O S ;« Political Aiiuuuucement*. The annooncvnirot of »fly candidate w nwuii.ation to u01,« .will be carried In thia column until after the Prim ary election upon pajuieut of W.#0 in ad vance. .» J O IN FROMM , During the •kipped 169 A and the Coquille (H e r shipped ¿ M O W ' fa « , m aking .be total shipment of I amber. fo r the ‘ year from Cpoa eouaty 218,768,875 feat. HogoOarim m , a ho Uvea at;’ Aab, in lha Looa JCekaeobAtry, aflht an egg fur exhibition to the chamber of commeroe Saturday, which ia a record breaker. I t raeasuMU a ll inche» around the middle and «sea and a quarteç inobea around the end». I» wee laid by a Brown Leg born. la in Coquille, reports’ oatlook growiag bright »d that then, is every r . protperuua amw^n it county. A deat oecarred oa upper lee d a y . ago whan two fa r m *« ! Mha A l l « C. Bonrqu. * h i . , * • ■ * * . Maine, and who bad travel- ad w _l* Cr0M lb* 0O‘,lin*”' t lo her • flU o~ * Portland “ >• ■«!>• tint knot was tied. M r. and Mrs. Bobbins are a coo«- A , ph abed young pwxde, »ho com . u / o n t i Port Orford highly re c o m m e n d s ^ '.« r I want hunting and one, ,s°“,n P,n,oof<>r • w»W kt led him in rian tly. ju ry jmpeaneled to in o a . ^turned a verdict ng wfla purely « o i d r t i - L and are • daairabianoquisition hdtha week. commnnity. They have tv hew housekeeping room* io (he Master- eon reeidenov, and, a* the Dr. in- u n d e to stay here and -beild up a . h i, . preptfa, « <he q m .„hftrt eli- n,al’ * * *» • — POP SHERIFF. 94 ® herewith reepcetiuUy announce 7g my candidacy for il.e JWmocratlr ncm- .78 in a tion for Kiwi iff of Curry w n a ty , ■ wi and khruld l i e n , ndnated and aleci- <d I *hall <ar> rath < i.dm eor to merit . M ) *ke confluence n -|«ae£ fn aue, by a 97 eonaclentioui and btiainces-iika aJ- h* miniatralion of Ihe affair«of that offloa. Beape. ‘. fu lly ' ir . E .,J B A K E S . L. A . BO B B U T S , A r r o t i IX K Y A T A - iV W M y i tie P o in t, Qrogow. Probate b u i n e « a epeoUlty. J. J. S T A N L E Y < U .J » , * * <0° d An<or“ K B H A LL- ¿ ‘ ’ f ’O Q U IM .K , - CTitt} i .» OKKOON ■J e 9T * * M a 9 * hered among our perm»«»«» t citiacna. e a rrlv a rio (ha county, *, , ; doh Wagner the M b ilb a batch«-, P **“ * 1 through town one day laet week with seven (lead of steer» which he had purchased at Euchre crF*b. Beef oattle are ao scar« that buyer, have W aoour .very •h^t, oarried h i« out d a te F a r Cfoftgras*. *nd than eont for help. that the decaaead vaa 'j ‘ The report being currant that County Attorney Wr H . Meredith Jobnaton i . the proud' V * lis t gasoline bret to b~ u»,n< • - H h f o t o for the D em - . of Port Orford lake, J * * ' * ““• in ' Uon to Congrme boat to but 18 feat io d‘,,U *ot- * • J * « ’ « “ . engine to o n . the > " . t £ e i ^ w h ^ Borne o f the valley papers stating th at the W illam ette V . can raise bettor Logsnberrlea | any other place in the w o rld , belief to t h « any part o f so western Oregon caw hold its ow thia regard with the W illem Vallay. I f any better Loganbei in r - ta r k . e * m h S um S s A s * s ? WwGJUlitgs, Prop Advert!»«» P o rt O rford. hra ; * * * * Pn ° n* “ I 0 0 “ tne - “ awiijacl, * • r and while '■ : : . ‘X X t : 'X V - V A laoo « b a r» flout. b.ndreds M r. Johnston nd ?