Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1914)
C. W. ROBBINS, M. XX P hysician and Surgeon a business visitor io Iowa the flra of the week. ■ I«r nominato« to office will hr carried in thia nuhani Port Orford, Oregon. A. B. Carty wa. in town Saturdaj L. A . R O BERTS, fro « bit ranch near Corbin. A trm pact notice he left will be found in th i. iwue. ATTORNEY -rd money, and where ie that money to iee *>“ • frura « » » I * bT taxation?! Mrs. Nat Dean baa been serioutly til for the past week, but under the treatment o f Dr. Bobbin. aha it now much improved. he A* ,,n ,be Logislatwre imposes a tax I , on us of over three timet wbet it ¡ J wee lata y e ti. The 8tate tax for * (hie county leal year waa 1 2 millä, “ 1 W. H. ME li EDITH ATTORNKY aan COU I, SKI. LOR AT I,AW W K D D K IIB V K N , O R E G O N thbleer 4 « ilta . a di&rence of 2 8 millä Lhe te« fair theltaUiru 1« 2 4 milt», the extra tax over laet year m ille, deducting thle from u Ute total ux levy 18 8 » lila would , leave 1 1 « a itta or .4 of a » ¡ I l Jeea 4 than the laet years levy. l a i t the a fault of the County Court that the j Legtalature lapoew hM vy laxee on hie laltlBg dowW m t.e n d I U r . I Brawn who will .top for .w h ile with George D unni J . H . Upton spent several <l2ya t y last week visiting with bia parent.. M r. and Mra. J. 11. Upton, at Lang low, preparatory to moving from Marshfield to Roseburg:, . r , I , , , The wbooping euegb h a. made its appearance io several families In tow«, and in ooaerquenoe the at tendance at school u eumewltat di miniehed. The dieease ie in rathe? a « sere form. Attorney.E. B .H a llw a s a visitor in town the first of the week from hie K lk riv e r home. M r. H a il con templates moving tu su « m Oregon town in the neer future to engage i actively In the practice c f law. cm Curry sad southern Coca. M r. 1 Baker i . much hl^aawwd over the eo ‘ COUrs^CflMMlt Ik6 TW091 VfiHl LWlstl'Vd lO V B B SPA S9 NOTICE. J. J. STANLEY c o q v iu B , Fro Fro Froi An«l Froi « , O K ROOM 'T r e s p a s s N o t i c e d , w ted to it«, lull ~ . 4 b * ’« No hunting or trapping will be paw, T. I ,'fe r r y , Ullt^ *»>»< <* t o t a » to the Jfflpp A . ft, (tarry. torer "“ *«*•in u *«» « « c t y . _ L _ * ______________ W I1.U S T. WHITM. And every aan that «riled for I*» » the bridge, or worked for It, tane Fruì tinned the tax. The tax rate in And C urry county ie the loweet o f any Fret oounty in the.St^le, aave one. The W ill tax budget wae published iu the Fron Globe before the levy waa made' Froe and any taxpayer that cared to do Com to, could see ju st what the t a ^ Igyy,. “ PI would be, and the amounta to be Tfe raised were changed but very little n * h from the budget published, and yet day« there wee uot a protest from a uyone. ee„ t, Sixty two per cent of the tersa, been or In round number» BB2,t'00, is , | M p paid h r n,,n resident., rendent» pay , t pj’ 832,000 How ia the money »tient? f r a n t ic a lly 864,000 ie epant rig h t here in the county on roads, bridge«, school«, peoeinue, iadigeot, pr inti n g . suurta, salaries, fuel el«. About •18,000 gote tu pny State taxes, end the halanne for stationery, books stampa and supplies incidental to the running of the different offloee. Bvery tax payer bee a right to know Deputy Game Warden, K J. Ba- H ker, returned the latter part of lest 1 week from an ufficinl visit to north- 1 w Port Orford Furniture & Hardware Store .3 W nj. Gillings, Prop. p, <jr wear tbe „ ^ ,ort dam * de ma co.,IIw -geOM whet becomes of his money, and 3 _ T »ha law says »hut. the. Clerk ab.U „ tw ic e . year publish au itemized Ct statement o f Utareesi pia and die huraments. Under the new law he ■M M hae ta maito a* report to the Board *• a o f Aecountancy Meoaa month, and C * * * 1 if any paper, or paper, in the oounty MUI tab» to publi.h . copy of H „ a fe a»*«ito«,ltottl “ ’ fareiah a a'ud M r, W hite climbed onto Uta W . A . Wouo. , flouocrntqgthedtaeoyety o f t he Ran tide o f the etom pe«d for sometime dolpfa bedek m fw «4n485? by j * tiled to throw the nocee iu ' « rope Oroui way, a French-Canadian balf- over hie heed, when finally the hag tttasd. Tbo writer, bowaver, is in »pied bis totmeatar'and made for error In Stating tin t Grout way died him. “ Gene" waa only about three M . Doyle, a piooeor of Coo. eo«a- i n Douglas county.