Boyle Jewelry its Tmxuxx. o r Pc Dear Sir: ia a »1 When Aiterà brief llinam.covering the vanity put th rir abquldar to W hile i thaw is Sale N-F. indeed. WRKa T . b tir fully week. returned last Sunday I Agata, Jewelry indications l* F /m gavvaa t i t at IU C point RAMI I It W U E E 4, to f a il l i t * « IU * r o w funeral a t Marshfield. delay«. Boyle Jewelry Co. (ng three heavy trusts. F. A. Stewart started south yes There will be a dance in Leneva’« terday morning for a week's v is it hall next Saturday eig h t. A good with relatives at Rogue river social time ia assured. I t Is stated on good authority Pat Turner who has been visiting relatives in this end of the county that Hie railroad from Eugene to for the past month, returned to his Coos Bay will ba is operation by home at Gold Beach the first of the October 1,1814. The gasoline boats, Randolph And E- H. BOYLE. Mgr. No. U 4 week. Rustler, are exported to get out of Dr. Montgomeiy, who has been practicing ilentisliy at Bandon for Rogue river thia morning for Coca the p a .l several months, la in Port Bay. The Randolph is scheduled Orford for several, days. The Dr Io ship bera ,snd discharge some is on his way roulb and may locate fseighl, sad w ill return from the hay immediately with a full load, weath­ at Gold Beach. • er oiiidiliou» permitting. Teams are busy hauRng tba Jt-tee Turner was seri«u»ly ill match wood that Was on* tlte khaki,' at his home In Gold Beach*for a few when i t went down, to the shingle F E B R U A R Y 14th, »M4. days last week, but we are pleased m ill. Tbs salt water bus spoilt tbu to report that the old jovial smile JO HN FROMM, J r., B. L . W H IT E , wood for«m tch purposes, and it Manager*, lias returned to hitu again although m ill be cut into shingles. bo says it lakes something more s will be given for the- I end the beet sue We have bean requested to an- than s bluff to play the winning ter. nounce that musks for the mas hand. querade ball at the Fromm hail Music by the Spurgeon Brother«. Tlie dredge Col. P. 8. Michie on lh« 14th, can he «eburad at tiw> built expressly fur tha Coos Bay A Chicken Supper w ill be given by Leneva drug store. The dance bar si a w a l uf approximately $400, Mrs. A. A. Jsmteauw. promises to be quite an event. VOO, ia now at work at that bar dredging a channel 800 feet wide Positively no ragging allowed. / The violent storms that have and 25 feat deep. I t hat 900 horse bean sweeping over thia section of Nonos To purvyr, and a capacity for handling the country for tin past month, from 8,000 to 8,000 yarda per day. Notice to hereby given that the under­ causing much destruction on . land I t would reqoire an act o f Cungreaa signed, Henry S. Portweod, baa been and soa, seem to have blown them- duly appointed by the County Court of selvae out at last, and bright d ear to more the dredge to any other port. the Stats o f Oregon, for Curry eounty, days with cold frosty nights have administrator of the eotate o f Liberty Cuairsctor C. H .Tearae left Port followed lu their wak*. Orford last Friday enroute io Chet AU person, having Fred Caughall h at keen spending co to examine tba sila aud condi a couple of days in Iowa while on tione relative to tba building of tba sent thorn, duly vi proper vouehen, within staz aaentiM bis stay to Coca Bay where ho w ill 835,000 concrete bridge acrom that from the date o f this notice, to the steamer Breakwater for stream authorised by tha vote of undersigned administrator a t the ofitee Portland, He goes to tbs latter the people of the county a t an aim- of the County Clark, hi Gold B tos rk. Curry County, Oregon, or a t the raab piada on business connected 'w ith lion last fall. M r. Paares w ill ra- con tractors llama doaoeof the said administrator in Mon­ tbesettliag up of the R. Ur the eree- mouth, Polk County, Oregon astete a t Wsdderbura. E X C L U S IV E , Bandon, Ore. Masquerade Ball, A t Fromm’a S i P o rt Datad^and first pnbltohadDac. 