“ _. eMMhd“ F b* , J' *•«> accorded • Uve to Congre«, and in view of the ito p o rta a « of the to ri vers and b a r- bora and feet Increasing population; d , it is an honor |o wtyeh they are now I Id jftatly ewi it lad. A n d ¥n choosing1 to a « a w to-abiy present Uieir needs,1 ► and the nawia of the real of the die- la I» •’ »• •d her mother vhnM aba bad b w children. nt, they natur a n d ,« n non- good distance I * Boyle Jewelry Co. Bandon, Ore , » > Boyle Jewelry Co tria l as Wail, a better «lection than the gifted oountjr attorney of Curry cannot ba made. ' M . H . Meredith ton forceful and i eloquent speaker, a-good m ixer, and ' P» a mac who know» how to gat whet d be g o « after. H a ls fam iliar with • the needs of this eoatjon of Oregon, • and that be has faith in its future • la evidenced by the hot that be b « “ invw ted h w v ily in C arry- oouaty whore and kfllest by the heavy wtnd storms soma three weeks ago, s ta le d by Cart W hite atlcl b <« d b p la j at to rn. GLIliog’s hard ware store. The bjrd has been a l- i real « U t e . H is intimate frbedehip trading considerable attention, and ■ with maw in d o « touch with the the work done In mouuting it la ' W)laon admtoiatriition would giva eqoal to that of a profamional tax b in added prestige and influença idermist. at Washington. Among th e « are i" . -♦» fi . ex G o v e rn « Folk and Cham pCIark Suodsy was a beautiful day, and W U I Bn Candidat«. the former having written to Mare many took advtutajge of the weather ditb that I f be Is nominated for by going to lbs bewohee. Among I t ia with much pleasure that we theeurioe |dcked up was a faw in make the announcement that K . J. Congress he w ill oom« to Oregon °hee of an umbrella handle found . Loney of Port Orford, w ill ba a •nd make a number o f speech« in by N . P. Woodcook. The brass' candidate on the Republican bie («half. The opportunity of end wood on the butt of it had ticket for the office of Joint Repre* ' sen d in g a man 1«. Congress who has started to corrode and decay when aentative of Coos and C arry connt- the wide arquatntanoe, in lu e n w two atone*, about an inch in dism ies. W hile not desiring to make and a b ility , that M r. Meredith has, d a r, had been pushed again« it any statement at this time. Me. to one th at d o « not often fall to aw and remained there until the de- Loney admitted, when iatervtowed, out-of tba way place like tbto. « y ie g proeeea was superseded * by that he had yielded to Abe impor- And the opportunity to one that prtrifiw tlon, with the rem it that tunitv of many friend* and that in ' itba Democrats of this dtotriot should the whole p ie « wae as one stone. due time ba would enter the race taka advantage of. A ..ll-u e m h d b -.t, d .„ „ A T T 0 B M 1 Y a»» C0UM 8BLLQ R A T LAW H O T IC K FOR .„ d w „ d . W M b i„ >« U . . W . on a atretoher, where ha ia now re ported*« he h a fair way hwraoov- ary under t h e « « of Dr. Pembartoe. aná í;u n .g e s, S uem sey, si^lu m in u m , u p h i t S fy ta t- S tiletto C uttlery, ¿ a a te r a s , t E tc . E o r t © rfori Souvenir Spoons j , NORTH RENO MRRUFACTOROIR COMPARTÌ ( NORTH BEND, OREGON , “ , , , j t 8A 8H , DOOR8 AND MOULDINGS G LASS HIGH GRADE IMTERIOB FINISH -, rnicxa mailsd on xirncATiotr GENERAL Jim C alvar o f Floraa Crm k neigh borhood had the «toflertona to lato lf lh w d o f f ln a ahaept thoy being kllled by doga pao nigbt la « waeh. i on the intide pf hie k a w over two P M f ‘ , ‘ « .1 *°? / ° al1 tb< w e e