Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1914)
> i3 a is 1 Ö 1 4 O F FIC IA L DIRECTORY, motion v T atb Q. 8. Senators—D r . H a rr y Lane, of Portland and Goo. Salem. ....,-y * ■ B. Chamberlain of Herman Paid the Tongreaaman, F irs t Diatriet— W illie C. Hawley, of Salem. U re rn or—Oswald West, Salem. Secretary of State—Baa. W. Oloutt Sa lem. State T.eaaurer— Thoa. B. Kay, o f S a one motion 1 « M W and s i * , me something near MOO to put Into stock. TKat a in 't quite •nou sb. but )» u win trust am for two o r three hunJred more on my outfit “ “W hat are yea to ¿ V the merchsnL » "Peddie," replied Herm aa aaatoatt- ouely. “«»01 I can make enough to bur sen m en ucv o m c a a e ; ‘ ’ “Oh, come now, ycu are doing better than any young man we bare ever had. expostulated Hope- “Don’t make a fool of yourself. You wUl ba head of a department la a few jrtara.” “Thank yon. air." replied Herman. 1 wouldn't stay fo r a fob m general manager. I am going In to r myeelf. I have learned all 1 can as a aubordj- lem. Supt. Public Instrtsotlon—L . A . Ald key-for-every ■I ■ e rm a n , Salem. easy action light running íwüpwO 1 State Printer— W illis Dnnlway, Salem. Attorney General— A. M. Crawford, State Game Warden—Wm. L. F in ley, Salem. State Health Officer—D r. Oafoia & W hite, Salem. * * Salem. Clark State Ijtud Board—O. O. Brown, Salem . Complete, Straight Line Keyboard gad A Key for Every Character. •y g. I# id i e_ ; ' Joint Senatoi for Coos and Carry— L 8 . Smith. Joint BepreaenUtive for Cooa and Curry—8. P . Peirce. j, I- „ p, Jnd<e, ad J u d ic ial D ls tr f e t - J . H am ilto n , Roseburg. , W. Prosecuting Attorney fo r Curry |Co.-»-W. H . Meredith, Wedderburn. ■- 0 . 8 . Cominlaalonere—H . T . Stew art Port Orford. rifa l l i ;.' Wri* for “ io,mation to The Smith Premier Typewriter < Syracuse, N. Y . I j o ou kw ornoaua. , County J-.tdtfe-W . A. Wood, Gold frasche* evwywk Beach. I C,xinty Commissioners— D . Culegrove, , | Gold Beach; Geo Chenoweth, Langlois. S h e r i f f - a H . Bailey, Gold Beach. County -C le rk — Joh a B . S ta n n a rd , , . Hope’s partner, died sad Hope east for t h,m- r “Oorafog, you a n a wonder,” ha ! Gold Beach. I County Teeasnrar—Frank Caugheli Wedderburn I Asaeaaoi— W m . Id m a n , H a rb o r. ! I School Supt.— Geo. W . Sm ith, Gold Beach. . 1 | iurveyor— J. Caughell Jr., Gold Beach, « M ic vtM u ao v m a co u are. I ! Circuit Court meet* Fourth Monday la said. **I need such a man as you. Be- [ sides you a n cutting Into our business. I I w ill take you In and sail you a quar- . ter Interest, a t whatever the business l Inventories, take over your stock a t ' what It Inrantorfoa as part payment ,1 and your-Koto to r the balance. Ton | can pay oat o f th e prafita. You eaa [ handle the business as manager aad I w ill look after the Bnancea" This was a grant lift, bat It only tod Coming’s ambition. M ill ha w m not a dominating factor In <Fe business world aad ha found a fter a yaw- or so that ba mast remain subordinate to Hopa, whose conservative methods drove him to distraction. H a wanted to lead. f August of each year. * * County Com m l «alone ra C o u rt meeta i firs t Wodnesday h i Janu ary, A p ril, i J u ly and September of each y e a i. 1 Probate O n tr t meets first Monday in each mouth c 4» aay oooirnr post orAicm, t a n cost b ly on the old lines. H a rb o r.., . . . , , . . . . t ,riateher Gardner. • Gold B eaoti................. w i» u _ t> become a power in the financial world flfow « • V ie .-let 'sr •H e r aad let B stand tv BLACK - DRAUGHT fth v * » hourst .» tlo n *tfh t b a ° T ! i STOCK *nd PO U LTR Y M ED IC IN E ne>s; If it stains « your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble: too irequent desire to pern It or petal In . ___ 5 . the back Is also «*»■ I 8tock aad poultry have few trouble« which are not bowel aad tiv a r irregularities, d la e k - Drangbt 8tock and Poultry M edi cine ta a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfaut condition. Prominent American breeders and ' farmer* keep their herds and ducks LsaRby by wiving Asm «a occa sional doss of Black-Draught Stock aad Poultry Medicine in their food. Any Week raieer m ar boy a 25-osnt half-pound a ir tig h t can of this meoicina fiom h i* dettlec and keep k it stock in »igurou* health fur week*. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Dranght Stock and Poultry Medicine. If your* dose n;»t •»•»«■? . » .G a t .* * at the rale he was going. ■ Aarne Johnston W h ile ho was struggling w ith thane problem’s, Hope's health failed. Know ing Oornlnc’s daring disposition ha did Langlois .. not dare go away, as the physicians t o k i« /.... ordered, and leave the young man la charge of the entire business. F in a lly, threatens« w ith death, he offered to •ell his Interest at a vary reasonable •urn i f Corning ooirifi Bad a backer. Have you any lo offrr, or do you W hile the sum was reasonable consid «now of anyone who bae? I desire ering the value of the business. It w m * a vast amount for a youag man to to purohsM. Angus G. Mackay, . Hcjcfc. o ^ i v e end »xmrevo c f . ,t. raise. All of Com ing’s profits had gone Heal Eetale Agent, Port Huron, Into paying for his quarter Interest Michigan. S In the meantime Corning had made one or two social connections. Ona w m FÄCTOüir t , Peter Holdbrook, a wealthy retail asar- ectualfa-toryeort V o u s ív o i • ' ï “o!1 *JroCt «hove ehant, with whom he had come Into le business relations and who had ad I s * , until you « S í ™ , ! . ? S £ f f ! # o r » h -V « *« « *» t a o m . . " , Í , » Í X j Notice Is hereby given to n il persona mired the young man for his business I whom It m ay concern, not to enter up- 4 ta le n t He had Invited Corning to hla home several times and had presented oa o r trespoM upon the premises of L . » his daughter, a frail, rather pretty g irl. Knapp, for the purpoee o f hunting, or o whose strength qf character. If she tlsh h it w ith B ook and line. Said p re S S K k H !^ B ^ S S í « t t a í s « 8 s a » a B ever had any, had been eliminated by mises a n situated bn E lk K lver, Curry her father's dominant methods. Coun.y, Oregon, end generally known k Just about this time Peter Holdbrook ! sa the “ Bond” plaee. ir died and bis daughter had calltd oa Any person or pereoi a «> trerpam- q Herman for advlct, knowing that her father had trusted him. The girl w m ie g fo r the purpose of h u n tin g , fishing, o the sole relative and heir and the rw- ■>r traveling thiongh in an y shape form , sponslblllty of the great eatate frig h t- or m anner, o r tearing down fences, or . ened her. leaving out side g-toa open, o r moieet- . To Herman came a great Inspiration. ing personal property, w ill be proeecu- , H e would m erry this ptoe-faced g irl. tod to the fu ll extent o f the lew. L who would be, putty Ih his hands. Thle W m . B . Johnson, . would give him money enough to buy ■me* p o r o u s a n d which < I out Hope, besides making him master Lessee o f the nbove named premises I of the great Holdbrook Store. He would combine the two businesses and make A . himself the vreatest factor In the busl- [ U E N N IB C U N N 1 F F . I I I . , l neee world. There was a sincere pang ■ a t the thought of Hannah, because, be- sides having a real Affection for her, Herman had made bar a part of hla scheme of life and h it nature revolted Surveyor for the D istrict ol O r at changing his plana. But he m w bo egon. other way and within two months he Gdld H bacli, - . - Gicgun had married Lillian Holdbrook. and soon a fter became absolute master of two great stores, one wholesale and one - GEORGE M. BROWff, retail. The rest the business world knows tT T O B N B T A T L A U well—how he reversed the old policies This transaction so plesaed Hopkins and struck out Into new methods with KOKKBl’RU UKRIIOY that Herman was ca'led on frequency s daring which stunned all observer»; to take a customer when ¡be salesmen how the batinces grew until Herman M . L E E P E M B E It rO N were busy. Tw o years after Hecmm Corning was recognized the world over entered the place Lesra? nade a regu is one of the greatest merchant la r aa!e»mnti -t f * } x r <aek. He al princes; he branched into other P H Y S IC IA N ways sold the things that siucf; on the liacti of business and finance anti! his , she!