.V * a», ia i4 ONLY W illia m C. H arris, angling ed­ ito r of Uuting, anti righ tly called the Isaak W alton of America, Is a man who can come pretty near to to study the bill o( fa re he baa to telling exactly what fish you w ill ........lent. . . find in Uiank brook, in Blank State T.easarer—Than. B. Kay, of -Sa­ tow nship of Blauk county, Idaho, lem. Texas or ItLode island. New fish­ Rapt. Public Instruction—L . A . AM erman, Salem. „ I « ■ « es and new facts abont them, he lores as a miser loves gold; only State Printer— » nils Doalw sy. Salem. Attorney General— g. M. Ciawfont, he does not hoard them, but gath­ Stale Game Warden— Wm. L F in ­ ers them to give out again. ley, Salem. -> One day H a rris chanced to be la State Health Officer— D r. Calvin S. St. Paul. H e was talking w ith W hite, Salem. General Paaaenger Agent Charley Salem. Fee, who said H a rris should go to Olerk State la u d Board—G .G . Brows, M ontana to esteb grayling in a Salem. i f stream at th a t tim e much adver­ Joist Senatot for Goo« and Carry— tised. _ H a rris aaid th em were no gray Joist Bepreeeatative for Oous sad Ung in the stream. The railroad Curry—8. F . IMree. man laughed a t him as a Now Judge. »1 Judicial District—J . W. Y o rker who pretended to know Hamilton, Boecbdrg. ” more about a cartain Montana Froeeouting Attorney fe r Curry Co.—W . H . Meredith, Wedderburn. riv e r than a mao who had fished it. The dispute waxed warm. H a r­ Ü. 8 . Cotniuleaionet»— 11 T . Htcwsrt ris was doe in N ew Y o rk on a Fort O t lord. certain day, and by taking the first oouitw orneas». tra in west be could have six hoars County J x lg e - W . A. Wood, Gold on the stream and s till keep his en­ gagement. In 3fi hours he was on County Commissioner»—D . Outegrove, the stream w ith a local represen­ Gold Beach; Geo Chenoweth, Langlois. ta tiv e o f the railroad- H e waded R h e r tff-a H . Bailey, Gold Beach. in, made o n * east, and was fast to County Clerk—Job u R . Standard, a silvery thing th a t tore about (told Beach. m igh tily like th a t o f a grayling. County Treas'irer—Frank Cauglieil I t came to the net, and the local Weddertmrn representative of the railroad A m« awir - W m . TU man, Harbor. 3ongrresmaa. F irst D is tric t-W illis Invariable custom io print the doh/ C. Hawley, of Salem. ,«mau os the napkin proiU sd (or the Gvera or—Oswald West, Salem. Secretary of State—Boo. W. Oleuit 8a- Kasat, so that when the tattsr dateras Only one motion is need« make any character desired oi complete, straight-line, key-for-e character keyboard of the - SVrX Model 10 devised Complete, Straight Liao Keyboard and. A RIVER W H ITEFISH . A Key for Every Character. SEEK VOX; BIT UINE. Settool S a n k - U r n . W.. Sm ith. OoM •T h ere, there; It’» a grayltog!" “ P u c k this earefnlly in more,” snM Xinrrta. "ftew l I t to your geo- era) passenger »cent.” Then he walked to the telegraph office and wired th a t official: "A m sending one of your gray ling. I t ’s an In fernal old river whlteflsh.” urveyor— I . Csugbeli Jr., Gold Beach, m ; armoa or ts k oocant. Circuit Court mesta Fourtb Honday la August of each year. Couaty GocUmtasInasn Oourt mäet» Arat Wvdnesday la Jaaoary, Aprit, Jaty and Ssptamhersd aashyaai. 1'robate Ocilrt oeete Beta Maaday ia Then he took the train for Now Yarik and kept hie engagement. EDUCATOR) T i n FAMILY. Ganglota E c ltte y ... Timber Claims. neys; if it steins « B BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK »nd PO U LTR Y M ED IC IN E your linen It Is evidence of kid­ ney trouble; too trequent desire to pass It or pain In the back fa also oanvmc . i f proof that the kidneys end bled- ’ w »i*t to Be. There la comfort in the knowledge as aM a eaprimad, that D r. Kilm er's Swamp- ha great kidney remedy fulfills evqqr » curing rheumatism, pain tn the ildnsy», liver. I ladder and every part irtnery passage. It corrects btebllMv water and scalding pein In passing id effects following use of liquor, beer, end overcomes that unpleasant MSmaMv of being compelled to go often deetag 'be day. and to get up many ttmee dvr'uW the night. The mild and -.'