby t i r e no- t>«o to s t I have a couvevnoce ..om tbs P a ^ .r ^ e to .Id e b xte and waiar te-e In t ie H arow r o f Po -tO t-te id , Ore-jon, on a porttoa e f which a p a rt o f tbo w a a rf ise.ueted w ltb o e t t a r top « o t . A l l p ortlet ase h e r e ** warned not to drive piles o r troopoM H an y u a o o e r what* soever oa said tidemnd« o r orator toto. U -v . A a v a C. Daav. W agons and Buggies for Sale, k ep t in Stock, also A gen t for AU K inds o f Farm ing Im- plcm ents; McCorm ick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work p rom ptly d o n e at a I’caaonsblo price. Your patronage solicited.