-»» M r H o yt lt»tt»rd of this and came wee on the directorates of lbtcy Office a t idinglois H o te l, The beat toxatlve. ¿£, complimee’ rd biro oa this point. banks end corporations and his ceil L anglois , O regon “V o t-id a 'I II h r rasitr inri ehettrer aetale holdings became the despair cf to have a h -yer who die n -t load deid aasessr-rs. stock on us»" as. ed rft:i. ao gravely. When Herman Corning was U his A wrek la .e rfic w»r re ide as’ iatant wife d.ed. A few months later he went manager of the d«partn>ent and cn- back to his old tows for the first time •r.iai. d w ith a considerable share of «Ince he loft IL He found Hannah Cur the buyl g. tin still unmarried. T o her be told Shortly a fter this, when V .m an w m the stoey of his success and the reason Just turned lh. he w r i t to Mr. Hope. for his m irrla«e. He lofd h«r I. had “ I am going to rsslrn.“ sald he. been without Mctlmewt. as his heart , " W h ii's the ’ notil le t" demanded belonged to her—but had been neee*. Hope. "A in 't you t ei lng enough?* sary In order to achieve success. "Oh, yse. t!r ," repl ed lo rm a n . "that " I knew you would come back." said • part Is all right—everytkljig. In fact, la Hannah, quietly. “T h a t Is why 1 le v pin right, but I want to go into businaoa er married. Men mnat work xnd worn | tor mysetL" en must wait.“ “Oo In for y o a r s e lfr exclaimed the • Just a year aad a day after the death mere?.«-.. "H ave yen got say capl- of hla first wife Herm aa Core in* and i tiiir - B S. ■’■■«.I Hannah Curtin warn married. I t is to '• bout ."■*» hat I'vs save?." rap” -? La pveeusasd they lived happy ev. r 1— w > ' " * - A t » ’ t bay a tram aJd afterward. I f sot, nobody ties knew it D e nm ark. . . nfi a bottle er eommo anm J. 8. Capps. . . . . . E . B T ty ift . . . J . A . Haines Timber Claims. I Lep. U. 8. Minero! Surveyr Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully i l l u i t r s i e d m onthly magazine of the wide aw ake W e s t w ith fascinating •h e tt stories, picturesque personal ao ta t-o f-v iew description o f the interesting development o f the W vsl and the romance and his tory of the wonderland o f the M tth . Ask your local newsdealer for currant issufi o r send $1 50 tor year's subscription. Y h e b o o k , "R o ad o f a Thousand Wonders.* HEADACHE ¡Ayers Pills « e to a C.viCAUhSSt Bud tb -y u t i n bras m ratfl». * , kura eve. had In the bnura. L e u «wet Biy ette * r a (raWtle with «»kdoeb* for ■w odtr* she »rled «own nt yon r ssC A rtETS. »“ » l '.ra relieved ta * p a l* ta b t r he ad aines* tmmrdlawty W s He'S twentun rnC ( ^ r a r e u r * O e n s -firc rS *. ,iu — 120 beautiful Wseiem v ews in fea r colors— w ill ba included— S ÍO II’SÍMI O V N I C O N VTIPA TIO M . n»w »—****. aman * n - « . *— ios, as Besidm T T ^ r a s not making money toot esough to salt him. To’ be sure his share of the year ly proflu ran way up to the thousj .’de. but ho could hot sea haw ha ever oouM Agt.eja....... | fo r t Orford warted out with hie wagon, H# “**de good aaleeuuc» o f merchan- dies and his tales were beyond his hop“ W |tbln two years he had piled up M.OO0. Then be ran screes a. store In a email town which was for sale. The owner had made a failure, but Herman thought be saw why. Me bought It, paying p a rt down, la tw a y e a n he wee out of debt and defog a business that was th e wonder of all the country about T he town had only 15.000 Inhabitants and Merman chafed a t the limitations. He found a pur- chaser a t a fancy pries, and at U went back to the city w ith |l0,000 la u i- pocket. H e then started a fobbing bustneee In a smalt way aad by hla ladsfatig- able energy and appdeatton began to make Inroads ta the bnhlnem o f the larger houses. He did well from the Brat, but bis resources w e n ao lim ited that he could not move fast enough to suit bis ardent apIrlL Then Norris. SWjFT.A CO, Op. MkkWaQk*««. *A «waea