17, IM A H bmbt S. “ “ ♦ • ' i B P ’ W R fs» a O scab H aytsm , Attorney. J. J. STAHLEY Uijer, 1 O Q C IL L B , R “dor " - VM.T. STOLL, Atty, at L av M in in g L a w a S p e c ia lty 3oke Bldg. M arshfield , U r . W. H. MEREDITH ATTORNEY i n COUBSKLLOB AT LAW WED D E K B U B N , OREGON C. W. ROBBINS, M- D. P h y s ic ia n a n d S u rg e o n Port Orford, Oregon. GEORGE M . BR O W N, A TTO U N K Y A T L A W ROHEBUBO OREGON ÜKNNI8 C U N N IF F , JU ., Frad HoHistar, a lawyer — ~ bMvr o f North Band, has annuuno » I E sm s « « . m . ad bis candidacy tor Congressman from thia congressional district. After spending Hhe peet. two Mir. Hollister is a Democrat, and m onlli. viisitiog in California, the tetltevot that it ia time this portion T a u u x x editor and fam ily arrived of tha stela should have the honor hum« last Thursday morning, hav of. naming a repraaautatl«« to Can-, to gat back onto Oregon soT*tgain. * A report wga current that tha Sixes river bridfca was la danger of going down. Supervisor Marsh, however, says that the strbetura was never in danger of giving way, although one and ra t- lled some three inches and soma other repairs were n'eeded, which ware made last weak under the d i­ rection of C. H . Pears«. J Geo. Goerin was in Port Orford the latter part of last week, having just relum ed from a visit to hia homestead in Douglas county. After spending a day in town M r. Gaerln returned to Langloia accom­ panied by lift wife and two children, Mia. Guerin having spent a couple of weeks visiting bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sutton, nt Ibis place. Lep. (J. 8. Mineral 8aryey«r The many young friends of M ar C Von Zum walt are pleased to learo Surveyor for the D istrict oi O r­ ' that be w ill be tried out with the egon. - i San Francisco Seals Ibis spring O,||,I Iteach. . . . Oreg« for A berth as , pitcher. Marion learned the first rudimeuts of the L. A . R O B E R T S , National game in his bum« town of A T T O H N E Y A T L A W Port Orford, where he twirled for th a, local nine, a tew year« ago. M y r t le P o i n t , O re g o n . The California papers are giving Probate business s specialty. him a good send off, and here’s hoping tfist be lands a place in tha Coast League._ , . J. H . U P T O N , FW « S '” Clarence W right, who has been ROTARY PUBbl carrying the mail between Port Or­ L akoums . C u u » Co¿ Oi ford andLangloi« for soma tim e past, has tesigned tbs position, whioh has been accepted by Bernal Forty. Lorrin Forty ia the carrier from M. LEE PEMBERTON Port Orford to Corbin, and thus P H Y S IC IA N Forty goes north with tha mail In tha morning and Forty gone south Office at Langloia Hotel, with it. Quite an imposing nnra L anglois , O regon bar to ba driving oat of A small berg like this. NOTICE , Tbsnks Id tha confitey of C a p t. Lindberg of tha'steamer Fifietd we were landed iu a small boat a t Bat­ tle Rock and thu« saved the hard- e h i|* of a stage rid« from Bandon. Percy. Zum w alt, who for several weeks has been visiting nt Saattia and neer8ee Francisco, also retura ad home on the Fifield, end reports a very pleasant time— the only M arr to bis trip being at AI ki Point W a ih ., tbe drlsila of which l>e is rather r, tier nt in giving, bowevi from the way be smile» tba memory of-this part of bis trip are fa r from unpleasant. Among the Corry eoentyitee met by the writer srbiie away, were P. J. Masterson, N . C. Nielsen and W . F. Riley, all of whom are doing wall and seud regards to their old friend« in C urry. As it was our first trip into the southern part of California we formed a few impression of things and «sinditions in general that we w ill publish later. P io n e e r V e te ra n D ite . Tba following latter* waa sent by W hite, in Port Orford. The deceased won hurt» lh Belfast Prufoeaur Robinson to ma, it w ill Waldo county. Main«, Jan. 81, be noticed that the Professor backs 1838. H a was a graduate of H ar­ his opinion with his money. vard college, and came toC altfurni. ‘•Mr. P. H . Poole, Bandon, Ota. Sir, S ia 1868, remaining there for awhile I have just seen your design for and then going to Nevada when the a latter head to ba used by the buai ! Comstock Loda was Inviting aw ry neseinen of P o ll Orfmd. , one and remained there some 3 Ir i.g o o d . 1 fsel that everyoue years when he returned to Cali f ir . 1 here that has any correspondence nig and waa a rasidsut o f M ario •»«‘»“ •«I use it. I inclose my personal check -for county for abopt 85 years. One and a Imlf dollars. 