Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About The Port Orford tribune. (Port Orford, Or.) 1892-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1914)
T b« nam e )rt Orford Furniture & Hardware Stores Wn». GUUrjgs, prop. ‘ he precinct bas baco afe A. J. M a r*h «aa I Supervisor for Por» «k « usually. All te be la «ala nalli R R. Ternar has beta nominated Roseburg laad w Receiver o f the office t Woodworth eoaaing np n ver with the m ail boat discovered her bang log between two tree* She appar t a lly bad gone them eooo alter be lag turned oot and elid over the bank catching her head between the treea and with the weight of bar owe body broke bar neck. Daring the high water the rivar covered Ute careum eatleaiy. Freak Thornton baa decided that ba is oot a very good bog deg. H e Uiod to help hie dog bold« pig but by the time Praak mounted tba pig it waa going eo fast that ba wee E u T hrift, the Langlois mer- a h e itO r making 8«" Fraaoieooand 8an J,«e a visit. |i |. re|Hirted that n.wner R a n d o lp h the gaaolin« 1« loaded for ' i . O il'urd and Rogue r iv a r . The d airym en of Soutbora Cooa h»ve organised for tba purpose of building a cheese factory at Randan. J. I ) . Loucks expect* to atari np bi« Klk R iv e r « i l l aaaariy in tba Spring as the wealber w ill permit. The ball at Leneye’ s H a l l S a to r day evening («te e d uMial e n jo y m e n t. o ff T h e ra w ith tba wap Mia* Ethel Kieharde «aa treated to a birthday surprise party at bar young lolka all had tb a * f Com w e e k .. end Jet .T C * an eojoyabie Tbera w ill ba a grand bail a t Le< neve’ s H a ll n ex t S a tu rd a y e v e n in g , J« it. 81. tor U m first lima stem Ibaaaow has to Mr. i . _ Bandon, Ore Grand Masquerade Ball, A t From nfa H&U, P o r t Orford, Or., FBBRUARY JOHN FROMM. Jr.. 14th, IBM.', ‘ B. L. WHITE, proepeote oa Lohater Creek. « editor’! The m all baa bead enow bound **}"« a ai Want Fork for a peak now. Tba letter m ail only came la Friday P^ _ time. Boyle Jewelry Co paat w The i M o ,t° wanting five or afk t u a to help him ta g „ « < The pig helped bite off by things, banging him by bia ey* on a little owner«, Ui»b. Frank la a sorry looking “ eight now. P*“ * *“ G F. W ilh ite la haying eome <rw •* Portland man looking over h ie !absence * good a tie 11 danse. home leal F r id a y evenin g, and ciwey Mr. 81» * f • J- ' a good Everybody invited. Jinnee L an e, manager. Good music a n d IKe place lo buy your Christmas pifesents full line of 5to v es aixà R anges, Suem sey, si^luminum, u p 11.1 Ìfytat« nine promised. A fter h e ln g a to rm b o a o d a t R ogne River for about a m onth th e lt u e t le r ' arrived a t Cuoa fla y laat *e *k , and! -Stiletto C/uttlery, parile m s, E u . at last aocounla waa lo a d in g a g a in 'Port ©rford So: l u v e n i r for Gold Reach a n d W e d d e rb u ra . The Darling boya, recent aattiera I on a hotneataad between K lk and i Six«*, had tba misfortune to low all i tbeir household farnilura, which < waa carried away with tba wharf I Sunday eight. . j ?• t.lWM«» .. . S In our 1885 items this week ap pear* the announcement that tba ’ Port Orford wharf “ W alm ost aa«-' ? pitted ” I t received ite final finish 1 last Sunday nigbt, after a faithful ‘ and oootinooua aarviw c f over 28 1 year*. J N O R T H BEND, O R EG O N , MANUFACTURKK8 OF 8 A 8 H , D O O R 8 A N D M O U L D IN G S G LA 8S H IG H GRADE INTERIOR FINDJH Captain Elaoar and Ideal. Stella, of the Portland Salvation Army» were in PortOrferd.afcd held a meet ing at the Church In tba evening. They am traveling dewm the coast, and »All return to Portland via f * ? * M r* C W « ^ M d ^ jg ilm n n t tba Thuraday far C arry oonaly, Crescent City and Grant« Paa* “ S tor P ert * land last week, where ha goes to I I I oorvs J. J. STANLEY freight ia paid a t I S S 2 5 W F B IC aa MAILCD OK APPLICATION 3 W M .T.8T0LL, D r. Robbia« departed t«ke the degree of matrimony. He w ill return a* early la February aa changed oondiUooa w ill perm it, «i.d, it is hoped, w ill be Axed to After being stormbound a t Ban don for many daya the flack o f stea mer«, consiating o f lit« £lixabetb, Bandon, Fifieid and Speedwell got out last Wednesday, and are now due on their return. I t ia thought that H. T. Stewart and fam ily w ill be passenger« up on one of them. T h e price charged ia the ««me— lfio one way, or 25o for the round trip. I t look« aa if the motor oar would have to rad oca the faro, if the company daairea to capture tba C oolid ge Denies Charges. The County Court, at its Jaanary term, appointed the following ladies *« Clerk« on the Election Boards of the County. Pistol river, Mrs. Julia Crook; Wedderbnra, Mra. Nellie Caughell; Port Orford, Mrs. C .IU Zumwalt, Mm- B va