-e ertre- erdbtarr effect ©I Swamp-Rout t* soon r i i his « It stands die highest for Its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. If yes need a medtclre you should have the bam. Sold by druggist, H 5Oo. and J f . sues. Stock and poultry ha»« lew troubles which are not bowel and . l i v e r irregularities. 3 ls e k - Drengbi Stock and Poultry Medi­ cine m a bowel and liver remedy foe atoek. I t puts the organa of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and fipeka „eaithy cy grr.ng .hem an occa­ sional doae of Black Drought Rt.ck and Poultry Medicine tn their food. Ary stock raiser may buys 25-oent half omnd air-tight can of this medicine from bis dealM and I keep hi, stock is »igoron» health for weeks. Dealers gener- all.v keep Ulack-Droaght Storo and Poultry Medicine. If your» d-tee not, seed 25 cents t n a »ample ean to the m anufactory. Tne Cbattantxkrn Mediciaa Co.. Chat­ tanooga, Tena. lU W a te rid e tiM l exhibit a sanu'ie Latest Model • b e t lb r u * . b b r » ^ u t ,e * « r v » h e ie » t x iin it lii'« cf . l Z v . p ~ Z a r 5 & L d iiT r * i rldo tketdeeU toeiteiaitftt >ato-te»t jot wtah. fw rfccJy aattaLxl , r do not » L b to beep the i tw a t p e r r ip e n • a id L ~u an. Have you any to offer, or do you enow of XayvNW who hast I desire to purchasr. Angus G. Mackay, (teal Estate Ageot, Port Huron, vlneed that it was largely Impregnated Michigan. with metal. He clipped some chips o< the rock. and. tskisp them to Mat.awa, ro asaw gie to t-im uA Larteij» piotttx by tm y- tu ta e mr.n'ifec.a,-. r scttsm utae behind your v a bicycleor a heir o f l l r r t from a i aar sir caul^nw -tend Ls.-a our unboard of /«.—» M I s I I Nlf-he«liiigTire«S,^S Notice is hereby given f i t n il person* whom I t m ay c o n c rn , not to enter up­ on o r treep.-\ee upon the premises of L . KnBfip. for the purpose of hunting, «r Dal-lut w ith book »m l lino. Said pre- miser are situated on Elk R iver, C a rr, >.*oun-y, Oregon, and generally known as the “ Bono’ ’ place. Any person o r p ers o n so trerpa-e- isg for the parpoee qf h unting, fisM ng, d r traveling throwgh in any shape form or m anner, or tearing down fences, or tearing out side gates open, o r muleat- iny personal property, w ill be prosecu­ ted to th e fu ll e x te n to f the law. ¡« to re d v e rU d n * pnrpoeaewe ere 1 s K 5 s ’ £ i5: * ' “ s s » r I ep. Ü .S . M in en *', g a r r e y - r Surveyor forth« Dietriot o; Or- N. Y. When writing mew- aa w c m offer In this paper. O ír » « ! « GEO RG E M . BROW N, A beautifully i l b i t i r e ted ■taathly magazine of th« witie- aw aka W a t t w ith fasrinaling short atone», picturesque personal potat-of-vtew description o f tha nitereating development of the W e s t , a n .l the FMiunfY j>ii~ «ary of lha wonde:land o f tha a ' ■ w • R A«k b < it your total ftowydealet far current issue or sen J $1 50 tor year’s eohacriptton. 1 tie book. "Road of »Thousand W o n d e rs ” — 1 20 {wautiful W e ite rn v ewj ia ALMEÄDCi A T LAW K0SKBVK 6 URKGOW M. L E E P E M B E R T O N «rtf« * » 4 K ira e lflM re l w e u ie i was traanc w it. baadarbe lev w to teo m ent y o u ri XHTARKTS. red U m pate tu ber heed aistos, Wa berti I cenar. CT eoe C »e i e» eie Ayer*» É*ill*. Ayer*« PRÎT Ayer’s PUI*. Keep saying this over and over Main. The best laxative. i¿ánSi: Want yoar monstnefee nr beard a beautiful broMRarnchblackF Use i Csss M ia r iw s wie * Onpor" C e . FiMeherg, pw W anted ¡NVENTÖRS DOCTORS four oulora— w tU be included— SUNSET IsAGAZIuB ' PWOO BPILUIKO V 't AXTOÄW BCY I It »H’S a n d t n w "No." replied the busy mother, with evident reluctance. “I d really like to. but I promised to spend thia morning doing aometblng for Roberi The poor child would be so disappointed If I D E N N IS C U N N 1F F . f