k a ^ o , w U V an .5 , which*fat <*•» to» to out the jo in t water. The w o n n d ^ ^ “ «0? ’ ^ ^ ^ : did uut do « well aa h should and in order that the boy might have hatter attention (burtoan neighbor. íuíl liru o f . S t o v e s Agne«’items Randolph H«a Trouble loading b .r » r le , of S U - , «bo b u t— d in 'T . . . i . i - l o - d i U o o . l i b . b od l, « • ‘ ' • » M r a t b . S W M . I , I . ent knw tor the M a t week or so P°rU n l to th* coun‘ir th"‘ • fl«»d e ta p V h T ” f* * • W. H. MEREDITH 1H< place to buy your C h ristm a s presents W,>OW ‘*° Tba coodittop of pioneer B. Pbm- •ray, who b w bmn vaey ib for tbo post two woaka, to oonaiderably im - proved, bul, altboogb he has pasead the erittoal atage of bia ilinam, bato h‘ 10 u U>. raptd dw He came here first a* « s h ie r of K. J. Loney to contemplating the Beak o f Port Orford, n porttloa patting in a w in « b i . Bear Fort be still holds in a aupmviaory way, Point to ship, wailrcad ties fromi his outride affaire at prmrnt claim- j during the tin « that a new wharf la ing m m t or his tim e end attention, under conatruetioi,. The bnildtng H e l i « inveeted extensively in tifll of a permanent dock, such as w ill her and rw l estate, re <me p f the probably ba bnilt, w ill require coo o v m t s of the Port Orford shingle •iderable tim e, and i / it cannot ba mill, and h w a ooosiderable o ra ^ n f completed eo that shipping « a be man nt work cutting railroad ttoe done ever it dariog the m rly part and • matchwood for shipment, of M ay, M r. Loney w ill install the W h ile laying no claim to oratory « h ie system. Ha ha. icrmUgetad M r. Looey is a togtoai and foreefai the working of « b i « a t several speaker, and the a p pll«U o a o f the other oca« porta, and to very much « m e butineaa ability in the halls encouraged aver the way they haa- of tba Legislatnrethotbah«show n die freight. A cable was used sue- in the management of hie «flairs at cmafelly at Port Orford in « r l y this plam would make him n very i days, end one would be quite a ooa- useful man to hie ooaatitoanU. venien« now while the wharf to oat H u election to the o f l « ba seek, i of oommisaioo. tw ill not ba a mistake. I contents, of soger, of mnob ■oilod bar* be omen. ovsrturn thrown to ittor w « barf, fi«** ■ ch* r,®y Jaoaweon returned Son “ “f •» •n ib « fro® • business r W t 10 Miancapoito M inn , and nearbf P°inU H« looka quite nat * “ * “ T* h# * • * ■“ * »Uh •‘ ■“ding the oriropy weather be as* P * * * “« * 1 enroute, the thermometer het“fl a t Iffdegn-ea below s«ro when h* ’eft MinnesnU id the top ‘-Bo,I” Kiev |u » j<diml «1.« Urge J be want army of ttenedkn« . La»< < H e id « y How ever,'.»«nine with the'«id of Rev. C. boot for- " M a rn e K n ig h t a t ibe M . K peram- ba freight agejn thia city be was nailed in the anil marriage with Mi«a Clara Counts, tba al<b»t daughter of .^¿rCAMtnte, ire with and immediatelr t.«A |Mdffiaflto*X m « tba aaoay little bniigalww whiefa to ba bap. aantly bnilt in the sooth on,I o f Mts w ill town. -M ay pmoe, preapnrity and Wagoms gpd Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock also Agent for All Kjnds of Farming Im plement«; McCormick Mowers, et«.. » Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a reasonable price. Your patronage solicited. JOHN R. MILLER. GENERAL MERCHANT Port Orford, Oretron* Has opened* a new Store, with