Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1914)
Gmt) »strut that it it ««Maat to a, the Adarinistration is Mercantile Go. Gold B e n c h ,O re g o n Expert Hand Engravers Up-to-date Watchmakeis Manufacturing Jewelers He did not n ee d 'n o ab- etract; be had, a W arranty Deed. Afterward« he found there was a lien, against the i ^ atclie® demagnetised and place for $1280, which h e , nd repaired in our had to pay. This happened !,uU7 *P»PP«d Repair De in Ourry oounty last y e a r.' Partment- M obal : Get an abstract and > ' ■> — be sure. j —F irst C lass Waste Q slt — to better accommodate onr growing trade".'; and inervasing number of patrons we have *“ been compelled to add to our gerteral stock of Ih y Goods, Groceries aod Provisions, as ' follows: Hardware, Dairy Supplies, Stump ing Powder, Oils and Paints, Farming I m - , piemen to of all kinds, including McCormick Mowing Machines and the oelebrated Web-* > her Wagons, etc., etc. And don’t overlook our up-to-date atock of Men’s and Boys’ Cloth- J ing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Dress Good»,? Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Candy, Nnta and N o -* tions, Rolled Barley, Grcas Seed and Seed ’ Grain. •* - *> •> ’4 j i;tfa K N A PP HOTEL, Boyle Jew elry Co. Port Orford Oregon, — K N A PP Proprie So EXCLUSIVE JEWELERS, ’ First-class in every sm A J a G o Ml F eed G et A Grôt&h, Bandon, Ore. H w x Mo. 614 E. H . BO YLH. Mgr. j Stable attach«! Wo run the Stag« from P i «ta D airyville, connecting Stage to M yrtle Point. < I- . ,. -,jf U bbbbm takbn for a ^ ytmino . not o r , haj ,* » ’W M . T. STOLL, Atty, at Uw Sitata« L aw aBpecfcUy 5 ^ 1 ¿.¿tel order < JAS. S CAPPS Politieal Announcements. Coke Bldg. MÀBSHFÌÉLDrO-t ;.w, A . W OOD v ATTUUKKY AvX I A W MOLD BEACH. OREHOV. Ka the C trc a lt C ourt o f the State sTOresow, fo r the County o f C u rry .' ■yu im u , 's u w Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Stores W»(. Gillings, Prop. Borman Wood, Plaintiff) _ _ »a. I SUMMONS. feadaat: la the m o m cf thaStaM of Oregon; you ere Iwreby summoned and requir ed to answer the complaint of Norman Wood, the above named ptatnilflr filed against you in theabeve entitled oourt and cause, in the office o f the Clerk of the C irc u it. oert of the (state of Ore- <on for the Conaty of C urry, within a i l weeks from the date of the first publication of thia summons, to-wit; ee or before the SSth dpy of March, 1314• — ■ ■, * ¿ jtK . * .1 ■ *A , The defendant w ill take notice tfikt I f she fall to answer said complaint, as above required, the plaintiff will apply to the Oouit for the relief demanded la theeem jfiaiat filed hereto, oi~ which the following iaaeuecioet state meat; Jack Kogere left on (he north ! bound stage th irta o ru ln g for to n t o k e a tmi i “■* F 0 R J 0 IN T -K E F R E 8 E ÏT A T IV R L ta k e thlsineans ofacaoueeingm oandidner for the Republican nom ini dod, from whence be w ill take th e G old Be« ' steamer Ft field for Ben Francisoo E d ito r T a n I me by th at tbe » ' while e n ro u fo le Riverside, (M l., to attend the gpklen wedding a n n iv e r. •a ry wf-bie peibnls.’ " '* spasm. Lodis tf. Brow« o ftoh .lo n,sp eetal' A) u ,,rit for • I he would li Thursday In p o rt in (he in irtm ta o f h is o o m d iiu k M r. Brown, • “ d “ h caU ts sliusiYsr and 'wrote, several potto was not a t 1 Orford, Carry County, Oreg tu e of an order ed -jsobihwt by the Hon. John S. Coke, Ju I Circuit Court of the State of lea Me w ent da io F rid a y, ' '- Gold Beach pm niseiun th at he is ir T b iT rib u a « is rather o f the opin ion th a t ths ch aafe to be made in the rued South o f town le a mistake, Baepeotfully . ' X i.L O ftt. r O R C O M M ISSIO N ER .J ae>s letter s g ta l fa t th e M u tu al L ife Insurance company o f New Y & r l, «pent last the primary eieetion M ay 18, H tA I hereby reapeotfnlly annopam my dekl re to aeon re. the Republican nomi nation fbrOoonty Com m l^ortcrof Oer- rynetm ty.aad request th arm yf nagm. and qu difieatione be djuiy «oMidmwd at t o , primary nomtnaUngeleetion.oa M a y i« h ,l# H . ’ “ T T i S ’& o , . P * “ « ® *n * ’ * * • “**’ ‘ " H «bbor* *3 »• *hen a permanent reed is fin a lly dowB t e l l t i t w ill hhdoohtadly run ddwa ill« M u f f to tfu b b ard ’S creak, which lb ’ l,b 1’ •» “ nd 1 e,,uld l h « place to buy yout C h ristin a s presents w ill tie on the level and about one-' * * * 10 **? w th iid shorter iadlstanoa. m « eto fit; I t h e Randolph coming into port fl,r e,cl’ section since our last taaue. Juet about aa cheap to buy It at la j last week with freight was about es our mlloh o f a b lu ff aa anything else. rard oerne down from Bandon yes- • tl'rw torday in the former's aa t< ^ re tu rn - «¡«riee. ¡ng in the afternoon. ♦ Sher- C” ®»» again to the near future the T h e y report . * the rnatle in good condition, for ao has been spending the paat couple early In the season. - M r . Jtimiseon of weeks a t tbe county seat attend 3 3fi> A tract ot 72.43 Borea, wlthie described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1, ideath al with Corner No. 4, of L .O . Branch's Application No. 300; extending thenee 8. < degrees E. IfiAOchs., thenee N. 61 degrees 46 min« K., 43A0 chs., thenee M.6.idis., thence \V . R . h u ra t Sr., was in town thn '■dientea th a t thia lum ber m arket is osrd for C o u h tiftte rh , Jac. C a u g h t I Purveyor, f n O i i t i r C a u jlm ll ° f gowd.qbAHfiuntloa« and th a t ) ,* ®6.10 cn*.« mQMMN W» QSNT®®® • •» 0.00 chs., to the piece o beginning, listed upon nppliention of L . G. Branch care of U B. Ntobola, Harbor, Oregon; Ua< 6-114A February 80, IM A U M. Bruce. „ Aarietaut Commissioner of the Oeoer- positions buewter of Southwestern Oregon, and Br* creditably fillin g . So o f C a rry p o u n ly.t# particular. H e **r there ia nothing to indicate th at believes th a t when transportation 1 aB7 <M1* *’• them three w ill have op- comrs thia w ill be one of the lead ' l*>sition either at. the prim ary or in thn G LASS H IG p Q B A D E IN T E ll O B « » I S H ■* L V ’ ?na w w. C. W . ROBBINS, M Club in D. Port Orford, Oregon. AgneM Item«. B la c k sm ith in g „ which h a lf grown fru it and that gerauiume George 8utton tvpreaented the O. A. have been grow ing, outside during C. In thn lig h t haavy-w eight ciaaa 1 * a ll tim w inter. H a d he put up { « « ('(1 7 8 Ih t). George lost o u t after s ' for hia cows they woujd have easily hard tum le, his opponent gaining a reached the 8100 m ark, and I f ha fall and a decision o v e F T lta , b u t r< l! had a good m arket for the fru it and that he was up against a good athlete berries now on his place be would Is shown from tbe fact that the M u lt • . Mo bunting or tr»|.