Stewart, M r ,, E l i * t n . p , , , sixes, fevwlina ' W ell«; Eckley, Mrs. H attie *H a cap ton , Mr«. Claud Clark. T he oldest son of Louis 1 1 < ' Voter* should not forget that in 11 order to vote a t the worn ing P rim ary 1 and General etecttoa i t will ba »so- ’ * « r y f „ them to register, regard ie« of whether or not they register ®d last year, aa tba law nndar which tba test registry was made, *as declared unoooatitutiooel by the Supreme- C o u rt The Reg- i-ir.tio n hooka w ill ba open Ute vicinity of Capa Blanco, w n ty A t f i o ’ciook Saturday morning idren barometer at tba weather s u ite d , on * h‘°b wa baiter* is tba rford *° w m on r*» » d f<* thia portion of ’ thaouaat. Cooa Bay experienced high winds Saturday, but escaped h tw * * * b i| <al< whtoh ra* * d for M »wal y a m kouw * * C#pe B1* 80°- Tba auto line continues to handle . the greater part of tba traffic be- . tween Marshfield and North Bend, I * notwit betaading that the 8. P. motor ear makes tripe every half boar. the year Jan- ► tba A move ia on foot to build a good and permanent wagon road to the beach by voluntary work, beginning near Zum walt’s barn and following Fifth street eastward to the point where the present road iatereecta the beach. I t is a good practical route on a vary easy grads and the work can ba easily aoonm- pli«b«d. 4 F arrier of Sixes R i*a r met with a dis tremmg accident teat weak b y fall* ing and striking his knee on the eharp edge of a double b itte d a x , •evermg the knee cap. He waa in quite a seriows condition at last no- oounta, and it is feared be will bare • « tiff leg, if nothing more seriouei occur». la w di B ' ' * 1 oatil May le t and will agate ba 1 •»*»«1 immodiately after the I Primaries. . Spokane, Wash., Jaa. 14.— Al- I fred Coolidge, millionaire bunker of Spokane, probably w ill leave for Southern Oregon within a few days to reply before a court at Gold Beach to a etory connecting bis name with the murder of Thomas Van F a it, shot from ambush 18 yean ago. Tba coCtaty Attorney at Gold Beach has annoeooed that M r. Cuelidge’e presence w ill be re quirod, bat the Spokane banker w ill not wait for formal summon*. H e w ill employ counsel, be eaid today, and w ill take atopa to answer an im plication which ba pronounced absurdly false. The obarge against M r. Coolidge m made by J. W. Higgiaa, of Spo kane, whom M r. Coolidge refers to ae his personal enemy, and it is said waa unsupported by other evi- deooa. Higgins is also the author of the charges against A . R. Cooley who waa given preliminary bearing Monday on tba charge of murdering Van F e lt Tba killing of Van Pelt cam« two moo tba altar tba murder, in a eim llar manner of a brother of A1 frad Oooiidge and Higgiaa atartted the court at tba preliminary bear ing by charging that Opolidge had offered money to say one wbo would avenge bia brother’s death, and had supplied Cooley wih funds after tbe killing. C oke Bldg. M a r sh pieu ), O b W. H . M E R E D IT H ATTORNEY a » C 0U I8SL L0E AT LAW As. Zss Worth While (Foraaerly Gwnm ttott’s) W B D D B B B U H I , OBKOOM Newly Fitted Dp; Electric Lights C. W. ROBBINS, M. D, T A B L E VNBXCM LLBD P hyatctea an d 8oFgeoB GOLD BEACH, CURRY CO.. ORE- Port Orford, Oregon. H ot GEORGE M. B R O W N , ATTORNEY A T LAW B 0 8 E B D B G O REG O N and C old T ub and S hower B aths F irst C lass Barn and Garage in Connection, Affording all Conveniences for Saddle Horses, Teams, Automobiles and Motorcycles D E N N IS C Ü N N IF F , JR ., Dep. (J. 8. Mineral 8arreyor Surveyor tor the Diutriot of Or egon. G o ld lt o a c lt . O rerai J. H . U P T O N , Wagons and Buggies for Sale, kept in Stock, also Agent for All Kinds of Farming " Im plements; McCormick Mowers, etc. . i* . Wood and Iron Work promptly done at a Seasonable price. Your Datronawe solicit™! M. LEE PEMBERTON PHYSICIAN * A Cooa county paper recently Office at Langlois Hotel referred to tbe Oregon National gnardsmen as t a gang of Un eol- L anglois , O regon dters.” Thia is an insult to «vary oitisen of tba state. Tba boys who N O T IC E constitute the Guard are on tbe whole the eons of reputable oitisene and oa aa average are ae honorable aa any olaas of young men in tbo nouatry. Tboy am not in hlamo if tba chief executive of the stato - whom tbo eitiseoa oboe*— uses them to oarry out bis fool mlaafoma. I t ’s a matter of duty on tbeir part rrgardlem of what tbeir chief oom. mender’s orders may be, and refar- No hunting or trapping «HI bn per aaoe to them In this manner should mitted oa « h a t la known aa the Pll*. be resented by every loyal American terar range, ia thia ocor.ty. — Weetera World. WILLIS T. WHITE. FOR SALE. Trespass Notice Port Orford, Oresron Has opened«^ new 8tore, with N E W GOODS,