1 1 , I O 14« O F F IC IA L , D IR E C T O R Y CÄISP «VATU AWD B l i m c T O W C B B S : than two. . /K J Only one motion is needed t< make any character desired on th< complete, ¿traight-line, key-for-every character keyboard of the easy action n k 1 1 1 A • V' , ~ . - • *'1 febt •' ‘ -’i »' • . ‘ light running -oiigresem an, F ir s t D is tric t— W illis 0 . H aw ley, of Matoa. Oven» o r—Oswald W est, b alen i. ■Secretary of « U te —Ben. W . OtouU Sa- fe a t * ; «¿ t w T ; - W ' . Ftate T.aaaurer— thus. B. K a y , o f Sa- A O N T you tuink. dear, that It jy would be nice to spend our Christ- — • ssae te Florida T“ M r. and M ra W h ittie r wer» sttttog i th eir easy hank parlor. As aha 1' t,i. Supt. Publie Instruction—L . A . AM ! erm an, Malein. S U U Printer— W illi« D u n tw a y. Malen». Attorney G eneral— A. M . Craw ford, State Game Warden— W m . I,. F la - J . ' .je f . Salem. State Health O fficer— D r . O a ivin 8 W h ite , Maiern. Satoni. ' > lierit State l utu, I B o a r d - « . U . Brown. Salem circular» that for the J o in t Senator fo r Oooa and C urry— , L 8. Sm ith. I Joint Representative for Oooa and C urry—8. P . Peirce. Judge, M Ju d icial D i s t r i e t - J . W. H am ilton , Roaebnrg. Prosecuting Attorney fo r C a rr y Go.— W . H . M eredith, W edderburn. Complete, Straight Line Keyboard and A Key for Every Character. BANK NOTES, 8. Senators— D r . H a r r y L ane, o f Cortland and Geo. JC. C h am berlain o f Matoin. .-» “ .Tt «y , . 0. 8 . Commissioners—H Port Ottoni. . '■ W rite for T . Stewart ■ S ooumty orriCBkn. County J t jd g e - W . -A. Wood, Gold County I Gold B o* |b ; GeoChenoweth, L a n g lo is Sheriff—< X H . B ailey, Gold Beaob. County 3lock— Job u B . S ta n n a rd , Gold county Assessor— W m . TUman, Harbor. School 8 « p t - Geo. W . Sm ith. Gold Beach. u rv e jo r— J. Caliglieli J r., Gold Beach, M in u to » o r Tuacoiorre. C irc u it C o u rt meets k o u itli M on day la August of each year. County C um m laelonan C o u rt masto • r m Wednesday la J a n u a ry , A frU , J u ly and September of m e h y a s u . Probate C o u rt meet» flrsf M onday in each m o jtb , d in a r oovwrv rosy ormes» »gD ro ar- few Process to Bo Employed by Gov. eram ont P r in tin g Bureau 8oms Inta re s tin g P ar- , titu la r» . T he days of the crisp bank-note are unbared. Instead of being crisp. the money which the government bureau uf engraving and printing will hereafter turn out w ill be tu ft and velvety, U Im portant experiments which are now being conducted in the presence of treasury bMciala fo r the purpose of demonstrating the advantage« of a novel Chemical treatment for paper prove satisfactory. The result of the adoption of the m w secret prootbs. says Geyer's Stationer, w ill be to revolutionise a portion of the work connected with the printing of the paper money of the United States. » Under the new process It will takes B ut CO days’ leas time to ruann- faetnre a bank-note than under the preneat method. T he chemical eolu- Chrtst not only renders the paper soft and velvety, but i t also makes tt aoa- t W hit- »hrtnkable. By applying It to a Japan­ ese napktn th a t article becomes aa i hands “ ft *nd pliable as a tissue of »ilk. ry eaa T h » ebemtcal preparation acta as an antiseptic and preservative. When ap- W h lt- Plied to old documents It seems to had a k " f t the «ber together and prevent fu r- a pity | th«r decay. Under the present process aer aU o ' printing paper money the paper has to be thoroughly aoaked In water. White W hile it to la tble soaked condition, one a f” ride o f the paper la printed. The sheet , epees to then placed la a steam-room and . aa If hept under a high temperature for 10 bar to the tim e aecegsary for the