8ead me M r. W hile was married once tbe quantity thia will pay for. aud h it wife died * ,nae • * * J“* 1-* Yours T ru ly, ago at San Rafael, Cal. They had (S ign ed ) F. H . Robinson.” twe children, but luat I hem in their Elsewttere In this issue is a foil infancy. Io eompHanoe with her J list u f the gentlemen whosuhecribed wish the body of Mr. W hite’« to pay for m aking cute and printin g was cremated, and one of tlie last letler lieaila. requests tba deceased made wae Yours for Port O rford , that a liy le urn cootainlng" her ■ -f * Advancement. a.bes ba placed upon bis , breast P. H . P oole j , within his coffin, which was done. M r. W hite name to Port Orford in 1V0O and baa resoled with hi» brother here aver stars, snd bis gentle, kindly dis post I tun w o a b im many friend». V He wae admitted to the bar in the State uf Maine to practice law, but paver followed itee e profeeaion. H e was a man of exemplary hsbiu, a good eillsan, and hia ambitiun seemed to be that of a faithful em ployea rather than an ewplqj sr. Many friends ware present F rid ay afternoon when M r. W hite was laid to reat in tba eemotory at jhis place, end the writer of this article feeie , that— “In that »1»»P of death ■' - ¿ - - • * Agnese Item s. Agne.s Ore. Jan. 80,1814. Dr. Duulap made a professional call ou Mrs. Clauds H al! of Martel. Charlea Pet linger of Mute Creek passed through town enroots to tha County Seat. Anybody interested in pies or doughnuts ought to read the G loba Capt. Richard Pugh brought up Dr. Dunlap and a load of freight for tne W . T . C. atora Thera wijl ba a school . meeting next Mqnday for the purpose of hiring lescber number two. It» •u re a good sign that Agnea» ia Hope aeee a etar, and listening, growing. Love hears the rustle o f a wing,” Richard Pugh lost a valnalde now and eal f, also several thorough bred «thickens by tba storm of last To Advertía« Port Orford. week. Rolls Canfield, is .resuming tha ■T ». a . rooLx. platting o f tha Agneaa towotita. Probably there are few place» P. J. Fry was in town Wednesday. that h a m eeffared each persistent Don’t forget the valentine mas mierepraeaaUliou as Port, Orford. quarade ball nt the Lyric February On tha outside and e r r i ^ I « Port 4 4 « h , Orford itself ere many people who The ring of tbe axe and tha boom have an ertooeous idee a» fo the lay of fallen timber can again ba beard of tha harbor, tha depth of winter, here. Ralph M. Edgertoa uakaa tbe direction and location of the (bonder with dynamite. propoeed btynkwater eA. . I t ie quite generally gptted, that (Coos Bay News.) tba water ia Pont Orford harbor t t k f hundred feat deep.. This le e -T its rainfall at Ifx-shOald for pernicious mietetsment tending to the week ending Sunday; as reported create a general impression that it by tba Weather service station hem, ia impractical to bnlld a brash- wan 8.70 inches. Soma lain nil water at Ifort Orford. ' A map* re­ right. produced by tbe Govarnmeat maps Sheriff Gage left here Wednesday hks been pre|iared sad. marginal via the Drain route, for Salem, with notes mad« setting fur tie the leading facts bearing upon tbs town of Port four prisoners. They were W . 0 . Orford. Cute have bran i made of Payton, forgery, from one to five these maps. A design has also been years; W . C. Spencer, forgery, from drawn for the envelopes rent out taro to 20 years; Frank Vaughan, from P ortO iford which is striking borra stealing, six months to five and catch y and everyona in Port years; Mrs. Lottie Capious, attempt Orford should aea to it that «very ed murder, six months to ten years. letter they send out ia enoloa«4 in envelope« bearing this design. Following ie llte oast of «eta etc. Drawing for latter heads., . .815.00 Two cats for latter heads......... 88.80 Printing 18,000 letter beads. .88 00 In addition to this wst out for e n v e lo p « ..........................; . . . 