it ., rcra of thin, «ycim iy p r e p a n t The regulnr prtee of three Urns 1 found t ’ira» strtc'.Iyes rrprearatad. Have you ever seen a Sunset? he showed them io Tim mins and Dun­ lap. The latter saw the specimens were largely stiver. Carefully rn s-'llng the secret, the two men went to the place and discov- ered more than a doaen other speci­ mens o f rock. A ll were of silver, with about 12 per cent, of nickel and a trace of cobalt and arsenic. They also found a well-defined ore vein running along the surface of the groand toe m a rl) 1.000 feet Claims were filed, and Moab Tim mins, bis brother hen ry and David Dunlap.became the owners of the prop­ erty. The three men. with a gang of t t miners, then took pos***aaion and be­ gan operations. Two »harts were aenk. and the ore vein got richer as they went down. A depth of SO feet bee been reached, and whet is said to be one of the richest stiver and nickel depos “Wo,” she said, " I can’t possibly leava home tor s whole ball day. T eam s. I ’m obliged to spend all my U r « helping the children with their lesson», their teach­ ers give them all so much ouuide work to do. I t takes me irom -seven to ten every night to solve Harold'» probieu.» is algebra from (our to six every el ter- noon 1 have to loos up the F.lttcricsl topics at tbc library lo r Isabel a bile she la struggling with her Latin, sad from one until lour 1 am either loo. ing for pieces lor little Henry to eg. as In lha fifth grade or pi easing lee bet’» botanical specimens or translating Nellie's French the poor child's not very strong, you know, and I don't Mbs to have her sit up too late at night.’ “Then why not come to me da the morning?” asked herfHead. "Thievery S< 01 l ’Sl Mt I SIO\ P H Y k lC IA J I* . ,; , ___ J f h c q » I I t a l i j j l D i t T f t iU 'J L a N G I/’ I«. < -l;i ‘ ;t..v The man waa soout U . says the Philadelphia Record He wee rather bald. Ills wrinkles wee« many. His Boston —Up-to-date shoplifters haee mustoebe waa gray. The ftean of bla evolved a new scheme to foci the store detectives. At least the police say so. cheek» and neck bnag n th e r soft sad and they ought to know The latest Bobby. Nrverthetr a, be loo ed v'gor- "wrinkle" is to carry about with them ous and IntGUgent- be was handsomer several sheets of.brow s paper, such as take him aitogethtr than be bad beea Is card In wrapping up parcels and ad <«. Bat be brought out a photo­ some stout twine. They then pro red graph of btmaelf at «0 which hardly to Me up the stoles articles, so as not resembled Use. so much had be o arouse soai-icioa If they nnforts- ehangtd. and. “if you w a tt to print vtely become too elonaly acquainted my ptrturo. use thia," he said to the reporter; "but don't low It. for MM the with the tlooe walkers or detectives o ily one I've got o f myeeif at tba: age However auotaa.ul ^hs s heme m t and I'd tike to «cep ft. tor, you i ow, work ia eo.ue caste, tt felled ae far a 'T rs M ary S t-'y.rm a'k and her ta-g h 1 I don” grev say yuaaasr." "I'd rather i ter. M rs Alice k'oato of Allstoa an< , have your pttoare as you are to-day." ••Id the reporter, "tor you are Ltnd- : Cimbrldge. who were ,rre/:ed after : eotner now t b u you were at to " "Oh. chase is the shopping dittrict. era oS • e ; 1 am tow sM «Bd wvta.ted end bald eraed. WhetHei they were dlg-ov •ww." n M ths mas. "Dee the f '-j ear- ered before they bad had full npportu old picture " The reporter exHx.med nlty to place the paper around th« cedes Is not known, bnt at any rote the police say they foend plenty o log young [ I d u r n be paper and twin» on the pair wher o realise -ow muct they ware searched at headquarters ind pleasing theM They were not recoa.t'ned bv nay If they beve live« of the tnS 'ec’ oe, as old offen tarn, Saetriont-lifs X'v« 'hough the pfended guilty when a r ' fly who beve g iv « reigned in the -nnniclpal court The mother wee fine-' f r.' a re the daughter | was placed 0« probation.