The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19??, February 18, 1914, Image 3

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    T b » put
c . W. R0BBIN8, M. D.
«dsrarved I
half a day
P h y .tc U u i and Hurgeoti
the p a a tl,era P ^U in ln g t° h U ° ® * . the
of t . o . . . i i * ' UD‘J Court hires M r. Wane at
» 7 - ^ * 7 * * • d o ,,,r* i* * 1 <*ny 10 in*‘all tba
■w of T . C. new aratam and inatruht the offlcera
h liia family in its uaa. Some scooumy all
rill ha ready right.— Gold Beach Glpba.
the te d Joe
T h * • • » » • i« *H ‘ r u ,> « « « p i that
by M r.C la rk , the County court was not aaked to
Ray Imngloia bire • d*P °lT that the dark aught
ram Bandon • ’ U h d th e Clerk’1 Convention, and
place. Mra. “ “ P h* 3 • " r f M to da ao If they
Miaa Dorothy .h* rt heeo • * * » ; • nd * * • «»urt did
Nrff hire M r. Wano to install the
rn a n d Dem n#*
A ' “ ';
e nomination
Chapter 286 ° f ? h e 1L—
querade fla lu rd a
W. J. Ward,
th e B ro o kin g oh
waa la Port Orfoi
A« a mamrato from California
the Tribuue lam »y brought home
the whooping ioflgh, and Muster
Byron and the Miaaea Dorothy and
Heleu are UOw hayiag a a h wping .
waa ia P o rt
,X , ™
»**2 "
* . / 27 f 7
t Mr » 7
lyrtle P o in t
io ba proud.
I promoter«
« t o p and
munity haa
1 eporting
» wa know:
l»M«f « m a
p rw * l to
Paper, W x
7*7“ 7 ”
of W alter
1 which the
liar would
V., on the
Mrs. Herbert Dai
blanks, a n d tba ».
« a c t should util a
it b u » I .U Th
Tha «early days" items th a t ap
pear f e th ia , issue o f the Tribune
wIM he a permaneat feature of the
.paper in the future. We ha»eoom
H . T. Stewart.
b a te o f R
with twin flalvaa.
C O Q V IM K. . » »
& Hardware Store :
Wn). Gillings,/f*rop,
on the Brooking*« '
« ron" d. ‘ he tree may
b ut
I more it and the anchorage. Thia •
did after »«nulling with M r. o
Colagrore, fix * I the anchorage II
firm ly.p eto n alum-buckle, atratoh-
« j «be cable taut, and affixed w ir e 'll
g„y linee,charging actual coat to al
Before allowing the bH|, we eon g,
’ “h *
lir i" *
<■* *
ferry, one who.haa barer worked is
for tbe Br®^kin<* Company and is
p a r llc te a r ly ^ n d ly with them «
» *4 ba aaid that I f tb«tcounty had l a,
bad the jo b dnoa and dona aa w a ll1a.
ea it waa done» ft would hare c u e th ,
^ * 1 .mound. Another th in g ! d,
id a a tiH e d .
', * » *
xhepl«4t U feutj tjour C h risb h a sp x se r
*^1 full line of S to v es
a,a¿ Üaungi
S ucm scij, ^ (lu m in a n i, u p v 1 Dytc
ting, S tiletto C uttU ry, £ a n ie rn s, E
W . A. W ood
TPort ©rforà Souvçnir §poons
Coflnv C ounty L b a d u .
Moes Averill was op fro ^ Gold
‘ , Beech Saturday on business and
* . pleasure beat.
'f I
Harbor will bo io
Somo Record
operation about June let, and w ill
have a daily eapnoily of 240,000
fe « . The Brookings Lumber Com­
pany is also putting in about seven
milea of logging railroad.
Porter Bros., the oontraotor« hav­
ing the S. P. line to Marshfield ua
der construction, have announoed
that aa soon as the weather will
permit they will employ 2500 men
on construction work. They eati
mats th a t fully a year w ill he re I
- quired to complete the
> 7 ; ^
Trespass Notice
According to tha lata« statements!
given out by R K. L. Bedillioo, no
definite arrangements have y «
teen made for moving the Bandon
Woolen M ill to Coos Bay and U is
not certaio that tlm' move w ill take
place. Our Commereial Clwb and
onr iodividoal toOMers should aw
E B. Thrift ef Langlois, retureed
to it immediately that proper in-
Monday, from California, where aa
' documents should be offered to re­
weot to ria it his parents M r. and
tain thia ma n u fa c t oring establish­
Mra. A. H . Thrift of San Jew , aad
ment in Bandon, aa it is of vast
attend to business. I n speaking of
benefit both commercially and in -
the trip M r. Thrift says the storm
they ran into was terrific, but tha
In order to m e« competition and
Fifieid rod« the waves like a dock.
nt the same time to gM in line
with modern methnda. Ihe Surf baa
placed an ordtir for the large« lin o ,
type machine ever seen in this
oonnty. The order is rather eum
Port Orford School Boote 1
February S th . for the oM
Al Guerin of Florae Creak, who
made a forced riJe to ILwehurg and
was juet in lime to ju m p lb« i a «
train for Salem, to file water right
on a spring, returned borne Tuesday
l.mking none tbs worse from the
hard ride.
Tho linos o f this • F
°ompeey, which extend up K lk and
Sixes riv e n and down the coast to
K. J. Baker*», near OorMn, are
proving a groat convenience to the
people of tha community, and the
field covered is growing rapidly,
Now that the Tribune ia “oa tha
line** wa to u t that the farm an in
the neighborhood w ill «end in the
news, even I f it in nothing more
than the favorite cow ooming home
Two good 3i wagons; th e a
^several log chaîne; 1 wagon j
Enquire o f B. B. P
I Orford Oregon.