8 2 55 Drawing fo r n r a k in g a n t.;;...82.50 Wesley Brown was ealind to Sa­ lem last week, oa soonunt of tha serious illness of his father, 8. C. Brown, a pioneer »1 Coos and Curry counties. M r. Brown le ft Marsh field two or three years ago to lira with hia daughter a t Salem. Ilia health has not been good for some time. A diepatoh was received Saturday to the effect that Mr. Brown had died the previous day, aged about 70 years. H a is stwviv ed by hia wife and four uhiidren, on« of whom, a son, is by his first wile. w Making a eo*t for advertising 937-35 This amount was made up as follows: W . H . M eradith.......................85.00 ......8 0 0 J. D . L oucks............... J. R. M i l l e r ........... .. ...,.,2 .5 0 W ith County Sealers of We.ghte Wm. G illing»............... ...........2.50 and Measures appointed by the Ame» J o h n s to n ...... ...........2.50 courts of most of tbe counties, and K n a p p ............... 2.50 2 $0¡ assurances from n il the resto/oartl W hite S r . . . . . . John xMcKansie . . ,tj^. .2 50 Baker and C urry ooentiea, ; that O. Lenave....................... . ^ . . . . 1 . 5 0 they w ill appoint in, the n M r future P. H . P o o l« ........... .. 10.85 Deputy Stata Sealer of \VeigblR»nd Measure« Buchtel now lio|ies in Total - i ia 887.35 few weeks to ba in a positiqp to Sines the above list wss made rigidly euforoe tha laws perleiniag out Prof. F. H . Robinson has sub to his oflfice ie all section« of tha scribed one dollar and « half. state. Under (ha law the County Bealera oo operate with the State Sealara, but ba has not the appoint­ it fori ing power, it letting in tba County Coorte, and it has required consid­ erable work to perfect the machinery necessary to complete enforcements of tha lews. — - — — — — —1 Sliadnok Hudson, one of tbe pio­ neer miners of this county and a veteran of tbe C ivil W ar, died n t the Soldiers’ Home at Roseburg January 34, egad 84 years. “ Shod” Hud-ou as be was most fsm iliarfy known, wasikrrn in tba slate of Michigan in 1880, and for tbe last 65 years has bean a rési­ dent of Oregon, having crossed the plains to this slate when 14 yean of age. He located In Douglas oousty for several years, after whioh ha came to Cooa and Curry counties and engaged in m ining on the Sixes river. Being overtaken by sickness and adversities ha entered the Sukliera’ Home a t Roseburg in 1804, where be has resided almost continuously since. H a served daring tba early Indian ware o( ’5 5 1 and ”56 ia Company 1^ Boutharn _ Total ; Number of rainy days » . Oregon Mounted Voluatesra. ” elaar days 1. M r. Hudson waa a man of ex­ Two of tba local paper« which I reached o ur exchange tabla during Snn Frai-esc», Jrt tm lay by the tug F v . il « erty of Edna P. Child« with John ance. H i» death marks tha pamieg 17 days « fa ti s a n d l a f ; eu- ¡T h e Eiisalarlh was strip,ie«i wf her TWe haste of a typical Western pioneer— a m an L . Child«, and Geo. Sartwell, tba ly twudaya I ■5 pro,«H er Iste veslerday and signal two beat known newspaper men in of rugged intellect who would* di­ J*® ad for help. T lie Fear tees resol No hunting or trapping w ill be per-, Cieaeent C ity, ne Manager vide hie test crumb with friand nr Itife Mena at m idnight and got milled on What la known ae M m PR e M Editor, respectively. Succeee t o , foa. H a waa not married, and laavaa terer range, Iw thto euucty. 1 no known immediate relativas. I J. D. rar. nft» aboard at 4 a. m ^oday. the new management«. W IL L 1 8 T . W H IT R . FOR SALE. Trespass Notice Port Orford Furniture . & Hardware Stores WWijniiW, P^op. T h e p la ce to b u y y o u r C h r i s t m a s p re s e n ts fu ll lÍAC of S to v e s a .n d R anges, O^tat- S u e m s ç y , < ^ lu m iru u n , u p v i i tin g , S t i l e t t o C u ttle r y , S a lte rn s , E tc . ~ P o r t © rf o rd S o u v e n i r g p o o n s ... ■fetinfetiwMkMaffnfedhdtefedtetiMwdtehfodMfefeifeAllfeidliifitetetefihfei NORTH REIR MANUFMTURMO CONPMIY NORTH BEND. OREGON MANUrACTCBKBS Or 8ASH, DOOR8 AND MOULpiNG8 ' G LASS ‘ • z ■ H IO H G R A D E IM T E X t O R F lN M H • ' * ’ r*> ' ‘ ** ' •/* -T FBICE8 MAILED OM APPLICATION . - ■ 4. < "THE BREAKERS" An hut Worth While ( F o r m e r ly G n a n t l e t t ’e) Newly Fitted Up; Electric Lights T A B L E UNEXCELLED GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO., QBE- H ot and C qld T ub and S hower B aths F irst C lass Bara and Garage in Connection, Affording all Conveniences . for Saddle, ■ Horses, Team«,.Automobiles and Motorcycles ( , .. 1 . ’F '. ’• *.r •' -i.u Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stoelf,-1 also Agent for A ll Kjnds of Fanning fm -'1 plementk; McCbfmioJt Mowers,-et<^ neAi Wood and Iron Work promptly done Rtn