Ink to tested < r r The sheet Is again soaked ns la the flrat Instance and the reverse side k Aunt ®f the MU printed. The 30-day drying years. ’ fOM* then has to be repeated. In W h ittie r th-eight a bll la aenaaaary. which is required when t h * printing la done In two color», the w etting and drying process has to he repeated fo r a third time, and another month is thus consumed la Its produc­ tion. Besides the delay of this process, the wetUag aad drying rot the «her cd the paper, and although It to “starched” to gfva It the erlap appearance, the riareh sown wears oat and the bin be­ comes limp and wore. In printing bllto H a r b o r ........... G old Beach. edderbaru H IM m e ... « a i t a i ........ Agoeua........ P o rt O rfo rd D e n m a rk . . , L an g lo l« , . Ifcfeg K okte?.... aad D o n ’t K n o w It . ■ e w To V i, rot. « - » uebaaithy eondi- tk»> .J the kid- nsysy if ¡1 atahs your linen It 1» evidence of kid­ ney trouble; too frequent desire to _ . • t o r " ! ^ '? , To7delh“ ,lW ‘' ‘d"*’ ’’ * nd bla<*- W h et to l>e. Thgro Is comfort In the knowledge an Mien expresaed. that Dr. KStoss'« g S u n p . Root, the great kidney remedy fulfill» every wHh ■" c w to f rheumatism, p»lo In the haek, kidney* liver, t ladder aad every part i Si , >• correct» ln.-bU;rv , o hold watar and acaiding pain in paaai.jH ^ 5 U d • rt8C7 t o > l « l « r ^ e of It? , “ d overcome« that unpleaaant • i i W n t . compelkd 10 < ° oflea ,1.’ ^*22 * nl 2 ° p * UP ni* " y time« the night. Th« mild ,n d the e x t r » BLACK - DRAUGHT I Hietasi Mtö^;ö?tS?q-KWi! STOCK ®nd POULTRY M E D IC IN E ih«™ back L *1 , so S’nck aad poultry havs fesf troubles w hich are nut bowel and - l i v e r irre g u U rit.«». it l .a c li- Praugi,; «trek and Poultry Med cine 1« a bow«l and liver remedy {,< stock. It put« the organs cd digestion ia a perfect condition. Promiwent A m erican l,reed,-n a»d farmers keep G.etr herd* and Suck« sealtbj ay giving Jwar in occa­ sional dose of Black Draught MLxA aad Poultry .Medicine in their f ood. Any stock raiser m ar buy » 25 len t luuf-ponnd sir tig ht c*n of this medicine hem bis deal«; sad keep his stock in -igorouj health for wesks. Dealers gener­ ally keep Rlsck-Dranght Stoct and Poultry M d ic in e I f yours does But. send 35 cents for a «ample can to the m e e u f.-v tn r m The Chatten.ng» Medieiue Go., CbsV ,nt appealed to him. ' thick, yellow oil that seemed a most «.laid at last. “I suppose ' »»11 «factory lubricant Aa the party I t ’s nothin , mors thss fair. I turned one scratched his heel on t h . Notice la Urrvby given Io »11 peroooe If my ptopia corns, that yours should. ! Iron-covsred floor, and a weird ahi »horn it may concern, not to , lite r up- too. But you have a Cousin R u fu * and , r , n l toe air. The person In blue lea ou nr trespnaa Upon th - psrmiSrS of £ , an Uncle W illiam , haven't yo u r* ' to toe a ir with bla hair bristling 1 | Knapp, for th * purpose o f to u tin g , or I t was Mrs. W hitUrris tura to sigh. V rt-7 . Including including the tbs manager, m anager - m s - ic i Hal l u t W ith UOOM «ad Hue. 8 * U pro­ “Moro than that.“ »he said. “Don't ; for the door The only brave out was mises are situated on H lk R iv e r, Corry you romrtnber Aunt aad U ntie Roby- toe man who had caused the trouble ten *nd their children r * 1 H a w m Interoatad. Ceun.y.'O rrgon, »no generally known W h ittie r got ap nervously aad paced The angtaeer poked his head Into »« the ’ ‘ Uoiu»” place. the floor. , toe w hirling belts and begar to scat- Any’ person or p»r«n • m traspa>a- “Good hsavsas! ” ha sxslalmsd at la s t tor oil. ¡ng for the purpose of h un tin g, Ashing, “W hat are ws going to d of It ’s aw­ i •’Cro-s » s ah !" th» visitor raa M a or traveling through in M y rf,*p e form ful t * dwsil upon. Ws simply havs got foot across the floor agaia. •T he engineer dodged back w ith af­ or m anner, or tearing down fenee*, or to ask them alt. W hy, It w ill soot a frighted face and around the machiae (saving out side g»t*s open, o r molest­ aUat to M te rta la ail this crowd." | where he peeped late every crovlee. Hs grow more sxeltsd. ing personal property, w ill be p oeeru- "It's a fta rfu l thing.’’ hs said, "to "C -me out!" called the manager. ted to th e fu ll extent o f the 11*. have relatives W r’ro la for It, I gusss. “Something’» about to broak.” W o1, R. Johnson, “Cre-e-e-e-ak!” Ws ta a ’t lop any of ’em off. W e ill“ ' Leasee of 'he above he cried, tam ing to Mrs. W h lttlsr, "have Again the engineer tore around the nam e, I promiaea yoa nothing .to suggeat* Tou got as great machine, dripping oil all over !t. Th» machine gave another croak, this la te It. Can’t you get as outT“ M r * W h lttls r waited a metaaat baton time a hollow groan, for the visitor OK a N ÇI» CÜ a NNIFF, JU., had mtacalc,listed the force, aad with ■hs replied. a howl the engineer throw off the belt aad the ponderous wheel slowly halt­ ed. a',- S u rv e y o r for th e D ie tr ic t o f O r­ ’’W e ll." said the engineer, “I'll be hanged If I know what It I * but I got egon. , - . »’ to find o u t” G i'h i i t , - , . . . O le g ,m “Mayba It was my foot acraplag the floor." «Ud the vlattor, feeling a pity for him. G EO RG E M . BROW N O rig U off ths H M M m a s T re e ”Fbot nothin’.” mid the engineer, The Christmas teas Is supposed to y r r o n tt c s Y a t t a w have originated In Oerma-.y. but sueh rudely. ”T h ’ machine’s busted. I f is not the case, la reality the Christ­ people would onfy U n ’ to their bust K G tiK R I'U b OUk’.GGX mas tree la from Egypt, and dates M H they’d get along better ” Then the visitor left, and the sn- from a period long antecedent to tbs Christian t r * The palm trea it glneer began to Mkserrw all the nuts M. LEE l,EMBEi:Tl»N kbowa to put forth a «joat every and b o lt* swearing enthusiaiitlcally month, aad « spray of thia irss with under his breath until such time a» H a v e you any Have you ever seen a Sunset? awake A. Haines Timber Claims. n tm a a u ffa H a r e K id n e y T R fl a bottle ov comm. water sod lw it stand i M m . v to im A . F » y . .« « » - A . M . R ile s . .* . . . Arnes Johnston . . . . . . .J. 8. Capps. ...........H. B. T h r ift -I» R-il rf»nl .erri-« sad MMs* sad our A - r ,- ' in . m-»Ur»t«. Try M S W IF T a u a a a fksadrottdMftohttto arosw» ■ . * PHT8JCIAK ___ Office e t L an g lo is H o te l L a x g iz h s , ( J fiÉ G n y 13 shoots an It was used la Egypt at tha time of the w inter sotetict as a symbol that -tbs year was complete. Egyptiaa affections of an serly date s ill ua&er w ith the Christmas true. ths Japanese aad rabbits aro never The first Christina» Uee was latro- eaten by ths Abystlalans. who expla'n duced Into England and thence Into that rabbits pro too much like bip rats The naUvss o f the ffsndwleh Is lands would not take caviar for a gift Cheese In Mexteo Is simply eurd» dasfcented t a i pseuaed In panes!,» shspe. and seen then It Is paironlxe! srfcsa Rve ptoaksd tbs fetal appto, tos- M ir hy ths Osarssim eoto»i»ts Th» medlatelx tha leaves at the t m shriv­ half-breads aecapt it with hesitation eled Into needle palms aad Hs bright and a two-uuaaa slier o f, Llraburger green turned dark. I t changed its nature, aad henn as tha evergrsssu m all Cessnas pieachlag the story of mas 1 fall. Only oa Christmas dona H bloom brightly «rilh lights aad become beautiful with lovs-glfta—the suras Is turned into a Msattag a t the nattag of ths Christ Child, aad ws hard oar