Last » n A several of the induet-
riooa ciliiens got together and
graded a good road down fifth
«rent to the beach a» Battle Rock.
The improvement ie one that haa
bean needed for some time, aad I
teams going down the Meat aan I
■ow travel the beaeh to Habbard’e |
Creek without danger of turning a I
tows since our la « isaae, thaea be u
>ng at lha homes of B. W . D ban.lP
M. H Larson, A. A. Jamiaooo and | f<
Probata buaiueaa a e iw c L Ii« ,'
“ “ Old * D« h * * I » * M (ptlen and it) p,
« waa only a question of a abort lim a l t ,
ioter« were when , ha « ,u„ ty wou|d hare
he m a in obliged to renew it
The good houk any«: “ A ll men ' Pli
ihe Partie« j ara Hart>>* and j ara i00||nad to .ba-1 u?
r. 2 7 l AfT
«t leant one U m
Mrs. L. Knopf» and Mn. W « .
The 81s K lk Telephone company tl
bavo tootalUff four naw phones in V
A r IU .K W
M y i t t e P o ta t, O regon.
" * ^ ‘ M • « « <*
rtn o a e w t i ) . |a |Mj j o u b l >bo(U th a t,
<2 " , *“ !!••
heat sustained characters wars won
by Leland W h itt and Lyle Lewis, B
*n d the rewards for tha beat dressed ,
went to the Meedamee Jessie and _
«ylvia Quigley.
ng to cause
f>n I I W
Company's ground a
l’, u i h "’ l>” i .n d llr a y h a d . p ^ W right V ,
Goo. Lewis and brother L rle ,
came up from Wrddarborn Batur
«mapicuoufl features wee the total I
absence of liquor, and to thia waa j
due the feet that those who attended (
did not hesitate to pronounce the I #
•fla ir a success. Prises for th a |t
W E U D K K B L l t N , 'O K K O O N
L. a . koukuta ,
P o r ,h ” * * nefii
“ »'»«* r « « r " .
* * ’* ** y ‘ b *t ‘ he north anchorage 1
of lh® Chetoo ferry waa not a My r- *
,r* ’ “ * ,r * * rved M * «,n 1
oil B ru«li creek.
The masquerade dinoe in the 1
Fromm ball.H aturdoy sight waa 1
well attended, and waa said to be 1
one of the most enjoyable social 1
events of the season, One o f th e ]*
in the eou a ties of the Stale. I f thia '
<j on# before, thia eoonty
Jr 25 *»•2?*/ wou,d hare been eereral hundred 1
I candidate
John Fromm Jr. and fam ily,
spent eerural days in town the lat­
ter part of last week, and during
that time the former made proof on
• timber claim adjoining h it plaoe
» aomeraaalt io getting to II.
The late heavy storms deposited
much d rift wood along the beach,
andlnany are taking advantage of [
the road to replenish their wood 1
Bod Poet told a four yoar-old
mare, which he reeently purehaeed
from Robu MoKenaic, to Coart
Guerin le .t week for 1273, T ha
animal weighed a little better than
1600 lha.
GilUng^arw among P ori Orford
P M de etaitiog at Wodderhurn, the
latter goiog by Saturday’s stage
aad the form at on Monday. Mra
Knapp wfU ria it at tha homo of
W. T. White Jr. for a week during
which time aha will add to her el-
ready exeel tent oolleotion o f agate« I
from the braob at Otter Point, while
Mrs. Uillioga w ill spend several
days at her eon’a home content with
the affairs and dalles incident with
the care o f the flrat grandchild.
Bandon, Ore.
U ___ u r
• » * « » eaptamiog and .testing
han -»____ »'f ,be « rtu o a o M m a 'to put the oyw
'«»'o eetoal uae. Hereafter the
Buerd w ill aend a man at least
but a^rw a7 ohce * J rtr “ * Ch<* k up U,e book*
M r. and Mra. Wood, the former a
brother of Bankrr Wood of Gold
Beech, peaeed ap the eoaat one day
last week, returning to their home
io the east from a visit at Gold
M in is* Law a Specialty
Coke-Bldg. M arshfiild . Ua.
■ y oaodtdoey fo r ihe Democratic nc
ta a tto a to r S h eriff of C a rry conn
and should I be acm ln atrd and ele
rd I .h a ll rarm etly endentar to me
the confluence r> ,»e,-,| | n w e , by
ooaecieotlo«» and b a s i» e b lik e a
m in istratio n of ilo- a (fn Ir» .( that old.
iS ,i8 ’ ha WouW h “ * * fu<loJ l h , t lU*
« n end night ¡ ^ ¡ “ ‘ Bre « W
newspaper. I
h* “ *
d ay and took in the
W M .T . 8 TOLL, A tty, at Law
MePhllUaoey, «
es peuple w ho
O r fo r d ,
Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in.Slock,
also Agent for All Kinds of Farming Im­
plement«; McCormick Blowers, etc.
Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a
reasonable price. Your patronage solicited.
pleX, however, as We have named
the price and t e r n i* ao-t ex preset y ■
provided that the nnMdiioe ia n<W to
be deli vend u n til a fte r d ie fir «
Moe Snow in lira y e a r l9 2 <
I l ia
d u u h tfu l, how ever,
u ia u tt
faeture.e look st ih e m .t ie r in ih e |
same light that w« do, smi we may
not gel tbe m ach ine a l ail.
Port Orford, Orearon
T a o Hwrsvt— ,n»e | « t k h»rse an fl
« te lle r eaddlr h u ra r, Uqp-ito«r w ith
« d saddle.
P hone o r w rit«
Port Orford, Oregon.
Has opeiiedra new Store, with