|d«g will tm per mitted oa what is k »wa as the Pfia- torer range, in tills nsn.ty. r. whits . Im where finance« would no longer nomah man entered and aleo won »> worry h im . O w ing to the drudgery the h eavyw eig ht event. Aa thia to e vis it w ith her relativm . attached to d airy work M r. H e ra t | ia tbe firet year th a t George has J M ain street is about cleared, the p iim o r taespam is any mw has sold his eowS snd replsoad them taken up wrestling, hts work w ith pure blood sheep. «very promising. "S7 V, to-j-'AI”v.'i v< ' V * Physician and Surgeon Portland ha A gricultural College and the M e lt Athletic -,iii , Telegram gives «a account id a I wreetling meet between the Oregon L nomah « *«*«» «*'«•«> t o A r p M 0 « W » . t o t s ex- ' , loyab «**> themaalrae- to now has a flg tree on liia place with 8A 8H , DQORS AND MOULDINGS f d airy farm. that : MAMVPACTOgxaa or pb,y« es sot anc I , out feeding, «90 each, and NO R TH BEND, OREGON o eB of * in the "candidatecolumn” this week I H» edtirlui b il l be'noticed;hos. of J . R. H t.n I t h e i l l m X ' 1 ing atock and fru it counties In the *he general eleniioo. i state. Ia support o f this view he j A recent iasae of appiktetion of £ . A. Knorr, Port Or- r>nl Oregon: List 6-1 IM . A tract of 66 M acres, within what will probably ¿ d«« when surveyed. Sees. 34 and 36, T. VQS., B. 18 W., described ae follows: Beginning at Gurner No. 1, identical . With corner N o. 10,of List No. 6-613; . VXtandiag thvkoe N. 8» degreee, E., 10 che., thenceN. 38 degrees K., 22.80 - e h a , tlteum 8 . 66 degrees 30 m in., E ., 3U.30ehS., thence N. 88 degrees SO min. FOB SURVEYOR expected to be Much better than H at that hesu for the past year or so. ( j >w > J Among the new announcements"editor. for Treaaurur. 1TW I4-.m nil A n g ouveàir Spoons, r j , „ | ) e bssl«e ) , h..uld he , ike b jm , river « » p to ry habits. >whw aspire to ' says th at last summ er he milked eight cows which netted him , w ith ' lh i over last Thursday. M r. K e n d all has taken an option on some tim ber l,n d »" >bia ssotion nt a figure which f in * o f the week from h is K lk M r H u rst ia a ' i o r t ©rford, S ' “ * ^Ltoj Also I may a „ ¡ D_ ,>,e law haa the honor of bringing tf»e first ing t<> business matters, was in town qualified to make entry c m in to P o rt O rfo « th a ,® t f * out- aad the preference rig h i la exerateed side in the year 1914. •' ' G ounty « u r v t y o r 'L a .- O f in g b r ll, and entry by any qualified pst.-oa. A came up by Saturday’« aiago and is tract of ton acres, within wba. will peuknhiy hai tetra« ser ray «fi, Ose. ,,-T . «Lacofk surveyiogm te. .the-'o o un ty 36 t o B. 11 W n described as follow,- : road to be b u ilt from the K n ap p Beginning a t cornor No. 1-whence the hoter to a point tost south of the aouheaat (w n re rb l Sk. 12V*». u 8., B . 18 W „ bafirelL K) chs., End S. » ¿eioetary. A fte /fin is h in g the work to re M r. C aug h eU w ill U) U n g - theaoe 8 3 IB c M .M b a A W .^fikehe./ loie to survey a w o rm e d /h g n g e in theaeeN.'S.fOcha., throes W .t.M e h a ., ? i. Roondtree. ^ A g n e M ^ re ^ o n ; liet t h i- n m d t o t k n U n i t / i v t h ' a t thbn. - a.rxcL ]^a,nge$,. S tile tto G uttlery, • ^ a n te r a s, * ” . ’“ J * • running abort in gro A tty . Rendell o f Marshfield, who h u S to v e s G uernsey, s a lu m ia u m , I’^ugsa.n.dDyfa.t- P‘ home stores, and at the saga« tim e She bed a little freight for every- patronise home« and home body but not much for anybody, induatry. ^ » " 7 . » U . r bo.1 C. A . Jamieson and M a rt full line of J looks saw m ill w ill soon «tart and “ W atch ' •<*»“* “ •** tidelauda or Agnem G row .” I Portland. Oregon“ W*gons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, •loo Agent for AU Kinds of Fitrining Im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a Leaaonable price. Your patronage solicited.