^ H e died at Pota fret off the groned end o,,uldn‘t go »y, but who tar the past 85 yaar. Orford, « pauper, having been • »ny higher, aed after making sev bee been • reeideat of Curry county, county charge for some time prior eral vicious alarhm a t b|m with wa. reported oritieally ill recently to h it death. MaiIT of tbe old set h it tuvka from below the hog starts at his homo near W edd.rbnrn. A t tiers who remember tbe helfbrved ed to climb up. N ot fancying the lata sooouiita, how ever, lie wag im m y that be was well educated, but looke end actions of the animal proving, much to th e gratification Gene »voided a closer acquaintance whisky caused bis downfall. He of a number of “ Derby’s” old time claimed that when he and bia two byttaking e flying leap down the frieuds on (he Coquille and Coos companion, mined et Randolph iu bill. The ground waa muddy and thtar crude way they took out a to covered with Salal bosbee, and the mato can fu ll of gold and ptatinum boys say that tbe way be went aarh day, and tboee who knew him thiougb the^mud and under end believe he told tbe truth. After over the brush wee worth seeing— squandering the money made at eeywey he made such time that the Randolph be returned end mined hog gave op the pursuit. The laugh much from tbe beaches of Curry However, wa. not all on one side,as i oouuty, but spent it all and died in the other boys took their turn at ' tree climbing, and after breaking poverty. one dog's I, g and crippling another , the bog finally mada its escape. - , W h a rf W ill Be R eb u ilt “ v-t uwTwey, si^tuminuin, u > 3 t , U JyLat. ting, Stiletto Guttlery, panteras, lEtc. "Sort ©rforcl Souvenir Spoons Highest temperature « j lowest M ; Mean for the month 47. Rain 7.7» inches; greatest la M hours 1.73 inches. Number o f rainy days W. ♦ ” of d ear daya 8. of pArtly cioody days 6. ’’ of Cloudy days Ik . KilBng fraata on 2nd. «th and 26th. Temperature 2 degrees above normal. Rainfall 1 inch below normal. •Prevailing wind from the 8ouvh. Storm on the 23rd end 24U». 8. D. Loners, Cooperative Observer. Boyle Jewelrÿ Co. Bandon, Ore creek last week, and after spending * * ' T L ? * y* J “ ,* ir creek home.lead returned «m th lb 1. within tbe next two week« The Nolic.« ere nested fo, - n ple~ “ t p ' * " * « " ‘O b ' V . the Wharf Oak Flat. Should thia trail be ' few i d ! c h o 'L wT ready tar »hipping about May lfilh . granted, it would be of great them bis .¡m ere , Rogueriver and w H l ^ v e f Roguartvor.aod w ill amvehia fam ily there nt once to get ready for tbe Wtn‘ • " dre‘ " in*d ’ U ’ « F - « “ “ « i«tentton of .ba nection w ith their M yrlta Potnl and Roseburg, and lesidenta within the proposed new field say« that tbe road, between tbure trail to get II on . good grade and X ^ h iiT i'iL m e r w tu i. ** ¡ i o X 200 °r 11 * * “ »0 widen it out a li t t l . .very -- ------------ 10 j m r and eventually have a wagon A enecial car in . ° ° ro < d ‘O ° “ k F ,,L ° * k rta^ ’ ""«1 25p riw m w .e e f him both w e ,r, t b . rid« w e. any. what its name«. A large lem, S e a t t t a T ^ t b . l* k n “* Mil'l^"i.U7 i o ^ ^ m . r ; n r i r , , r r' , 7 W7 7 i , encour,<*n,ent h« »anyum e«rf the year . n d > i v . i « t M iller tea good farmer and » g o in g oei red in Coos regarding hie can- not possible most of the tirew k>«cp ana nog rataiag. M A NO rA C TU BK M OF 8A8H, DOOR8 AND MOULDINGS glass HIGH GRADE INTERfOR FINISH m i e n s MAILKD ON A FT LIGATION GENERAL p- • - 1___ U Wood and I1-911 Work promptly .done at a I easonable price. Your patronage solicitud. • U f * o w 8 ° bou" ^ X i (in n ta X r e t ta J M ' 7 " u * * ' fl" ‘ wiUl than a few to new York City p t h ^ ^ h it ^ t o ? ¿ t h* 0 O ,y ,” n' h’M Ee On hl* “ U A » • « * «md would . . t a r - Roreborg thia morui hem w r iH . ihtaTTaw b o m i 1 ’ “ n «" 7 be' P “ h***"” * «‘• F ™ them w e liin their new home, where his way home. He is much plena- lotion on the Illinois river ie not live countries taUoa reeew^ NORTH BEND, OREGON W ^ons and B«ggie*-for Sale, kept to Stock, ai#o Agent for A 11 K in d s of Farming Im- piements; McCormick Mowers, etc. tbeSunsetand Outing magaiinea. „ ,, , • R ita Strahen and Ahna Julios,,e " a‘l,»bort ta lk , warn H e left Portland Feb. let. »nd ex- diaturbed ’bv'thZ-wIve’g " g m ? d ° W n rt ’ # r •« the * T * « t saying Peo6to reach hia detainalion abuut w , , M ' Miilerriance. • Uptoo and fam ily, 1 A pril let. * ’»WWiBtatiya Mr. l.u u .y ; , Mm ( I la-taking the matter of furn>«hlng L « * n l » lo ime have caused «good , t Mr. and Mra. W . F. M iller and piling, e tc , up with hmal men and *naoT large, elides in the county j ,. j m ,t , little eon name up frbm Euchre it ia expected that work will start l , , i L I » . , , 7 J n/ * P Z T Probate baainwu a apwei «lij, County Treaaurer, Frank C u g h ell, who wa. bad off with append let tie a couple of waekb ago, hai about rroorered bin former health. with ' M y i t t e P o in t , O re g o n , George Wileoq came down (row Coca Bay by Mrtndey% «tagr, sr,d « ill spend a few days visiting at Port Orford. Jaa. Lane made a iH n A T JL.. Repreeeatatire. «8« place. < a New Y«wk. _____ - , io.,, i-.,;....» . He did not need an nb- had a Warrauty Dead. Afterward« he found there wa» a lien against the place for $1280, which he had to pay. Thia happened in Corry county last year. M oral : Get an abstract and be sure. • t r t e t ; be . ;.. IE R A L M E R C H A N T Port Orford, Oregon- Has opene<kii new Store, with HEW GOODS, u a ng rA