Editor tod PoLlisfc in n s a C .L k < IB R i; A T i £ * u r k s i» i, ’ . fu e Aa/age Automatic smothers every adversary in the rapidity of its Are. When the occasion eomeeyou have yoady the quickest, handiest and most accurate arm made, tftve yourself every possible advantage, i t means lift or death. That is why you will discard your revolve- when you see the Savage. * * . jfc i, . Special Features which w ill Appeal :r Tu/- EN SHOTS: Double the number contained in an oi.li- nary revolver and twu more than other automatic*. ACCURACY: The pistol is so constructed that all powder gases are utilized, insuring extreme accuracy, as well as freedom from fouling SIMPLICITY: Fewer parts than any other automatic pis tol. Completely dismounted by hand without the aid of tools. No screws to work loose. bait rerasaaeai m the hUla, bate*« ba removed la aseeend of th a t. 7Je oaly • lerla bow oa the m arket thaf T ha managers also issne a S a a i- b sir.LY , w; «eh it especially adapted stays where pat. The exclusive right to hsndl- this Claris w ill bo sold by Counties e r A ny o f there papers can to bad in > iiih ln a tic ,i «0ti, the P O S IT C l '- Stats*. or tat at throe eon ba purchas ed for S1.00. Address r people who d< not ^ar« ,o. a . a iiy , but want a good fam ily paper. C-d a t the following rates: W . E. B u r r o w . C orb in , Ore. Daily and Tribune - • . • . Kw M o re C e d a r to S p a re . Dailv Sunday and Tsil : r>c Semi WeeH? and Tribune O R EG C W I most hoebaad my timber to re place fences and bnildinga an tha farm, therefore J moat not spate say n or. radar. Fleas« do not tab for it 'fbe green trees will giow and the dead «aas wilt k«Mp. « J. H. U ptok , Langlois, O r , August 27, JtlO. «• SAFETY: Breech positively and automatically locked during the time of discharge, an not be tired un less the triggei is pulled. When the safety is on neither force nor fully can discharge it. BALANCE: Perfectly balanced. Center of gravity well to the rear. Lies naturally in the hand. Will not flinch on the trigger puli. The only automatic which looks at the breech while the bullet traverses the barrel The PORT ORFORD; TRIBUNE ‘ -- dLDOi--- TJio New Idea W< man’s Magazine BOTH ONE YEAH FOB » t 76. 7 .* * y ^ * <AI' ,>l M aaarora to an suthorly nn Lnwwmsxin,. v n r and Household Economy. I t avaragea room th in l « l wur» ■ ■ ith. Wa offer yon therefore a t least 1#X> pak,-. , m re ad in g * r a n addttfoeel seat of-only *5 eta *ai>i<>l«w free- WEIGHT: 19 oz. including magazine Length over all 6 | inches. Price #15. Any wide-awake dealer will snow you this miniaturerapid Are gun. If he will not supply you, kindly advise us and we will send it prepaid. ' ’ 1 ®QQ uoii H? ' iTt* ^rieewa.», „f J ► If f* tj»e •' (TT- l-er i.Obll«he,l ¡ , , i „ ' liia itll tlir < e«s of th - h s n s p Q i, TW O f o , . I mpleiNM»- wfW »• Addrosr tjclmtae , I rok .LAXD.Oi;. ii OÜSSWORK ’* n a rr» . And tha constant at ehUdzen, day and night. Is I too toying for arm a strong m b . A haggard tarn tells the PAT ENT v h is k Is astu a ? » » * » tsSsmaJ eoadMlea of W . v lii ( I ts O M KeedreS D elian tor. Say tassel Dsatesasfasa*» by catarrh) that ten sot Securedhy Bsll’sCstorrh C art. Send for M aito »7. 3. relent Off WASHINGTON D.O. DSWIFT Anssissa women to-day. I t cozed M is. Jones aad that is why she h od in Curry County. a t reason a lls Prioes. ' ■"t Briefs, Posters ■ '< • Women tL-.re H m F/im d* than any ether , W n a s fa e w r-.ttorns. McCall's is the I raaahto Faab.-n Guide monthly in • • • nsu'iLB hundred thousand haw** Envelope*' Statements, B’ t id u showing all tha latest deatgsa sd I ’stU ros. each tosae w h r i a f d of « ..r id in g short stortos sad halpfel ic L c a a tjo o for women. M ." e d t M O .« . P h , m . d»e. H a , o tto . * — g O B e— ».»« « « .W a to rto u ,!**. B W rW B y*M •»!«. * hr « 3 beat ««CALL’S MAGAZINE MAMA V. SW. at. New Yeek a w onnu. Pee c r n in e s r -.0 .F F B 2 G X , lfarabdald, Oregon McCall’s Magazine and McCall Patterns For J?d4v' to ¿6 W A N TED date Work Lone •»urrm rn LOBT V 'O O R NO MANMOOL it Eolations ant cretion. A n e rv e to n ic and W ood b u ild e r. Brings the p in t glow to pale cheeks ant restore» the Are o f youth By m ail BC cper hex; Bboxer « I w ith a w r it t e n g u a ra n - t,n Short Notice Satisjaciü n Guaranteed T o W h o m I t M a y C o n c e rn . The underaigned hereby glee notie» that they are tha owners of the South half of Saotfon la. Township th irty three, South range fourteen W est of Willamette meridian, Ongoa. AU par ties am warned net to trespass anon • ' \ ^SSSJ^SSS sawontq vUNmauiann«* Honoeeunut In connection with